Apollo's Curse 2

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Apollo's Curse 2


Malcolm backed up, bumping against Katie, who was attempting to dap an Apollo kid with a wet rag. The shadows tugged from the corners of the infirmary and under the demigods feet. Nico was shaking with rage, his eyes like dark ominous pits.

"I-i-i-" Malcolm stuttered.

"Nico, Stop!" Jason surged between them, causing Nico to run heavily into his out thrust arm.

Malcolm tripped back tripping into Connor before running out the door. Nico gashed his teeth, and for a second it looked like he was going to attack Jason instead.

"Get a hold of yourself, Di Angelo!" Jason commanded. Nico seethed at him the dark shadowy magic around him tugging at his body. Was it Jason's imagination or was Nico shimmering?

Nico had gotten better since the giant War. That did not mean he was cured. Will told him he shouldn't still be using it for another week. But Nico couldn't help it. He felt the reckless anger towards everyone. Why him? Why now?! He himself was just about to ask Will out before Will surprised him with walking up and then collapsing.

Nico pressed his hands towards his temple, trying to calm himself. The shadows were ice cold against his skin. For a second he almost slipped completely away, had Piper not yelled out at that one moment.


For a brief twist Nico wanted to fight her words. Then he fell over. No longer in control. Nico was asleep before he landed and he landed more or less into Travis who looked bewildered. The darkness retreated almost instantly. Restoring the bright light that the Apollo healers liked to keep in there for healing.

Who would've thought they would be the ones that needed healing?


The head counselors snapped up to the floating image Of a not-so-happy Preator. Her hair was in a messy braid, and her frown widened at the sight of Nico unconscious in Travis's arms. The rising sun was at her back and over the noise that was everywhere they caught a glimpse of a beach blond older guy thrashing the ground with the a couple trying to hold him down.

"Reyna!" Jason yelled.

Reyna looked at him and she allowed some of her panic flash on her face. "Care to explain, Grace?"

"We didn't do anything!" Jason replied to her accusing tone. "It just happened all of a sudden, all of the Apollo kids dropped like flies."

Reyna rubbed her eyes, "Yes, yes, sorry. Except waking up at four to alarmed screams is not how I want to spend my day. It's not just Apollo's kids, it's the legacies too. Everyone. It's like the god decided to fried them!"

Jason's eyes flickered to the withering teenagers around the infirmary. Clarisse insisted on doing crowd control so no one else was forcing their way in right the second, but everyone else wasn't sure what to do. Doctors had never really been in short supply because Apollo was always having new kids (Jason really didn't want to think about it right this second). The screams had become whimpers that arched every other minute and tears were falling down all of their faces, no exceptions.

"Reyna!" In the back of the Iris message, Percy, Annabeth, Frank and Hazel came running up, Percy still in his pajamas and Frank wearing his purple camp Jupiter t shirt. All of them looked like they just rolled out of bed. "What the Hades is going-"

Percy never got a chance to finish.

Jason could smell the ozone through the mist screen. He didn't know how or why, but he knew what was coming. The words got stuck in his throat for too long though. In four harmonious touches of white light the ground exploded upwards.

Curses flung into the air and the force of the blast sent Reyna spiraling face first into the Iris message and it dissolved. Nyssa let out a yell on this side.

"Coin!" Jason yelled, "Someone get me a darchama!"

Everyone reached for their pockets, Lou Ellen started tossing things out of hers. Piper accidentally backed into her, after running into a bed and with a yell Lou Ellen dropped a pig ball on Katie.

Squealing filled the air, with more chaos. Which totally wasn't what they needed right the second.

Finally Connor plucked a golden coin from one of the Apollo kids pockets and tossed it to Jason.

Travis had set Nico in a chair nearby and picked up the squealing pink form that was Katie. She wiggled in his grasp, her big warm down eyes still glaring at him harshly. Travis hmmmm-ed to himself. "You look good as a Piglet." He mused.

Jason shook his head, and searched the back cabinets for some thing that he could use for an Iris message.

"JASON!" Jason whirled around again. The Iris message had come back, Reyna looked even more distressed. The air was filled with ash, the ground torn up heavily.

People were yelling all around though most of the ground was obstructed by a thickening smoke. Jason knew she was terrified. Even a blind person would know. The smoke was clearing, leaving in the dust the simmering bodies of two people. Frank and Hazel shifted weakly trying to get up, Percy and Annabeth didn't even move.

"Jason! Percy and Annabeth just got hit by lightning." Reyna gasped, "What the Pluto is going on?"

Jason started at the image at a lost for words. He just wished he knew himself.


A bronze light filled the rooms. Two figures appeared. A girl with auburn hair. No doubt a goddess, but Jason didn't care. His friends were hurt. Even the best healers were hurt. The other was a god, Hermes, he thought, though he wasn't sure

The girl was sobbing. Which was not something you see everyday from a goddess. She gripped her silver bow like it was her life line.

"It's my father's fault."

All of the demigods froze. Travis who was petting Katie the piglet, almost dropped her, Lou Ellen accidentally caused an explosion that knocked half a dozen jars of the healers medicine off the shelves, Piper grabbed Jason digging her nails into his unprotected arm.

"He'd gone crazy." Hermes said, "He's lost it. Completely."

"What happened?" Piper asked, "Please, What happened to our friends?"

"And how do we fix it?" Reyna shouted through the mist, she wrangled her hands through her hair.

"There is no fix." Hermes said, "At least not one for a demigod to give. Only Zeus can do anything."

"Are you saying were hopeless?!" Lou Ellen asked.

"Jason, go give your dad a slap and make him do whatever!" Travis called.

"There's got to be something we can do!"

The silver goddess, suddenly looked at them, a hardened angry expression. Her tears were wet against her face, but Jason could see a distinct hand print on her creek. Some one had hit her.

"Do something?" She yelled, "Do something?! Do you not think that if there was something I could do I would've done it already?!"

It was silent, the Apollo kids had succumb to unconsciousness. And now lay in a corpse light positions. Nico shifted in his forced sleep.

Her voice was filled with so much despair Jason knew it was about more than just a couple demigods. It was something so much worse. And his dad --Greek form-- was at the center. He was the one that hit his friends, the Saviors of Olympus, with lightning. He was the one that could fix all this, so why hadn't he?

The goddess looked directly at Jason as if reading his thoughts. Her eyes were cold, like the wilderness of winter, and it froze him in place. Her hands were shaking around her bow, as if straining not to notch an arrow and make a Jason-sized shooting target.

"Your father took Apollo's immorality." She spit, "My brother is a mortal, because of your father! My father! Now my once idiotic, annoying brother won't even remember my name!"

"What about his kids?" Piper asked.

"What about Percy, Annabeth, Frank, and Hazel?" Reyna demanded, "Why the Pluto did he hit them with lightning?!"

"Zeus believes they are the only ones who can find my brother again. He would have struck the rest of you had not Athena and Poseidon attacked him together." She wiped her tears, "For the first time in ages they worked together on something."

"As for Apollo's kids..." Hermes stared down at them painfully, like they were a sure remembrance of his ex-godly best friend. Which was hard to not be because every Apollo kid seemed to be a spitting image of him. "They'll be okay..."

"Okay?" Connor coughed.

"They will not be the same." Hermes said to his son, "Their godly side had been diminished. More painfully than their father. They'll will face the same punishment as Apollo. When they wake they won't remember anything about being a demigod, or having a godly father."

The room was silent. Reality hit heavy and hard. These friends of theirs, they survival demigods who risked their lives in the past...They were going to be eradicated. And replaced with a new memory, a new person.

"That can't happen."

Nico Di Angelo sat up gruffly. He groaned. But he was determined to stay awake.

"I don't see how-" Hermes started.

"I'm going to find Apollo." Nico said, "I'll find him and slap godly immorality into him. So either you can help or get out of my way."

Artemis, Jason had guessed that who it was, the Greek form of Diana, regarded Nico quietly.

"A son of Hades, Nico Di Angelo, correct?" She said, "Your sister was a honorable hunter. Tell me why does a child of darkness want to risk his life for a sun child? What do you have to lose?"

Jason watched Nico like everyone else in the infirmary. His dark hair shaded his eyes from them mostly, but his voice was determined. A man with a mission.


"Our father has placed a barrier on the world." She said, "It prohibits Hermes and me from searching for my brother. It does not have any effect on demigods. I will send you my help, Nico, when I can."

She looked at the demigods in the room, her bow gleamed.

"Find my brother." She said.

The god and Goddess disappeared in a flash of light that almost blinded them all. Jason slid his glasses back up on his nose, feeling like someone had placed the world on his shoulders.

Nico looked down at Will, his face blank. He wondered if he would ever get his chance to ask him out. Ever get to see those sparkling eyes again. Ever hear that annoying saying "Doctor's Orders," the Will saved especially for him.

"Find my brother."

Nico looked up at the rest of the demigods.

"Well? What are we waiting for?" He asked, "We've got a mortal to find."


And part 2.

I encourage everyone who wants another part, to write it themselves. Sorry it's taken forever.

This is now a challenge. Continue it! Write your own! And if you guys really really like it...maybe you can convince me to do another one.

Also, that Tratie thing I just posted, Before You Say No, that's become a book. I'm continuing that one.

So please enjoy reading and whatnot


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