Assassin (Solangelo)

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For Chilea. You sponsored this idea. Backed by Always_Love_Books_. I've had way too much fun with this. So expect a part 2 soon.

Assassin (AU)

"Are you certain about this, Bianca?" Will asked quietly. His eyes roamed the grand hall. He still wasn't quite use to the grandeur of the palace. He'd spent his entire life living in villages, traveling to find work, doing odd jobs...He'd never been in a place so expensive. His clothes alone could probably buy half the kingdom.

The princess sat next to him, her long black hair twisted into a complicated braid. Her small smile watched him with saddened amusement, the same expression she'd had since they'd first met.

Since she chosen him to be her husband.

Bianca wore her favorite gown, an emerald green dress that made her eyes shine. She was beautiful. The quintessential form of a star in a human body.

"I'm sure." She replied in a small tone. If she was scared she didn't show it.

Will shook his head.

The celebratory dinner around them was in full swing. Loud voices partially yelling at one another, drunken smiles, and merry tunes. It echoed off the high ceiling making the huge noise augment. The King and his esteemed guests celebrated Bianca's marriage more then they did.

The castle staff scurried about barely noticed by the royalty. They served with skill and poise, dressed presentable but not flashy. Will had always found the lives of Castle staff intriguing. So many things done and no one ever said thank you. He kept his eyes on them, warily. Though the only girl he was worried about- the blond with the gray eyes that noticed everything- seemed distracted tonight especially.

She kept glancing at the knight in the corner with the shaggy black hair. Whenever their eyes met they both would blush and look away--embarrassed?

Bianca reached for her goblet, but Will quickly and subtly dragged her arm back and under the table. She looked at him unmoved at all. Will was generally good at reading people, it helped him survive on the streets. But he could never quite figure the princess out. She hid everything like she didn't know emotions. Will had never even seen he truly happy.

As far as he knew, no one had. It was always that small smile, a fake laugh if you're lucky.

"Please reconsider." Will hissed under his breath.

She sighed, "You will make a wonderful king someday, Will." She said, "I want to marry you-"

"That's not what I'm talking about and you know it."

She pulled out of his grip surprisingly fast. She kept her small, Mona Lisa smile on. Everything was prefect.

Except it wasn't.

She picked up the wine goblet and this time Will didn't stop her.

"What about your brother?"

Bianca stopped just as the goblet touched her lips. Something flashed in her eyes.

The joyful conversations seemed to dimmer under the sound of new laughter. The Prince's laughter. It seemed louder than everything else just for a second.

His eyes glowed brilliantly. His happiness enlightening the rest of the room like a catalyst. Prince Nico, Bianca's tag-along, little brother. He glanced at them smiling proudly like he knew he was being talked about. He wouldn't be grinning if he knew why.

Bianca turned to look at Will grinning. It made a cold shiver run down his spine. The smile was humorless.

"I'll consider him your penance duty."

She swallowed her wine.

"I'm terrible at keeping promises like that," He whispered, "I'm sorry."

She stared at him. She didn't say anything. Will thought maybe she might hit him. But her eyes went wide. Then she toppled off of her chair.

"Bianca!" Will yelled out, over the jovial voices. The knights rushed from their positions, half of them surrounding King Hades, Prince Nico, and the other guests ready to fend off the invisible attackers. The others rushing to the princess's aid.

"Doctor!" The knight with the green eyes yelled over the chaos, "Someone find a Doctor!"

Will knelt next to Bianca, the world seemed to slow. He couldn't breathe. Her dark and beautiful eyes were left open, her lips were bright red, foaming. Her body jumped and shook, having seizures. She struggled to breathe.

"It's poison!" Will yelled, "Someone...I need..."

The rest of words couldn't come out of Will's mouth. Her head fell to the side, revealing dark green veins running down her neck. Will felt his tears falling but couldn't stop them, "It's too late," He whispered.

"NO BIANCA!" Nico screamed from across the room struggling to reach her. He broke the knights grip, and ran to sister's side. But by the time he got there, her chest had stopped moving. Nico screamed, "She can't be!" His wild eyes, searching his sister.

His dead sister.

It wasn't possible. Will fell backward. He was just talking to her. She was just...

A knight with blond hair grabbed Will's tunic collar, dragging him away from the princess. His sword was at Will's neck before he could even breathe.

"Sir!" The pale knight yelled. Gods the guy looked scrawny and pale, almost sickly. Will was sure he could've taken him down without breaking sweat.

"YOU!" The voice bellowed in the vast chamber. The opulent chandelier shook overhead. Will looked at the King. He could feel the waves of anger flooding off him.

The knights blade cut into Will's neck slightly.

"THIS IS YOUR FAULT." King Hades jabbed a finger at him, "MY DAUGHTER IS DEAD BECAUSE OF YOU!"

Will felt like someone had froze his insides. He was afraid to shake his head and get his neck sliced open.

The knight with the green eyes stepped forward, "Your Highness!" He said, "I know Solace! He wouldn't-"

"And you know everything, Jackson!" The blond knight yelled over him, Right in Will's ear, "He's peasant scum! Just like you!"

The green eyed warrior glowered at him but didn't reply.

The king ignored them entirely. He towered over Will his features livid in the light. The hall had gone silent, except for Nico's sobbing.

"THIS IS YOUR FAULT!" The king shouted again.

Will choked back a sob, "Please! I-I don't! I wouldn't-!" He couldn't tear his eyes from the man before him. The king, his black robes fitted like he was already ready for his daughter funeral. Tears blurred Will's vision, "I never would've hurt her!"

"Lies!" The knight holding Will screamed.

"Get him out of my sight!" The king ordered, "THROW HIM IN THE DUNGEON!"

Will struggled but it was useless. His fine tunic was ripped as more knights obeyed their king. They dragged him away from the dining hall ignoring his pleas.

"Please!" Will screamed, "I wouldn't have touched a hair on her head!"

His arms were roughly apart, a knight on both sides. The pale knight took the hilt of his sword and brought it down on the back of Will's head.

"Nico...." Will mumbled, pain swamping over him. The dark Prince looked up at him tears rolling down his face.

Then everything went black and the blond peasant's body fell limp.


The banging was what alerted Will at first. It was far off, around at least a dozen corridors. But in the dank darkness every sound prickled Will's ears.

He sat up, barely making any noise. The cells of the dungeon were made of stone. His bed, a pile of straw that was little more than a covering for the cold for. The cell gate were iron crosses that made squares roughly the size of Will's palm. The only light came from 2 burning torches latched to the wall in between his cell and the one next to him.

Will's internal clock told him it was nearing 1 in the morning. He was always awake at this time. Part of his job to be awake. But tonight that wasn't why.

Will rubbed his wrist, his shackles dug into his arms. As far as he was aware, Will was alone in his own hallway of the dungeons underneath the labyrinth of a castle. He'd woken up down here, hours ago with no visitors. Will didn't have any family, there was no one to say goodbye to.

Will had been in tight places before. Other kingdoms, road bandits, he'd even met a group of cannibals on a trip and gotten away alive. He'd fought then, he was good with a dagger and swords, only using a bow and arrows if completely necessary.

But he couldn't fight now. There was no way out. He didn't have a weapon, or an exit. And no one would be coming to save him.

He was going to be hung for killing the princess.

Footsteps rang out in the darkness. Will shuffled slightly to the side. They were getting louder. Boot clicks, one set. Hurried, but not panicking. Will swallowed hard.

In the flickering fire light a humanoid figured appeared. It was like the shadows had thrown up a person. Black clothes, black hair, and black eyes that stared into Will's soul. His scowl was wrong. The anger on his face was not something normal. Nico never even frowned. But now not only was he glaring, he wore a sword on his back and two daggers strapped to his side within easy reach.

"Nico..." Will recognized him. He grabbed the iron bars shaking them, "Please! Bianca- you know I wouldn't-!"

The Prince pulled out a sword. The blade was black as the shadows around them, with a wickedly sharp edge.

"Shut up and stand back." He hissed.

Without waiting to see if Will listened, he jammed his sword into the iron lock. The clang ricocheted in the small space. There was a flash of spark, metal on metal, then the lock clicked.

Will jumped back as Nico slid open the door. The metal screeched and echoed down the hall but the prince didn't look worried. Instead, he had a vacant look in his eyes. He grabbed Will by his collar and yanked him forward.

"I'm only going to ask this once." He spit into Will's face. Cold fear flooded the blond peasant's senses. He could see Nico's blade, his fingers squeezing the handle just waiting to drag the metal across Will's throat. "I want the truth, Will."

The blond teenager swallowed hard.

"Did you kill my sister?"

Will looked into his abysslike eyes. "Nico, you know me! I wouldn't-"

His arm swung downward, bringing his sword down right on Will.

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