Don't Trust Her (Demigods meet Mortals)

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Don't Trust Her (Demigods meet mortals)

Guest starring Always_Love_Books_!

"Are you sure about this, Percy?"

"I am positive."

Percy Jackson led his wonderful girlfriend into the coffee shop. They were enjoying a free day away from both camps, taking in the metal sights. Annabeth didn't know, but Percy was surpassing her with a special guest on their date. Someone they hadn't seen in a while.

The coffee shop smelled like...well coffee. He didn't wait at the podium for a waitress to seat them.

"Percy?" Annabeth said confused but he pulled her towards one of the other occupied booths. Percy smiled as his girlfriend's face lit up with joy upon seeing her childhood friend.

"Thals!" Annabeth cried hugging the daughter of Zeus, "you're here! Where are the hunters shouldn't they be-"

"Whoa, Annabeth, chill." Thalia laughed, "I'm just visiting. Kelp Head heard the hunters were nearby and invited me to join you two."

Annabeth turned back to Percy, smiling and pulled him into a hug also. Percy's face heated up, and he hugged her back ignoring the silent gagging motions Thalia was making behind their backs.

"Come on guys, the waitress is coming." Thalia said, causing the two demigod legends to sit down.

When the waitress waltz up, she was smiling brightly. Her hair was a dark brown with a random neon green high light right up front. She wore a black T Shirt, as part of the uniform of the cafe and a green half apron. A green tablet was held in one of the aprons pockets and a green notepad in her hands.

"Hi!" She practically sang in a cheerful voice, her green eyes dazzling, "I'm Sabrina Green and I'll be your-"

"NOOOOOO!!" She was cut off as another girl totally tackled her.

The new girl had longer brown hair also with a green streak. But unlike Sabrina, this other girl had grayish green eyes and she wore a mismatched bunch of clothes with quotes that didn't make sense, like Percabeth shipper.

"What the-TWILA!" Sabrina screamed, gaining the attention of the rest of the customers.

"No! Don't disturb my OTP!" Twila shoved Sabrina away. "KEEP AWAY!! Percabeth will LIVE!! DONT YOU EVEN THINK ABOUT RUINING IT! DON'T YOU DARE SABRINA GREEN!"

Twila dragged Sabrina away, knocking over some other waitress. Sabrina protested but they disappeared into the kitchen with a couple of yells and silence.

Percy, Annabeth, and Thalia looked at each other shocked and surprised.

Percy slung his arm around Annabeth. "And I thought us demigods were weird."

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