Happy Halloween

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Big question right here:

How much do I scare you guys? Just on a scale 1-10. Do you guys panic whenever I update worrying if I'm going to kill of ask your characters? Or injure you're feels so much it still hurts the next week?


If you thought I'm bad I won't even tell you about...

What you want to know?

Are you guys sure?

Haha, okay then....

What if I told you Twila (@Always_Loves_Books_), Jaz (@Jungle321Jungle), and I teamed up?

No joke. Check us out at @FangirlFates right now.

You should be scared now. :)

Anyway here's a beautiful one shot I wrote this for the occasion. Enjoy, will you? :) it's got just about everyone I could think of. Including Caleo, @Fire_Girl87.

(Try to guess who's wearing the dress)

Happy Halloween

"I'm not wearing this."

"You'll look fine!"

"I will hurt you, Piper McLean."

Piper grinned, "You asked for my help in picking out a costume! I picked the best thing I could find."

"I'll look ridiculous. Then he will never look at me ever again."

Piper laughed, holding up the pink dress again. Glittery sparkles brushed off whenever she moved it, "You wanted to scare people right?"

"Yes, but not like...you know what? I've change my mind. I will just not go to the dance."

"You're going to the dance."

"No really I'll just-"

"You're going to the dance."

"No, I'm not-"



Percy looked at Annabeth in awe. They didn't match, not really but she looked more beautiful than Aphrodite. She went with a Angel look, complete with white wings and a makeshift halo over her blonde hair that was reflecting greens and blues in the strobe lights. Percy had gone for the pirate look, compete with (or should he say without) a shirt. Annabeth looked him over trying hard not to blush in the dark.

"Nice." She managed.

Percy looked offended, "All this?" He motioned to his bare chest, "And I only get a small, "nice"?"

Annabeth rolled her eyes and kissed his cheek. But before she could pull back a guy in a masquerade mask bumped into her and knocked her entirely into Percy's arms. Both their faces flushed as they stared into each other's eyes forgetting about even complaining.

Across the pavilion Frank and Hazel were dancing, celebrating their trip to the Greek camp in style. Hazel wore a turquoise swing dress with white polka dots, looking more at ease withherself than she'd ever been. Her smile was so bright it illuminated the dance floor. Frank had gone with a zoo keepers outfit. Only it looked like he'd gotten eaten by a lion. He told Hazel he made the gashes in the uniform himself.

Leo was dancing in the middle, spinning Calypso around so quick she seemed to smoke. Or maybe it was just Leo's hands. He'd slicked back his curls with tons of gel and donned a white disco suit pulling a rather bad Elvis Presley impersonation. Calypso was a vampire, having done her caramel hair back in a malicious braid and changed her teeth to look like fangs.

"Please tell me you aren't going to drink my blood, Sunshine." Leo winked at her, "Because there's a line for those types of girls already."

"Keep talking, Repair Boy," Calypso smirked fake blood staining her chin, "and I just might."

Grover handed Juniper her drink and she offered him a napkin. Which he accepted with delight like it was a chocolate chip cookie. He was dressed up in red, white, and blue, with a presidential nametag. Juniper was dressed like a cheerleader, her shirt dedicated to G for Grover. Her pompoms rested by her sides.

"President really?" Grover complained chewing on the napkin, "I didn't-Hey watch it!" A guy in a knight costume pushed between them.

"Sorry!" He yelled over his shoulder


Katie ran after Travis with the bat she had from her softball uniform which was now soaking in soda. Travis was laughing his mummy wrappings unwinding across the floor behind them. Connor was spraying silly string at them as they ran by, a whip in one hand that he'd stolen from Clovis who was Indiana Jones and also slumped over next to Pollux and Dakota who were taking a soda shots.

Pollux was Han Solo and Dakota was Luke Skywalker. Lou Ellen and Cecil stood behind them as skeletons cheering them on as Gwen, a cat, tried to get Dakota to join her on the dance floor.

Clarisse in her Bikers uniform was shoving Malcolm, a stereotypical nerd's, head in the punch bowl, while her boyfriend Chris tried to get her to stop. He was wearing a racecar drivers suit that he'd probably stole from a real racecar driver.

Reyna wore a small smile managing a laugh at Rachel Dare as she talked with her hands flying around. The praetor was not all that much different. She wore gladiator armor, her sword laying on the table next to her next to a bowl of cheese puffs.

"And then he was all like, how the Hades did you steal my Pegasus, and I couldn't reply because I like being possessed and stuff-" Rachel had covered herself in silver, trying for a statue look. But whenever the lights flashed on her it made her look more like a walking disco ball, which she wasn't exactly mad about. She flung out her arms as she talked almost hitting some girl in a makeshift fairy costume.

The girl didn't even notice as she squealed when the guy in a the knight outfit picked her up and swung her around dragging her into the dance floor with piles of laughter.

Nyssa and Butch stood at the Dj station Nyssa's disco outfit shimmering like water ripples whenever she moved. Butch glared threatenly at the crowd as a police officer, but he'd already lost his handcuffs to Connor Stoll who broke out of them four hours ago.

Miranda Gardener threw a handful of chips at Drew, to which Drew retaliated with by ripping the last of the petals off her sunflower costume. Drew had gone as Princess Leia, and she may or may not have matched Pollux on purpose. She kept glancing over to the table and then finally stomped over to where the wine gods son was soda drinking and dragged him into the crowd, disrupting their game.

Will Solace looked around the dance floor. He specifically was looking for one specific demigod everyone knew.

"Don't worry," Jason said grinning, "He'll be here." Will looked at him and couldn't help but laugh. Jason was going for a gangster look which with his preppy school boy personality was hilarious. Will was obvious- a doctor. He was actually clueless as to what to go as so he went with the easiest thing.

Piper appeared out of the crowd in a startling zombie bride outfit, and handed Jason a drink. She smirked evilly, "Just you wait, Solace, Just you wait..."

Will would've replied had another voice not totally cut him off. "If any pictures of this remain, I will hunt you down, Piper McLean, and I will bury you alive."

All at once everyone stopped. Travis froze so suddenly, Katie crashed into him and they both went sprawling into Malcolm and Clarisse. The entire table crashed over.

"Nico...." Will said.

"My eyes!!!!" Connor screamed running away. He successfully slammed face first into the thick wooden pole in the corner of the dining Pavilion.

Everyone agreed that year. The scariest thing they'd ever see was Nico Di Angelo in the pink, sparkling princess dress.


Except "Everyone" did not include Thalia Grace who sat in the corner her bow sitting in her lap. She didn't dress up. Instead she watched over the hunters and campers with a blank expression.

"I'm surprised you didn't come as a pine tree."

Thalia looked up sharply at the guy who'd dare say that to her. It was a guy wearing a white and black masquerade mask, with red accents on the side. He wore a smile that clearly said he was trying to rile her up. His suit was flashy with a red cape. He looked almost like he wasn't sure what he wanted to be. Hadn't he knocked Annabeth into Percy earlier?

"I'm surprised I haven't already put an arrow in your head, boy." Thalia retorted in spite.

He grinned, "Me too. Why aren't you out there having fun?"

"Why don't you leave me alone." Thalia turned back to glaring at the sea of demigods. Percy and Jason were have a dance off and the Stolls were throwing pretzels at them and booing. Annabeth and Piper looked so embarrassed.

"If you insist," The guy said, "I just thought I'd say bye."

The words almost didn't make sense to Thalia. She frowned. "Bye?" She muttered, who would be leaving now?

When she turned back to the guy he was pulling a love struck couple out of the dancing mob. A knight and a fairy. They both saw her and the fairy waved.

Thalia knew she should've known the girl. She'd seen her before. But where? The knight nodded at her, black bangs swaying in his face, covering his left eye.

"Happy Halloween Thals!" The guy in the masquerade mask called back to her.

No one else noticed them.

No one else watched as they walked back towards the cabins.

No one else saw them start to fade.

No one else saw the actual ghosts on Halloween Eve.

"Thalia come on! Jason's doing the worm!!" Thalia looked back at the crowd bewildered to see Annabeth and Percy beckoning to her. She smiled and set her bow back on the table.

She took one last look back at the spot the three had been standing and blinked back tears. She whispered, "Happy Halloween, Luke."

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