Here without you by 3 Doors Down

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Here without you by 3 Doors Down

The air was crisp, a hard breeze slicing through the warm days. Actually, it wasn't warm. It hasn't been warm for a while. Not since that day.

A figure stepped through the hallway, pulling her jacket tighter around her. Her hair fell in flows, the wind fiddling with her curls like chilly fingers. Haunting fingers.

She hasn't missed a day of coming here. Even though it hurt. She hadn't missed a day of slipping away to his room. To talk to him like he was still there.

Her complexion was paler than normal, her eyes empty, hollow, seeing the world for how it was- cold, harsh, meaningless.

She stood next to him and her voice seemed to wallow in her throat. A sting behind her eyes let her know the tears were coming.

"Hey," She croaked. "Hey."

The fan turned lazily, the carpet could be felt through her shoes.

"Is it okay if I sit?"

She didn't wait for an answer, not that she expected one. She sat next to him on the bed.

"Piper told me I should stop coming." Her voice wavered. "I didn't listen to her. I know she's only trying to ease the pain. But...

"I don't want the pain to ease."

Her heart ached. Her resolve crumbled, her true feelings showing. No more facades. At least not in here.

"I miss you, I want you to wake up, tell me it's okay. I want you to kiss me, the sweet kisses you gave me. I love your sweet little comments, your stupid jokes."

She twisted a piece of her hair in her fingers.

"You promised you'd never leave, you'd never forget." She gulped, a tinge of salty tears entering the corners of her mouth. "Promised. I guess not all promises can be kept forever.

"Why did you do it? Why did you take the knife for me?" She let a sob escape. "I would have been fine! And now I'm not! I feel BROKEN! Didn't you know I LOVED YOU?! And then you went and got yourself KILLED?! And now your DEAD!"

She hadn't even realized she had started screaming at him. Screaming at the Fates. Screaming at everything that had gone wrong. Screaming because she knew she wasn't okay. Becuase She'd never be okay. Her soul mate died. And she could have stopped it, could have done something, anything. The knife was intended for her, and yet she was the one staring into his serene pale face.

She closed her eyes tugging the jacket tightly around her. Her lips shook, her limbs felt like lead. Staring at him, he looked like her was perfectly fine, asleep and at any moment would wake and crack a stupid joke, staring at her with his intense warm brown eyes that made her want to melt. But reality edged in her heart like a dagger, he was gone. He'd died.

"And I guess..." She croaked, "I guess I died, too."

She stood up, the room feeling colder and emptier, and lonely now. She walked towards the door, another piece of her soul breaking. The room didn't smell like him, like oil or smoke. It felt like someone had come in and erased him from exstance.

Calypso never recovered. She spent more and more time in her room. She didn't come out when they burned Leo's shroud, She stopped coming out at all. She didn't eat. She felt her self fading away, and she didn't care. She slept.

Because in her dreams she wasn't alone.

In her dreams he came back.

In her dreams Leo was alive.

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