Jason's Car

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The truth behind Jason's Car break down from my AU Silence is Golden.

Jason didn't have to work anymore. But sometimes when he was bored, and Piper was out with Hazel or Annabeth, and there was an opening Jason would fill in. He worked side by side Katie taking orders as far as lightning and enjoying it for once in his life.

This was one of those days. He was in a particularly good mood. And he walked up to one of his tables were two kids from his school sat, identical brothers, that Jason vaguely remembered the name of.

"Hello, I'm Jason, I'll be your server-"

The rest of his echoed speech was cut off as the older of the two brother, Travis, let out a disgruntled groan and slammed his head into the table. Confused Jason looked at the other boy, Connor who looked just as frustrated.

"How is this even possible?!" Connor cried, "How do you do it, man?"

"What?" Jason frowned.

"For different days, four different weeks and somehow you are still always our server!" Travis yelled muffled into the table. "All I want is for Katie to come over here and give me some pancakes!"

"We even sabotaged your car, man!" Connor gulped, "How are you doing it?"

Jason stared at them stunned. They were the reason his car broke down. The reason he ran into Piper and argued with Reyna. The reason he was in a relationship with the hottest girl he knew. And made friends with a mechanic who he knew he would see again. They were the reason he was at movies when it exploded, and the reason he had glasses. The reason he met Percy and Annabeth and Frank and Hazel. They were why he and his sister got along now.

Jason couldn't help it. He threw his head back and laughed.

Connor and Travis looked at him like he was crazy, which Jason was sure that he was by then.

"K-Katie!" He laughed almost falling over. The brown haired waitress quickly ran over balancing a tray of eggs and toast in one hand. "Could-Could...you...take this table...For...me!"

Jason left the dinner that day feeling better than he had in weeks. He couldn't wait to tell Piper.

He guessed Travis and Connor never knew that Travis's crush Katie had changed Jason's life entirely, for the better.

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