Kings of the Fools (April Fools)

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^^ unrelated picture made me laugh.

Kings of the Fools


April first started off at exactly six o'clock when the door to the Demeter Cabin burst open. Katie Gardener stormed out yelling furiously as anger rolled off her in waves. Her siblings stumbled out in her wake like brain dead zombies.

The other campers peeked from their cabins, watching through the windows with blurry eyes, ready to snap at her for waking them all up. Except the words never got out of their shocked mouths.

Katie's face was green. Her hands were green. Every inch of her skin was a shocking shamrock green that gave her the complexion of a tree nymph. It wasn't all that bad really, except that her hair was dyed a horribly clashing sunset orange. Her siblings were all subjected to the same treatment but with terribly ugly different colors. Katie looked furious. She stomped up to the Hermes cabin and pounded on the door so hard it shook the foundations.

It took Travis Stoll a surprising two rounds of pounding to open the door. He was still rubbing the sleep from his eyes when Katie's fist connected with his chin.

"What the Hades!" he screamed writhing on the ground in pain.

Instantly Connor was at the door, looking just barely more awake. He wasn't even wearing pants. Just a pair of boxers with flying shoes on them. "AH, MONSTER!" he yelled groping for his celestial sword.

"You're dead, Stolls!" Katie yelled, "You hear me? DEAD! Turn me back now!"

Travis yawned, wincing in pain, "Katie? Hades, we didn't do that! I wouldn't ever touch your curls like that!"

Katie barred her teeth, pretending like she wasn't blushing under the green tone. "Change-"

That's when the real screaming started. Everyone froze, confused and turned towards the least expected place. The Ares Cabin door exploded into dozens the wooden chunks, that narrowly missed a red skinned sibling of Katie's. A dozen small....figures tumbled out into a yelling mess of limbs and weapons. One pulled itself from the mess drawing to its full height and coming up only to Katie's hip. It had a red t shirt that came to her knees like a dress and she had to reach up to keep her bandana from slopping over her eyes.

Four year old Clarisse La Rue set her murderous sights on Connor Stoll and bellowed in a strangely childlike voice, "I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!"

She grabbed her spear, and leveled it at the younger Stoll's gaping face. Except that it was now twice her size. It only landed a couple yards away and the daughter of Ares let out a high pitched scream that rattled the barbed wire that surrounded their cabin.

"Gods of Olympus," Chris stared at her, "She's adorable."


Katie turned to the cabin counselors who both threw their hands up with identical looks of innocence.

"Wasn't us!" Connor said.

"If anything she's even more terrifying now!" Travis added.

A blue skinned Miranda knelt next to Clarisse trying to pick her up. But the unhappy child growled and kicked her shin, "Don't even think about it!"

"PERCY!" The door to the Hades Cabin flung open next, and an iterated son of Hades stormed out in pajamas. "Why are there ten Pegasi in my Cabin?!" Nico demanded. Behind him the horses whined stuck inside because the door was too small for them to exit. "How did you even get them in there?!"

"HELP!" the response broke through the general chaos that was growing in the morning light, "Help!!"

Nico rolled his eyes and kicked open the Poseidon cabin door, as if he was imagining it was Percy's face. Then he stopped short staring at the sight before him.

"This isn't funny, Di Angelo!" Percy cried. He flopped around on the tile floor like a Percy sized fish. His hair was matted from sleep and he wasn't wearing a shirt. Not that anyone could look at anything other than the neon pink, sparkling fish tail that had replaced his legs. "Help me!" Percy begged.

Katie glared at the Stolls again. Travis snickered at Percy's problem but overall he looked worried. "What in the name of Hera is going on?"

Cecil leaned back on his bed yawning. He scrolled over dates on a calendar on the wall before letting out a petrified scream, "It's April First!" he cried, "How did all of us sleep through last night?!"

Connor looked mortified, but whatever he was going to say was drowned out by the Apollo cabin. The sundried kids burst out of the shining cabin screaming. Will ran to Nico grabbing his arms.


Nico blinked, "what?"

"PLEH EM!!" Well yelled again, "EKAM TI POTS!!" He shook Nico's shoulders in desperation.

A couple cabins down, a door opened quietly and Clovis stuck his head out. He looked at everyone and gave them a tired wistful grin. "Sucks to be you." he closed the door quite roughly before anyone could tell him there was Sharpie all over his face.

"What in the name of Percy's Nemo Plush Toy is going on?" Jason appeared out of the sky, the bright sunlight glinting off his glasses. He hovered above the ground but doubled over at the sight of Percy draped over Nico and Will's shoulders. "Is that a tail?!"

Percy looked at him, "Are those fox ears?"

"Wha-" Jason reached up slowly as realization dawned on him. His eyes went wide and his fingers tugged at the triangle fur ears on his head. "How-? This doesn't even make sense!"

"REHTIEN SEOD SIHT!" Will fanatically motioned to himself. Percy yelled out as he slid off the blondes shoulder and face planned on the ground between Nico's bare feet. Jason clawed at his new ears desperately, knocking over Katie in the process.

"Stolls!" Nico grabbed Connor's collar, "Fix. This."

Connor swallowed hard turning so pale he looked like a ghost, "I don't know how! I swear! Thieves Honor, man!"

"Annabeth!" Percy gasped, "Annabeth will know what to do!"

"yrruh!" Will added.

Cecil ran to Cabin Six, yanking the door open. For a second it was silent. Then Cecil let out an ungodly girly scream and tossed himself to the grass. Gray, white, and black blurs exploded from the dark interior and soared off into sky.

"Slwo?!" Will exclaimed.

The Athena kids screeched zooming off in random directions. None of the owls looked happy to be in their small new forms. Kayla from the Apollo cabin let out a backwards scream and ducked as a furry black feathered bird dove right at her head and attempted to get back inside his cabin through the window.

Except that the glass was still closed. Everyone winced in sync as it crashed landed with a gross splat.

"Oh gods! Malcolm!" Katie guessed. The bird screeched and bit at her hand, "Uh sorry? Not Malcolm?"

Travis leaned down next to her, "No that's definitely Malcolm." he said, "You just look like a creepy tree mutant."

Katie smacked him so hard he ate dirt.

"Come on, Clarisse!" Chris begged her, "Fine! I'll never call you cute again!" Clarisse paused momentarily in whacking him with a stick.

"good!" She decided.

The Hecate cabin exploded with red and green and purple smoke. Lou Ellen ran out coughing. The smoke trailed after her twisting and wrapping around her body. "Cecil this isn't funny!!" she screamed.

"Why do you think I had anything to do with this?!"

Red smoke twisted around her neck like a scarf she couldn't get rid of, "It's April Fool's day, idiot!" Cecil shrugged helplessly.

"Jason! HELP!"

The son of Jupiter paused in his attack of his ears and stood to attention, "Piper?" He zoomed towards the Aphrodite doll house and the open the door without thinking, his sword at hand. Piper flew into his arms.


Her feet left the ground and she was floating uncontrollably towards the sky. Inside the cabin Lacy was frantically clinging to her bed spread, spitting through her braces. Drew was bumping the ceiling like a helium balloon, her make up only partially done.

"I really need to use the bathroom!" Mitchell cried grabbing Jason's other arm to keep from flying away. "Help me please!"

"Teg ni enil!" Will complained.

"Funny guys!" A sarcastic voice called out, "Real funny!" Leo Valdez glared with an uncharacteristic scowl. It would've been terrifying, a grade-Nico glare, if it weren't for the screwdriver attached to his left cheek and the couple of washers on his other limbs like he was magnetically charged. Nyssa stumbled out next to him trying to pull a wrench off her forearm.

"whoa dude!" Jason said.

Leo pointed a hammer at him, "I have screws in places you don't even want to think about having screws in!"

The hammer wobbled and Leo's glare faltered, "Oh no." the metal top yanked out on his grip and slammed onto his forehead hard enough to knock him to the ground. "ow...."

Connor picked up a silver bottle from the floor of his cabin and sniffed it. "This is a sleeping potion!" he exclaimed, "no wondering we slept through the best day ever! There was enough in here to knock us out for a week!"

Chaos broke out along the campers, screams echoing in the early morning spring. Mini Clarisse was throwing a hissy-fit on Chris. Katie was throttling Travis with just her green, bare hands. Cecil was tugging at Lou Ellen's smoking cloud. Percy was lying in a pile of mud with a gray owl sitting on his head. Will was sobbing backwards words to Nico. Jason was trying to keep his girlfriend from flying away as his glasses magically got stuck to Leo.

"Wait, wait, wait!" Connor exclaimed, throwing his hands out in a time out motion, signaling a silence over the demigods "If we were asleep last night and every cabin got pranked then who on Olympus pranked us?"

Up in the Big House, Chiron sat on the porch in human form, a glass off orange juice in his steady hands. He watched on amused at the teenagers, "Owls, sir?"

Mr. D sighed swishing his cup of soda, "It was that Clover boy's idea. Mentioned it in a dream." He took a sip raising an eyebrow, "What about you? Floating spells?"

Chiron gave a wry grin, "They wear off."

The god of wine smiled and the old centaur clicked their glasses together, "Happy April Fools Day."

I will have you guys know this got erased three times by wattpad and my crappy Wi-Fi. Sorry for the lack of updates recently, I hurt my shoulder the other day and my English teacher is literally throwing everything she can at me short of rocks. And my rl friend's birthday today!!

Anyway, Happy April Fool's day, guys! I wish the best of pranks today!


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