Magic Cards (Solangelo HeadCannon)

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*Blood of Olympus Spoilers*

Magic Cards~ Solangelo HeadCannon

After The giant War Nico stuck around Camp Half Blood. He made short work of redecorating the Hades cabin and writing out a proper burial function for any future demigods deaths.

On one of these occasions he was stopped by Travis Stoll who returned a bag to him. At first he didn't recognize the carrier, but after a quick peek inside, his heart nearly stopped.

Inside was his stuff from Westover Hall, his school, his last night with Bianca before they became demigods and...before she died.

He poured the stuff onto his bed shaking as he looked at every single item remembering a memory that went with it. His blue hoodie, that he wore everywhere, even that time when it was 107° and Bianca took him out for ice cream. His broken sports watch, that he'd drowned in a pool after Bianca pulled him in. His toy Chevrolet he got for his birthday during the party at the bowling alley.

When he thought he'd gone through everything, one going was left in the bag. A slim heavy weight card, wedged in the pocket of his bag. With a slight tug he pulled it out, revealing the very last of his Myth-O-Magic cards. The figure was giving him a peace sign, with white blond hair and crystal blue eyes, a joking smile as if to say Don't you dare under estimate me, I do haikus like a boss!

"Hey Nico?" Nico looked up at Will Solace who stood in the doorway, "Wanna come to the shooting range with me? I'm working on my aim."

"Sure." Nico smiled slightly and leave his last Myth-O-Magic card laying face up on his bed, Apollo's face seeming to brighten the room as the son of Hades walked away with the son of Apollo.

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