Safe and Sound

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I couldn't resist doing one! Try to guess what couple I'm destroying! It was a requested Ship!

The world was a blurry mess. Everything was a blurry mess. And pain. It was like a red hot power in his chest. It hurt to move.

It hurt to breath.

The ground rushed up to meet him. The soft grass he'd always loved was tainted red. The air that always smelled like strawberries was filled with debris and smoke. Fires ran unbridled.

Someone was screaming. A girl. His girl. It hurt him worse than the spear in his chest. She couldn't be hurt. He couldn't allow it.

His name pierced the sound barrier. The agonizing rush swelled over him, like his heart was throwing up. Coughing, his own blood choking his throat.

"No!" She screamed, "No!"

He knew that voice anywhere. The years he spent with her dangling just out of reach. Her brown curls bouncing whenever she walked tantalizing, her lips that always held a small smile, even when she was telling at him.

She rolled him over, sobbing his name. Her lips didn't have that smile anymore. Her eyes welded with tears, fierce angry tears.

It made him cry.

He never wanted to see her in pain.

I remember tears streaming down your face, when I said I'd never let you go.

"No, you can't!" She cried clutching his shoulders. The battle raged on behind them, monsters attacking in fury they'd never seen before, but she didn't care. "I can't let you go! Not after all this! Everything we've been through!"

Darkness webbed his vision, breaths coming short and hollow. Shadows danced around them, monsters moving in dropping suns rays. The same shadows that had pinned their weapon into his chest.

When all those shadows almost killed your light.

"I'll go get Will!" She sobbed, "He can help you! Just...don't die! I'll be right back!"

She tried to get up, but she was shaking to bad. He reached out sobbing on the effort and took her wrist as if to keep her there.

I remember you said don't leave me here alone.

"Don't...leave...Me...alone." He gasped.

She nodded clapsing her hand around his. Her dagger gleamed in the pink rays, the last light of the day.

"I won't leave you." She promised, shifting with a sob, "Never. Not even after the flower picking fiasco. Just...please...I can't do it without you." He could almost hear her breaking inside. "Please. I love you."

But all that's dead and gone and passed tonight.

He shuddered, red trailing out of his mouth. His shirt soaked massively staining like a red river. Her hands were covered in his blood, her tears mixing with it.

"Close...your...eyes..." He choked out. "I...Don'" He gasped, his chest erupted in fiery agony, his eyes were heavy, each inhale felt like being stabbed.

Just close your eyes, the sun's going down.

She shook her head. And clung to him tighter.He was her life line.

Her soul mate.

She'd yelled at him. She'd hit him, pushed him away, done everything she could to avoid him. Now it was too late. She cradled him laying her head on his forehead. She wished for a miracle.

She didn't want to say the lies, to tell him he'd be alright, so she covered him so nothing could hit him again. And she cried

You'll be alright, No one can hurt you now.

She kept her promise. She didn't leave. And she'd never move again.

The Battle raged the night. It tore the ground, burned the memories that had lasted there until ashes remained.

Come morning light

That's where they found them. Together.

That's where his Brother screamed and cried and swore. That's where her sister sobbed and choked and begged.

They laid next to each other.

You and I'll be safe and sound.

Travis Stoll with a spear in his chest, his pale body, his soul long gone. Katie Gardener with a sword in her back, her hand still tightly closed on Travis's.

InsaneGreek1 you didn't say it had to be a happy one-shot...

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