See What They Want

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The winner of least one shot was @k02613. It was Bianca, Castor, Michael, and Ethan.

Not Octavian. I put the road part in for a reason.

See What They Want

"Come on, Sunshine!" Leo yelled over the wind, "You can say it! I'm the best!"

Calypso clung to him, screaming both from thrill and fear. "Valdez!" Her voice carried over the violent wind that rubbed their skins raw. He felt her tighten her grip around his waist pulling her head into his back.

He laughed. "Relax!" He yelled, "We'll be fine!"

"If I wasn't so content on living, I'd pry apart my fingers and slap you!"

Festus pulled up from his dive stopping in a large comfy arch. The bronze Dragon snorted into the air, pointing them towards the nearest city which by now was only a couple hundred miles. The sun was sinking and it casted a music glow on the pair and the mechanical flying machine.

"See!" Leo leaned back, "We're fine, Caly."

She peeked her head up as if she didn't believe him and had to see herself. Leo leaned all the way back do his head was on her lap.

She looked like...well a goddess. Her hair twisted into a side braid, and even her simple white blouse and jeans looked elegant with her refined grace. Her eyes flickered with happiness, the glow kindled with the fire of mirth. And her mouth was a small grin.

He lived that smile. The one that said I can't believe I feel for you, you idiot. The one that she had on reserve just for him.

"Hey." He said.

"Hey yourself," she whispered running a hand through his curly hair. She wrinkled her nose adorably, "You still smell like a grease monkey."

Below them the water whispered in gentle waves harnessing the fading light of the sun set. Festus hummed and creaked, a melody that sounded like a calming love song.

"You know you love it." Leo whispered back.

"Your right." She tapped his nose and leaned a little more over him.

He stared into those eyes. Suddenly at a lost for words, which was very un-Leo like.

"How did I ever get so lucky?" He marveled.

"No clue, Repair Boy."

Then their lips touched. And the world seemed to melt away like water colors. His heart leapt to unimaginable heights. His chest thumped and fireworks exploded in his mind. Sweet and cool. Leo knew he would never get tired of that kiss.

Hazel pulled away from the ghost choking on her tears. Her throat burned and she was shaking. Behind her Nico pulled her back.

Her golden eyes met his dark ones. "He really thinks he's with her?" She whispered.

Nico pulled her into a hug. He held her as she cried into his shoulder. He stared at the lone ghost glaring in the middle of the Elysium. The scrawny, elvish kid with a tool belt and a far away look in his eyes. His mouth was curved into a sight smile like he was about to crack another joke.

Nico closed his eyes. He remembered how they found the bent and melted corpse of Festus in the middle of the Atlantic, syringe of the physician's cure still encased in the bronze plates. And trying not to let his voice waver too much, he said,

"The dead see what they want to see."


What the Hades did I just write?!

Any way, this is the part where I do my tags and whatnot. I think literally everyone I know tagged me for this in the same day so here you go:

Hair color: brown with an ugly bond strip that use to be green

Eyes: Green

Favorite book: Malice by Chris Wooding

Favorite color: take a guess...

Last song I listened to: One Life by I have no clue but the Percy Jackson video is awesome.

Otp: Thaluke! Tratie!

Favorite animals: Sheep, and Dogs. (Don't ask)

Favorite smell: wat? theater popcorn I guess.

Favorite game: Ticket to Ride. It's a board game.

What I would do with a million bucks: dye my blond strip neon green, but a couple games for my Wii-U, and save the rest for college.

My crush: [fictional] Connor Stoll.

My crush: [real] A guy named Neil.

Favorite food: movie theater popcorn or BBQ pork sandwiches

What I got for Valentine's: The expansion pack for a card game Star Realms and a packet of skittles from my dad

Who would win a battle between Percy, Jason, and Thalia: Luke Castellan. :)

And then Paradise_Loves_Books tagged me again for the howler tag.

I'd send a howler to my sister during lunch block to embarrass her completely. Like the good sister I am.

I can't do the emoji tag because I don't have any emojis on my tablet.

Anyway, till the next time I decide I want to crush some feels.


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