Silver Scars

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Silver Scars

*Continued off of Mortals Meet New Year's Kiss*

"And you are sure about this?"

"Yes!" I replied for like the seven hundredth time. "Twila, Jaz, I will be fine! Remember I'm immortal now?"

Twila clucked her tongue distastefully. Her long her was was braided behind her back and her grey eyes looked me over as if she still wasn't sure. On her other side Jaz was skeptically fingering her arrows. Her eyes darted around the food court search for any sign of danger.

Not that she ever had to look very far. Danger liked to follow us around the most.

"You're not immortal, mortal." Twila scolded, "You can still die in battle. Just.... don't do anything I wouldn't do okay, Sabrina?"

A smile found a way onto my lips, "Well that leaves it wide open now doesn't it?" I couldn't help but laugh. Twila joined in and even Jaz too.

"I'll meet you guys back here in an hour okay?" I promised, "I may not have any super awesome godly powers other than healing, but I have green fireworks." then almost like an after thought I added: "...and arrows."

"Okay, Sabrina, we just don't want you to get yourself almost killed again." Jaz said, "After we find this monster and get it killed, Thalia said The Fates wanted to see us. And it would be depressing if you weren't there to see their totally awesome scissors."

I would be lying if I said I wasn't thrilled about that. "Really?" I asked but i didn't need an answer.

"Oh and if you died, We wouldn't have anyone to see Avengers: Age of Ultron with tonight." Twila added cheerfully.

I readjusted my cloak over my silver parka as Jaz and Twila walked away, their also silver shining jackets getting lost in the crowd of people at the mall. You'd think that if there was a particularly dangerous beast in a public Mall someone would've been screaming by now.

But no. Our only option was to split up and find it before things got too out of control. Easy. And if might've been just that, if I hadn't run into him.


I whipped around at the sound of my beautiful name. And I almost lost it. There he was, standing next to an empty food court table. The sunlight streamed through the sun catchers overhead creating a golden aura around him like an Angel. His sandy brown hair was thick with curls and getting a little too long. His mischievous blue eyes were wide with emotions. For some reason my voice didn't seem to work.

"Wow!" He said strolling over, "It's been a while. Four Months right?" I nodded trying to remember what breathing was. That was an inhale of oxygen, right? "You look amazing. I like what you did with your hair." He smirked and bounced my green stripe of hair, the only part that wasn't in my braid.

"Connor." I choked out finally, "I-I- like you're shirt."

It was orange with a Pegasus on it. I didn't actually know what it was at the time though. Awkward.

He smiled and I had to concentrate to continue breathing properly, "Thanks. That's a cool cloak. I didn't know you did snakeskin."

I looked back at my green cloak. It had replaced my green jacket after it got Python guts on it (Long Story). "It's vintage." I replied feeling stupid.

"So you ran off after midnight, Cinderella." Connor teased. I have to admit, i did kinda like the way he called my Cinderella. "I didn't really get a chance to talk. Did you keep the fireworks?"

"Yeah. Well mostly." I said bringing out my half empty pack. "I used a couple of them for..." -I had a flashback to when I tossed the other half down a very confused Pythons throat and ran as fast as I could to avoid becoming firewood- "...Fun." My voice changed when I said that.

"Really?" Connor seemed nervous though he hid it under a facade of smiles "And did you watch them?"


Connor deflated a little. "Oh, right, cool then." He rubbed the back of his neck, "So what have you been up to?"

I blushed a little, "Well, in my free time I posted a new Original story on this website called Wattpad. I titled it Out of Time. Other than that...nothing really." I completely left out the whole four months of travelling around the country with my new best friends slaying monsters like a demigod, part. Oops.

"Neat." Connor let out a breath that almost sounded like a whistle, "Look, I was wondering if maybe you wanted to-HOLY HADES MOVE!!"

I barely had time to register his words as he shoved me out of the way. I felt slightly disconnected. Things were happening way too fast for me to interpret them properly. One of the disadvantages of being a clear-sighted mortal. You can see but its too fast with out an ADHD catalyst.

A huge shadow flew over us, missing us by a total of one inch. Connor landed on top of me. Despite the screaming that had erupted from the regular mortals I couldn't help but note than he still smelled like Elmer's Glue and toothpaste. Still confused about why he smelled like that, but I really liked that smell.

Connor froze still on top of me, his blue eyes were sparkling with a subconscious mischievous trait. So beautiful. 

We were way too close. Dangerously close. And I liked it.

"Monster." Connor breathed and a I swore under my breath as he pulled away.


I'd like to credit Twila and Jaz with the ability to underestimate a flesh eating horse. They said it would be simple and easy. Those liars. But, anyway the horse: I don't know how but there it was. A Regular looking horse except for the fact that it was covered in blood and eyes that were like staring into death itself. 

Connor pulled a sword out of the air. At least I'm pretty sure it was out of the air. It's not like it was hanging around his hips. I'm not that oblivious, right?

It huffed something that was probably not a compliment in Horse-ish. It raised up on it front hooves and the last of the mortals fled away. I think I caught one of them saying something about a gun man.

Pfft. Mortals.

Connor swung at the beast. But his sword barely scratched it. The hide was the color of golden thread. And it shined like someone had welded the Nemean Lion's pelt on it.

The horse snapped at Connor and he rolled away at its teeth tore the fabric of his sleeve completely off. Blood ran down his arm and he screamed in pain.

His yell suddenly broke my trance. I swung out my hidden bow loading an arrow and targeting the rabid monster. Apollo's blessing scorched through my veins and I let go. I fired rapidly distracting it's attention from Connor. My arrows, furnished my Twila, who liked to add secret surprises to all of them, did all sorts of things. Two exploded, one made a loud noise, another splattered paint all over it, but that didn't seem to matter. It just kept fighting. Connor dove behind an over turned table to avoid becoming a ashy spot on the floor.

"I suck at this game." I muttered as my short supply of arrows was defrayed. The horse seemed to realize it too, because it galloped towards me salivating on the floor. "Oh crud."

I charged away, but it was too late. I can't out run a horse. I could feel its snort of breath on my neck as it's jaws unhinged wide enough to crush my entire body in half-

At the last second a silver arrow shot right through the side of its face. I threw myself the last yard to the safety of a back counter of some Chinese food restaurant. The monster cried agitated and jumped over the counter as well as if an arrow wasn't now sticking out of its cheek.

Have you ever been cornered by a bloody flesh eating horse, with an arrow sticking out of its face? No? Trust me it's terrifying.

"Your cloak, Sabrina!" Jaz's voice hit me like lightning. Oh yeah! I'm surprised I haven't been killed yet, with the brilliance of my mind and all.

I yanked my Python's skin cloak around me, just as the razor teeth of the monster almost tore out my throat. Instead the teeth scraped along the green interlocking scales with a terrible screeching sound.

I yelled something that would've made my mom wash my mouth with soap. I still wasn't quite use to this whole demigod lingo stuff. But when you're about to be eaten by a horse with razor sharp teeth, I'm pretty sure even a demigod wouldn't be thinking just Holy Hera! or Oh Styx!

I rolled away again, dodging an up-close look into the stomach of a monster. By that time Twila's assortment of arrows were flying over the Fast food counter and bouncing harmlessly off the hide of the horse. I grabbed the nearest one wishing I had thought to arm myself with an extra dagger of some sort and slammed it into the Horses mouth. The shaft snapped in my hands spraying me in a splintering of wood.

"Oh, snap." I said, "Literally."

The horse whined something in Horse-ish and stuttered back a few steps. It looked at me like it couldn't believe I stabbed it in the throat. What? You don't want to be horse fodder?

Then it's eyes narrowed and it charged me again.

Twila came crashing over the counter. Timely as ever. She slammed into the side of the beast knocking it sideways into stacks of forgotten half made food meals and pots.

I jumped to my feet just as Twila was bucked into a fryer of steaming noodles and soy sauce. She was covered in the delicious syrupy mess and hot water flung into the air.

As bad ass as she was even Twila couldn't suppress a scream. The Horse snorted at her and nearly bit her arm off. I bolted in front of her using a pot of Cho Mein as a weapon. Efficiency at its finest.

The shadows warped under our feet and I yelled as both Twila and I dropped through the floor. For three terrifying milliseconds we traveled at the speed of a rollercoaster through the shadows. Then we were spit out right behind Jaz. Her eyes were darker than normal and the ground cracked open spilling out skeleton warriors.

They distracted the zombie horse, but it wasn't quite interested in bone soliders. A line of sweat dribbled down Jaz's brow as she concentrated. Twila knelt next to Connor scrambling for more arrows and a way to stop the blood flowing out the wound in his arm.

His brother was going to kill me.

Connor was going to die and it was all my fault. If only I hadn't been quite so distracted by his gorgeous blue eyes and his strange questions about fireworks-

"Wait a second..." I said, mostly to myself. Though Jaz gave me a glare that made me think she thought I was talking to her. Her arms were shaking and she didn't look so good. A couple of her faithful skeleton servants were shattered into sandy dust.

I scrambled to find my fireworks. I remembered taking them out of my pockets to show Connor. They must have been knocked away when Connor saved my life.

"Sabrina!" Connor moaned in pain, he nodded over beyond the tables where my package of pocket sized destruction was laying under a chair. I dove for them taking the entire package and hefting it into the air right at the horse.

"Twila!" I screamed.

Somehow she found a bow and a arrow and with perfect accuracy it followed the fireworks. The Flesh-eating horse snorted and snapped up the last of Jaz's soldiers. Jaz let out a moan and dropped to the floor, as her knees gave out.

The horse looked up at us just in time to see the arrow hit the fireworks inches from its face.

The ground shook with the force. the Back lash threw me into a triple flip and I skidded across the court into a decorative statue. My eyes burst with the green color, the explosion rang in my ears for a good five minutes afterward.

I sat up groaning surveying the damage. Twila was groaning, she was covered in soy sauce and a couple noddles were plastered on her face and in her hair. Jaz was staring at the green fire stock still, looking as if she'd seen a ghost. Well, she was blessed by Hades even if she was still unclaimed. I was almost too afraid to look at Connor. My stomach lurched.

He was propped up against the table his arm was slick with blood. His face was pale, and distraught. He was watching me. I scrambled back over to him.

"I'm so so sorry." I moaned, "I'm sorry." I don't know why I felt so upset. He was hurt, but my Apollo's blessing was swirling inside burst with light at my finger tips and knowledge in my head. He tried to tell me not to but choked in his refusal.

"It's...just a s-scratch..." He tried to tell me. I gentle pressed my fingers against the wound. It was slick and squishy. I focus as well as i could on it and my fingers started glowing brighter. Connor let out a moan, his arm started steaming under my hold, but I didn't let go. 

Apollo blessed me with healing ability. I could tell when it was actually healed and not about to be the reason I lost Connor Stoll to a flesh eating horse.

Connor wouldn't look me in the eyes.

"Sabrina." I turned to Jaz, who looked mostly recovered. She was still staring at the green fire that was slowly fade after the explosion. My throat went dry, and my stomach churned even worse. It felt like someone had taken out my intestines and replaced them with a second graders string art project.

Yeah that bad.

In the dying ambers of the green fire was four letters and a question mark. I'm not sure how Connor got it to do that but it did. And i felt absolutely horrible. Twila covered her mouth somewhere between fangirling and crying. 


My brain was slower than normal. Connor wanted to take me on a date.

I turned to face him and he stared at the tile under my feet. "You're wearing silver." He said monotone.

"Connor, I-" I don't know where i was going with that.

"You're a hunter."He said getting up. He was a good two inches taller than me still. His eyes for once looked sad. He seemed to be hoping i would correct him, that it was some whole big misunderstanding.

"I-" I couldn't finish. My throat was dry, my eyes watery. I felt like sobbing my heart out. I hurt worse than any scar.

He stared at me and everything was silent. Then he shook his head and turned away.

It felt like he was taking my heart with him. "Connor! Please!" I screamed, "Let me Explain!"

He didn't even glance back. "Bye, Sabrina." He seemed to choke.


"Connor!" I screamed.

He kept walking until he disappeared around the corner.

Tears dripped down my cheeks. My knees gave out. I don't think even watching the Avengers: Age of Ultron Movie would've made me feel better.

Twila called my name, Jaz snapped in front of my face. But the pain was too great. Why was I a hunter? Why did I take that oath? What did Aphrodite do to me?

I'm broken.


And I'm done. I destroyed Cabrina. As requested by my RL friend.

Guest starring:

The amazing @Always_Loves_Books_ as Twila 

And The glorious @Jungle321Jungle as Jaz

PS. Everyone should go see the Avengers movie. It was really good. I really want to see it again. 

Okay, Bye, now. 

~Greenninjagal (Sabrina)

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