Surprise, Surprise

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Okay. I want to thank everyone for commenting and voting and stuff! You guys are awesome. But I'm not feeling the love right now. Here is the chapter I promised. The one with the most votes.

After much contemplating on the meaning of life, including much eye rolling on my part and complaints, begging, and sobbing on yours....

Here you go.

Apollo's Curse 3

"This is totally and utterly useless!"

Nico whipped around and grabbed Travis by his shirt collar yanking him back to his feet. The older of the Stolls let out a yelp choking on his own saliva.

"We're not stopping." Nico growled.

Travis's eyes were wide with both fear and exhaustion. He couldn't figure out how Nico still had energy. It had been two days.

"Nico," Next to him Katie gently placed a hand on Nico's shoulder. He flinched and Katie tensed. None the less, Travis was glad she was there, "If we keep this up even when we do find Lord Apollo, we'll look like crazy raving lunatics and get arrested."

Nico rolled his eyes and let go of his firm grip on Travis's shirt. Travis made some type of gurgling sound and he fell back onto the ground.

"Not to mention, one of us will probably die from complaining." Katie said, "Not to be naming any names but cough, Travis, cough." She fake coughed and Travis didn't even care to reply. His eyes were already closed and he was asleep.

Nico turned around almost robotically. Katie watched him nervously. He looked to be on the verge of breaking down. Katie knew that feeling she was good friends with a couple of the Apollo girls.

"I'm going to IM Jason." Nico said quietly, "We shouldn't stay here long."

Here, meaning Central park. Who knew what monsters were lurking about. A Hellhound had already almost had Travis for lunch, and a flock of harpies had a fun time ripping apart Katie's backpack for some doughnuts that Travis stole from a coffee shop and placed in her bag.

Just Her luck today. She was almost better off being a piglet. Thank the gods Lou Ellen managed to turn her back. Travis petting her was really weird. She bit his hand.

Katie looked up to see Nico talking to an iris message. She wasn't quite sure how he'd made a rainbow but it was working. Which was good.

She just had to jinx it.

Jason was floating on the other side, shoving his glasses back up his nose. His eyes looked tired. Piper stood beside him leaning her head on his shoulder. Beyond them beautifully carved columns and and shining roads decorated the background. Annabeth sure had done a great job on redecorating.

"Any luck?" Nico asked promptly. Jason sighed.

"Not much. Dad keeps switching between Jupiter and Zeus. Neither of them will budge even a little. Every time we get even a little bit he switches aspects and its like taking to an entirely new person."

Nico's shoulders slumped forward. "There has to be some way we can convince him to reverse the process!"

Jason have him a saddened look, "There is. And I'm sure we'll find it Nico."

He didn't sound half as confident as he should've been.

"Any luck locating Apollo?"

"No." Nico bristled, "Nothing. There are hundreds of mortals here. He could be any of them. I don't....I can't...." Nico's voice cracked, but he took a deep breath, and continued, "Will is the infirmary slowly becoming a regular mortal. What did Lou Ellen say? We have two more days at the most? Will could wake up any minute and not remember me at all." His shadow twisted anxiously underneath his feet.

"It's okay Nico." Piper said, "We've been in tighter spots before. We will find Apollo, and we will find a way to make Zeus change his mind. We can do this."

Katie wasn't sure if she was actually Charmspeaking, but whatever it was she could feel a wave of hope rushing over her. Katie wasn't really friends with Piper. She barely even knew her, or any of the seven really, except maybe Annabeth. How did the chosen ones of the prophecy compare to her? A lowly plant growing demigod who's biggest defense was sour, unripe, strawberries?

"Thanks Piper." Nico replied, "I'm still trying to figure out how Percy and Annabeth fit into this. Zeus struck them down for a reason. Hermes said he was trying for all of you. So where have you guys been that Apollo might be sent?"

"I'm not sure." Jason admitted, "Maybe-"

Suddenly the picture disappeared. Instead both Piper and Jason were replaced by a blue screen.

"What just happened?"

"Blue screen of death." Katie mumbled.


"Nothing, gamer joke." Katie corrected herself. She walked over to Nico's side watching the screen. Tiny white lettering appeared exactly like playing a broken game. "Iris Messaging, IM, copywrited by Iris, the goddess of rainbows, has been shut down." Katie read squinting to make out the letters. "Sorry for the inconvenience. All communications terminated hereby the order of the almighty Zeus, Lord of the sky. No refunds. Peacock."

"Peacock?" Nico repeated.

Katie shrugged, "That's what it says."

"Zeus just cut off all our communications." Nico said slowly, "We have no way to talk to each other without being face to face."

Katie swiped a hand through the mist ending the blue screen. She pursed her lips, "Not necessarily." She glanced back at Travis. He was sitting now his mouth open and Katie hoped some type of bug had crawled into it.

"Travis! Wake up! I need you to steal a phone for me!"


Jason started at the screen. "Really?" He asked incredulously. He looked down at Piper then glared up at the sky.

"We were in there like four seconds ago!" Piper said, "How is that even possible! And what's with the Peacock?"

"That was kinda random." Jason agreed. He took of his glasses cleaning them on his Camp Half Blood T shirt.

"Not by much." A shadow fell over the two of them. Piper whipped around and Jason followed squinting at the blurry mass.

It was a god, no doubt. They were on Olympus after all. His skin was a sickly pale color and his beard was white and his hair graying. The only thing that could've possibly identified him was his shirt. A crumpled old orange and yellow Hawaiian flower shirt.

"Lord Poseidon." Piper said.

Jason shoved his newly cleaned glasses on again. He still couldn't get over the fact of everything becoming clearer again.

The Lord of the seas looked like he was sick and dying. It was not how Jason always pictured Percy's Dad. Was he actually sick?

Poseidon sighed, "Piper, Jason." He acknowledged.

"Are you okay?" Jason blurted out.

Poseidon gave him a short laugh, "My demigod son is laying on his death bed in a Roman camp. All because my idiot brother blames his son for Gaea rising. It was not Apollo's fault, but both he and his children, three heroes of this age, and my son are paying the price." Poseidon looked down at Jason, "Sometimes I wish you demigods would just let us gods fall."

Piper's hand gripped onto Jason's, squeezing like a reassurance. Jason squeezed back.

"You said something about Iris not being random?" Piper said.

Poseidon blinked, his eyes flickering to the fading blue screen, "Ah, yes, peacocks. There is only one goddess who was not present at the time of Apollo's curse. One goddess who just so happens to love peacocks."

"Juno?" Jason guessed, "Why would she care? She hates all of Zeus's kids. I'm living proof of that!"

"You are her champion, right?" Poseidon shrugged.

"What could she do anyway?" Jason continued, knowing his good side with that particular goddess was probably very minimal now, "Nag Jupiter until he changes his mind? Send cows after him?"

"Hey, those cows can be terrifying." Poseidon said, "Besides my brother likes to pretend like he is all powerful and such being king of the gods and whatever. But the thing is....

"A Queen can be just as powerful."

Piper turned to Jason, "That means...."

"Hera or Juno, can grant Apollo immortality again." Jason finished. Excitement bubbled in his chest.

Poseidon didn't look quite as thrilled, "That is, if you can find her as well."


"Hello sir, how can I help you?"

The blond haired teenager smiled at the waitress, "Two coffees, one for me and one for you."

The girl laughed, "Yeah right, hotshot, I'm taken."

The guy grinned, "It was worth a shot."

"Are you knew to town?" The waitress flipped her caramel hair over her shoulder.

The guy nodded, "Just got in today."

"Yeah, we just arrived a week ago. My boyfriend does shifts at the auto Repair shop down the road until we earn enough to start our own shop."

"Neat, I was thinking of hanging around. This place has some sweet places for inspiration."

"Inspiration? Are you a writer?"

"Actually..." the guy glanced at his notebook and pencil, "I'm a poet."

The girl nodded, "Cool, so that coffee? I'm going to need a name with that order."

"Fred." He said almost immediately.

"Well, Fred, it was nice to meet you. I'm Calypso."

I swear I'm going to end up just writing an entire book for you guys! It was suppose to just be a one shot! ONE!!

Whatever. This one want as dramatic as my others, sorry. I'm feeling lazy.

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