>.< Thanks Guys

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>.< Thanks Guys.

So everyone really been asking about that superhero AU I just posted. I've got to say I'm kinda liking the idea. If I write it two things:

-I need a title

-And it would delay any further of my updates on other stuff.

Tell me what you guys want.

In case you haven't figured it out, this is really just an AN.

But to make it fun for you guys, I also got tagged by AnnabethxGranger for yet another tag. Thanks. *rolls eyes while smiling*

Name: Sabrina

Relationship status: haha funny

Crush: honestly? This guy named Neil in my English class.

Height: Heck if I know, 5'4 (it's important to state I failed estimation in all of my classes since kindergarten)

Birthday: March 16

Best friends (Wattpad): Always_Love_Books_ Paradise_Loves_Books AnnabethxGranger

Best friends (RL): MagikTrix who is writing an amazing story and everyone should check it out, and snowwhitelookalike

Last song I listened to: I'm not even sure. It was on my sister's tablet as she blared music while I was doing homework.

Last time I cried: three days ago

Why?: my sister was singing do you wanna build a snow man, and stepped off our porch and immediately twisted her ankle. I laughed until I cried. You had to be there.

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