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I thought we were friends Songbook22!! I know I've done a lot of evil mean things, but seriously?!

100 -Flipping- TRUTHS

Name: Sabrina Green

Nickname: Bri (pronounced-"Bree"), Brina, Bean, Greenie, Money

Favorite Color: Is this even a question?

Male or Female: GreenninjaGAL

Elementary school: P. B. Smith

Middle school: Warrenton


College: New Rome's college, but that not happening.

Hair color: Brown

Tall or short: Average?

Sweats or jeans: Jeans

Phone or camera: I never go places and take pictures so does it matter?


Orange or Apple: Apple

Who's my crush: Connor Stoll.

Guy friends or girl friends: Guy friends or gamer girls

Piercings: SERIOUSLY, why do you want to know?! Just my earlobe.

Pepsi or coke: COKE ALL THE WAY!!!

Is this over yet?

Have you ever...

...Ridden an Airplane? Yes (I don't remember it)

...been in a relationship? Yes (my fictional one is sinking though. Freaking Always_Love_Books_ made him think he killed me. Great job)

...been in car accident? No (watch, I've jinxed it now)

...been in Fist fight? No (I'm really hungry right now)

First Piercing: ears, my only piercing. (No seriously, I'm really hungry.)

Best Friends: THIS IS NOT A FAIR QUESTION!!! Always_Love_Books_ jungle321jungle Ninjagirl13 jojosweet01

First award:....softball participation trophy

First crush: Have I mentioned how hungry I am right now?

Any talents: Writing, kinda. I guess playing outfield is considered a talent, it's a lot harder than infield. Procrastination. Zentangles. Annoying people. Laziness. Eating food...

Last person I talked to: My brother, Zach

Last person I texted: my RL friend Racheal

Last person I watched a movie with: My dad (Avengers: Age of Ultron)

Last thing I ate: eggs and toast, last night for dinner.

Last movie I watched: Thor: The Dark world (all by myself :( )

Last song I listened to: Heartbeat Song (the music video on YouTube by TeamLeo x is simply amazing. You guys should check it out.)

Last thing I bought: a Chocolate Devotion from Cold stone. (That was good)

Last person I hugged: Connor Sto- *Sees Lady Artemis* TWILA! I mean Twila...

Favorite food: POPCORN!!!!

Favorite drink: Diet Coke

Favorite bottoms: jeans? What type of question is this?

Favorite Flowers: The pretty ones?

Favorite animals: TURTLES!! SQUIRRELS!!

Favorite subject: Art, English, Latin, or Monster Fighting

Are we done now? GAHHHHHHHH.

Mark an X in the brackets if yes.

Oh my Gods it's just like a standardized school test all over again.

[] fallen in love

[X] celebrated Halloween

[] had my heart broken

[] went over minutes or texts (unlimited talk and text, Woot!)

[X] had someone like me (I felt really bad turning him down)

[] hated the way someone's changed.

[] gotten PG (what is this? Gossip Girls?)

[] had an abortion (What the actual Hades!)

[X] did something I regret (This tag for example)

[X] broke a promise (before I read The Last Olympian)

[X] hid a secret (I'm really an alien from the far planet of ghysxvhi and I've been sent to take over the world)

[X] pretended to be happy (I really hate rollercoasters)

[] meet someone who's changed my life

[X] pretended to be sick (I would've gotten away with it if my mom wasn't a nurse)

[X] Tried something new and actually liked it

[X] cried over a silly thing (define "silly")

[X] ran a mile (NEVER AGAIN)

[] gone to the beach with my best friends

[X] gotten into an argument with best friend (over whether or not a guy would've died in a movie if he had moved)

[X] disliked someone (duh)

[] been single forever.

Okay I finished! Did I get a 100%??


Currently eating: nothing, but I'm thinking of chewing off my hand so I don't have to finish this.

Currently drinking: Nothing.

Currently listening too: The washing machine upstairs.

Currently sitting or laying: sitting

Do I have plans for today: WATTPADDDDDD

waiting for: something exciting to happen.

Want kids: I don't know! Stop asking me weird things!

Want to marry: Yes.

Want to travel: Not really.

I'm going to regret this next part too, aren't I?

What do you look for in a partner?


Lips or eyes: Eyes.

Shorter or taller: taller

Younger or older: my age?

Romantic or spontaneous: Spontaneous.

Trouble maker or Hesitant: Hesitant

Hook up or relationship: relationship.

Looks or personality: it doesn't hurt to have a bit of both.

Oh look more!

Have you ever....

...lost glasses? Nope don't wear glasses

...snuck out of the house? Nope, I'm a goody two shoes

...held a knife or gun in self defense? Only when the enraged fangirl come.

...killed someone? HEY LOOK!! A DISTRACTION!!

...broke someone's heart? Connor's.

...been in love? I swear I've already answered this one.

...cried at someone's death. "If anything happens, give that to Nico." "I can see the stars again my lady." "Charlie....see Charlie." "There is no throne to Nemesis." "Ethan. Me. All the unclaimed. Don't let it...don't let it happen again." "I told you I had a plan. When are you guys going to trust me? And by the way--I love you guys."

I'm very pleased with that last paragraph. I know those by heart.

Do you believe in:

Yourself: Most of the time.

Miracles: Yes, completely.

Luck: Yes.

Love at first sight: I'll let you know when I get it.

Santa: You mean creepy stalker guy?

Ghosts: Yes.

Angels: Yes.

Who is the person you want to be with right now? Conno- JAZ! I mean Jaz! Hi there lady Artemis, hehe.

Do you know who your real friends are? I believe so.


I'm done I finished completely now!! *does happy dance*

Thank you guys for sitting through that. Thank myself for sitting through that.

I know this wasn't very Percy Jackson-y. So here's the deal. You guys can go through and vote on which one shot you guys want me to make a Part 2 of.

Comment right here which ones you guys want and the one that get the most votes by, I don't know, Monday? I'll do.

I already bet at least five people overlooked this. XD

And I tag.... *drum roll*


I'm not putting anybody though this pain.

(Except Annabeth)

Don't forget to vote!


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