The Party

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I looked over to Serena. Clemont and Bonnie had left to see their father and Clemont had some contestants at the gym, which then left Serena and I all alone, together, for a while before they come back and carry on our journey around Kalos.

"Hey Serena. I was thinking that maybe we could go out... not like a date or anything but we could chill in the park, you could do some shopping and... stuff" I felt myself blushing faster and faster by the minuet

"Really? You want to go shopping? Sure if you want to!"

"Ok then it's all settled!"

And with that we were out of the Pokécentre faster than you could say Eevee. Now- don't get me wrong, I hate shopping, with a passion but I love seeing Serena happy and knowing that shopping is her most favourite thing to do I thought it would be a great idea.

As we walked through the park I couldn't stop admiring Serena. She looked so gorgeous, so happy and peaceful. I don't know how she does it. She is such an amazing beautiful person, it's kinda hard not to admire her. Her honey Blonde hair fell perfectly in place gently brushing the top of her shoulders, each strand looking like it had been placed delicately by Arceus himself. Her outfit fit her perfectly, not just figure wise but I'm talking colour wise and showing her personality. The darker pink on her cardigan shows the girly side of her along with her light pink dress, while the baby blue ribbon matches her eyes and shows her inner child, black stockings and brown boots with her pink fedora

Any attempt I made to look away had failed because I just looked at her again and again, and I guess she caught me because she was snapping out of my thought with me blushing furiously.

"Are you alright Ash?"

"Yeah everything is great thanks. Did you want to go to the shop now?"

"Yes!" she had stars in her eyes, I wonder how long she has wanted me to say it, but now I want to do this more often because her smile is just so freaking adorable!

"Umm, excuse me?" a middle aged woman came to me

"Hi" I replied

"good morning, i am working at the great hall (I didn't know what else to call it sorry guys XD) and we are celebrating the 50th anniversary by having a dance party there"

I look over to Serena and she must not have heard a thing because she is looking into the shop over there minding her own business

"Oh thank you." I took the flyer

"Is that your girlfriend?"

"I wish..." I looked down " she is way out of my league"

"Aww don't be like that mate, take her to this dance and confess then, it might seem cliché but who cares. Right?"

"Yeah. Thanks!"

With new courage i walked over to Serena

"Oh hey Ash, you already now?"

"Yeah, oh hey Serena. Can i ask you something?"


"Well I just got given this and i was kinda wondering if you... would like.... to go... with me...?"

She just looked at me and i thought she was going to refuse

"I understand, do-"

"You really thought i wold say no?! Of course i will go with you!!"

"Really you will?"


I look over to the lady and she points to the back of the sheet. i turn it over

"Hey Serena we might wanna get to the hall, it starts in 45 minutes and there are outfits there we can choose from. C'mon"

I began to reach for her hand, and once i had realised what i was doing i stopped and put my hand back down. The next thing i knew Serena grabbed mine and we started walking towards out little 'date' hand in hand.

Once we arrive i went to the mens side, chose out a suit and got changed, once i got out into the main hall i nticed that we were one of the youngest ones in there, everyone else was aroud 20 plus (Ash and Serena are 17 by the way XD) whilst i waited for Serena i went over to ger a drink and i wondered what Pikachu and the others are doing right now since Bonnie is looking after them. After about 20 minuets of waiting, she finally appears before me....

I had no words to explain other than she looked like an angel, literally, she looked so beautiful, and i think she could tell what i though through my face because she started saying 'it wasn't that good' or 'she didn't look that nice', DID SHE LOOK IN A MIRROR? i think she needs to buy a better mirror if she can't see what i see beause she looks speechlessly amazing! and i don't know what else to say...

A slow song comes on and Serena askes if we can dance to it

"I'm really sorry Serena but i don't know how to dance..."

"I can teach you, it really isn't that difficult ya know."

"I'm not worried about me I'm worried i will make you look silly, by not having a partner who can dance."

"Right come on"

She grabs my hand before i can protest and takes me to the dance floor, and before i know it she is teaching me how to dance. She is an amazing teacher because the next thing i knew i was dancing, spinning Serena and stepping back and forth to the beat.

(time skip)

"That was such a great evening, thank you so much Ash" Serena looked at me with the warmest of smiles.

"Hey it's no problem, that's what friends are for huh?" The word friends stung a little, i want to be more."Im going to get some air back in a minute"

"Ok Ash"

i started talking to myself one i got on the balcony

" i want to call you mine i want you to be mine, my forever and always my love and life but i can't tell you, i get too nervous and scared and i back down, all i want is life is you. how can an amazing person like you like someone like me? i mean me talking to myself is probably not the best start and-"

"It's all the start i need. I feel the same way Ash, and i have wanted to hear 3 certain little words from you every since i met you. i have and always will be here for you Ash i-"

"i love you Serena! with all my heart!"

"i love you too!" she says with tears in her eyes

i held her so close, so tight and then it finally happened....

I kissed my one and true love, Serena


So there we have it one shot number 1 hope you enjoyed!!!

again sorry, i'd do italics and stuff but it wont work at the minute!! its SOOOOO annoying!

Thanks for reading peace!! :)

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