Mangle Wants Revenge

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((A/N: This is a short story based off the drawing I did, it's in my art book BTW))

Third Person

The toy animatronics have mostly gotten along over the years. There have been pranks, but nothing too extreme. They were always able to laugh it off in the end.

But that wasn't the case for the most recent prank. This one would not be one to just laugh off as a harmless joke. This one would change their lives forever.

One day, Toy Freddy, Toy Bonnie, and Toy Chica had decided to play a prank on Vixen. ((A/N: Mangle before she was destroyed))

They were going to trick her into going to the parts and services room. None of the toy animatronics dared go in there, because of their original counterparts. They were scared of them.

The toys had never really gotten to know their originals, but they had seen enough bent metal and exposed wire to know they wanted nothing to do with them.

The three decided to carry out their plan anyway. All they wanted was a good laugh after all.

"Hey Vixen, Freddy lost something in the parts and services room and wanted you to find it, 'cause ya' know, you're good at finding things," Chica lied.

Vixen nodded and went off towards the room. She was nervous, for she'd never been in there, but was determined.

The others were aware of her determination and used it to their advantage. They knew that Vixen would never back down and wouldn't stop until absolutely necessary.

Vixen approached the door, becoming more nervous with every passing second. The others secretly watched from the security office. They used the tablet to watch, occasionally giggling to themselves.

Vixen opened the door and slowly walked inside. She flipped on the light and saw the scrapped animatronics. She was frightened, beginning to search frantically for whatever Freddy had lost.

None of the animatronics had many possessions, so it was easy to know when they'd lost something, and how to find it.

Vixen searched and searched, not being able to find the missing object. She sighed, about to leave, when the destroyed Bonnie animatronic grabbed her ankle. She let out a screech and struggled as it twitched and short circuited.

She was able to slip free, backing away from the withered old thing. The others hadn't moved, or so she thought. Foxy was behind her, grabbing her and picking her up.

She struggled, but Foxy's hook caused her costume to be ripped. The hook was so sharp that it was cutting into her metal skin. She screeched in pain, struggle more. The struggling only caused more damage.

Freddy and Chica had become active and helped in the destruction of Vixen. The counterparts hated the toys for replacing them and wanted the toys to feel the pain that they had.

There wasn't a word in the office. The three toys were all too shocked to speak. None of them could believe their eyes.

"You s-s-s-StUpiD brat!" Freddy glitched.

"T-Teach her a lEson FrEdDy!" Chica snickered.

"Arg! The shiny plas-stic sickens me!" Foxy exclaimed.

Bonnie could only make static, being too damaged in the head to even still function properly.

Vixen was torn apart. Her costume was just shreds of fabric, her white plastic skin, destroyed. Her eye has been ripped out of her and her parrot that was resting on her shoulder. She was just a tangled, mangled mess of wires and metal.

The toys were in shock as they ran to the doorway, not wanting to move any closer. Vixen was just scraps now.

The withered counterparts stared at the toys. Toy Bonnie managed to grab one of Vixen's metal limbs and drug her out.

"She be mangled like us now!" Foxy bellowed.

They toys ran, dragging Vixen along with them.

"I'm so so so so sorry Vixen! I should've never gone along with their prank!" Toy Bonnie cried out.

"Bonnie shut up!" Freddy snapped.

"He's right Freddy! This is all our fault!" Chica argued.

Vixen couldn't speak, for her voice box was malfunctioning. She was obviously angry, for her friends had gone too far with their prank.

She wrapped her mess of wires around all three of them, snarling and sparking from the amount of damage.

"M-Mangle, calm down," Toy Freddy urged, now deciding to call Vixen Mangle, based off of her appearance.

"Y-Yeah we're s-sorry!" Toy Bonnie yelled, being scared of his once good friend.

"I-It was an a-accident!" Toy Chica cried out.

"YoU kNoW yOu'Re LyInG!" Mangle glitched.

The three struggled, trying to get out of her grasp. They were desperately trying, but to no avail. Her metal grasp was too strong for them. There was no way to escape.

Their plastic skin crunched under he grasp. She had decided that if she has to live this way, her friends would have to as well. She wasn't going to suffer alone.

She tore them apart, one by one. Mangle showed no mercy.

A mangled friend soon became a mangled family.

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