Peter Parker x Fem!Reader

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WORDS: 5,598
PART: 1/2

[(Y/N)'s POV]

Let's just say, I had absolutely no interest in this plan whatsoever. If anything, I felt that I was being forced into going. I gave my best friend, Liz Allen, a confused look.

"I don't know, Liz..." I mumbled as she threw her head back and groaned.

"Oh, come on, (Y/N). You don't ever want to do anything fun," She griped as I rolled my eyes and looked back at her with a tinge of annoyance.

I get that it's my Senior year of high school, but I dislike being harassed into going to prom. If I was being completely and totally honest, I had no plans on going. I never wanted to and I still don't want to.

"But it's your Senior prom! And you didn't go to prom last year, either!" She chided as I exhaled a sigh through my nostrils, feeling like we've had this conversation at least ten times before. And I wasn't in the mood to have it again.

"Maybe, just maybe, I don't like dances. Maybe I don't want to spend a lot of money for a dress to wear for one night and perhaps I don't like crowds of people..." I grumbled to her as she let out a sigh, shaking her head.

"You're being pessimistic, (Y/N)," Liz attempted to convince me as I shook my head once more.

"Liz, you have a date and you're going to want to spend time with him. I don't, so I'll just be third wheeling the entire night. Believe me, I'm okay," I muttered to her as she exhaled a sigh as well.

"Fine. If that's what you want. But maybe you could find a date," She piped up as I shook my head.

"Liz, just drop it. I really just don't want to go to the prom," I spoke up in a much gentler tone of voice. Even though she nodded in understanding, I knew this wasn't the last time we would be having this conversation.

She's been attempting to convince me to go to the prom for about a month now. And I wasn't going to give her the satisfaction of getting me to say yes.

In truth, I really disliked dances. I don't have the best experience with them. Too many people. Too much money for a dress. And I always spent them alone, especially since my friends always got dates. I never really did. And I would spend the night alone.

The bell rang throughout the school, signaling the end of the day. I got up and left the classroom we had been seated in, rushing to my locker. Once I made it there, I found myself quickly packing my bag and heading outside to walk home.

  I plugged my headphones into my ears, drowning out the sounds of New York. And I wanted every excuse possible so I wouldn't have to talk with Liz about the damn prom once again. Her and I have been best friends since we were kids, but now we both have different interests and different ideas of what to do for fun.

  I made it to my apartment, which had police tape around it. My heart hammered in my chest as I attempted to convince myself that everything was fine. Quickly, I approached the policeman who was stationed at the doorway.

"Excuse me. Um, I live here. Can you please explain what's going on?" I asked as the man glanced around, then exhaled a sigh.

"Someone just robbed this place. We recommend that you go to a café or somewhere nearby while we investigate," The man spoke, asking for my phone number so they could contact me when they were finished.

  I wasn't an idiot. They don't tape off buildings after a robbery. Someone was dead or missing in my apartment complex. Which made me quick to call my older sister, who was the only person I shared my apartment with.

  It sent me straight to voicemail.

  I felt tears threaten to fall as I made it to the café a couple blocks down. When I finally made it inside, a tear had finally managed to stray down my cheek. I looked around, seeing that the place was mostly empty. A couple tables were occupied with individuals that I didn't know. However, there were a couple tables that I recognized the people sitting at them.

  One of the people in particular was quick to rise to their feet and dash over to me. They seemed to stare at me with concern.

"(Y/N)? Are you okay?" Peter Parker asked as his best friend, Ned, walked up beside him. I sniffed and wiped my eyes.

"Um, I don't know. Something happened at my apartment and I have no clue what's going on. My sister won't answer her phone..." I mumbled softly.

  Peter and I are childhood friends as well. I've known him and his Aunt May since I was very little. My mother and his aunt used to be best friends when my mother was still alive. Therefore, Peter and I had grown up together. He was the only person I talked to when my mother had died only a few years ago. Liz wanted to be there for me, but she always said the wrong things and she didn't quite understand how to comfort me in that situation. Peter, on the other hand, did.

"Hey, I'm sure everything is alright. Let's sit down. I'll buy you something to drink and we can talk about what happened," Peter spoke up, offering me a sweet smile as I nodded quickly, thankful I had him here right now. I wasn't sure what I would do if I had to sit here and worry by myself.

  He ordered me a drink from the barista, which I thanked him for, knowing he didn't have much money to be wasting, especially on me. Him and Ned sat down with me, the two of them keeping quiet for a while to allow me to collect myself.

  During that period of silence, however, a rather loud and expensive car pulled into the parking lot of this café. Peter seemed a bit alerted by the vehicle that pulled in, peering over the window to see who was about to get out of the car. And I was completely shocked when I recognized who the individual was.

  Tony Stark.

"Um, what is he doing here...?" Ned whispered to Peter as I heard Peter's breathing hitch. He seemed rather worried about Tony Stark's appearance.

  Tony walked in, not looking at all the individuals who stared at him. The whole room seemed to fall silent as everyone watched him. He pulled a chair over to our table, sitting down next to Peter.

"Mr. Stark? What are you doing here?" Peter asked, his voice wavering a bit as I intently listened to the interaction between the two of them. Tony looked over at me, arching an eyebrow curiously.

"Peter, you didn't tell me you had a girlfriend," Tony muttered as I felt my cheeks heat up. Peter and I were both quick to shake our heads.

"N-No, Mr. Stark. It isn't like that. This is (Y/N) (L/N), and she's one of my friends," Peter explained as Tony nodded, giving me a kind smile.

"Well, it's nice to meet you, Miss (L/N)," Tony spoke, shaking my hand and acting extremely polite in comparison to how he was typically known to act.

"So, um, what are you doing here, again, Mr. Stark?" Peter spoke up once again, nervously glancing around, wanting their conversation to be private, but knowing it wasn't.

"Right, well, I was going to ask if you'd heard anything about what's going on a couple blocks down," Tony spoke up as Peter and Ned's eyes both widened with shock. I felt my heart lurch within my chest, my nerves beginning to worsen once again.

"Uh, I don't. Do you know?" Peter asked, knowing that he was speaking about my apartment. And it was clearly not good if Ironman was here to intervene.

"Of course I know. I always know. Apparently Hydra attacked. And it was a strategic attack. Meant to cripple an Avenger. So I wanted to know if it affected you," Tony Stark explained as I arched an eyebrow, Peter's face going flaming red and Ned looking at a loss for words.

"Wait, about what happened at my apartment? Why would Hydra care about me?" I spoke up, which made Tony's eyes go to Peter, who slowly shook his head. Then Tony looked back to me, shaking his head hesitantly.

"I'm sure it wasn't your apartment. But, just so I'm aware, what exactly happened at your apartment this afternoon?" Tony asked me as I shrugged my shoulders, feeling my body weakly shake.

"I'm not quite sure. The police wouldn't let me in. However, my sister isn't answering any of my calls and I'm so beyond worried about her..." I murmured to Tony, who looked over at Peter and then nodded.

"Okay. Ned, why don't you assist Miss (L/N) to Aunt May's apartment so she has somewhere to stay. Peter, could you come with me real quick?" Tony's voice boomed as he rose from his seat, turning and walking back out to the parking lot and standing by his car. I gave the two boys rather confused expressions.

"Peter, what's going on?" I begged, wanting to understand the situation. But Peter just shook his head, his fact still red.

"Mr. Stark is correct. You need to go to my apartment and stay with Aunt May. I'll be home later and I'll try to explain everything," Peter swore to me as I carefully nodded, not sure if he was being totally truthful with me. But I wasn't in a position to openly question him right now.

"Ned, make sure she gets to my place. And safely," Peter explained, which seemed like an odd thing to say. But there was a lot going on right now that I couldn't question. I didn't even know where to begin asking questions, if we're bring completely honest.

  After stating that, Peter was quick to walk out the door of the café, finding his way to Tony Stark's bright orange Audi. He climbed into the passenger seat and the car pulled out of the lot.

  I looked over to Ned, who seemed equally as nervous as I felt. He gave me a wavering smile, attempting to comfort me, even though he seemed shaken up about the interaction with Tony Stark.

"C'mon. We need to head for May's," Ned spoke gingerly as I nodded, the two of us standing up and heading out the door, beginning the walk to Peter's apartment complex.

[Peter's POV]

"How did they know about her, Mr. Stark? Even you didn't know about her..." I murmured softly as we sped down the streets. Tony shook his head slowly, his mind seeming to be swamped with questions.

"I have no clue, Peter. All I know is that Hydra took her sister in order to get you upset," Tony explained to me, his voice stern as I shook my head, watching us pull out onto another street. We were making our way towards (Y/N)'s apartment. I suppose we were going to be doing an investigation of our own.

"And, to think, I actually believed you when you said she wasn't your girlfriend," Tony spoke, his tone just as serious as it had been a moment ago. However, his words leaked with sarcasm. And I was only capable of rolling my eyes at his comment.

"She isn't. I swear. I mean--"

"You wish that she was, though. And, I have no clue how, but they found that out," Tony continued to lecture me as I exhaled a shaky sigh, placing my head in my hands.

"Now you have to tell her. Because we're going to need her help if we're going to find her sister," Tony added, which made me slowly nod.

  I was hesitant to tell her. I've had a crush on (Y/N) since we were children, but I didn't want her to like me romantically simply because I was a superhero. I wanted her to genuinely like me for who I really was. But, now that her safety was being threatened, I knew I had no choice.

"I know..." I murmured as Tony sighed, sensing my distress. He glanced over at me when we halted at a stoplight.

"She's pretty. And she seems nice," Tony spoke as I lightly laughed and nodded.

"Actually, she's literally the most beautiful and kindhearted person I've ever met in my life. And I've known her since we were toddlers," I explained gently to him, watching him look over at me with a weak smile.

"Don't you kids have prom coming up? Why haven't you asked her yet?" Tony spoke up next as I exhaled a defeated sigh and shook my head.

"She'd never say yes. I know she wouldn't. She's in the loop with the popular kids. So I'm sure she's already got a date. And, based on the way that Flash looks at her, I'd say she probably deals with enough people wanting to be her boyfriend," I explained softly, my words slow and my heart aching more and more with each sentence. But it was the harsh reality of the situation.

"I don't know, Kid. She's kept you around for all these years and still seems to confide herself in you. Don't be so hard on yourself," Tony explained to me in a reassuring tone. By the time our conversation had ended, we had pulled into the parking lot of (Y/N)'s apartment complex.

  After a short conversation with the police, Tony and I were allowed into the building. Sure enough, it was (Y/N)'s apartment that they were searching inside of. Upon entry, it was clear as to why. And suddenly I was glad that they hadn't let (Y/N) in here.

  The entire apartment had been torn apart. It was a rather obvious sign of a struggle. Everything had been taped off and there was blood all over the walls and in the carpet. My heart was aching within my chest as I attempted to understand what all of this meant. Other than the fact that (Y/N)'s sister, (Sister/N), was in trouble.

"Mr. Stark, you know Spiderman, correct?" One of the officers spoke up, which caused Tony and I to both look over at the individual who has spoken up to us.

"Yes, I do. Was something left for him?" Tony asked as the officer nodded, leading the two of us into one of the bedrooms within the apartment. Glancing around the room, I was able to tell that this was (Y/N)'s room, due to the fact that some of our textbooks were on the floor and there were pictures of her and Liz on a cork board. However, on her nightstand was a framed image of her and I when we were younger. I weakly smiled when I noticed that photograph.

"This is addressed to Spiderman. We haven't moved it, of course. We'll get some crime scene pictures of it and then you're more than welcome to deliver it to him," The officer spoke, motioning to a single sheet of paper that was placed on the desk. I was quick to approach the officer, peering at the desk and beginning to read off the paper that had been left for me.

     I'm sure you already know who we are. After all, the identity of our organization was never meant to be kept a secret. However, we need some information from you. And you'd better show up and share, otherwise Miss (Y/N)'s life might be on the line. If you ever want to see her again, you'd be wise enough to show up. The address is the location of her childhood home. We will see you there.
          - HYDRA

  One thing was clear. Tony and I were both able to tell, and we had both picked up on it rather quickly. My heart raced faster and faster as I felt tears prick at my eyes.

  They'd gotten the wrong girl...

[(Y/N)'s POV]

  Aunt May was rather excited to see both Ned and I. But she didn't quite understand why Peter wasn't with us. And I was right there with her. I had no clue what was going on, but Ned seemed to know more than he was letting on. He was acting rather suspiciously.

"We're going to wait for Peter in his room, Aunt May," Ned called as May smiled sweetly and nodded.

"Of course! And think about where you would all like to eat at for dinner. After all, the two of you are like my other children," She beamed with excitement as I weakly smiled. Just hearing her say that was rather heartwarming.

  The two of us walked into Peter's room, and Ned was quick to shut the door behind us. He walked to the window next, making sure it was unlocked. That, in it of itself, caused me to arch an eyebrow.

"Okay, what the hell is going on? You and Peter have been acting strange all afternoon. Then Tony Stark shows up and just starts casually conversing with the two of you? None of this makes any sense," I murmured as Ned sighed and nodded.

"I know. But, I promise, as soon as Peter gets back, we'll explain everything," Ned swore as I slowly nodded, wrapping my arms around myself and sitting down on Peter's bed. Ned, on the other hand, took a seat at the small desk that Peter had. And we sat in a rather uncomfortable silence.

  I couldn't stop thinking about the obscure events that had happened today. First, (S/N) goes missing, then Peter and Ned act strange, and then Tony Stark shows up? What on earth could any of this even mean?

  After about an hour, we both heard the front door to the apartment open. Quick footsteps thundered down the hallway until Peter's bedroom door swung open rather aggressively. Ned and I looked up with wide eyes, only to find Peter standing there, looking far beyond worried.

"It's about time. You had me worried sick," Ned spoke up rather quickly as Peter shut the door behind him. He turned and looked at the two of us with bewildered eyes. Then all of his attention funneled onto me.

"I know this is abrupt and sudden, but you're not going to be able to get back home tonight. There were a few more complications than we'd previously expected. What's your thoughts on going upstate?" Peter spoke as I blinked at him. There's no way that he was serious.

"Hold on. What the hell is going on? And how could you possibly know that I can't go back tonight?" I sputtered, not knowing which question to ask first. So many thoughts went through my mind, but it was to the point that I couldn't fully comprehend any of them.

"Peter, one thing at a time. You'll confuse her. Start from the beginning," Ned stated, his voice being the only one that was calm. Peter and I both seemed anxious.

"Right. Okay. I didn't want to have to tell you this, (Y/N), for your safety. But now I don't seem to have a choice. Um... I'm Spiderman," Peter claimed, his voice sounding rather timid and afraid. And I was just beginning to think that tonight couldn't have gotten any weirder.

  I blinked a couple of times at him, attempting to imagine my childhood best friend as a superhero. But I couldn't. It was almost as if my brain wouldn't let me. Then I began placing him in all of the dangerous situations that Spiderman has been in, and I felt my heart lurch in a painful manner.

"You're serious...?" I whispered so softly to him, still attempting to comprehend the information that he'd just given me. He only slowly nodded, walking over to his closet and digging through it for a moment. Then he turned around, showing me what he had found. Sure enough, it was Spiderman's suit.

"Oh my god..." I whispered so softly, tears pooling in my eyes as I remembered all the terrible and life threatening situations that Spiderman has been in. In reality, it was Peter Parker. He's just a teenager. And he's been put through so many traumatic experiences.

"Yeah. And, if you thought that was all the strange news I had, then you better think again. Um, Tony Stark is my mentor. He helps me become a better superhero and has even made my suits. That's why he showed up. As you heard at the café, Hydra has been attempting to cripple an Avenger's abilities and emotions. It was me that they selected. Mr. Stark was concerned," Peter kept talking, pacing the room anxiously as I sat on his bed and listened carefully. Though, this was so much information and I wasn't entirely sure how to process all of it.

"Now, that's where you tie into all of this. Um, Hydra took your sister. Tony and I went to investigate the apartment. Sure enough, there was a letter addressed to me and everything. Though, they didn't want (S/N). They thought they got you," Peter whispered, looking at me with so much sympathy.

  Suddenly, it was difficult to breathe properly. Hydra was a villainous organization that almost everyone knew of. And they took (S/N). They wanted me.

"Why would they want me? I'm not worth anything to them..." I breathed out so softly as Peter's cheeks went rosy pink.

"They want you because you're worth the world to me," Peter explained as I blushed. My heart raced as I thought about what all of this meant.

"Either way, their plan is still going to work because I have to go rescue (S/N)," Peter spoke as Ned abruptly shook his head.

"No, Peter, you can't. Not alone, anyways. Who knows what they'll do to you," Ned claimed, deciding to become the voice of reason. But I quickly nodded, completely agreeing with Ned's statement.

"That's besides the point. The point is, you can't go home, (Y/N). Not for a while, anyways. They know who you are and where you live. It's not safe for you there," Peter explained cautiously to me. I hesitantly nodded, not entirely sure what to think.

"What's upstate?" I asked him quietly as he exhaled a sigh.

"Avengers' Headquarters. And I swear it wasn't my idea. Tony wants you up there. He thinks you might be able to help us find (S/N). And I agree. Not for the same reasons, however. But I think you should be safe when you're living with majority of the Avengers," Peter carefully explained to me, sitting down next to me on his bed.

  His warm mocha eyes were consumed with worry and concern. I've been around this boy my whole life, so I could tell.

"Okay. I'll go upstate," I breathed out so quietly.

"I want to help in any way I can," I added, giving him a weak smile as Ned exhaled a shaky sigh.

"You'll miss prom," Ned spoke as I rolled my eyes.

"That's not even an issue. I never wanted to go, anyways. Plus, I believe helping find my sister is a bit more important than some dance," I explained to the two of them. They slowly nodded in understanding.

"When do we leave?" I asked quietly as Peter weakly smiled.

"Right now. Mr. Stark is still outside and waiting for us, actually," Peter explained with a nervous smile on his lips. I weakly smiled back at him and nodded.

"I have to head home. My mom will be worried," Ned spoke as the two of us both nodded to him. Ned and I left together, Peter explaining that he would have to speak with May before we left.

  Once we were outside, Ned began his walk back home, but not before hugging me goodbye and wishing me luck. As he left, I turned and spotted the fancy sports car that belonged to Tony Stark. Heading towards it, I watched the billionaire get out in order to greet me. He opened the door to the backseat of the car as a loud thud emerged in the space next to me. Jumping, I looked over to see Spiderman, er, Peter. It would still take some getting used to. I knew that much.

"C'mon. Get in," Peter spoke gently to me as I placed myself in the backseat, Peter getting in next to me. Once he'd slammed the door shut, he yanked off his mask, allowing his dark tufts of unruly hair to go everywhere. He smiled over at me.

  We sped off, no one speaking. Tony kept looking as though he wanted to say something, but Peter would give him pleading looks, and then neither of them would say anything. The drive to upstate was about an hour long. The silence almost seemed comforting to a certain degree, however.

  At some point, I felt Peter's hand brush up against mine, but I blushed and the two of us pulled our hands apart. He was furiously blushing as well.

"So, Miss (L/N), do you have a boyfriend?" Tony asked as my cheeks reddened a small bit.

"Um, no, I don't," I explained carefully to him, but he glanced back at me through the mirror. He seemed a bit confused.

"And why is that?" He asked next.

"Um, I don't know. I suppose that the boy that I like hasn't really... Shown much interest..." I whispered carefully as Tony nodded.

"Hmm, boys are stubborn. They're not all that great at picking up on hints. Pepper used to get mad and say she could've shouted at me that she was interested and I still wouldn't have understood," Tony joked with a small chuckle. I nodded, thinking through what Tony had said.

  Maybe he was right. Maybe Peter just didn't notice that I've been interested in him for years now.

  We arrived at the Headquarters a few minutes after that conversation, the three of us getting out of the car as I looked around, completely awestruck by the structure that we were now standing next to.

"Since we don't have guest bedrooms, you'll be staying in the room that we'd made for Peter. Don't worry, he doesn't live in it right now. He lives with May. We may have some clothes drifting around that you'll be able to wear. Tomorrow evening we'll have the meeting to make a plan to retrieve your sister," Tony explained to me as we made our way inside.

  There was an indoor training arena, the walls around it tall and made of glass. I looked inside, watching the Winter Soldier and Captain America practicing some moves on one another. Meanwhile, on the other side, Black Widow and Scarlett Witch had their own little training battle. When Captain America caught sight of the three of us, he was quick to disband their practice sessions and come out to meet up with us.

"Is this the girl?" Captain America asked as Tony looked back and rolled his eyes at the man.

"No, Steve. This is some random girl off the streets," Tony grumbled as Captain America exhaled a sigh, chasing after Tony.

"Tony, is she staying in Peter's room?" Steve had asked as Tony nodded. Then he pointed over at Peter.

"Kid, go show her the room she'll be staying in," Tony spoke up, as if he'd just remembered that the two of us were here with him. Peter nodded, motioning for me to follow after him. Therefore, I did so.

  The two of us ran up a set of stairs, finding our way into an area that was just full of doors. Each door had a name on it, like an office building. But Peter explained that these were the bedrooms. Once we'd made it to his, he opened the door and allowed me inside.

  The room was huge. Possibly bigger than my whole apartment. It had a lot of windows to let in natural lighting, though it was currently dark out. He had a king sized bed and lots of space. His large window even had a door so he could go out that way.

"Are you feeling okay?" Peter asked me as I weakly nodded, sitting down on the bed as he shut the door behind him.

"I guess..." I mumbled rather softly to him. He exhaled a sigh and rolled his eyes at me.

"I can tell you're lying to me," He spoke up rather confidently as I sighed, giving him a weak smile.

"Of course you can," I mumbled with a small laugh. I took another look around the room, my eyes catching on a photograph of Peter and I when we were little. In fact, I have that same image framed on my nightstand. I grinned weakly.

"Is this why... Why you stopped talking to me?" I murmured softly, which caused him to look at me with a sad expression and nod.

"I thought... You would be safer if you were farther away from me... As you can tell, I practically attract danger. Against my best judgement, something still managed to happen to you," Peter explained in a small voice as I nodded weakly, looking up at him with sad eyes.

  It took all of the courage within my body, but I finally had the guts to grab onto his hand. He looked at our hands, the two of us furiously blushing. He gave my hand a weak squeeze, which made me feel better.

"You'll be safe as long as you stay here. I don't know how Hydra found you, but I'm not risking them actually managing to get you. We'll get your sister back. After that, you might need to move. Clearly, Hydra has a spy. And until we find out who it is, it's not safe for you to go back to school or even go back to your apartment. If you need anything from there, you let me know," Peter explained to me as I slowly nodded, my heart racing in my chest as he squeezed my hand a bit tighter.

"Peter... Now that I know... Can you promise... Just, don't abandon me again. Losing my best friend was one of the hardest things I've ever gone through," I whispered so softly to him as he weakly smiled at me.

"(Y/N), now that you know, I don't have to hide anything from you anymore. And I swear I'll never abandon you again," He promised me as I nodded, squeezing his hand so tightly. I picked our hands up, pulling his hand into my chest and keeping it close to me.

  That promise was all I was going to survive on while I stayed here. I wasn't sure what I was going to do in the Avengers' Headquarters by myself, and I was a bit upset that he was going to leave. But I knew that he still had school to attend.

"I'll come by everyday. I'll bring school work to you while you're stuck up here. And I'll keep you company, of course," He explained to me with a small wink as I weakly laughed and felt my entire face warm up.

"Prom is tomorrow. Aren't you going to that?" I asked him as he shook his head.

"Why would I bother going if you're not going to be there?" He asked with a genuine smile, his cheeks rosy. I grinned gently, squeezing his hand as someone knocked at the door.

"You two aren't making out, are you? And if so, I apologize for interrupting," Tony Stark joked, opening up the door as the two of us furiously blushed from his statement.

"No. We're just talking," Peter explained as Tony rolled his eyes.

"You two are boring. Anyways, I have Aunt May on the phone wondering when you'll be home. How much longer?" Tony asked as Peter hummed.

"Tell her an hour," Peter spoke up as Tony nodded, pressing his phone to his ear and closing the door again.

"Don't you need to leave now, then?" I asked as Peter shook his head.

"Nope. Swinging home is faster than driving, believe it or not. Less traffic," He explained to me as I nodded in understanding.

  The two of us talked and began remising on when we were little and completely inseparable. And the two of us clearly missed those times. But we knew we couldn't go back. Only forwards.

  Eventually, our time ran out and he had to go. He gave me a tight hug before leaving. Once we were finished with the hug, I walked him over to the door that was in the window. He pushed it open, giving me a weak smile before pressing a small kiss to my cheek. Without another word, he swung away and left me standing in the door, completely dumbfounded.

  I closed the door and looked down at my feet, weakly smiling to myself. I was excited to see him again. Then we could work out where my sister was and who the Hydra spy was. But I had to wait before any of those problems would be solved.


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