Short Story 1 - First Impressions

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Shivaay seated himself on the chair smiling at the girl. He was used to this entire process. Her name was Anika. She looked prettier in person he thought to himself as he admired her almond shaped eyes lined in black. 

"Hi, Shivaay!" She greeted him smiling, no hesitation in her voice whatsoever. Shivaay was totally impressed. The other girls he had met before her were all so shy or weirdly smiley. 

"Hi!" He pressed a smile.

"What would you like to have?" She asked him as she waved her hand in air summoning the waiter. Woah. Definitely she was the dominant kind. 

"Espresso." He uttered sitting back in his chair folding his arms. His scrutinizing gaze ran over her while she ordered the coffee. "Anything to eat?" She asked. 

"None." He replied. Damn, he was bowled over by her confidence.

Once she had finished ordering she turned back to him. "So, tell me about yourself." She smiled flicking her hair behind. He noticed she had brownish black hair that perhaps would rest a little about her waist.

He could not believe that ever since he had entered the cafe she was taking the lead in everything. "Well, what do you want to know?" He asked casually staring at her eyes. The waiter came and placed their cups of coffee.

"Thank you." She smiled at the waiter and he happily nodded walking away. Shivaay was amused. 

"So, tell me what do you expect from your wife?" Anika asked sipping her cup of coffee.

"I don't have any expectations as such." He answered leaning over the table, placing his fingers on his cup.

"Really?" She mused aloud sipping coffee.

"Never mind. Let me tell you about myself. I love dancing, clubbing is my favorite thing to do over the weekend. I won't stop working even if I am paid double my salary which by the way is pretty handsome. I don't want kids, ever. I ..I can't cook. I definitely cannot wear saree. Not a fan either. Your turn!" She flashed a smile taking a sip of her coffee.

Shivaay was already bowled over by her attitude. "I love cooking."

"Lie." She interjected keeping her cup down.

He grinned. "Maybe I could invite you to dinner. You can be the judge!" He noticed how her smile dropped.

"I love sports. Swimming is my favorite. I hate dancing and loud music." He smiled.

"We don't match them." She pointed out taking her cup back into her hands.

"Too fast to judge." He said savoring the taste of the dark coffee. 

"I am not a virgin." She blurted out and he stared at her observantly.

"That's okay. I have had my share of fun too!" He smiled, only to be responded with her stare.

"What? I don't have on going flings at the moment." He chuckled. 

"I drink." She stated carefully observing his face. 

"Hope that's not 24x7. " he looked up at her and she nodded in a negative.

"What's your favorite? Lemme guess...Vodka?" His eyes shine as he looked at her. She smiled nodding, "you gotcha! Yours?" Her eyes looked at him carefully yet again. He like how she met his eyes squarely.


"Seriously?" She muttered raising her brow.

"We all have our preferences!" He grinned. 

"I don't like staying at home generally.  I like socializing." 

He nodded. "I hate that. I like being home."

"We are like opposites."

"And they say opposites attract." He replied, his voice husky as he leaned over the table. 

Anika leaned on the table staring at him. "Are you trying to flirt?" 

"What do you think?" He asked with his lips pulling up to form a smirk.

"I think," she spoke softly looking straight into his dazzling deep blue eyes, "that we shouldn't be drinking coffee."

His eyebrow twitched upward. "I think you're definitely flirting now."

"Really? Well, then, what's my score?" She asked her lips curving up. 

"Seven maybe," he shrugged glancing at his cup of coffee.

"You're a hard critic." She muttered as her finger twirled her hair.

"Just saying, you're giving all the wrong signs for a first meeting."

Anika grinned raising her cup to her lips and finished the contents. She licked he flips looking at him. "Tell me about the right signs." 

"Anika, you can do better than asking me." He muttered sitting back in his chair. 

"Why did you select me?" She asked raising her gaze up to his eyes.

"My mother liked you."

"Am I supposed to be marrying her?" She joked.

"Unfortunately not. She's already married to my dad. They're sort of still very much a thing you know." He replied with twinkling eyes.

Anika smiled, before she added, "what about you?"

"You looked nice, sexy even, in the picture." Anika answered confidently, "but in person not so much." She said giving him a once over.

"Wow. Was that a compliment or otherwise?"

"Whatever pleases you!" She answered and looked around.

"What kind of man would you want?"

"Sweet, caring, lovable, kind... am I supposed to say that?" She asked looking back at him.

"Hmm, how about trying, sexy, sarcastic, unapologetically himself?"

"Sounds good to me." She replied tapping her fingers on the table. He smiled picking up his cup to finish the remaining of black coffee.

"What are you up to after this?" She asked toying with the petals of the rose that stood inside the vase with a sleek mouth. 

"Umm, I have a virtual meeting with my team mate from work."

"Great, let's hangout after dinner tonight?" She spoke digging into her bag.

"You're pretty fast." He exclaimed surprised.

"I know. I don't like beating around the bush. See you later then!" She spoke slipping two hundred rupees into the bill book that the waiter had left on the table.

"Anika, you don't have to. Let me pay."

"Let me this time. You never know what the future holds." With that she winked and got to her feet. "Until we meet again."

Shivaay sat back in his chair smiling as he stared at he retreating figure. Slowly his smile faded. He hoped this time around she'd remember him for more than few hours. He brought out his engagement ring from his pocket and put it on back on his ring finger. He still had hope that one day his fiancee would overcome anterograde amnesia, and be able to make new memories again. Until, then he didn't mind repeatedly living the same day again with her different personalities having different conversations. He called his mother in law as he called her to inform her that she was heading home, as he walked out of the cafe. Just like he had been doing every day for the past four months. 

I was planning to write a short book on this concept. But, then I am not sure with all the running books and drafts if that time will ever come. Hence, a one shot.

Would love to know your thoughts.


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