Short Story 4 - What The Heart Knows

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I had asked for prompts earlier today (technically yesterday, since it's already 1am now). And one person gave me the writing kick I had been longing. I absolutely love this OS, one of the best I have written perhaps. Letting you all be the judge.

Thank you ArchanaAT


Anika smiled as she waved at him. He blew his customary kiss her way and she caught it in her fist, gently kissing it. It was their thing. She shut the door when his car drove away. She made her way to the room and picked up the towel which he had as usual placed on the bed. After thirty minutes she settled at her desk and brought out her manuscript. It was her fourth book in making. She smiled as she revised the last chapter she had written. It was the one where Veer her male protagonist confesses her feelings for Harleen his lady love. She smiled throughout the read. At times she couldn't believe she wrote them.

"Harleen, what do you think about the future..?" Veer questioned as they walked down to the lake located near the rear exit of their university. The last two hours had been declared as free owing to the absence of the subject teacher.

"A loving husband, a loving family and a descent job." Harleen stated looking away at the sky which was clear today unlike the last few days.

"That's some clarity. I can't believe though, that you would confess you want a future like that. I mean girls today, have bigger dreams and ambitions. No one wants anything that simple."

"We all want something we know we can't have or something we've never had." She stated lost in her thoughts. He stared at her stopping in track while she continued slowly etching her way forward. 

"You don't think you may have all of that?"

"No silly! I want all that." Harleen spoke glancing at her best friend.

"But then you just said we all want things that we think we can never get."

"Umm, that is for others not me." Harleen spoke realizing that she had said that aloud 

The buzz of her phone brought her out of the fictional world she had created. She smiled opening the message from her dearest husband. "Riya gave birth to a baby boy. Let's meet her in the evening?"

"Sure thing. I will arrange for gifts. You just make it in time." She typed.

"Done. Will be at home by four." He typed smiling. He loved texting her. He never thought he could enjoy reading something that someone wrote so much. But that was it. He loved anything she wrote. He was totally an antifan of romance but her books, he could read them again and again.

"Tell me you are done with the next chapter. I can't wait to read it." He typed. 

"I knew it. No wonder these papers smell of you. I told you to keep away from them." She typed, smiling to herself.

"Guilty as charged, wifey!" He typed following it with a kissing heart smiley. 

"Focus on your work and let me focus on mine." She typed grinning.

He placed his phone away and did as she ordered. He glanced at the calendar. A week more and it would be there third wedding anniversary. His heart warmed at the thought of it. He couldn't imagine a life without her. 

Anika turned to her pages trying to focus. But her focus was lost. She couldn't stop thinking about him, about them. She put the pages back and headed up to terrace. She sat in the shade looking at the sky. There were clouds, small light ones. She loved staring at them. It would be three years to their marriage. A lone tear slipped down her eye. Three years. She bit her lower lip to not break into sobs. He was like this wonderful thing that happened to her. She was living outside her head also. Unlike before,  where she only lived in her head. Being a writer had it's own perks and it's dark shades.

* * *

She opened the door and flashed her watch before him. "I know I am late, by ten minutes, give me ten minutes and I will freshen up." He spoke quickly kissing her cheek briefly and running to his room. She shook her head and headed to the kitchen knowing that he wouldn't leave until he got his cup of coffee.

* * *

They entered the house after having dinner at their favorite restuarant. "Do you miss Mom?" He asked as she turned after placing the keys. She nodded. "It's been a day and seems like she has been away for a while doesn't it." He smiled approaching her. He snaked his arm around her waist and pulled her closer, nuzzling into her hair. Her breath was labored, heartbeat erratic and her hands found their way around him. She pressed her lips against his cheek. Her emotions overpowered and tear rolled down her cheek. 

He pulled away feeling moisture over his cheek. "Anika?" He cupper her face but her eyes refused to meet his. They shied under his gaze. "Is everything okay?" He asked and then quickly hugged her. She responded hugging him back. It wasn't a bear like hug, it was a bone crushing one. Shivaay kissed her hair, as worry began to surface over his thinking. He had noticed it from a week. Something was off. He didn't want to prove scared that he might upset her. 

He pulled apart cupping her face. "Look at me." He ordered and steadily her eyelids pulled up and their gazes locked. He stared at her. He refused to question her with words. Another tear slipped down her cheek and he stared at her helpless. At times it was hard. Hard to know what she felt, what her heart held, what was causing her pain. She held his hand and led him to the room. Reaching to her study desk, she frantically searched for something. Finding it she walked up to him. He took the letter from her hand as she stared at him. 

He swallowed the lump of anxiety that had formed in his throat and began to read it, aloud.

"Dear Shivaay,

It's going to be three years to our marriage. It feels like it was  only yesterday that we met. I don't know how you fell for me. It still surprises me. Our interactions were minimum, I was just a paying guest at your home who preferred living in a world of her very own. It was worrisome and yet heartwarming that you understood me without me having to spell out. No one ever understood. 

Three years Shivaay. I am scared. Scared of what next. Scared of the "what ifs". Scared. Very very scared. It's endearing to fall in love. But that's not enough right? How can it be so? I feel like I have held you back Shivaay. Held you back from things in life. I am sure you would have many wishes that will never come true because of me. 

I know you love me...and love me a lot. More than I ever wished for. But, Shivaay,  I love you too. How I wish that just once I could say that to you! You understood my "I love you too" without me having to say it. But, now... its not enough for me. I want to say your name just like you say mine. Again and again. For every little thing. I thought eventually everything will fall in place and life would be perfect. 

Three years, Shivaay and it isn't happening. Nothing is perfect. The longing to be able to say something is killing me inside. I want to scream at you when you leave your wet towel on the bed. I want to grumble when you come late. I want to moan your name when you love me. I want to tell you in words how much I love you. I want to sing with you Shivaay. I want my words to reach your ears. 

All this makes me realize how much I am keeping you back from. I love when you take my name time and again. However, I deprive you of that feeling. I love it when you speak my thoughts. I love it when you say I love you. And I deprive you of it all. 

Tears fell on the letter smudging the ink. He looked up at her his lips pressed in a thin line to hold back the sobs. She sniffed wiping her endless tears. Raising her hand she put it to her heart. Telling him that she didn't want this. He didn't say a word. He loved her the way she was. Yes, at times he did want to be able to hear her voice. Hear his name from her. Hear anything from her. But not more than how much he loved her for who she was. He glanced at the letter that was yet incomplete. He placed it on the table and stepped closer to her. She moved back nodding her head in a negative. 

He held her hand pulling her close and hugged her with all his life. She sobbed. He made her sit and knelt before her. 

"Your words don't reach my ears Anika, but they do reach my heart. I know it's hard..I can feel your struggle. That battle you go through every day. I may not know how hard it is, but I understand it's not easy. I know there are times when you want to scream your feelings out but you can't.  You're not keeping me away from anything Anika, you're keeping me close to something that is so precious so I have never felt so blessed Anika. I see you and ...I just know." He shrugged. "I don't know how,  but I can feel your thoughts, understand your struggles and feel the immense love you hold in your heart for me. I wouldn't want it any other way." He bit his lower lip to keep from crying.

"I want a promise Anika..please. just one promise....Never leave me. I will break..badly. please." He broke into cries lowering his forehead against her hands. She closed her eyes letting the stinging tears leave her eyes. 

Love was supposed to be heal, then why so much pain?

It may have not turned out to be exactly your plot @ArchanaAT but, I really hope you liked it. 

Dear Readers, do let me know your thoughts on this OS!♡

Also do let me know,Which is your favorite One Shot among the ones I have written?


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