➳ Simply Irresistible

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Rated : Slightly Mature 

It's always hard to keep things hidden especially when it's love. She's his senior at work. Through meetings, presentations and walks to the parking lot the two fall for each other. None has the courage to confess. But each knows something's there on the other side as well. What happens when they try to explore?

* * *

Anika looked around, he hadn't come yet. She adjusted her top and ran her hands through her hair. She didn't know how far they'd be able to go pretending to be immune to the attraction and fake to have no interest in the other.

"Hi!" She almost gasped at the sudden sharp voice. It was his. When did he even come? She wondered smiling to herself.

"Fuck you Shivaay!" She muttered relaxing the beat of her heart.

"Here?" He asked with a mischievous glint in his eyes looking around the empty parking lot. Can he not make this hard for her by being an irresistible flirt? She wondered if he did it on purpose.

"Shut up. Let's go." She ordered walking towards the lift lobby. "I hope you reviewed the final presentation. This deal is important. Nothing can go wrong, okay?"

"Yes Boss." He answered entering the elevator behind her. She smiled nodding her head.

As he turned, her eyes scanned over him. He usually wore checkered shirts with denims to work. But today for the meeting he had put on a suit. He looked handsome as ever. But she preferred his usual look. His blue eyes met hers and he smiled. His pants were definitely a good fit. Anika closed her eyes momentarily. She had no clue how he managed to get her mind in the gutter at any time of the day.

She walked out taking in a deep breath. Her dad would be unhappy if she didn't get this project in hand. Her father could be really hard to please. But, she had grown to learn to please her father and meet his expectations. That's why she had tagged Shivaay along. He was excellent at talking to people. His quick wit and marketing knowledge would be the perfect to get the clients to invest in them.

As Shivaay follower her trail, he couldn't help but focus on the swing of her hips as she moved ahead of him in her tight fitted skirt. She was a wonderful woman. Independent, self sufficient, smart, bold and an excellent bussinesswoman.

But what he liked about her, the things that attracted him to her was what she was beyond that businesswoman. The woman who was thoughtful, who secretly read romance novels between meetings, who always offered food to him, who was sweet and had the most beautiful smile. He had been working "with" her, as she liked to call it, for past two years. He had gradually fallen for her. He had an idea that she liked him too. It was the stupid professional relationship between them that was the hurdle. If anything, he knew her work meant everything to her. In all honesty, he lived working with her. He wouldn't want to give it up.

So here they were stuck in an awful space between professional and personal liking. Shivaay's mother had started looking for a suitable bride for him. He had started upping his game, he flirted a lot more with her. She always laughed it off. He dropped all the hints he could to give her the signal that he was more than interested in her. But she just pretended to not catch any of it. He had gone from friendly to flirty at the speed of light. And she still showed no difference. He was scared of her rejection, that kept him from confessing to her what he felt about her.

"Shivaay?" She turned. With narrowed eyes she looked at him, "all okay?"

He looked up at her deep brown eyes. He wondered how she always knew when there was a conflict going on in his mind. "Yeah!" He answered, taking long strides to reach her side.

She looked at him with uncertainty. He passed her a reassuring smile. She nodded and started walking again. This time he met her steps. If anyone saw them they'd easily mistake them for a couple. That was how good they were at understanding each other.

They entered the meeting room to be greeted by the members from the other company. "Shivaay!" Said a voice with surprise.

Anika quickly turned to look at him. He looked up and realized it was his classmate from college. He couldn't recollect her name. He knew it started from the alphabet 'S' because her roll number used to be somewhere after his.

"Oh, Hi!" Shivaay smiled still racking his brain to recollect her name.

"Uh, do you know her?" Anika asked looking at Shivaay.

"Yeah, she was my classmate." Shivaay answered. He quickly wished the other man in the room, "Good morning, Mr. Prasad!"

The man smiled. "A very good morning Mr. Oberoi!" He shook his hand. "Good to see you again, Anika!" The older man greeted Anika.

"Same here!" She greeted with a formal smile. "And you must be.." Anika wondered who the woman was.

"She's my new team architect, Sheetal. She's filling in for Mohan today. Mohan has some family emergency."

"Oh! I hope nothing serious," Anika asked.

"No, no. Just some good news might be on way for him. He is going to be a father to a other little one." Mr. Prasad added.

Anika smiled noticing that Sheetal's eyes drifted to Shivaay time and again. What bothered her more was Shivaay was also time and again smiling at her.

* * *

Some seventy minutes later Anika walked out of the meeting room guiding Mr. Prasad out. The deal was sealed and she definitely had to give most of the credit to Shivaay. Sheetal had distracted Anika considerably. Only Anika knew how she refrained from calling out to Sheetal to stop eye stripping Shivaay.

She heard Shivaay and Sheetal laugh and talk and her blood boiled. She felt bile rise up and her blood boil. Was this what jealousy felt like? Hell, Shivaay wasn't even hers to be jealous. She glanced back at them over her shoulder, very quickly. They were standing side by side laughing at something. She quickly pasted he smil on her face.

"Boss, can I take a coffee break?" Shivaay asked softly so that it was audible just for her. "Just a little catch up with Sheetal. Anyway it's a Saturday."

"Sure!" Anika answered in the blink of an eye with a smile. She quickly turned around and marched towards her office. This was going to be her life - being stuck in the office room while all the great guys specifically Shivaay took other women out for coffee. It sucked to be a successful woman working at the top of the office hierarchy.

* * *

Anika looked up hearing the knock on her door. Shivaay entered with a smile. "What's up?" He asked sitting on the chair across the table.

"Nothing much." Anika muttered. "How was your coffee date?"

"Date? Seriously?" He chukled. "It was just a friendly catch up. It's been a while, I haven't really kept in touch with any of my classmates." No matter how much she admired his smile, she still wanted to pull it down because this one was spread put because of Sheetal.

"Okay. I want to be alone." She said looking back at the file when her phone rang. She glanced at the display screen at the same time as him. It was her father. She pressed a button enabling the speaker mode on.

"Hi Paa!"

"Congratulations! Mr. Prasad called me a few minutes back. He was full of compliments and appreciation. Am proud of you, my girl!" Anika smiled hearing the words of her father. She glanced up to find a smile on his face as well.

"Thanks Paa!"

"And you are not writing a bonus cheque to Shivaay this time," he added. Anika's smile dropped and her eyes met Shivaay's. "Because I am going to write him one. That man is brilliant. Mr. Prasad also was very pleased with his work."

Anika's smile was back up and so was Shivaay's. He winked at her and she rolled her eyes. "I have a surprise for you open your mailbox." Her fathe rfirther added.

Puzzled Anika quickly turned her chair and hit a few key on her keyboard. "It's an itinerary with hotel informations," she read frowning. "Andaman and Nicobar Islands." She read.

She hear her father chukle. "Yes, that's your gift. A holiday. Let me know the number a d details of friends you'd want to take along. I will have all the bookings made."

"Paa," before she could say anything he cute her off, "You deserve it Shona. Take a break and treat yourself."

Anika smiled. Her father could be so thoughtful at times that he overwhelmed her. The islands had been on her travel bucket list since a long time now. "Thank you!"

Once the call ended she looked up at him. "Congratulations!" He grinned.

"Too you to, Shivaay!" She smiled. "You really did a good job."

"Thanks! Now, tell me why your mood is so sour despite having everything go smoothly. Even during the meeting you seemed a little off. I had to present the slides that your were supposed to take."

Anika stared at him. Yes, she was absent minded in there. Sheetal was a big distraction. "I know. I wanted you to present those as well." That was partially true.

"Why?" He asked puzzled.

"Because Mr. Prasad likes you. He barely remembers names, but he remembered yours Mr. Oberoi. Plus, you kind of had a good flow, I didn't want that to break."

He looked at her unconvinced, "well, if you say so." He looked around for a bit and then back at her. "Let's go celebrate. It's a Saturday anyway...not even a working day. Why are you stuck here?"

"I want to be here!" Anika spoke not meeting his eyes. She was just upset because she knew she'd never be able to tell him that she liked him. There was a lot on the line. She didn't even know what she wanted from her life.

"Mind of I use the computer?" He asked suddenly. "Just a little thing I forgot.." he added.

"Sure!" Anika muttered turning the screen towards him. He grabbed the mouse and his attention was on the screen. Anika's gaze settled on him. The thought that eventually he'd settle for some other girl, who'd be his girlfriend or wife didn't settle well in her mind. At first it was just a liking. But now it was way more than that. She loved him. She was crazily attracted to him. She cared for him. She wanted to be around him all the time. She wanted to be the only one he flirted with. She wanted to be the one he shared his secrets, his feelings and his thoughts with.

"Done. Now, coming back to your mood. Tell me what's wrong?"

"Shivaay, please. Go enjoy your Saturday I am going to be here for a while." She got up from her chair and turned around to the shelf behind. There were a few files that she had to review.

Shivaay got up from his chair and walked around the table. He removed his coat and hung it on her chair. "I am here too. Tell me what are we working on."

Anika sighed turned around to find him leaning against jer mahogany desk. Her eyes took quick note of his missing coat. Her eyes stared at his abdomen. Had he been working out or something? Maybe it was the shirt that made the difference. The usual shirts he wore were generally dark shades and thick material. The white shirt he wore currently was thinner perhaps. Yes, thay made sense. Jer eyes drifted up his abdomen to the chest and finally to his face. She tried not to wonder how it would feel to have her hands run over what her eyes had just run over.

"Why are you so adamant on working today?" She muttered placing the files on the desk standing next to him.

She turned her head to find him staring at her. Anika's eyes drifted down to his lips. It wasn't a good idea to be so close to him. She could literally drown in his scent.

"I think it's time we talk about it." He said in a composed calm voice, folding his arms.

"About what?" Anika muttered looking away.

"There's a lot Anika. Where do you want to start?"

"Which project are you talking about?" Anika asked panicking. Was he actually talking about the...whatever it was... between them?

"You were jealous, weren't you?" He asked. She hated how calm he sounded talking about it.

"Why would I be jealous?" She asked, giving him the expression that he had said the most ridiculous thing ever.

He held her wrist when she was.about to walk back to the shelf and pretend to be looking for something. Her gaze dropped to her wirst where his fingers had firmly circled. She looked up at him. His eyes shone as bright as lightning. "You're beating around the bush!"

She used her free hand to peel his hand off hers. "Look, I really don't know what you're saying."

"At least look at me Anika!" He muttered behind her. Anika closed her eyes. She didn't want to hurt him or lose him. But she didn't know if there would be anything between them.

She glanced back at him over her shoulder. "What!" She said as dryly as she could.

"Okay, I am out." He muttered straightening up. "You definitely need to be alone." He muttered under his breath.

Anika's heart jumped up at that. She didn't want him to leave. She definitely didn't want him to distance himself from her. "Shivaay!" She called walking after him.

He suddenly turned and stepped closer to her. He trapped her between the table and himself, placing his hands on either side of her. He stared right into her eyes.

Anika didn't know if she was right, but she saw anger in his beautiful orbs.

"I can't avoid it anymore, Anika." He spoke leaning closer.

"Shivaay!" She muttered cautiously. "Please...,"

"I had a crush on you the first time I load my eyes on you. But I don't know when it started complicating. You mess with my head all the time. Just like you're doing now." He said glancing at her lips with a growing longing to kiss them.

Anika was clean bowled. Up until now she knew she had the upper hand because she was the calm composed one among the two of them. But right now, she was jelly in his hand. Her body was hot and her heart had just been seduced by his sweet words.

She stared into his eyes and before she knew he had placed his lips against hers. Anika welcomed him parting her lips. His hands cupped her face, arching it slightly backwards so that he could deepen the kiss. Anika moaned as he bit her lower lips at one point. His mouth was hot against hers. Anika was reduced to a hot spring.

His hands reached her waist and moved up and down on her tight fitting skirt. She felt his hands go back to her hips. She gasped as his grip tightened. She pulled back staring at him. He met her eyes. There was raw hunger written in caps on his face - hunger for her. This was a lost battle for Anika, cause she loved every second of being so close to him. She fisted a handful of his hair and pulled him close again. She needed to kiss him. Their tongues were violently moving against each other.

Anika gasped when his lower body pressed against her causing her back press against the table. Their kiss was broken with discomfort. His hands quickly grabbed her waist picking her up and then settling her on the table. He looked into her eyes and dragged her face closer to his. Once again their mouths were locked in a passionate make out.

His hands desperately reached her knees trying to part them to stand between them, closer to her. He broke this kiss when that didn't happen and she only squirmed in discomfort.

He looked down and realised it was the stupid tight skirt that wouldn't let her legs part. He glanced up at her. Her hands were on his shoulder for support and she was breathing hard. He notice that her perfect bun now hung loose. He didn't even realize when he had actually pulled on it. His hands reached the clip that held her hair together still, albeit in a very messy manner. He gently ran his fingers through her now open hair. There were very few times he had actually seen her with open hair. He liked them open. He titled his head and kissed her jaw. He didn't know why he was going so rogue after holding on to his control for so long. He just needed to feel her everywhere.

She took in a sharp inhale as he nibbled at her jaw moving down. She knew it was best to stop him and talk it out first. But only a mad woman would keep herself from this beautiful feeling. She felt his fingers unbutton the first two buttons of her black silk shirt. He glanced at her as though looking for any sign of disapproval. Then like a man at war he hurriedly went down nibbling at her skin. Anika pressed her lips together. It was like one of her wet dreams was coming true. She had lost count of the times when she fancied this - Shivaay having his way with her right in her office.

"Oww.!" Anika groaned when his teeth sank into her skin at her collarbone.

"Sorry!" He muttered sheepishly looking up at her dazed.

She stared back into his eyes. "You're driving me crazy."

A small smile made to the corner of his lips.

She grabbed his collar pulling him closer. "Is this right?" She whispered, her lips barely an inch away from his. "I like you more than I should!" She mumbled softly nuzzling against his stubble. "I was jealous. Very jealous of Sheetal." She confessed kissing his cheek. "I have never wanted a man like I want you." She revealed, whispering into his ear.

"We are even then," he replied nuzzling into the column of her neck while his hands caressed her thighs.

"I don't know if this right, Shivaay!" She said in a soft feeble voice wrapping both her hands around him. Her face resting on his shoulder.

Shivaay took in deep breaths. The attraction they had for each other had totally overpowered. Only he knew how desperately he wanted to tear away her clothes and do away with all the tension between their bodies.

"We should talk first," he finally said it. He didn't want to talk. He knew what she felt for him was more than liking. He knew she was the one woman he'd like to wake up next to and fall asleep with. He knew he was hopelessly in love with Anika so much that it had started hurting.

"But I don't what to say!" Anika replied loving the closeness.

"What do you want Anika?" He asked growing impatient. The tent in his pants didn't help.

"You!" She answered without a second thought.

"Dammit!" He muttered under his breath as he felt his pulse quicken and twitch in his pants hearing that.

She smiled having an idea that ot was a positive response. She pulled away and sat up straight staring at him. She was nervous for a bit under his intense lustful gaze. She was so going to burn in his heat. Weirdly, that excited her.

He stepped away, holding her hand. She looked at him baffled. "Get off that table!" He ordered causing her to shudder. That dominance in his voice surprised her. Nonetheless, she did as she was told.

He turned her around and before she knew he was unzipping her skirt. Shit! This was getting very real. She had boldly said she wanted him and that was true. But...this was big blow.

"Shivaay!" She uttered, turning around with panic.

He smirked, "tired of playing bold?" He leaned forward.

Anika instinctively arched back. He was messing with her mind now. She gazed at him. Her cheeks were flushed and she could feel sweat trickle down her back.

"As much as I really want you right now, I want our first to be special." He smiled as the pads of his fingers caressed the length of her face.

She smiled relieved a little and then the smile disappeared as soon as it came as his words settled. She licked her dry lips in nervousness.

He was watching her like a hawk. She looked away unable to meet that gaze. He took a step back and then another. Until he was standing against the wall. A pin drop silence filled the room.

Anika looked at him and then lowered her gaze. It was then that she noticed the bulge of his pants. Her cheeks flushed. Her mind began drifting into an alternate reality. What if he actually got rid of her skirt and that monster of his --

"Anika, stop!" He muttered. He had noticed how her cheeks had flushed after she had given him a glance. The way she bit onto her lower lip gave him an idea that her mind was upto some dirty thinking.

"I don't really know how to..."

He sighed, "I have an idea." Saying that he covered the distance between them and kissed her forehead. "Think everything over and then we'll talk." Saying that he reached the chair to get his coat. "Bye!" He mumbled softly.

Anika exhaled sharply, sitting down on the carpet. She should have kept quiet. She wondered if he was upset with her. Why did he have to go? Earlier she was proud she had decided to handle the situation with her mind instead of her body but now she hated herself for it. Her body craved for the touch of his lips. She closed her eyes reliving that moment again and again. She snapped her eyes open. She couldn't even imagine another man being so close to her. She grabbed her bag from the desk. She needed to go to him and tell him what she felt.

Her gaze fell on the mirror and she looked at herself scandalized. She literally looked like she had been ravaged. There was something she had learnt today. One that Shivaay would always be the Boss if they had a relationship and second he'd still be the guy who genuinely cared for her feelings over everything else. She wasn't going to lose any more time figuring out what would happen after. She quickly buttoned up her shirt and ran to the wash room to wash up and make herself presentable.

* * *

Anika wasn't sure of anything at the moment. She just knew that she needed to see him, talk to him and tell him what she felt. She had stopped by a shop to buy an informal dress. She had left her hair open. Bought a bouquet of red roses and even a ring. Maybe buying the ring was going overboard. But she didn't know what else to do. She rang the bell of the apartment taking a deep breath.

"Finally!" He muttered as soon as he opened the door. "Come on in!" He invited her walking in. Anika was baffled. Did he forget what happened between them? She walked in, gently closing the door. Maybe she should just walk out. And then her heart reminded her why she was here.

"Are you hungry?"

"No!" Anika answered feeling out of place in his studio apartment.

He glanced up at her switching off the flame. He walked up to her and stood before her. "Those are for me?" He asked looking at the bouquet. Anika hated how she felt in that moment.

"No. They are for my neighbor!" She muttered glancing away.

He smiled and stepped forward taking it anyway. "They smell good but you definitely smell better." He winked.

"Can you stop, Shivaay?" She muttered annoyed. "I am nervous and you're not helping."

"First times are always like that!" He spoke grinning.

She stared at him dumbstruck.

"No pun intended!" He added amusingly.

"Bye!" Anika muttered walking past him. He held her hand and pulled her to himself.

"Sorry! It's just that I am used to doing that with you. Do you want to talk?"

Anika pushed his hand away. "Close your eyes!" She ordered.

"What if I don't?" he challenged snaking his arms around her waist.

"Why are you being so annoying today?"

He grinned, "If I knew all I had to do is take another woman at coffee to get you to admit that you love me, I would have done it long ago."

Anika smiled.

"Why aren't you saying anything today?"

"Because you're being really cocky and flirty and talky." She answered.

"Okay, talk."

Anika looked at him nervously. She closed her eyes and listened to what her heart said and repeated it. "I love you" she uttered and opened her eyes wide.

"I love you too, Boss!" He smiled admiring how her eyes widened with happiness and lips curved into the best upward curve he had ever seen. "I thought.." he stoppe when he felt her take his hand in hers.

He blinked to make sure he saw right. She had slipped a ring into his ring finger. All the smugness drained away. He raised his hand to make sure he saw right. He looked at her with shock written on his face. He didn't expect that from her. Anika was a very cautious woman. She planned through everything she did.

"Anika...I.." he uttered still recovering from the shock.

"I only want you Shivaay. And I really don't want to lose you thinking and overthinking. I know this is stupid. But I can't really stop myself. I want you to be a constant in my life." She looked at him expectantly her heart thudding crazily.

"I. " he sighed unable to form words. He pulled her closer and seized her mouth.

Anika smiled agaisnt his lips.

Soon the kiss had turned into a teasing battle. She unbuttoned his shirt as quickly as she could having his tongue swirling in her mouth. He pushed her on the couch and straddled her. "Anika, stop. At this speed we're going to have babies by next month!"

Anika blushed trying to sit up.

"Let's do it the classic way?" He asked looking at her. "Marry me!"

Anika's jaw dropped at that.

"Hey, I don't mean right now. All I meant was... " he closed his eyes knowing he had taken it too fast.

"No way!" Anika muttered. "I need to know you're with the investment!" Anika teased with a wide grin spreading across her face.

"Okay Boss! Let me show you how good an investment I am going to be!" He mumbled before going down to nibble on her soft skin.

Minutes later, Anika was moaning his name as her hands clutched onto the bedsheet of his bed. "Shivaay, uh no!" She gasped as she released against his fingers. He just wouldn't stop those fingers of his which created havoc down south throwing her into an abyss of pleasure.

His tongue flicked across her neck. "What do you think? Worth your investment?"

Anika blushed but she wasn't going to give in. "Maybe!"

"Really Anika? Well time for round three then!" He muttered, as his fingers started picking up speed again.

"Shivaay, stop, please!" She mumbled climbing over him after a little struggle.

"You're not an investment Shivaay. You're the part of me which I had been incomplete without!"

He smiled kissing her cheek. "You have no clue how much I have wanted this - you in my arms!" She smiled and then he playfully added, "and on my bed!"

"You're a dirty man, Shivaay!" She giggled straddling him.

"Anika get off. I really want to wait till our marriage night."

"Didn't look like that when you were at my office!" Anika mumbled kissing the corner of his lips. She just couldn't have enough of him. Finally, her heart had got what it wished for.

"A man has his weaknesses." He mumbled.

"I don't understand..." anika said looking at him.

"You really want me to spell that out for you?" He asked unbelievably.

"I am not a mind reader." She replied.

"Your office looks just sets me on!" He mumbled.

Anika blushed and smiled, "how have you been a gentleman around then?"

He smiled tucking her loose strands of hair behind her ear. "Because I love you."

Anika smiled, "say that again!"

Shivaay's eyes filled with mischief, "For every time I say it I will be taking some really dirty favors from you!"

Anika turned crimson. "I am starting to not like you already."

Shivaay chukled pulling her into a hug.

I was not sure if I should make this one into a short story so I posted it as a one shot. 

I am guessing it would be pure fluff If i tried making this one into a story. 

Anyway, do share your thoughts and suggestions! :)


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