Fraction Of Seconds

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The chilly winter breeze caressed her cheeks letting the coldness spread through her nerves. She closed her eyes feeling the feathery touch of December wind, and for no reason it remembered her of him and a smile crept her face automatically.

She let out a sigh and fixed her gaze at the phosphorus, which stood alone in that vast sky tinted with red patches by the rising sun. She can't help but think about the similarity they shared, alone. (Phosphorus - planet Venus in its morning appearance)

She felt like everything in the sky following her with the moving bus. The melodies played in the bus, entered through her ears and reached her soul.

The newly raised sun spread its baby rays across the vast sky blessing the earthlings with its warmth and she enjoyed the sound of white frothy waves of blue sea hitting the rocks.

That's the specialty of coastal roads, the beauty of nature can be witnessed on its best at that road, in the southern tip of Indian subcontinent.

As she looked at the point where the three seas merge together, she badly wanted to be that water, at least then, she can merge with him forever.

Early morning travel, clear sky, chilly breeze and melodious music is more than enough to soothe a damaged soul, but not in her case. Not when she is returning to her home town after three long years.

She is currently in a stage where her mind no longer enjoy the music of a song but lyrics. Some say, music heels broken soul, but not in many cases, including hers. All that melodies does now is stirring the emotions she buried deep down in her heart.

When she fell in love she listened thousands of songs imaging them together and whenever she hear the same songs now, all she can feel is pain, unbearable pain.

She often wondered how she survived all these days with this pain and the answer is time. Time never heals the wound it caused in past but it teach us to live with that wounds. And she learned, learned to live with his memories and the pain it costs.

Whenever she closed her eyes, she can see him, his every features like she saw him just a few seconds back, even though it has been years. Like a stone statue shaped by the most talented shilpi, her mind shaped him in the stone of her memories, not to fade away with time, but to last forever.

Will they call her mad? If she told anyone that she is breathing with the help of fading memories of him which is recorded in her memory lane. Will they call her insane if she tell them that he left her alone of nowhere all of sudden, ending everything they ever shared? Let them call her mad then, that's not going to stop her from thinking of him.

He is someone special for her, like her mother, father and brother he is a part of herself. She felt no current passing through her body, no butterflies in her stomach, no Goosebumps when she saw him for the first time, the world no fiction too.

But she fell for him, gradually, gently. She fell in love for the first time and the person who made her heart skid is him, Rizhwan.

He is not a man of dreams, not a Disney prince, not a knight with shining armor, he is him. Just another man, with a bit more sense of humor.

Love, don't find reasons, does it? She can't find the reason for which she fell for him until now. It was like something beyond her understanding.

Her eyes wandered outside through the window as the bus slowed down at signal. Her heart skipped a best as her eyes came in conduct with eyes person standing in the bus stop for a fraction of second. She closed her eyes as her breathing became uneven all of sudden.

Her eyes welled up, her mind went blank and her whole body became numb. It was just a fraction of second and there are many random men around that bus stop, yet she can recognize him. This is why her love is not an infatuation or a mare attraction. She call feel him around as if he is a part of her soul.

She had no dare to look again, just to confirm it was him or not. She don't want to face any disappointments.

It was just a fraction of second, she saw his eyes and she can't stop herself from drowning in it. His eyes are the closest black hole, which has the capacity to suck her soul out within a blink of second.

She closed her eyes again, memorizing his figure she saw few seconds back again she wondered how she managed to observe this much of him in a fraction of second, maybe that's because of love.

"Did he saw me? Could he recognize me? Do he still remember me?" she can't help but wonder about all these things. Ignoring her thoughts she decided not to think about him. But she herself knows that, thinking about him not possible at all.

As she lean on the window, feeling the cruel wind that touches her soft skin, her mind dragged her into her memory lane where everything was picture perfect.

Her lips curved into a big smile, when she saw in his knees. "Rizhwan?" she asked puzzled, she has no words to say as she saw him like that. But her hands moved slowly and took that rose form his hand. He stood up and made her stand in front of him.

Taking her chin in his hand, he locked his eyes with hers. "I love you" he said, not a word more, but she can understand thousands of words with that look in his face. "Will you accept my proposal" he asked and like a bewitched person she nodded her head in positive.

Suddenly he took a step back and kneeled down again. She looked at him confused, her heart is skipping its beat every other time. He slowly removed her sandal and took her foot in his hand and took out something from his pockets.

Her eyes filled with tears when she saw him placing her foot in his knees and adored the second fingers of her toe with a beautiful toe ring. He did the same with her other foot and looked at her face from the same position.

"Allow me to be in your feet like these rings, love. That heaven is enough for me in this life" he said as she knelt down an hugged him

She was forced out of her thoughts when the bus jerked a she felt a slight change in angle but that was not powerful enough to distract her away from his thoughts. A huge sound reached her ears but not her mind

Like every other loved, even they believed that nothing can separate them, but in the end, they themselves are more than enough to end everything they ever shared.

She is not going to blame him or herself for their not lasting relationship. Both of them are at fault. She don't know about him but she can't move out of that maze called love even now. They shared a beautiful relation that's more beautiful than anything in this world and that itself is enough for her. At least in this life.

After all every cloud over there in sky is not supposed to turn into rain and reach the land, even he is another cloud in the sky above her. But he faded away into thin air, not reaching her as rain leaving the land of her heart to remain a desert forever.

She felt a sudden pain in her body like thousands of nails priced at her at once, yet again what pain a little thrones is going to cause when she is struck among the knives.

Her head felt heavy and she can feel her soul sucked out as the memory of that terrible day crossed her mind.

Her heart started to race all of sudden and a different sense crept her mind. She looked around and found him sitting near her. Her legs froze and she blinked twice to confirm his presence.

"Hi" he said and she smiled but no words escaped her mind. The time around her slowed down. That's what happened every single time. Einstein telling time being relative is proven to her only when he is around

She gave him a sweet smile and he smiled back revealing the hidden dimple in his cheeks. She loved that dimple in his face. That made him look too cute.

"Let's brake up" he said all of sudden and her mind was not ready to accept what her ears heard.

"I think I didn't heard you right Rizhwan" her voice broke when she uttered his name, her eyes welled up already.

"Let's end everything here, let's separate here" he continued to speak but her mind was not ready to resister anything that soon.

"Don't get struck at this point, try to move on" his words managed to reach her mind somehow, but her whole body is shivering already.

"No... I can't. I can't move away from you Rizhwan" a lone tear escaped her eyes.

"Without you I'm just a fish in land Rizhwan. Don't ask me to abandon water in order to live, because my heart will stop its beat of I did "she clutched her dupatta to control the pain in her heart.

"Then get evolved, but move on "he said and moved away but stopped when she held his hand.

"Tell me this then, will you ever regret for leaving me this broken here "she asked. She badly wanted answer for that question.

"Always" he said and she broke out in a bitter cry.

"Then why? Why are you doing this? Why are you burning me alive like this "she asked holding his collars.
"Because life is no fantasy to control on our wish" he said a tear escaped his eyes.

"Then, as you said if fate is not allowing us to be together, ask that fate of yours to grand me a wish. Ask it to write my end in your arms, let's see whether the fate of yours is true it not" she said and stormed off as she can't take that anymore.

The sound of many people shouting reached her ears and the ambulance sound made her mind insane. She tried to close her ears with her hands but can't feel them anymore. Blinking her eyes for another time, she looked around to find herself on the road among the broken wrenches of the bus she was traveling.

"Hey, hey are you okay" she felt someone patting her cheeks and that voice reached her soul. "trying hard she opened her eyes which refused to stay open." with that little vision of her she saw him standing before her, calling out her name, trying to lift her up.

She saw fear in his eyes, a worry and fear of losing the loved one is clearly evident in her eyes and that made her lips curve once again, even though that pain was unbearable. Fixing her eyes in his face she slowly closed her eyes as she felt her soul leaving her body slowly.

He waited for the bus as always in that crowded bus stop. A sudden wind that touched his skin made him shiver. And her fragrance that is always there in his mind is strangely in the air that day.

His eyes looked at the bus which passed him and he saw her sitting in the second seat. Suddenly she turned towards him and their eyes met for a fraction of a second. She turned her eyes away immediately but he fixed his gaze on her.

There is no day he didn't regret leaving her alone and at this instant he wanted to rush towards her and take her in his embrace. But who knows may be she is already married now and living a happy life with kids too.

When her parents blackmailed him with her life, he had no choice than walking out by himself. He knows that she can live even without him. She is that strong.

That's why he chose to leave her side, even though he knows that it is going to broke her into pieces, he chose that.

Suddenly the bus she was in started to move recklessly and his heart beat paused for a second. Within a blink of eyes the bus hit the nearby wall and the front side got crushed.

He ran towards that bus without minding anyone and the whole crowd did the same.

His breath became uneven and he felt hard to breathe anymore when he saw her feet with the toe ring he made her wear.

He fell down broken as he saw the metal and glass pieces over her and her trying hard to breathe. He hastily removed the metal and glass pieces from her and slowly took her out and she gave him a sweet smile. And a long fought tear escaped his eyes and touched her skin creating a burning sensation in her skin.

He lifted her in his arms and his soul broke into pieces as her lifeless body felt so light in his arms. He left her not to witness her like this and at last this happened anyhow.

'If fate is not allowing us to be together, ask that fate of yours to grand me a wish. Ask it to write my end in your arms, let's see whether the fate of yours is true or not' her words echoed in her mind.

In past he used fate to move out of her life, now that fate decided to play its game fulfilling her words.

"No... You can't just leave me like this" he kept murmuring hoping that his whispers to reach her.

He dragged a stool and placed it hear her bed, holding her hands and caressing her head. He smiled looking at his face, with a unbreakable determination to never her when she opens her eyes and to face every struggle together from now on, even if it's death.

Wiping his tears off he fixed his gaze at her face waiting for the fraction of a. Second in which she will open her eyes and smile at him.

Okay guys the last part is just for compromise as many don't want sad endings here. But you can imagine your own endings as you wish.

Toe rings - an ornament which, south Indian women wore in there second toe finger after their marriage.

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