Feelings [Bokuaka] 2/2 EN

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The next day, Akaashi awoke earlier than usual. He took the opportunity to prepare. Once he was done, he went down to the kitchen.

"Happy birthday, darling. Wished him his mother and father."

-Oh... thank you, mom. Thank you, dad.

"Come on, blow out your candles."

Akaashi executed and made a wish that he absolutely wished to see come true.

-Um... Keiji? His mother asked.


"What would you like for a present? So we'll give it to you tonight."

-Well... I thought long and hard about what I could ask you and...

Akaashi sat down at the table to begin his breakfast and discuss it quietly with his parents.

"I just want to..."

"Tell us, my darling, we will offer it to you. Encouraged his father."

-Just... accept my feelings for Bokuto...

There was a long silence in the kitchen.


-Yes mom... I am... gay...

"What are you waiting for?" asked his father.

Akaashi knew this was going to happen. He was going to be kicked out on his birthday. It was snowing outside. He picked the wrong time.


"What are you waiting for to tell him?"

"H...eh?!" said Akaashi, surprised.

"Yes. Go ahead. Tell him you love him."

- D... dad...

"Oh,you know, as long as you're happy, that's the most important thing to me."

"And I count for butter? Be careful. Protect yourself aboveall."

Akaashi became crimson.


-Oh, is our Keiji red? Would he be susceptible to that kind of remark?


"Hitori, can you bring me two eggs, darling? We can cook them on Keiji'scheeks. It'll give us a little less electricity to pay for."

"Dad, that's enough!"

-Oh look! Bokuto has just come out. You should quickly join him or he will wait a long time under this frigid cold.

"Leave me alone..."

Akaashi put on his coat, scarf and new gloves, then took his bag.

"Are you wearing new gloves? His mother pointed out. You had lost your old ones, didn't you? I was going to buy some for your birthday..."

"Yes, it's new... Bokuto bought them for me yesterday when we came home after...

"Well, more reason to thank him properly by giving him a kiss don't you think?"


"Haha, come on, I'm joking! See you tonight, Keiji.

-See you tonight.

Akaashi went to the door and turned back.

-And thank you.

-It's nothing, baby. You're our only son after all. We don't have anyone else to cherish or piss of.

Akaashi had a discreet honest smile, but it did not escape his parents.

-Ah! Hello Akaashi!

-Hello Bokuto. Are you okay?

"Fit and you?"

-Yes, great.


"So what?"

Bokuto probably wanted to ask him what it was like to have an extra year. Like every birthday.

-You still haven't been able to admit that I have destabilized you?

Akaashi was blushing.

"What are you talking about?"

Bokuto dangerously stepped forward to the youngest's face, who was unsure of surviving his frantic heartbeat. His breathing was more jerky.

-Bokuto... step back... please...

"And why, my little Akaashi?"

It was clear. Akaashi was afraid of this sneaky look of Bokuto. But it led him to love him even more. Damn heart.

-You... you are too close to me...

Without answering, Bokuto approached even more, to the point of touching their noses.

Bokuto also had his heart pounding. Deep down, he was afraid of getting arake.

Akaashi turned his head sharply and saw his parents staring at them through the window with their phone in their hands.

-Bokuto, let's go. We're going to be late.

"You are defeated."

"No, my parents were staring at us."


"Let's say... we talked about something and they don't want to give up on me with it."

"What did you tell them?"

-Nothing special.

By the way, speaking of special, Bokuto who was always excited to wish him his birthday had still not done it. It seemed odd to Akaashi. Even the day before it should have been as excited as a a lightning. Finally, more than usual.

-Say Bokuto?


"What day is it?"

- Wednesday. And yes, we have training tonight. You won't escape. Why?

- ...

So he had forgotten it. Bokuto had forgotten his birthday. All right. He was going to ignore him until he remember.



-Akaashi? What's wrong?

Still nothing.

"Akaaaaashi! Why are you so upset?"

Make your brain work. That's what the setter thought.

The day went on. During training, Akaashi did not make any tosses to Bokuto who was increasingly lost. All day Akaashi had not spoken to him. What did he do wrong?

After training, Akaashi changed quickly and hurried out.

-What did you do so that Akaashi doesn't even speak to you anymore? Asked Washio.

-I don't know...

- Wait... don't tell me that... Bokuto? Did Konoha.

- What?

"What day is it?"

-Wednesday why? And Akaashi also asked me the same question...

-We don't care a shit about Wednesdays, think about the date and go and join him. said Washio.

Bokuto was thinking while dressing up and wondered why December 5th was soimportant when it tilted.

"Oh shit... I'm an asshole!"

- Yes you are! Shouted Konoha.

Bokuto finished putting on his coat, took his bag, put on his gloves and stormed out of the academy.

He saw Akaashi in the distance slowly moving forward, with his head low and hands in his pockets. Bokuto entered the first interesting shop he found on the street and in just three minutes he came out with asmall bag.

Then he ran to join Akaashi.


Bokuto put his right hand on Akaashi's left shoulder, who was still turning back and catches up his breath.

- Hey Akaashi. Happy birthday!

Akaashi looked at Bokuto, then the bag he was handing him. Then Bokuto again. He noticed that he was not wearing his gloves.

- Bokuto... I... I thought you'd forgotten... thank you... and I'm sorry I made a such of big deal... and... what is it? You already bought me gloves yesterday...

- No Akaashi... please accept the gift... I completely forgot your birthday... it's the guys from the team who asked me to think about the date and I realized that at that moment... I'm really sorry...

Akaashi stared at Bokuto for a long time before putting his hand on Bokuto's head and dropping it down, suddenly.


- That's for forgetting.

"I shouldn't have told you I'd forgotten!"

-Too late.

"Look what's in the bag!"

-First we go there. Akaashi says, pointing to a tree near the square that led to the forest.

So they went over there and Bokuto lit the flash so that Akaashi could see. The black heared boy pulled out a dark blue scarf with flakes. It fit perfectly with his gloves. Bokuto took it, and after removing the old scarf and putting it in the bag, put the new one around his neck.

- It's very beautiful Bokuto... thank you.

-It's not over yet. Replied a Bokuto excited like a chip, usual reaction at Akaashi's birthdays.

Akaashi looked in the bag and took out a hat, dark blue also but withoutmotives. Moreover, it was very beautiful.

- Bokuto...

- Tut tut tut tut. Don't say anything.

- Thank you.

"It's nothing. You deserve it, Akaashi. And... by the way, there is acard in the bag... I wrote in haste but... what is said is veryimportant to me..."

Akaashi took out the card and began to read with the help of his friend's flash. Apart from Akaashi and Bokuto, no one could have deciphered what was written.

Happy Birthday Akaashi! I'm so sorry I forgot! Forgive me! I'm not setting a very good example as an elder...

- Bokuto... it's nothing.

- Go on, go on.

I take this opportunity to tell you that you are a very wonderful person and you managed to make me fall madly in love with you. I love you Keiji Akaashi.

Akaashi blessed Bokuto to have turned off the flash as soon as he has finished reading. At this very moment he was sure to look like the Nekoma jersey. He stooped and put the card in the bag, then stood up.

"I'm sorry I told that like that today."

Akaashi stared at Bokuto for a moment, before moving towards him, passing his arms around the elder one's neck and placing his face in the hollow of the ace's neck to be in his arms.

-This is the best gift you can give me Bokuto...

-It will be Kōtarō for you, Keiji.

The named Keiji felt his heart accelerate even more and his cheeks boiled.

Bokuto pulled him back just enough to see his face. He put his right hand on Akaashi's cheek and moved forward, grazing their noses.

Akaashi's heart was beating in his ribcage. If Bokuto kissed him, he was sure to shed tears under stress. Bokuto passed his hand over Akaashi's hair and narrowed the gap between their lips. Akaashi closed his eyes and leaned to the kiss while holding on to Bokuto's hair with both hands.

It was at first a shy kiss, then more sensual to end in a more passionate, torrid kiss.

Bokuto asked for access to Akaashi's mouth, who granted it to him without hesitation. They parted in want of air, very slowly. Bokuto gently wiped the tears of the youngest with his thumbs.

- I love you, Keiji.

- I... I love you even more Kōtarō...

Then Akaashi burst into tears in the arms of his now boyfriend.

Bokuto, not understanding, tried as best he could, to comfort Akaashi.

"What's wrong with you? I kiss so badly?"

This intervention made the youngest laugh, despite his tears.

-N... no... it's just... stress... I... I love you so much Kōtarō...I love you... I love you...

"And so... I love you even more Keiji... I love you more than anything ..."

- Even more than volleyball?

- Much more than volleyball.

Akaashi redoubled his sobs and Bokuto was even more distressed by the unexpected attitude of his kouhai.

-Well Keiji...

The raven haired boy calmed down ten minutes later.

"You feel better...?"

- Yes, much better...

Bokuto grabbed both hands of the black haired boy and after pushing him against the tree trunk, approached his face of Akaashi's.

"That's my real birthday kiss, Keiji." He said before kissing more frankly and more savagely the one to whom he gave his heart.

Akaashi moaned when Bokuto kissed him and did not stop until he split up in want of breath.

- Happy birthday, darling. Wished Bokuto with a hoarse voice, his mischievous and devious gaze making Akaashi blush and shiver.

Akaashi was out of his state of surprise when the flash of Bokuto reached him.

- Kōtarō... what are y...?

"You are beautiful."

Akaashi hid his head in Bokuto's chest.

"So... you have feelings for your captain?"

- Do not start with that Kōtarō...

"Did you think I'd make your training lighter if we were dating?"

- Absolutely not.

"Sure. And by the way, does that mean you were stearing at me in the locker room?"

- Probably much less than you. Akaashi replied, determined not to let it happen.

"Did you notice...?"

"Uh... yes..."

"And you didn't have the courage to come and hit me on my face with your feelings? While you had clues...?"

- Well... I was afraid...


"Afraid you will reject me..."

- ...

Bokuto leaned back Akaashi from him and stared into his eyes.

"And you're still afraid?"

"After the kiss you just gave me... how could I have doubts?" Unless you're a guy who likes to play with other's feelings.

- Akaaaaashi!

Akaashi burst out of laughing.

"I tease you, Kōtarō. And I love you."

- I know that, Keiji. I love you too. Bokuto replied.

In the evening, Bokuto accompanied Akaashi to his house and of course he was invited to stay for dinner. His parents were also invited. Obviously, the parents were in cahoots to see their sons together.

"So, Bokuto, did Keiji told you about that? " asked Akaashi's father.


- About what?

"Well, he is totally crazy about you!"

Akaashi hid his face in his hands.

"If I tell you that I kissed him to wish him his birthday, what do you think?"

- ...

"What?"said Akaashi's mother.

"No,seriously?" said Bokuto's father.

"Champagne to celebrate the new couple! Cheered the two mothers."

Akaashi was embarrassed but Bokuto a little less. The elder put a hand on Akaashi's face and in front of their parents, kissed him in the mouth. And to everyone's surprise, Akaashi deepened the kiss by putting his hands around Bokuto's neck, then sat on his lap.

The photos were going to testify to that moment.

"Well...boys... perhaps you should think about stopping at a moment, no...?"asked Akaashi's father.

The new couple slowly separated and Akaashi dig his head into Bokuto's neck. It was clearly what he liked to do the most.

"Well, your mother and I did not know you so enterprising!"

As if to make fun of his father, Akaashi raised his head and kissed Bokuto again, who had put one hand in his hair and the other on the youngest back.

In the end, forgetting wasn't so bad.

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