2 - A Training Going Out Of Control (Aaron & A Sub)

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To situate the period, we are in early 2011. The Black Diamond is only 3 years old. Camden joined 5 months ago and his "fuck up" was a little over a month ago. If you haven't started to read Twisted Moon yet, no worries, there aren't spoilers about that. And it's obviously a long time before the guys met their Subs (two years and a half before Liam 😉 )

(Thursday 3 March 2011)

I take a step back and look at the four imminently appointed submissive members of the Black Diamond in front of me. They are kneeling at the center of my office, in a semi-circle, with their backs to me and in their underwear. Nigel, Ryan, Blake and Adam from left to right; four potential Subs on their last training day before they take their final test to get certified on Saturday. I have been teaching them all the ropes of submission for the last month, at the slow pace of two sessions per week. We have gone through all the most important aspects of the lifestyle; they discovered the whole theoretical concept of BDSM as well as the accessories related to it and the usual positions. Being very stringent and difficult myself, I have provided them with the strictest training to prepare them to fulfill the needs of expectant and very demanding Dominants.

The dominant members of the Black Diamond have various levels of expectation toward their Submissives, but the Subs I train are ready to deal with the strictest males, and should they sign a contract with a more lenient Dom, it only turns out to be an easier practice of the lifestyle in the end. I have planned to test these four guys with my friend Mark on Saturday afternoon so today, we have been reviewing all the most important points, finishing with the positions. This group of four has been doing pretty well throughout the last month, learning the fundamentals steadily, but I can tell that their future Doms will still have quite a lot of work with some of them as far as concentration and self-control are concerned, especially with the impish Nigel or the modest and introverted Adam.

Once in the presence of Dominants, the Submissives are supposed to keep their mood and emotions in check; boisterous temperaments, lack of respect and giggles are not very welcome; they get punished until the lesson is learnt. Now since this is their last training session, I obviously expect them to be close to perfection, but I still notice a few flaws in the position that some of them are holding, so with my cane in my hand, I start correcting their postures.

"Nigel, this is almost perfect. Ryan, straighten your back," I order firmly to the young blond-haired man whose back is still too round for an attention position. I run the tip of my cane along his spine and that sends shivers through his body, but at least, he looks better. "Blake, same thing for you," I say, proceeding similarly until his back gets stretched. "I have told you countless times already, Boys," I say with a bit of exasperation in my tone. "Your knees should be shoulders' width apart, your back straight, head slightly lowered, and your fingers laced behind your back. This is one of the most basic positions and you should master it well by now," I remind them for the umpteenth time. I continue to walk around the four Submissives then use my cane to tap on the insides of Adam's thighs which are far too closed for my taste; well not only my taste, but for any Dominant's. "Open them more, Adam," I instruct him and the red-haired boy spreads his knees further apart, blushing furiously as he reveals the bulge in his tight briefs.

This is typically Adam. The twenty-two year old man is probably the shyest and most modest Sub I have ever had to train and to be honest, I had a few doubts on his ability to become a member at some point, in the sense that he will have to fight this timidity to mingle with other Subs and accept to expose his body, be it in the locker room or inside the club. It took him quite some time to feel comfortable enough around the other trainees to attend the sessions in his underwear, but the rules are the same for everyone and after the first one, I had to crack down on him; but it worked out well in the end. I am certain that he will make a very good Submissive with his subdued personality and extreme respect, but he just lacks a bit of confidence and logic.

The lifestyle is clearly appealing to him and many times he has claimed his eagerness to join the club; the poor boy has sported boners quite a few times during our sessions - boners that he has managed to conceal more or less efficiently underneath loose black boxers - and I wonder why he chose those tiny light blue briefs today. Getting an erection during a training session is quite common for the Subs; let's be fully honest, for the trainer as well. Even if their education isn't supposed to include intimate contact, all the theory and practice we broach here is still sex related and it has to arouse the horny beasts within us, right? Anyway, Adam has had quite a difficult time with those hard-ons and I am not surprised by this new blush.

What surprises me a bit more, though, is the light giggle erupting on the left side of the semi-circle; light and discreet, but I still get to hear it and my fears regarding their cause immediately get confirmed when I peek at Nigel. The little minx still has his head slightly lowered, but his eyes are staring at Adam's crotch, a mischievous grin drawn on his lips. The smile immediately fades away when he glances up and notices my scowl after I have cleared my throat and it becomes his turn to blush deeply.

Making fun of a fellow Sub is something that I do not tolerate in general, much less toward a young man who is already naturally shy; but especially not when the culprit could be found guilty with the same object of his mockery and from what I can see right now, Nigel's member is inexorably swelling in his boxer briefs. Could it be that we have a little masochist eager for some discipline here? Okay, most of the Subs do like those spankings once in a while; what they bear with more difficulty is their Master's disappointment, but Nigel is not there yet, and although he knows that he just fucked up, what his body registers mostly is the eagerness for a light punishment, which wouldn't be the first time in his case.

"I'm sorry, Master Aaron..." he mumbles apologetically and with a contrite expression.

"We'll have a conversation afterward, Nigel, but first, crawl to Adam and kneel in front of him, knees wide open!" I order. The dark haired boy complies meekly and presents himself to his fellow Sub, fully exposing his own bulge. "I think you owe Adam an apology."

"I'm sorry, Adam..." he whispers with sincerity, I believe.

"You can be sorry indeed, since you seem to be in the same situation," I scold him. "This had better not happen again, understood?"

"Understood, Master Aaron. I'm really sorry..."

"Right! For the last fifteen minutes of today's session, I want you to hold your current positions perfectly still and in utter silence," I instruct them strictly before I return to my desk to check my emails.

While I respond to a few messages that include membership requests, offers from suppliers to buy new furniture or accessories as well as various questions from members, I keep glancing at the four boys and I am glad to see that they are doing really good. None of them loosens his posture or dares looking up, and when 6:00 pm displays on the screen of my laptop, I silently stand up and walk back to the group.

"Good boys! You may stand up at attention now." The boys gracefully rise to their feet and Nigel sheepishly returns to stand on the left side of the semi-circle. "So this was our last session before your test. I am confident that you will pass it easily. There is not much you need to do before then, except maybe practice your positions for longer periods of time. And make sure you are on time on Saturday afternoon."

"Yes, Master Aaron!" they all reply in unison.

"Now go get dressed and you may leave," I tell them. "Not you, Nigel!" I call out to the young man when I see him follow his fellow trainees. He stops in his tracks and meekly walks back to me, head lowered. "I hope you didn't have any plans for the early evening?"

"I was supposed to meet some friends at a bar, Master Aaron..." he replies in a small voice.

"Too bad for you then. You might be late," I smirk at him. "Now you may go and send them a text to let them know that you have other duties."

"May I ask... how long I will have to stay, Master Aaron," he then asks meekly.

"I don't know yet. Let's target two hours for now." I see his eyes open widely before he scurries to his clothes on the couch and fish his phone from the pocket of his jeans. The other three guys are now ready and once they have bid us goodbye, I show them out and return to take care of the young culprit. "Kneel, Nigel!" I order and he gracefully drops to his knees in front of me. "Look up."

Plunging into his green eyes is kind of a weird trip. These orbs and his features in general reflect so much mischief, defiance and insolence that I can already imagine what his future Dominant's life will look like. I hope the guy's palms are not too sensitive because they might often have to slap his cute little ass. I know that kind of Submissives very well; those who enjoy life to the fullest - not necessarily in the best and healthiest way - and mostly need a Dominant to tame their temper and guide them toward a more stable life. I know them better than almost all the Doms here at the club because I trained as one them years ago. A large majority will just revel in their newly found submission and enjoy it until the end of their life; and a few of them will become Dominants at some point, but those are very rare.

"As a trainee, you have already been given and agreed to all the rules and policies of the club, Nigel; and it implies that you have read and understood them, am I right?" I ask him sternly after a few seconds of intense staring.

"Yes, Master Aaron."

"So I assume that you remember the paragraph about the relationship and harmony between Submissives? What does it say?"

"It says... it says that the atmosphere between the Subs should remain one where understanding, respect and mutual aid should prevail..."


"And that it is forbidden to judge others, be it for their physical appearance or psychological weaknesses; also that mockery and taunting should be reduced to their minimum occurrences..."

"Right! Is there anything you don't understand in that?"

"No, Master Aaron."

"Then I will make it clear one last time, Nigel. You will certainly become a certified member of the club on Saturday because I believe that you have it in you to become a good Sub. You will get to meet a lot of young men, with boisterous and animated personalities like yours, and like them, you will learn to tame your temper. You can have fun as much as you like, but it will have to remain in due respect of the policies and of other members. You will find out that all the Submissives of the club appreciate this peaceful atmosphere and be assured that when some infringements occur, it always comes to my ears. As indicated in the general conditions of the club, those guilty of mockeries or whatever other mistakes usually end up in my office to get disciplined in case of a minor breach, or on one of the stages for a public punishment for something more serious. Do you see what I mean, Nigel?"

"Yes, Master Aaron. I promise to be on my best behavior from now on..."

"Well, you'd better, Boy. Or you'll end up in this office as often as it will be necessary and until you learn your lesson. I have no problem with buoyant Subs, but brats waste precious fun time here in a corner. Is it clear?"

"Yes, it is, Master Aaron..."

"Perfect then! Now go and kneel in the corner by my desk," I order. Nigel obeys without hesitation while I go to sit in my desk chair and turn to look at the kneeling young man on my right. "Raise your bottom a little so that it doesn't touch your heels... fingers laced behind your back... Perfect! Don't move and keep your head slightly lowered. You're in this position for an hour."

While I prepare a few orders of supplies for the Black Moon, I keep glancing at Nigel who has a hard time holding the position after only five minutes, which is normal since this one requires some tension in the thigh muscles and he is not used to it. Several times, I have to remind him of his posture and scold him for the sighs of exasperation he lets out. I even warn him that he might end up with a spanking if he doesn't get a better control of himself.

After half an hour, I stop working and swirl on my chair to stare at him. He is really a cute guy, with a toned and firm body; he is not particularly muscular and rather thin, yet I noticed the beginning of a small six-pack on top of a cute happy trail that plunges into his boxer briefs. His back is definitely appealing but it is the sight of his cute little ass that gets me hard right now; I can easily decipher the firmness of his buttocks beneath the black fabric.

Fuck! What I would love right now is to have him on all fours on a bench and roughly knead these ass cheeks until they get a deep pink color; I might even add a few spanks to help in the process. Then I would part them and slam into his little hole to fuck him hard. Damn, Aaron!!! You're such a horny beast! Well, that, I am! This is old news! What else would you expect from the owner of a BDSM club anyway? I have to admit that this position has significant perks as far as opportunities and variety are concerned, and in the last three years of existence of the Black Diamond, there have been many of them.

I am not one of these Doms who want to get deep into a relationship and most of the time, I will just pick one Sub who is willing to spend the evening - and more, obviously - with me, but it also happens that I offer one-month contracts to newly appointed members in order to guide them during their beginnings in the lifestyle. Nigel is definitely one of these Subs that I would gladly take under my wing for one month; or even two. As much as I appreciate the quietness and tameness of boys like Adam, I do have a soft spot for more rebellious and turbulent young guys. In any case, I will certainly propose one to this little minx kneeling in front of me, and I might just do that tonight.

However, a knock suddenly echoes on my door so I swiftly get my hand off my crotch and return to a decent position at my desk before I prompt my visitor to come in. This is my good friend Gary, one of the first Dominants who signed up for a membership in my club, accompanied by his Submissive, Jeremy. Aaaah, Jeremy... Another of my protégés! A young man that I led into the lifestyle; one that I often used until he signed his first contract with Gary six months ago. If I am not wrong, these two should actually renew their agreement in the coming days, if it hasn't been done yet. After some quick greetings, Gary sends Jeremy off to the Subs' Room and watches him leave before he turns to me again.

"Aaron, do you have a few minutes?" he asks a bit hesitantly.

"Of course! What can I help you with?" I reply, a bit concerned by this obvious hesitation. This doesn't look like Gary; he is one of the best Doms of the club, full of seriousness, strictness and self-confidence.

"I'd like to talk to you about something..." he says while shutting the door, but when he walks further into my office and notices the young man kneeling in the corner, his hesitation increases. "Oh sorry... I didn't know you had someone already. We can talk later..."

"That's fine, Gary; we can use the other room there," I offer, rising up to my feet, not even trying to hide the bulge at the front of my leather pants. "Nigel, don't you dare moving from here," I then warn before I lead my friend to the attached meeting room. "Is everything okay with Jeremy?" I ask carefully once we have taken a seat at the long table. His face immediately brightens at the mention of his Sub's name, so I guess that this is not the source of his worries; or not entirely it.

"Oh yeah, Jer is great! We're going to renew our contract next week, so all is good!"

"Perfect! Why do you look so nervous then?"

"I'm not nervous!" he snorts. "I just need your advice on something..."

"Go ahead! I'm all ears!" I tease him, reclining in my chair and lacing my fingers at the back of my head. I suppress a chuckle at how contrite he looks again; definitely not my Gary!

"I've decided to... yield to Jeremy's request..." he says hesitantly and this simple piece of news could have made me fall off.

"You mean... for the multiple partner scene?"

"Yup! And I'm going to make it memorable for him because that won't happen too often! This is going to be intense, wild and rough!" he says with determination. Well, well, well, I know someone who's going to have a sore ass after that.

"Nice... Now, this won't be your first threesome or foursome... So, what do you need my advice for?" I ask, a bit confused. Gary sighs heavily before he speaks again and explains his plan to me. Wow... an interesting plan, it is! Being a Dominant in a BDSM club, my friend is obviously kinky, but damn, I wouldn't have imagined him to be that kinky... Some people might even find his idea a bit sick, but I have to admit that the intensity it promises is quite appealing and just thinking of it actually revives my erection. "Right... That sounds interesting, to say the least... But you seem to have it all planned so I still don't get how I can help you! Who are the lucky two Doms by the way?"

"Well... that's where I need your advice... I was thinking of choosing a Dom that Jeremy doesn't know too well and another one whom he has been with before. I need clean guys because I want to go bareback during the scene. Are there names you can advise? Maybe your friend Mark?"

"Nope, forget about Mark. He's into threesomes and so on, but I doubt he would accept the intense background of the scene and he hasn't been in the lifestyle for long enough yet to keep things in perspective between role playing and reality," I explain. My friend Mark often enjoys himself in scenes involving several partners, but there are scars from the past that he hasn't overcome yet like I have for example. "If you need a recent member of the club, I would suggest Master Siegfried. I know him from LA and he's an excellent Dom."

"Yeah... sounds good. I've spoken to him a few times and he sounds like a great guy; and since he joined only recently, Jeremy never interacted with him. Now I would need someone with whom he is familiar, and..." he says hesitantly. "I was wondering if you would accept?"

Well, thank goodness, I had already sat up, resting my elbows on the table, or I might have fallen off this time. My scars from the past are worse than Mark's in a way but I have gotten over them a long time ago, so the idea of this intense role play is - far from appalling or shocking - extremely arousing for me. Besides, the idea of fucking Jeremy again is more than tempting and totally worth an evening out of the club. If that's any indication, my cock just twitched in my pants and released a load of precum. So I would gladly accept if it weren't for the fact that I actually intend to offer a one-month contract to Nigel. The contract could start after that foursome, Aaron... True...

"That's tempting..." I reply, with a smirk and a chuckle. "When do you plan to do this?"

"Friday next week. And at my place, as I told you," he answers, smiling warmly. "But I would understand if you can't be absent from the club on a Friday night..."

"Naah, that shouldn't be a problem. I just need to sort some things out first. Can I give you a firm answer this weekend?"

"Sure! There's no..."

Gary doesn't have time to finish his sentence as the door of the meeting room suddenly flings open on an angry Camden who is standing behind a very flushed Nigel, kneeling on the floor. Holy crap! If this is what I think it is, someone is in fucking deep troubles!

"I don't know what this guy was doing almost naked in your office, but I caught him right there with his ear against the door!" Camden growls, towering the young man who has cowered a few feet away from him. Yeah, Camden has that effect on Subs; though if Nigel dared looking up at me right now, I am not sure I would look much better to him. He is not even a member yet and already fucking up.

"I'm sorry, Master Aaron..." the boy keeps mumbling.

"Do you want me to go and take care of his discipline?" Camden offers with a serious tone, but I know that he is only teasing the boy. Camden evolves on a different playground that Nigel is not anywhere close to visit, but Cam likes to exert his sadistic tendencies mentally too, and I bet that he is already hard just at the sight of the scared trainee.

"I've got it, Cam, thanks! Nigel! I don't know what you told your friends earlier, but you have one minute to text them that you won't be available at all tonight, because you're spending the evening here. Then go back to your corner; and this time, no pillow under your knees and lower your boxer briefs just beneath your butt. I'll come and deal with you in a few minutes!" I order to the young man who scampers away. "Sorry about that, Gary. He can't have heard anything anyway."

"No problem," he chuckles. "Sounds like a new Jeremy?"

"Kind of, but not completely..." I reply with a wink.

Gary and I agree to continue our conversation on Saturday and he leaves to go get ready for the evening and meet Jeremy at the club. As I walk back to my desk, followed by Camden, I take a look at Nigel and as I expected, the boy has two beautiful firm globes, now exposed and soon-to-be spanked. I readjust his position, making him rest his hands a bit higher in his back so that they stop hiding his backside, then start a conversation with Camden about his training in bondage with Master Donovan. From what the latter told me, Cam is making great progress and should easily become an expert in this domain. That would allow him to get over his fuck-up last January and hopefully get rid of this guilt that has been riding him despite the severe punishment he endured.

Since I will be busy with the little minx here in my office, Cam offers to take care of the club tonight, at least until I am done with Nigel, and I gladly accept. At half past seven, just as Camden leaves my office, one of the staff from the Black Moon brings me the pizza I had ordered and that was delivered at the front of the warehouse. Thanking him, I shut and lock the door so that I don't get disturbed again and walk back to my desk where I try to make some space to put the pizza box. I should definitely take the time to tidy up my mess, but... Well, there's no but; I'm just a messy person, even if my mess is an organized one.

"How are your knees doing, Nigel?" I ask, noticing that he has more and more difficulty to stay still.

"They're painful... Master Aaron..." he replies with a small voice.

"Good for you. That's one of the points of corner time like I explained. Have you had time to ponder on your mistake?" I ask as I sit down in my armchair.

"Yes, Master Aaron..."

"Right, we'll see this in a little while. For now, come here and kneel beside me. You can use the pillow this time. Have I told you to pull up your briefs?" I then ask when I see him cover his buttocks. Without a word, he pulls them back down and as he walks to me, I can't help noticing the bulge at the front of his underwear as well as a darker spot on the fabric. Interesting... it seems like someone liked having his bum exposed and is now leaking.

Of course, once he is in the right position again and looking up into my eyes, I first start with a long lecture on good manners. Being a trainee doesn't exempt him from discipline like I already told him and as stated in the documents he signed before he started the training. Nigel actually got punished twice already for talking back, so he knows about that. Eavesdropping is one of the things I don't tolerate, especially when it was clear that we didn't want him to hear anything since we moved to the meeting room.

"I'm sorry again, Master Aaron. I have understood the lesson now..." he whispers once I am done talking.

"Oh I'm sure you will understand; after your punishment. You're going to get ten spanks with my hand and then five with a paddle. But before that, like I said during one of the theoretical sessions, I'm going to give you two safewords that you may use if it gets too much this evening. Use yellow to slow down or red to stop. Is that clear?"

"Yes, Master Aaron."

"Good boy! Now let's have dinner. I hope you like cheese and pepperoni pizza?" I ask.

"Yes, I love them Master Aaron. Thank you."

I suppress a laughter when he tries to stand up to get a slice of pizza and scowl at him so that he resumes his position. Brats don't feed themselves; they get fed like little kids, I explain to him and I can tell that he doesn't like this part of the sanction too much. However, this is what he gets for misbehaving. On my side, I dearly enjoy the sight of this beautiful boy kneeling at my feet and submitting to me. I even make him drink fresh water from a glass once we are done eating, dropping a bit of it by mistake on his chest, which sends shivers down his back. You'd rather see him drink milk from your cock, right? Damn right! But if I judge by the lust in his eyes, I have a mind to think that he wouldn't be against it. Throughout dinner, Nigel has relaxed and his mischievous expression is clearly back on his face.

"Go and kneel on the couch over there, now," I instruct him. He doesn't try to pull up the back side of his boxer briefs this time, leaving his bottom exposed as he walks to the couch. Good boy! I think as I follow him after I have grabbed a paddle from a drawer of my desk. "Cross your forearms on the edge of the backseat and rest your forehead over them... Arch your back... A bit more... Perfect! Now your butt is ready to take its punishment!" I say, admiring the beautiful sight in front of me. "You remember that you can safeword at any time, Nigel, is that clear?"

"Perfectly clear, Master Aaron..." he replies with a very defying and sensual voice. "But I don't think I'll need them..." he adds and as I walk to stand on his left side, I notice that he has also lowered the front of his briefs toox, freeing a fairly sized erection that is now dripping on the couch.

Oh my fuck! I have a feeling that this boy is testosterone on legs and that I am going to have fun if he accepts this one-month contract. But in the meantime, someone's going to get a red backside! For a couple of minutes, I massage his buttocks, preparing them for the spanking and without further notice, I raise my hand and land it on his right ass cheek. Nigel yelps at the sting but I don't give him much time to dwell on it, quickly rubbing it off with my hand before I proceed similarly with the left one. I keep it going, alternating between the right and the left until I reach ten; Nigel's moans are getting louder with each slap and his skin is turning to a nice pink.

"How are you feeling, Nigel? Will you be able to take the five strikes with the paddle?" I ask, as I pick the accessory on the couch.

"I'm fine, Master Aaron; I can do this," he replies with determination.

The first strike of the paddle lands on his right buttock, gently enough but there is still this delightful cracking noise of the leather getting in contact with the skin; I just love it so much. The second one hits his left globe similarly, but I give it a bit more force to the third and fourth one, while I make the fifth strike a bit softer and across his butt. I can see his body tense with each blow and by the end of the session, he is panting heavily but I am not certain that this is entirely from the pain, considering how hard his erection seems to be. This little minx is definitely aroused by the situation, and yet he is sniffling a bit as well.

"Good boy," I praise him. "You took your punishment well and you are forgiven now."

"Thank you, Master Aaron, and I'm sorry for what I did..." he mumbles apologetically.

"It's alright, Nigel. You're forgiven, I said. Don't move, I'm going to apply a soothing lotion to ease the sting." With that, I get the small bottle from my desk and start smearing the substance all over his backside, massaging it into his skin. The light sobs soon become moans and I smile at how he arches his back even more, sticking his butt out further; so much so that his ass cheeks part a little, allowing me to decipher his cute pucker hole.

"Master Aaron... May I speak?"

"Yes, you may, Nigel."

"Are... are my mistakes going to affect my... certification on Saturday?"

"For the third time, Nigel, you're forgiven already," I repeat with a bit of deliberate irritation in my voice.

"Thank you, Master Aaron... and... do you think... I will be good enough to find a Dominant who will... want me?"

"Of course, you will. I have no doubt about that. You're an interesting character even if you seem to have a fucking temper. So, I'm sure a lot of Dominants will soon be after you!" I try to reassure him.

"Would you? Would you accept me as your Sub!?" he then squeaks. I take a deep breath and exhale it slowly, pulling up his boxer briefs.

"You may sit on the couch now," I instruct and as he does so, I see him wince a little when his butt rests on the seat. "I have considered it, but I don't do long-term contracts, Nigel; only one-month terms; two at best. I sometimes offer contracts to newly-appointed Subs, to guide their beginnings in the lifestyle. But you shouldn't expect anything else if you accept," I explain honestly. I hadn't planned to mention this before Saturday when he gets certified, but after all, I can clear this now.

"You mean... You would really take me as your Sub??" Nigel squeals, now kneeling on the couch with his eyes full of expectation. Oh yeah... I would definitely take you, young man.

"I said I was considering it but..."

"Please, please, please, Master Aaron!! I swear I'll behave and be a good Submissive!!" he exclaims.

"Good Submissives don't interrupt Dominants!" I growl at him and he immediately adopts a perfect position, with his head lowered and a brooding expression. "Good boy... Like I said, I was considering it but we'll have to discuss details this more deeply."

"Thank you, Master Aaron. I promise not to disappoint you... and..." he says, lingering on the end of his sentence. What surprises me is the blush that suddenly covers his face.

"And?" I encourage him.

"And... maybe... maybe I could... already..." he hesitates, briefly peeking up at me as his face turns crimson red. "And maybe I could already show you how good I could make you feel..." he then blurts out very quickly.

"You're not my Sub yet, Nigel; not even a member of the club," I try to reason him, quite hypocritically because I would totally try those pouty lips around my cock right now.

"Would I be the first one...?" he mumbles, making me chuckle discreetly.

"No, you wouldn't. But do you feel ready for this?" I ask very seriously. Clearly, he wouldn't be the first trainee I use, because sometimes - though that's quite rare - things just get a bit out of control, but that only applies to those I know are ready for that kind of extra activity.

"I do, Master Aaron." This time, there is no mumbling. His voice is clear and firm; full of assurance.

"Go down the couch... on your knees!" I order. Nigel gracefully crawls down from the sofa and rests on his knees, his legs wide open with his head lowered and his hands laying face down on his thighs, exactly like he was taught to present to a Dominant. "Look up, Nigel," I order, staring down into his eyes when they meet mine. "Do you remember your safewords?"

"Yes, Master Aaron. Yellow to slow down, red to stop."

"Good boy!" I congratulate him but my tone remains serious. "I know your tastes and usual habits since you have already filled the table with the activities you are ready to practice or not, but I don't know your body yet or your limits, so I will go for something simple and I want you to feel free to use your safewords if you need them, is this clear?"

"Yes, Master Aaron."

Still looking down at him, I start unbuttoning the front of my leather pants as his green orbs greedily travel down my chest, and I eventually free my erection. Nigel's eyes open widely and I can't tell if this is the size of my member or its piercing that makes him gasp, but I use the opportunity that his lips form a beautiful O to seize the sides of his head and push myself into his mouth, just a bit further than the head of my cock. He closes his lips on my girth as his tongue begins to swirl around it, and I am glad to see that he lets me take the control of his hot cavern. Each time I thrust in, I try to get a little deeper, but I soon reach his gag reflex limit; that's something he will need to learn in the future because deep-throating is definitely a huge kink of Dominants in general. However, he is only a trainee and I can't expect too much from him today, so I get my kicks from the fact that even if the young man isn't a newbie as far as sex is concerned, I am still going to take part of his innocence in the lifestyle when he becomes my temporary Sub.

"That's it, Nigel... tighten your lips around my dick... Oh yeah, that's nice, Boy!! I'm soon going to come and I want you to swallow everything... Tongue out!" I say as I pull out of his mouth and start stroking myself. Nigel pokes out his cute pink tongue, looking up expectantly at me; his eyes are so full of lust and excitement that this is my undoing. Grabbing the base of my shaft, I rest its head on the young boy's tongue and with a deep grunt, I let my climax explode. The thick white substance spurts out in three long streams that reach the back of his throat and smaller squirts cover his wet muscle before they disappear as he swallows all my load. Fuck, that boy is so fucking sexy that my cock refuses to deflate and his luscious expression doesn't help at all. "Good boy! You did a wonderful job," I praise him with a warm smile.

"Thank you, Master Aaron. I tried my best," he replies with mock shyness, casting his eyes down which makes me glance down at his swollen crotch.

"You did really good, Nigel. With time, you will learn the techniques to deep-throat but for now, that was really nice." I pause for a long minute, trying to decide on how I want things to continue for tonight. With my rod still hard as fuck, I would gladly get a taste of his ass, but that might be too much for a first time, so I decide on returning him the favor instead; I can still look for a free Sub later tonight if I need more release. "I'm going to actually show you that it's not that difficult and how pleasurable it can be. Wait a minute before you go and lie down on this couch," I order him, tucking my erection back into my pants.

I go and fetch a pair of bound restraints that I quickly wrap around his wrists and behind his back, reminding him again that he can use his safewords at any time, as well as the general rule that a Submissive is not allowed to come until the Dominant hasn't given him permission to. Once he has lied down on the couch, his hips slightly raised due to his hands resting underneath his butt, I lock my eyes with his and extremely slowly pull down his boxer briefs, witnessing his blush as I reveal more and more of his privates. My eyes eventually leave his smoldering irises to travel down his beautiful body until they reach an almost perfectly shaved groin if it weren't for the trimmed hair he left on his pubis.

"That will have to go once we start this contract, Nigel," I inform him, gently pulling the dark pubes.

"Yes, Master Aaron..."

"Keep your legs tightly close together and don't move an inch," I instruct as I straddle his knees then I immediately bend over to take him in my mouth and straight to the back of my throat. Nigel gasps and instantly tries to bulk his hips but my hands grips his sides and firmly hold them down.

"Oh my God!!!!" he squeals but my left hand lets go of his hip and I shove two fingers inside his mouth to keep him quiet while I bob up and down his shaft, applying myself to let him discover the pleasures of firm lips tightening along his length and the head of a cock hitting the walls of a throat. His member is fairly long and quite thin, but I have no difficulty swallowing him whole until my nose hits his pubis. After barely a minute, his moans are so pleading that I slow down my pace for a bit in order to make this last longer before picking up again. I keep this pattern going for as long as possible, my fingers alternating between his mouth and teasing his nipples. "Please... Master Aaron... I..."

"What do you need, Nigel?" I ask, letting go his shaft and licking it for a while, my tongue titillating the contours of his mushroom head and the sensitive skin of his frenulum.

"I... I need... I want you inside of meeeeeeeee!" he squeaks as I gently graze my teeth along his length. Feeling my erection twitch and swell even more in my pants, I stop the tantalizing teasing right away and kiss my way up his body until my face hovers over his. "Please..." he begs again before he adds in a whisper: "I... I prepped with an enema before I left home..." Holy crap! This boy really came here with naughty ideas in mind! I have rarely seen such determination in a trainee and as my earlier thoughts of drilling into his ass flash back in my head, I feel myself on the verge of losing control and about to fuck him deep and raw. Of course, I can't let that happen; at least not the way I see it in my wild mind.

"Do you really want this?" I ask him seriously and I don't need him to voice his thoughts to get my answer. The intensity in his look says it all and a nod of his head is my confirmation.

Without further delay, I get up and flip him around, putting him on his knees while his head rests on the armrest of the couch, his still pink butt sticking out. Rimming is out of the question as long as I haven't seen results of blood tests, so I take my time to prep his entrance with lube, adding one finger after the other until I reach three and find him stretched enough. If I trust the sheet of private and intimate information that Nigel filled when he enrolled in the training, I know that he is far from being a total newbie in sex and once I have unrolled a condom over my cock, I am not surprised to feel him loosen quite easily as I slowly penetrate his hole. He hisses a little at the sting provoked by my thick member, but all in all, I manage to ease my way in rather quickly and let him adjust.

"Ugh... Feels goooooooood..." he moans once I am sat deep inside of him. Despite the preparation and how relaxed he is already, I can still feel the ring of muscles tighten around me.

"You feel good too, Nigel. Now shut up. You're only allowed to moan or safeword. And don't come before I give you permission to," I command him.

Right after these orders, I start pulling out, only leaving the mushroom head inside, and thrust back in. My moves are quite gentle in the beginning, deliberately avoiding his prostate not to complicate things for him, but after a few minutes, and now that he has fully adjusted to my girth, I pick up the pace and start pounding into him more roughly, pulling on his restrained wrists to add more strength. Obedient to my recommendations, Nigel only moans his pleasure out while I respond with deep groans and words of praise because he is so fucking good! I swear that training this Sub will be delightful for me if he can rule in his boisterous temper. He has become such a moaning mess by now, begging for his release, that I let my own orgasm build up and when I feel that I am getting close, I wrap my fingers around his erection and start stroking him at the same rhythm as my pounding.

"Please, Mast... Master Aaron..." he begs for the umpteenth time, making me proud that he has been able to hold on for so long already.

"Come with me Nigel!" I bark and the next second, he lets out a shrilling scream as his climax seizes him and he releases on the couch while I slam one last time at his deepest, filling the condom with my seed. I slowly pull out of him, completely this time, and free his hands before I lie down on the other extremity of the couch, pulling him with me. We are both panting heavily, recovering from our high, but Nigel quickly rolls on himself to face me and snuggles into my chest. "How are you feeling, Nigel?" I ask softly.

"Feeling great... Thank you, Master Aaron..." he whispers.

"Thank you too. It was really good."

"Were you... were you really serious when you... mentioned that one-month contract?" he then stutters sheepishly.

"Hmm, hmm... We'll have to discuss the conditions of course, but I was serious about this. Would you like that?"

"Yes!! Of course!" he cheers, trying to rise on his elbows but I hold him back down to cuddle his head against my chest.

"Even if that's only for a month, there will be rules, Nigel. And like I often told you during the training sessions, I am one of those very strict Dominants," I warn him honestly.

"I am fully conscious of that, Master Aaron. I won't disappoint you," he whispers confidently enough, but I sense a little hesitation and some tension in his body.

"What is it, Nigel?" I ask firmly, cupping his face in my hands and raising his head to look into his eyes.

"I was just wondering... When would the contract start?" he asks, biting his lips.

"It could start after your certification but we can wait until you feel ready," I reply seriously.

"It's just... I won't be available the weekend after next and... I was planning on starting my visits to the club only in two weeks..." he explains with a voice full of worries. I chuckle inwardly at how convenient this is for me and pull his head back into my chest.

"We have time, Nigel. And we can definitely start in two weeks," I reassure him, happy to feel his body relax against mine.

That's a done deal then. On Saturday, I will confirm to Gary that I accept to the role play he has planned with Jeremy next week; that would have been a shame to miss that. Jeremy is probably the best Submissive that this club has had since it opened and definitely one of my favorite darling Pets, so I am pretty sure to enjoy every minute of this scene. And in a couple of weeks, I will sign a contract with Nigel for a month. I will do my best to guide him into the lifestyle and help him to find his way into submission.

I don't know if I will ever be ready to settle down permanently with a Sub like some Dominants do. Right now, I appreciate these short-term relationships with young men, devoid of any serious feelings; exactly like my friends Joshua and Mark do. But I can't even be sure that I won't get tired of this at some point because I also like my other friend Camden's freedom to swap partners every night, which is actually what I do between contracts. In any case, the four of us are enjoying ourselves in these more or less emotionless interactions and if some of us should ever engage in a permanent one, I wonder who would be the first.

Published on 24 April 2017

Here you go with this little sneak peek into Aaron's life; hope you enjoyed it!

Thank you to @troyesivanisking for having been so persistent in claiming this one-shot! Hope you liked it ;)
Also dedicating this to Aaron's first fans SaraLF1712 and Cara-tesora-mia 😘

I don't know when the next one-shot will come up and who it will involve because I really need to focus on Jeremy's story now...

And since some of you will probably ask, yes the scene that Gary planned will feature in Jeremy's story and it's already written ;)

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