OS 5- Strength Or Weakness??

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Hey people.....
One shot again on the on-going tract...
Let's see what it leads too....

How does it feel to be someone's everything? Well it makes you, His strength or His weakness.....

Being strength is good... Rather very good..... But if that person becomes your weakness then..... It destroys everything.... Everything means everything...

"I want to be your strength not your weakness..... Because I fear that if anything happens to me then....... "

He recalled the each and every words, she had said to him.

Standing by the window of their dark room, he was lost in the sparking blue water of the pool.... The place which was the witness of their fights and their love.

He: You were right....... You are not only my strength but also my weakness..... And this broke me completely.... See what happened.... You left me and I lost myself.... I failed to save you.... I failed to protect you.... I failed as a husband.... I failed.....

He broke the glass in his hand and his hand started bleeding profusely. But he was least borthered.

He: You are so selfless.... So kind..... Why are you like that? Why? Because of this nature of your, you aren't with me today.  You sacrificed your life for me.... And my family..... Why? Why? For once you didn't think about me how will I survive without you...... Why did you like this.... Why......

He fell on his knees.

He(shouted): Anika......

His scream echoed through the empty dark room but no-one was there to hear him. He was shaking badly but no tears escaped his red eyes. He went down the memory line and his worst nightmare played in front of him.

They had completed giving puja and was returning back home to celebrate the day of love..... Valentine's Day. But He was restless from the time they had left the house, because she wasn't with them and her phone was unreachable. He tried to calm himself down but failed. He rushed back home with breathlessness.

He(panting): Ani.... Anika..... Anika..... Where are you?

He failed to find her. He tried to calm down his rasing heart but it kept on increasing it's pace with second. Suddenly something struck his head and he blacked out.

*After a few hours*

He tried to open his eyes but it felt heavy. His head hurt due to the impact of the blow. He opened his eyes and tried to understand where he was. Looking at his surroundings he realized that he is kidnapped. He saw himself tied up to a chair. He struggled to get himself free.

He(shouting): Is someone there? Hello..... Who has the odasity to kidnap Shivaay Singh Oberoi? If you have the guts then come in front of me.

"So finally you gained consciousness.... "

He: Who are you and why did you kidnap me? Where is Anika?
Masked Man : Just take a break Mr. Shivaay Singh Oberoi. Your Anika is here only but.... (low voice) Till I want.
Shivaag(shouts): How dare you touch my wife? How dare you try to kidnap her?
MM: Ooooo so much anger is not good for health.
Shivaay: Leave me right now..... (shouts) Anika.... Anika....
MM(holds his chin) : No use because she is gone.
Shivaay : What do you mean by gone? Just say it damn it.
MM: It's a simple thing..... Your wife has very little time left with her. But you can save her.....
Shivaay : How can I save her? Just tell me. (shouts) Hey! Where are you going? Anika.... Anika.... Aahh.....

He left a piercing pain in his neck and everything went black again for him.

*Sometime later*
He opened his eyes to see himself on a cliff. He was held by two well built men. Looking forward, he saw Her...... In the worst state ever..... Messed up hair with slight cut on her forehead, cut lips and slap marks. All of these boiled his blood. He tried to free himself but useless.  The same Masked man came and stood between them.

MM: What a scene! Both of you are getting tortured..... Wow, I am just loving it.
Shivaay (shouts): How dare you touch Anika? How dare you?
MM: Tch... Tch.... Mr. Oberoi..... I have just slapped her and not killed her.
Shivaay (shouts): Don't you dare......
Anika(whispers): Shivaay.....
Shivaay (looking at her) : Anika.....

Eyes locked and created magic. Both of them were consoling each other and spoke volumes.

MM: Wow! what a lovely couple... But.... You see I don't like these..... So.... Anika, if you want to save  the Oberoi Family then (forwarding a gun towards her) Shoot Shivaay......

She became numb. How can she even think of doing something like that. He is her life.... She can't do anything to him.....

Anika : I won't....
MM: Well then you have called your own misery.... Because if you don't shot Shivaay within 2 minutes then (taking a remote control) Oberoi mansion will be BOOM! (starts laughing like a maniac)
Shivaay (shouts at her) : Don't think anything... Just shoot me..... I have full faith that if I die then you will keep the together and never let it break. Just shoot Anika.....

*Anika's POV*

"This Family is incomplete without it's foundation.... Shivaay"
"Bhaiya is everything to me..... "
"Billu.... "

Veer: I promise before you reach Shivaay to tell about my real face.... I will create such a situation for you that you will be forced to kill yourself.....

Swetlana: One day, you will be the cause of the destruction of this Family.....

Sundari Bua: You are a black spot.... You can never bring happiness.... You always bring destruction.....

Veer(carenessing her face) : You know why is the Family such a loss or why is Shivaay like this? This is because.... Of you.... Yes..... You are the reason behind it...... Your everything attracted me towardd you and it led to this to the Family and Shivaay.

Everything is happening because of me..... If I hadn't crossed paths with Shivaay then he would have been safe and happy with his family.  I am not good for the family nor for him too.  I know what to do.

Me: What will I get if I shoot Shivaay?
MM: Oberoi Family on safe side.....
Me: Okay......

*POV ends *

She looked at him and smiled. Men left both of them and she started walking towards him. Keeping a constant stare at him. On reaching in front of him, she stopped. She placed the gun on his head.

MM: Any last wish Mr. Shivaay Singh Oberoi?
Shivaay (looking into her eyes) : I'm sorry to leave you alone... Take care of yourself and the Family.

She just smiled and changed her position. Now her back was towards the cliff end and he in front of her.

Anika (whispers): Sorry..... But there is no other way to it...... Please forgive me if possible....... I love you........

Within few seconds, things changed dramatically . She removed the gun from his head and kept it on her and SHOOT...... And she fell down from the cliff right in front of him.

Shivaay (shocked and shouted) : Anika......

He tried to reach her hand but it slipped out. Everything happened so fast that he couldn't decipher anything. She shoot herself...... She shoot herself to save him and the Family..... She fell off the cliff right in front of him. His senses worked.

Shivaay (crouching on the ground and looking for her): Anika...... Anika.....

Only his voice was resonating...... He lost her.... He lost her.....

And he blacked out......


Shivaay : You were the moon in my life which soothened the pain of my heart but now....... Where are you Anika..... Where are you?

Someone entered the room and helped him. He looked behind and his mother, who was equally broken because she had grown fond of Her too much recently.

Pinky: Hold yourself Shivaay..... If you break down like this then what will happen to the Family....
Shivaay (shaking voice) : I can't do it maa.... I can't..... I am weak without Her...... I can't live without Her..... I can't......
Pinky(thinking): My son was never like this..... Or he was like this only and I failed to notice him? He always potraited himself as the strongest of all but I failed to notice his inner turmoil. He always wanted a support beside him but I failed to give him that. She came in his life and He made her his strength.... But seems like she is becoming his weakness..... I have to do something before it's too late.....

Pinky helped Him to the bed and made him sleep. His messed up hair was depicting everything he was going through. She carenessed his hair and kissed his forehead. She walked out of the room leaving him alone.


"Mr. Shivaay Singh Oberoi, you are under arrest on the charge of murder of your wife..... "

The whole Oberoi clan shook hearing it but He remained unaffected. He actually thought himself responsible for her death but the truth was something else. Police tied the hand cuffs to him and dragged him to the exit. Nothing worked to save him- OmRu's pleads, Tej's influence on Ministers, Shakti's attempts, Bhavya's ACP post, Gauri and Dadi's prayers....... Nothing worked. Pinky seemed quite shocked seeing the happenings. She didn't expect something like this would happen.

The only people who were happy seeing it were Veer and Soumya. They were smirking seeing their plan come into action. The pillar of the Family was already broken but with this, he will be shattered completely and broken without repair. He had been successful in killing Her and to give himself assurance of her death, he had personally went and found her body and buried her in the back-ground of the house.

But seems like destiny has some other plans.......

*Tring..... Tring..... *
Police: Good morning sir...... Yes, Sir...... Okay Sir...... Yes sir......(hangs up the call)
(to the constable) Release him.... And haa, We are successful in finding your wife.....

That news was something which brought a huge smile on everyone's face. She was missing since a week and they hadn't left any stone unturned to find her. But now when She is found, the Family got back it's life. But He stood prelaxed. How can it be possible? She died in front of his eyes. Or maybe..... Maybe it was all his dreams..... He was sure enough that if he is breathing then she is also breathing somewhere........

Veer(thinking): How can it be possible? She was declared dead by the doctor and I have buried her with my own hands. Then how?

The sound of the high heels resonated throughout the house. All looked up and was shocked seeing someone....... Anika...... But she seemed quite different..... No... No.... Very different...... Short grey dress upto her knees with chocker and black high heels...... A white bandage around her head and her arm. She looked confused seeing her new surroundings. Everyone was happy seeing her back and didn't even mind of her dressing.

Constable: Madam, see that is your husband (pointing towards Shivaay) Shivaay Singh Oberoi.
Anika (whispered): Husband?

She walked towards him and stood in front of him. Media's click and flashes went off seeing the Lost Oberoi bahu back. He kept staring at her as if he had seen a ghost and gasped as he saw her swaying in front of him and landed safely in his arms before hitting the ground.

"Memory loss..... Due to the head injury..... Which is quite deep it seems..... She has forgotten everything about herself..... So I would prefer that you make her comfortable and try not to stress her too much....... "

Doctor had confirmed that she had lost her memory which was a good news for Veer but another shock for Him. He broke again hearing about her.

He(thinking): No.... I can't fall weak.... I have to be strong for her. But how can I be.... She might not remember me.... Then how can I........
Om(holding his shoulder) : Shivaay..... Be strong..... Bhabi needs you now.....
Shivaay : I know Om.... But I can't.... I can't....

He left, leaving Om in tension about him.

Om: If he continues to be like this then..... I don't even want to think about it..... (looking at Her) Please get well soon..... Otherwise we will loose Him forever......


Gauri : Bhaujayi, how are you feeling?
Anika (confused): Bhaujayi? Who is that?
Gauri(sitting beside her) : You are Bhaujayi.... I mean Our Bhabi.
Anika (holding her head) : Why can't
I remember anything?
Bhavya: Bhabi don't take any stress. It's not good for your health.
Anika : You are?
Bhavya(smiled): I am Bhavya.... Rudra's would be wife.
Gauri: And I am Gauri.... Omkaraji's  wife.
Anika : Omkara and Rudra?
Gauri: Omkaraji, the second brother and Rudra, the youngest. Baade bhaiya.... I mean Shivaay bhaiya is the eldest among all and your husband.
Anika (shocked): My husband? I am married?
Bhavya: Yes, bhabi. Happily married to our Shivaay bhaiya,whom you call as.....

"Billuji...... ",came a voice from the door. She looked up and His blue-green eyes caught Hers. She kept on staring at him and he too. Taking as an indication, they slipped out of the room to give the couple some privacy. The door closed bit the silence still prevailed. He walked towards her slowly and sat beside her. She had a look of confusion on her face. He carenessed her cheek lightly trying to make himself realize that she is finally with him.

Shivaay (softly): Anika......
Anika (confused): Anika.... Is it my name?
He(nodding his head) : Yes.... Kidkitode Anika.....
She(twitching her nose) : What kind of language is that?
He(chuckled): This is how you used to introduce yourself.
She(amazed): Is it? It's quite wierd.
He: You don't remember anything?
She: Nothing..... It seems as if I am living my life again in a very different aspect.
He(holding her hand) : Don't worry.  We will make new memories and will try to make you remember your past too.....
She(smiled widely) : Really?
He: Yes....
She: Thank you so much.
He: It is not allowed.... No sorry and thank you between husband and wife.
She: No it's between friends not husband and wife.
He: And yet again this was your creation.
She: Seems like I was quite innovative.
He(chuckled): You were....

And the story started again...... But was it so??

Veer: It can't be possible. Two person can't have the same face. This has to be Anika.
Soumya: Then why don't you go and check in the coffin.
Veer: Yes, you are right. At night wheb everyone will be sleeping I will go and check. If it is not Anika then I will not leave any chance to finish her that instant.
Soumya: Whatever you want do, do but don't forget about me.  I desperately want to marry Rudra and take the revenge of my Family towards the Oberois.
Veer: Don't worry.... For that also I have planned something. But currently I need to deal with this then only I can think about anything else.

The villains smirked thinking about their plan unaware of someone hearing it......

"Now the real game begins..... "


Digging the ground is very much difficulty...... But for assurance Veer has to do it. He dug the ground and opened the coffin. In there laid, the eldest bahu of Oberoi family.... Anika...... Dead.....

"So, finally revealed seeing Her dead.... "
Veer: Who is there?
"Someone who can be your helping hand in destroying the Oberois...... "
Veer: If you have the guts then come in front of me.

*Click.... Click..... Click*
Veer tried to look through the darkness and from the other end of the path emerged the Lady in short grey dress and high heels.... Anika.....

Veer: Anika....

"Aa.. Aa... Not Anika.... Her duplicate or rather her humsakal.... Kristina..... "

Veer: Kristina.... But why are you here?
Kristina(walking around him) : You see.... God was so good on me that he gave me the same face as that of Shivaay's wife..... But the most unfortunate thing is that These Oberois are my arch rivals.... Yes, they are responsible for the downfall of my Family.... Due to which my whole family suffered and died leaving me alone in this world as an orphan. So I was finding an opportunity to take revenge on them. And that day..... Aare near the cliff where you (saw him getting shocked) Don't get shocked.... I know everything that happened on that day because I was also present there. When (pointing towards Anika's body) this Lady did suicide and fell down the cliff, I was so happy.  I went to check whether she was alive or not but before that only you came and took her away.  I followed you here and saw you burying her. Then I planned to come and take Anika's place and destroy the Oberois.
Veer: Then we can be good partners in this.
Kristina (laughs) : You and me partner?
Veer: See, both of us have the same agenda...... Destruction of the Oberois. So if the enemies join hands then.....
Kristina: And why do you think I will help you? You haven't even said me about your plan or your motive behind the destruction then how am I supposed to trust you?
Veer: I will tell you everything but before that let me cover the place up.
Kristina : Okay.

Veer started to cover the place up and Kristina stood there with a worried face.

Kristina(thinking): I'm sorry Bhabi..... I couldn't distract him.  I hope nothing happens to you. Shivaay bhaiya don't be late.
Veer: What happened? You look scared?
Kristina : Nothing.... Just reminds me of my parents funeral. Let's go.

Veer and Kristina walked away from the place. As soon as they left, two to three people came and dug the place and took out Her body.

"You can't leave me..... You can't..... Open your eyes please.... Open your eyes.... Maa see na she is not opening her eyes..... "
Pinky(tears): Shivaay, give sprinkle some water on her face.

He did it but no use.

He(tears): Anika..... Anika.... Open your eyes..... Anika......

And magic..... His tears brought Her back to senses...... She coughed and took a deep breath.

He(cupping her face) : Anika..... Open your eyes...... Anika......

Slowly, She opened her eyes and the look on his face broke her.

He: Are you fine? I am so sorry.... So sorry.... I.....
She(cutting him in between): Sshh.... Why are you saying Sorry? It is that Veer's work and you are saying sorry. Don't worry I am fine.
Pinky: Anika.... You are fine right?
Anika: I am fine Maa.....
Pinky: I was so scared seeing him locking the coffin so tightly. Thank god you are fine......
Rudra: Bhabi..... Why do you have to take such a huge step? If something happens to you then?
He(scared and hugs her tightly) : No.... Nothing will happen to her..... We will end all this.....
She(breaking the hug) : No Shivaay..... I will not back out after coming so far.  I will go to the depth of this.... Then only I will be at peace.
Om: But it's very risky bhabi.
She: In order to save the Family, I can go to any extent. (looking at Shivaay) Right?
He(nervous voice) : Yes..... (thinking) I can't loose you again.... I will di.....
She: Dare you think about it....
He(confused): What?.
She: You know very well.....
Pinky: I guess, we should go now. Otherwise, that Veer will become suspesious.
She: I just hope Bhavya is able handle everything.
Rudra: Don't worry bhabi.... She will manage everything.
Om: Yup.... Let's get going.

Shivaay picked Anika up in his arms and walked towards the house ignoring the shouts from her and the chuckles from his brothers and mother.

"Veer is Roop bua's son.... In short a son of this house..... And Soumya is helping him too.... Because she is a Kapoor who has come to take revenge of her father's death.... Soumya wants to marry Rudra and become the Oberoi bahu and stay and destroy the family..... Tia is also a Kapoor.... But she wants to help Shivaay bhaiya so they have held her captive along with her husband and child..... "

So many informations was too much for everyone. Bhavya had successfully got all the secrets from that Veer by spicking his water.

He: Now that we have got to know about his real motive then we should start planning.
She: Don't worry.... I have already planned everything with Maa.
He: And how did that happen?
Pinky : That's a secret.... Will tell you later. For today let's call the day off. Tomorrow, there is Sangeet many preparations are left to be done.


Veer was trying to find a way to harm the Obros and for that he has appointed Kristina for it.... And he wants to test her loyalty. And as planned, the backdrop was over the Oberoi brothers but the surprising thing was.... It looked heavy but wasn't in real.

Kristina: So done with your loyalty test ? I never expected.
Veer: Then how do you think I should trust you? You are unknown to me and I don't trust people so blindly.
Kristina: Fare enough.... So what's next?
Veer: The puja that is going to be conducted by the family for Rudra and Bhavya..... Soumya wants to do it.
Kristina: Okay.... How are you going to do that?
Veer: It is already in action...... Everyone is intoxicated and asleep..... So she can easily go and do it.
Kristina : Wow, good idea. But do you think it will work?
Veer: Of course..... Let's go and see.

As he had said..... Obros,  Gauri and Bhavya were asleep...... Pinky and Janvi had already left.

Veer: Let's go  call Soumya.
Kristina: Why don't you go ahead and call her. These heels are irritating me a lot. I will just go and change them.

Veer went to call Soumya. Kristina aka Anika walked towards Her family and stood in front of them. One by one everyone woke up and stood up.

Rudra: What an acting everyone.  I am proud of you all.
Om: Duffer, it should have been Anika bhabi's dialogue not yours.
Anika: Let it be. We need to work fast. Bhavya, Gauri leave for the temple immediately and try to complete the puja as soon as possible. Tell Maa that everytime is under control. Go fast.

They left. While the Obros were waiting to be ordered.

Anika: What are you all standing here for? Go and do as I said. Go fast.

Everyone went except Shivaay. He stood there and observed his wife's new style..... Western dresses with high heels and dark red lipstick..... Was making him  go crazy like anything but he can't even do anything.

Anika: What are you standing here?
Shivaay: Trying to understand my wife's new style.... (pulling her into his arms) Must say Mrs. Oberoi..... You look Hot.....
Anika(shied away) : Shivaay.... What are you doing? If that Veer us then all will go into waste.
Shivaay: No one will see us.  I guess till now OmRu would have done there work.
Anika: I know, but I need to see whether it was successful or not.
Rudra(spoiling their moment) : Bhabi..... (seeing them and closed his eyes) Oh God...... Bhaiya.... Please do all these things in the room not here in front of kids....
Anika(freeing herself) : Nothing like that Rudra..... Is it done?
Rudra: Yup.... Both of them are knocked out and will only be awake in the morning.
Anika: Great..... These two are done...... Now I need to find out where they have kept Tia captive.... But how?
Om: I guess this will help us.
Anika: Exactly phone. Give it to me.
Shivaay: Do you even.....
Anika(unlocked the phone) : Don't underestimate the power of Anika.....
Shivaay (shocked) : How?
Anika: Long story.... Some other day..... Now(looking through the phone) what the hell?
Shivaay : What's this language?
Anika: Her phone is empty..... No call logs no contacts.... Nothing. Now how will I figure out about Tia? (phone rings) Someone is calling.
Om: Pick up the call bhabi.

She nodded and picked up the call.

*Phone conversation *
Meet me in the gowdown within 15 mins.....
Anika(coughs): Di..... I..... I......
Swetlana : What happened to you?
Anika(coughs): Cough and cold..... Di..... I can't come.... I'm too sick....
Swetlana : Okay no problem..... You take rest..... I was calling you here to say that Tia has escaped with her husband and child. And we need to find them before they reach Shivaay.....
Anika: We will find them di.... (coughs) I.....
Swetlana : Leave it... You take rest..... I will call you tomorrow....

Shivaay : Who was it?
Anika: Swetlana.... And Tia ran away from their clunches.
Om: Now what?
Anika: Now we need to track her down before the Kapoor sisters does it. Khanna ji.....
Khanna(runs inside): Yes Ma'am.
Anika: Track Tia fast..... I want to know her location within 10 minutes .
Khanna: Yes ma'am. (goes away)
Shivaay: What will you do next?
Anika: I will.....

Giggling and some talking were heard. Everyone looked towards the entrance and saw Pinky, Janvi and Gauri and Bhavya returning.

Anika: Puja is done?
Janvi: Yes... Very nicely. Now everyone should go and rest tomorrow we have the other functions of the marraige.

Everyone nodded and Janvi walked away. Pinky stayed back.

Pinky: Any information?
Anika: Tia escaped.
Pinky(shocked): Oh my maata..... Now what?
Anika: Khanna ji is trying to track her down before Swetlana finds her out.
Khanna : Ma'am..... It's done.
Anika: Great.... Let's get going.
Pinky: I will also come.
Anika : No maa. You are already tired. Let me do this.  I will return soon. Don't worry.

Anika walked out with Khanna leaving a worried Shivaay and Pinky behind.


"There are many things that is related to Kalyani mills..... but I can't say you.... "
Anika: Why can't you say me Tia?
Tia: Because....
Anika: Because what?
Tia: Because it will break yours and Shivaay's relation forever.
Anika: What do you mean by that?
Tia(shaky voice) : In that accident not only the Oberois were at loss or suffered... But yours too. Your Family was one of victims of the incident......
Anika(shocked): What? But.... But... How is It going to break our relation?
Tia: Because..... Your Family didn't die due to accident but due to murder...... Tej Uncle had locked the chamber where your dad was and......

It was like a shocking relevation to her. She stumbled back but maintained her balance.

Tia: But I want to say you one thing.... Please don't give punishment of others to Shivaay..... Please.....
Anika(compositing): How can you even think like that Tia? Our relation is very pure and it is full of trust and believe.  I know my family is no more but I will not leave any opportunity to save this Family. Now tell me what ever you know.

Tia started telling whatever she knows and Anika kept on hearing and making further plans.

Anika: Now I can do everything with more accuracy. Thank you so Tia.... And don't worry, your sisters won't find you. Here....(giving something) Tickets for Singapore.... Go ahear and start a new life without any naftar.
Tia(with tears): Thank you so much Anika.... I will never forget your kindness..... Thank you so much.
Anika: Nothing like that Tia. Just go ahead and lead your Beautiful life.

"Only two more days and then marraige..... And we haven't decided anything how to stop this marraige "

Veer: Don't worry I still have my master stroke with me.
Sounya : And what is that?
Veer: Bride swapping.....
Soumya(excited): Really? But how?
Veer : For that we need Kristina's help.
Kristina(walking inside): Did anyone call me?
Veer: Yes, discussing about my upcoming final strock.
Kristina: Interesting.... But what is my benefit in it?
Veer: If Soumya becomes the choti bahu then she will be helpful in helping you out with your revenge.
Kristina: Okay. What do I  have to do.



*Wedding day*
The mansion looked beauty..... After all it is last wedding of this generation and the most youngest one is getting married. Everything was going according to Veer's plan but is it so?

Pinky: Anika plan kya hai?
Anika: Nothing..... Veer will swap the brides but he won't realize that the one he is sending is actually Bhavya.
Pinky: Then how are you going to expose their plans and plottings?
Anika: I..... (sees something and gets horrified)
Pinky: Anika are you fine?
Anika: Yes maa.... Everything is fine.  I just want to say something.... (holds her hands) if anything happens to me..... Please stay beside Shivaay......
Pinky: Why are you talking like this Anika?
Anika: Nothing maa.... Just.... I guess we should get going.....

Pinky couldn't understand the meaning of her words but kept it in her mind.

Red light.....
Red blood.....

Everything was going on smooth. Marraige was proceeding smoothly..... And correctly.

Prist: Vivah sampannah hua.... Aaj se app dono pati patni hue....

"No... This can't happen.... ",came a voice. Everyone turned around to see Soumya in disoriented fashion.

Soumya: This can't happen.  I was supposed to marry Rudra.
Bhavya(removing the veil) : How can you even think about it?
Soumya(angry): Because I wanted revenge..... The Oberois destroyed my Family.... And everything.....

"You are under arrest Miss. Soumya Kapoor..... And Miss.Swetlana Kapoor"

Everything was slipping out of their hands. Veer stood shocked yet composed so that no one notices him.

Swetlana (thinking) : If we are getting arrested then why will Veer be left behind. (speaking out) Officer Arrest Veer Pratap Chauhan as well because he and his mother Roop is behind all these.....

And with that, she blabbered out everything that was related...... Police was about to arrest Roop and Veer when.....


"Jab tak mai iss parivaar me hu.... Iska koi kuch nehi kar sakta..... "

She lost balance but He caught her. She again.... Again risked her life for Him......

Shivaay: How is she doctor?
Doctor: Only God can save her now..... Please pray.....

He fell on his knees and blacked out......


*Pinky's POV *
How can a person be selfless? Anika risked her life not once but twice to save Shivaay as well as the family...... How can she be so good... How?

When for the first time, she had asked my help to end all these chaos of the Family.... I hesitated but she made me agree. Even OmRu and Gauri Bhavya were informed about the plan. Shivaay was informed expect the part of suicide drama. Everything was fake on that day..... Fake bullets..... Fake drama...... Everything fake..... But our greatest blunder was to not Inform Shivaay about it. He totally broke seeing everything.... I never thought that he will be broken to this extent. Truty.... Anika is his strength as well as his weakness......

Anika's absence for a week was disastrous for Shivaay. Still we had to put stone on our heart and plan and work. Anika learnt many things within few hours. Then change of style to that of modern was quite touch to make her agree.... but ultimately she did it.

The day she returned, was joyous for all especially Shivaay. All our plans were going smooth until Shivaay broke down and Anika had to go back to her usual self and make him calm down and explain. To some extent he did understand.

But today...... I can see very clearly..... If something happens to Anika then Shivaay won't be survive..... Because Anika has become his weakness.....

*POV ends *.

*Few days later *

Shivaay(carenessing her hairs): You love to irritate me a lot right... That's why you aren't waking up..... But please don't do like this..... I can't survive..... You have to return.....

He kissed her forehead lovingly and a tear slipped down his eyes to her forehead. Her finger moved which was unnoticed.

*Few hours later *

Doctor(coming out of the ward): Mrs. Anika is fine.... you all can meet her now.

Everyone went inside to meet her except Him. He stood their watching her smile and make little conversation with others as they shower love on her. Everyone left her after a few minutes. Pinky saw that her son was still standing at the threshold of the room.

Pinky: Don't you want to meet her?
Shivaay: Darr lagta hai....
Pinky: Kis baat ka darr?
Shivaay: That she will leave me again.... And if it happens again then.....
Pinky: Shivaay..... You should meet her. (pushing him inside) Just go.

She opened her eyes hearing some noice and Her sensometer worked showing his presence near her.


The exact words that can describe her husband currently and the only fear she had..... She is becoming his weakness.....

Anika: Sit..... (he obeyed) What have you done to yourself Shivaay? This isn't the Shivaay I know..... You were never broken.... Then?
Shivaay(holding her hand) : You were right Anika..... You have become my weakness.....
Anika: And that is what I never wanted. Shivaay(tightening her grip) I never..... Never wanted to be your weakness....... I always wanted to be your strength..... Seeing you like this is making me feel miserable.... It shows that I failed as a wife.....
Shivaay(little angry voice) : You have never failed in anything..... And stop feeling miserable , you aren't at fault at all.... It is me.... Who......
Anika: Shivaay..... Just like you are my strength and weakness but I have always seen you as my strength..... My sun..... which gives me emmense power to do anything..... Anything..... So will you not make your strength?
Shivaay: You are my strength Anika... My biggest strength..... (touching his forehead with hers) You are my everything..... My life... My wife..... My love.... I love you.....
Anika: I love you too.....

Though it still remains a mystery whether Anika is Shivaay's strength or weakness.... But one thing was clear.... Whatever happens the person who is your strength..... Is also your weakness......

Did I give you all an entertaining one?
I guess I diverted completely from the sneak peek..... Will you all mind about it?

Dedicated to.....

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