OS 7: Magic... ✨

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Hey people.....
I am back with a new os.....
On the current track of the murder.....
Dedicating the OS to.....

"Real magician is Nancy... Who had the power to spell her magical powers over the great magician Taj... Even he couldn't escape from her spell....Just see how Mohit is taking care of Nancy..... Nancy is Mohit's life.... Hai naa?"

Her words were playing like a tape recorder in his brain and those eyes full of expectations, he can never forget those. He looked at the bed and saw her sleeping peacefully with a smile, probably seeing a beautiful dream. But his sleep was miles away. Her words, her eyes, her face everything was keeping him awake. But why? He got up from the couch and sat beside the bed on the floor. He slowly tucked the hair behind her ears and carenessed her cheek. His actions made her smile wider and he also smiled seeing her.

Shivaay(low voice): I don't know why I am not able to tell you which is my heart. Because I have never heard what my heart said to me. I have always heard what my brain has said to me. But whenever it comes to you I loose my thinking ability. You are right.... There is MAGIC..... But.... But I can't make you feel that magic because I am not right for you. If you stay with me you will be destroyed. You won't stay happy with me. And I can bear everything but not your tears. I am not right for you.... I am not....
Anika(whispers in sleep): Shivaay.... (smiles widely)

He heard her and something happened in him. She is dreaming about him and smiling as well. What might be the dream? Is she dreaming about him? He moved towards her more and tried to decipher what she was dreaming in the hope that maybe he could also dream.

Anika(whispers): I am always there for you Shivaay. I know you don't accept me as your wife but you are my husband and you will always find me beside you.... I promise.... (smiles)

He was stunned. Her dreams were full of him and him.... And what is he doing? Trying to push her away from him.... But what else can he do. He is cursed..... He has stained blood flowing through his veins.... What if he also turns out to be like his father and hurt Her..... No he can never do that..... And he had promised himself that he will never be like this father..... But....

Tej: I just hope you don't turn up to be like your father.... After all whatever happens at the end of the day blood speaks out.....

Those exact words kills him and forces him to be away from Her. But he can at least do something right.

He looked at her and her face reflected in the moonlight making her look like an angel.

Shivaay: I promise Anika tomorrow.... Will be something different for us.

Kissing her forehead very lightly, he moved towards the couch to grab some sleep. He closed his eyes and the scene of Anika between the fire came up. His eyes opened instantly and his breaths were heavy. He can never forget that day.... Never. He had almost lost her that day. He again went to the bed and sat beside her. As if sensing him,she turned and put her hand on his lap. He took hold of it and interwind their fingers. Perfectly fitted. He smiled lightly. Finally,he felt at peace and sleep took over him.

*Next morning *
Anika opened her eyes too see her husband beside her. She smiled.

Anika: It is such a good dream. Shivaay beside me on the bed and sleeping. But why is he sitting and sleeping? Whatever it is. At least in my dream he is beside me otherwise he is always running away from me. ( carenessing his cheek) it feels so real.... I thought his eyes are the only thing that is beautiful but..... He, himself is.... (realises something and her eyes widen) This is not dream..... this is real. Shivaay is really ..... really..... (saw him waking up) I should pretend to sleep and see what he does.

She closed her eyes and pretended to sleep. He opened his eyes and her angelic face caught his eyes. A small smile emerged in his lips. Their hands were still together interlinked with each other. He kissed her fingers one by one and Anika was a very hard time to control herself. He bent down to her face. His hot breaths were falling on her face making her heart flip.

Shivaay(whispers): Good morning Mere Chaand..... (kissed her forehead) This morning will mark the beginning of a new feeling for us..... I promise.....

Kissing her forehead again,he went to freshen up. The bathroom door closed and she opened her eyes. She sat up on the bed and kept her hand on the chest. Her heart is running a marathon. She was trying to understand what had happened suddenly to her husband. But whatever happened, she is very happy with it and now she was eagerly waiting for him to do that unexpected thing for them.


The whole day passed by but that Magic did not happen. He did not do what he wanted to do. Just a small smile and hand kiss was all that she got before he left for his deals. It's almost midnight and he hasn't returned yet. OmRu said that it was common as he always returned after midnight. But she didn't know why today something was not happening good. She kept on calling him and it kept on going unanswered, increasing her worries.

Anika: I don't know why am I feeling so restless. This is the first time I am thinking about someone else other than Gauri and Sahil. I don't know what these feelings are.... But....

The sound of car halting broke her thoughts. She looked towards the mansion door in anticipation.


The door opened and walked in her husband fully tired but focus on his phone screen. She smiled with tears seeing him and ran towards him but halted just few metres away. He looked up to see Her tear filled eyes and something broken inside him. Phone long forgotten and broken to pieces seeing her. He cupped her face lightly as if she is a glass doll.

Shivaay: Anika.... What happened? Why are you crying?

She spoke nothing and kept on shedding her tears. He was confused as well as scared.

Shivaay: Anika.... What happened? Tell me. Dadi said you something? Or Baade Papa... Tell me.... ( wiping her tears) Tell me Chaand....

A sob escaped her lips and more tears. He was becoming more and more tensed. And magic happened..... He pulled her closed and kissed her forehead. She held his blazer tightly as if making her realise that he is really here. He kissed her eyes one by one and drank her tears. Her body surrendered and she leaned over his chest. He caught hold of her and hugged her tightly to himself. Her hands moved around his waist hugging him back tightly. They stayed in that position for sometime, until both of them were sure that the other is fine. Without any further talks,he picked her up in his arms and she hid in his embrace. He proceeded towards his room..... Naa their room but went out of the window and settled themselves in the poolside.

Shivaay: Feeling better? (she nodded) Now tell me what happened? Why were you crying?(holding her hand)
Anika: Nothing.... You must be hungry.... I will get your dinner. (trying to go)
Shivaay(holds her): Anika..... Food can wait. Tell me what happened.
Anika: Shivaay..... We can talk later. You need to eat. I will get it.
Shivaay: Did you eat? (seeing her head down) (sighs) Anika..... You go and get it ready. I'm coming in few minutes.

He left her hand and she ran away. He sighed seeing her.


Everything was set but he was still not here. Maybe busy in some call. She sat down and recalled the moments they shared a while ago. She could still feel his lips on her forehead lingering bringing a small smile on her face. She was in her own small dreamland when a sound of something breaking  caught her attention.

Anika: This sound came from Shivaay's room. What might have happened? I should go and check.

She climbed up the stairs and reached the room. She pushed the door open and saw Shivaay standing in his usual nightwear with a messed up hair.

Anika: What was happening here?
Shivaay(stammering): Nothing .... Nothing .... Just...
Anika(looking behind him): How did that vase break? And (checking his hands) You didn't hurt yourself naa....
Shivaay(calming her down): I am fine Anika. I just broke that in anger. Nothing else.
Anika: Sure?
Shivaay: Yaa.... Absolutely sure. Let's go. I am hungry.

He went out of the room hurriedly leaving her in confusion. Shrugging her thoughts away,she went behind him. But she failed to notice a shadow behind the curtains.

Dinner was a silent pleasant affair. Occational eyelocks and him holding her hand throughout the time made her heart go crazy. He waiting till she was done and both of them walked back to their room. She was about to go to bed when his hold stopped her.

Shivaay: Can we sit by the poolside if you are not sleepy?
Anika: Sure.

Holding her hand in his ,he guided her towards the poolside. They sat by the poolside dipping their legs in the water. Comfortable Silence prevailed between  them. Slowly, he took hold of her hand and interwinded it. She looked at it and was amazed.

Shivaay: My father Shakti Singh Oberoi had a mistress and was cheating on my mother.

She tightened their hold and moved closer to him. Finally,he was opening up his darkest secret to her.

Shivaay: My mother was not a strong woman. When she found out that my fath.... I mean her husband was having an extra marital affair.... She couldn't take the news. I.... I.... Still remember that day..... (tightening his hold on her) I was just 5 years old and Priyanka was just 2 years. Mom and dad were fighting as usual.... But.... ( he was shivering)
Anika(taking him in side hug): You don't need to say anything more Shivaay. If it hurts you.... No need.....
Shivaay: Let me tell you Anika. I want to tell you everything. You will listen?(asking in the most vulnerable voice)
Anika: I am always there beside you.
Shivaay: Then..... I heard a gunshot..... And everything ended. Everything. Dadi never told me about it. But I found it out. And I had promised myself that I will never be like my father. But.....(looking at her) I did that exact thing which my father had done. I forcefully married you and said that you.... You are my..... (stops for sometime) Anika.... I know that you have forgiven me and we are friends now.... Rather best friends..... But.... I want something more..... I know our relation isn't like Mohit and Nancy but I have some kind of right over you. Do I?
Anika: Shivaay..... Rights can only be given if we have any relation. You are fulfilling all your duties and responsibilities as a friend and I as a wife. Whether you accept it or not I am your wife and you my husband. And I give you those rights.
Shivaay: Anika ..... If my any means, a situation occurs where there is a question over my character. Will you support me?
Anika(looking straight into his eyes): Whatever happens Shivaay..... You will always find me beside you in every situation. And that is my promise to you.

He stared at her for sometime and hugged her tightly. Don't know why he said about his past..... Don't know why he asked about the rights..... Don't know why he is so much concern about her trust over him..... But one thing he knows ..... That is ..... Her everything matter to him a lot......


The scene in front of her would have broken her into pieces but his one look at her and she understood everything.

Shivaay hovering over Nancy and it seemed as if he was trying to kiss her.

Nancy saw Mohit and pushed Shivaay away who was about to fall but a soft pair of hands prevented him from falling. But he was unable to look into her eyes. Nancy was crying and telling Mohit that Shivaay had tried to force himself on her. Hearing it Mohit was about to hit Shivaay when Anika came in front of her husband creating a wall between the two men.

Mohit(raged): Anika move aside. You don't know what he has done.....
Anika(calmly): Mohit.... I have seen everything with my own eyes and I can say it with guarantee that whatever you have seen is all false. Matter is something else.
Mohit: You are trying to save him. You are also a girl Anika. How can you think like this?
Anika: What did I do? I just said that whatever Nancy is saying is false. Shivaay can never force anyone.
Mohit: So you mean to say that Shivaay fell on Nancy by mistake.
Anika: Absolutely. See(showing the carpet) the carpet has moved from it's place. So maybe while walking Shivaay's feet got stuck and he tripped over Nancy. (turning towards Shivaay) Am I right Shivaay?
Shivaay(in daze): Haa..... That only happened. My feet got stuck and I tripped over Nancy. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do it.
Anika(holding his hand): You don't need to give so much explaination,Shivaay. I trust you.....

Her eyes showed emmense about trust for him and he felt guilty. No, he has to tell her everything before the matter goes out of his hands.


Dadi: I have kept a puja for the well-being of the family in the mandir. So I want everyone to join it only family members. (eyeing Anika)
Jhanvi: Of course mummyji. We all should go. We should take Anika and Shivaay also. They can take blessings from God. This will be the first time they go after their marriage.
Dadi: But...
Anika(cutting her in between): Baadi maa I would have happily accompanied you all but today I received a call from Sahil's school. There is a parent teacher's meeting. So I can't come with you all. I'm very sorry.
Jhanvi: But....
Shivaay: Baadi maa even I also won't be able to attend the puja. I have an important meeting to attend.
Dadi: Billu aapne Dadi ke liye nahi karega?
Shivaay: Dadi,you know that I don't believe in all these. So please don't force me.

She agreed reluctantly and glared at Anika. She thought that because of her Shivaay isn't going with them. Even Mohit and Nancy were accompanying them.

*Next Day*
As she had said, Anika had left for Sahil's school even before the family could leave. Shivaay could see the emptiness and pain in her eyes. He had seen through the gaps between Dadi and Her and had chose to stay back. But he really didn't expect her to go to Sahil's school. The family along with Nancy and Mohit left. Shivaay thought of finishing his work from home today. But he was unaware that his this thought would land him in great trouble.

*Evening *
Everyone had returned back except Anika. They found the mansion dark. Soon lights came and trail of blood was seen. Gauri and Priyanka got scared and hugged each other tightly. OmRu took the initiative and followed. It lead to Shivaay's room. They pushed open the door to see a sleeping Shivaay and someone beside him covered from head to toe. Before OmRu could go further,Mohit entered hurriedly.

Mohit: Guys,Nancy is missing. She said that she is going back as she was not well but I can't find her. (looks around the room) Why there is blood ? What happened?

He looked at Shivaay and saw him sleeping. He looked beside him and found someone. The hand was sticking out of the cover and the butterfly bracelet caught his attention. He went towards it and opened the cover....

Meanwhile,Anika enter the mansion and a sudden eeriness surrounded her heart. Her first thought went towards Shivaay and the blood caught her sight. She became scared. Without thinking anything, she rushed towards his room. She looked inside but nothing caught her eyes except his sleeping form. She rushed towards him and checked him. Blood was on his shirt ,hands and face. She became shocked and tried to wipe them away to check for his wounds,when someone pulled him up and shook him harshly.

Mohit(raged): Wake up.... you ba******. Wake up.....(threw him on bed)

Shivaay opened his eyes slowly and his head felt heavy. He caught his head. He was unable to understand anything when Mohit again pulled him by his collar and hit his jaw harshly.

Anika(shouted): Shivaay......

Before,he could touch the ground she caught him. She made him stand and questioned Mohit.

Anika: What kind of behaviour is this Mohit? How can you hit Shivaay like this? What has he done?
Mohit: What has he done.... what has he done.... He has killed my wife Nancy.... He is a bloody murderer.

Everyone was shocked hearing it. Anika looked at Shivaay who was shocked as well. She looked towards the bed to see someone. She walked towards it and saw the body covered with blood and face destroyed completely. A knife beside the body covered with blood. From the clothes ,she could understand that it was Nancy and her bracelet but her face was completely destroyed. She closed her eyes for a while and opened them.

Anika(calm voice): Om call the police. Let them handle the case.

Everyone was shocked hearing her. Shivaay felt as if he has lost even before he could defend. His shoulders dropped and his eyes too. He didn't feel so much defeated before in his life as he is feeling today. Somewhere,he was expecting that she would have faith in him but......

Everyone left the room except Shivaay and Anika. She walked towards the cupboard and took out a fresh pair of clothes for him. Walking up to him, she looked at his defeated posture.

Anika: Shivaay....(He looked up at her) I trust you.


Officer Bhavya was not able to understand how come a person like Mr. Oberoi murder someone. It was going beyond her thinking abilities. The face was completely unidentible making her note that the murdered don't show any mercy on her but she would still wait until the post mortem report comes. She had called every member of the family for interrogation. And one interesting thing had come up .....

Tej: Shivaay and Anika do not share husband wife relation. Rather they sleep separately in the room. And one night, I had seen Nancy in Shivaay's room. I guess....
Janvi: Shivaay and Anika are married but I have never seen any tinch of togetherness in them. Rather none of us have witnessed their marriage.
Dadi: Anika is just like a roadside trash for our family. She doesn't have any relation with Shivaay.

Though the senior Oberois were indicating that Shivaay and Anika weren't in a healthy relationship but the younger generation gave her a very opposite statement.

Om: Shivaay and Anika bhabi are married. There might be some differences between them. But they highly respect each other. And I have full faith that my brother can't do anything like this. He hasn't done the murder.
Rudra: Bhaiya and Anika bhabi are married. There isn't love or romance between them but trust is always present. And tell me one thing which married couple not have any differences between them. I am 100 no 200% sure that Bhaiya has nothing to do with this murder.
Priyanka: Shivaay Bhaiya and Anika bhabi are married. They have their own unique relation which we can't understand. And I am totally sure bhaiya can never do such a thing. Never.

Bhavya had interrogated everyone except the culprit and Anika. She called Anika in but she refused to enter without Shivaay. Being helpless,she allowed both of them together.

Bhavya: Where were you Anika at the time of murder?
Anika: I was in my brother's school for meeting.
Bhavya: Mr. Oberoi what do you remember?
Shivaay(stammering): I.... I....

Anika holds his hands tightly and gave him assurance. Bhavya saw it but kept quite.

Shivaay: I was in the house alone doing my pending office work. I was also drinking my coffee. Suddenly someone entered the room. I thought it was Anika. But it was Nancy. I told her to leave my room immediately. But she didn't listen. She tried to come close to me but I pushed her away. I don't know what happened after that because I started feeling very dizzy and after that everything is blank. Trust me officer, I didn't murder her. Trust me.
Bhavya: How do I believe you that Nancy was forcing herself on you and not you on her?
Anika: She had already done this, not once but twice.
Bhavya: How can you be so sure about it Anika?
Anika(strongly): Because I saw it with my very own eyes that Nancy was trying to force herself upon Shivaay.

This statement of hers changed not only the course of the case but His heart too.

Bhavya: That clearly shows that Anika had many reasons to kill Nancy.
Shivaay(roared): How dare you point finger on Her? She wasn't even present in the house.
Bhavya: How can you be so sure Mr. Oberoi because you don't remember anything. Maybe it was all Anika's plan to make you unconscious and kill Nancy.
Shivaay: Impossible. Anika can never such a thing. She was in Sahil's school for meeting. You can call the school authority and ask them.

As they had said,she was actually present in the school attending the meeting. The photo of the signed register and one from the event showing her presence proved her words.

Bhavya: This removes Anika from the prime suspect. But this doesn't remove Mr. Oberoi from it.
Anika(to Shivaay): Can you wait for me outside Shivaay? I will just come.
Shivaay: But...
Anika: Please......

He nodded and went. Anika looked towards Bhavya with a very serious expression.

Anika: I think Nancy is alive.
Bhavya(confused): What do you mean to say?
Anika: The body is not Nancy's. I don't know why but I am having this feeling.
Bhavya: But the dress and the bracelet says that.....
Anika: How can you be so sure about it when the face is completely destroyed?
Bhavya(clicks her): You are right.
Anika: Just give me 2 days. I will clear everything.
Bhavya: You don't need to Anika.
Anika: Bhavya please. I request you.

Finally with some reluctancy she agreed.


She saw him sleeping and sighed. He needed it so much. Everything that happened has taken a big troll on his health and cherry on top Baade Papa's words.

Tej: I knew something like this would happen one day. First father now son. Whatever respect we had you have ruined it completely. After all blood showed it colour. Don't expect me to support you because you are a black spot to this family just like your father.

His words pierced her then she can very well understand how much hurt he was. And everything came to him in whole wave and crushed him to the shore. He was scared to enter his own room so she had to shift him to hers. Priyanka was beside him and taking this opportunity she went to find out the real culprit.


Two days went away like wind. Shivaay was loosing his last bit of hope that Anika had given him.

Anika: I promise you Shivaay within 2 days I will prove you innocent. This is the promise of a wife to her husband.

She was missing the morning increasing his tension. No ..... He can't stay quite. He has to find her. Don't know why he is feeling very restless. He took his car keys and went away without informing anyone.


Anika had found out something very interesting. She found a secret door in Mohit's room which she followed. She landed herself just outside the mansion on the back side away from the CCTV camera range. She looked around and found tyre marks. She started following it. But suddenly it vanished. She looked around but found nothing. Feeling dejected she was about to return back when her sight caught Mohit. He seemed to be going somewhere secretly. Feeling suspicious she followed him. He reached a colony and entered. She kept on following. She didn't know why she called the last dialled number that turned up to be Shivaay and kept on following. He rang the bell of a flat and someone opened. The person hugged him tightly and seeing her, Anika was shocked.

Anika(shocked whisper): Nancy.....

On the other hand seeing Anika's call ,Shivaay picked it up and before he could say anything he heard....


His eyes widened in shock. He immediately called Bhavya and told her to trace Anika's number. Getting the location,he rushed to finish this for ever.


Mohit: Baby..... How are you? I hope you are feeling lonely here.
Nancy: No baby. I am absolutely fine. Just tell me how far are we from your mission?
Mohit: Not far baby.... The police still haven't found the real culprit and today is the last day of Shivaay Singh Oberoi. Tomorrow he will be sentenced to death and all the property will be mine..... Mine..... What did he think that I am his friend...... Best friend. No.... I'm his half brother..... Mohit Singh Oberoi. Just because my mother was his father's mistress I will not get the share of my property. No.... That will never happen. First I tried to kill him then saved him. Became his friend and won the family's heart. Everyone believes me. I used you to ruin his character but that Anika came in between. Then I thought no something solid has to be done. So I planned this murder. I even had to kill an innocent for that Shivaay. If at all Shakti Singh Oberoi had written equal shares for both of us then I didn't had to do all these......


He moved swiftly and saw a horrifying Anika.

Mohit: Seems like you heard everything.
Anika: Why are you doing this? Shivaay is your friend.... I mean your brother.
Mohit(shouts): No.... He is not my brother. He is not. He is nothing to me.
Anika: But Shivaay has always thought you as his best friend. How can you.....
Mohit: He is nothing to me. Now  that I know that you know everything about me,you need to die. Sorry bhabiji.....

He pointed gun towards her head and she closed her eyes. Shivaay's pictures were roaming in front of her eyes.

Anika(thinking): I'm sorry Shivaay. I couldn't prove you innocent. I'm sorry. Please forgive me. I know you never accepted me as your wife. I just pray that you get your desired life partner and live happily. I will always wish for your happiness Shivaay. I just have one grievance. I couldn't see you before I die. I'm sorry Shivaay.
Mohit: Any last wish bhabiji?
Anika(smiles): Shivaay's innocence.



Everything was over.....
He had to again hear those bullet shots which he had heard about 25 years ago. That time he had lost his most important person ,His mother and his father. And today also he is on the verge of loosing someone important in his life..... Anika.

Blood was again on his shirt and hands but this time it was Hers.

Mohit was about to pull the trigger when a bullet was shot on his leg making him fall down in pain. She opened her eyes to see him. She is safe. She is safe.

Nancy was being pulled out by the officer who took a U turn pulled out the gun and aimed at Shivaay. Anika saw everything and worked fast. She hugged him tightly and turned....


She jerked a bit due to the force and tighten her grip around his neck. But..... She turned again and ......


Anika(whispers): I said naa I will prove your innocence. I did it. And you also fulfilled my wish.... To see you before I die..... Good bye Shivaay.... Have a great life ahead and if you can please take care of Sahil and Gauri.... .... Marry someone who you love and give her your wife's place...... Aaj.... Mai.... Aapko..... Iss..... Riste..... Se...... Aa..... Aazad...... Karti..... Hu......

Slowly,her hold loosed and she was falling backwards. He was too numb to react but he caught her.

Shivaay: Anika..... You can't do this .... Anika....
Anika(stammering): I....... I....... Lo...... Lo......

But her words remained unsaid..... Her eyes closed taking her to the darkest pit.

A hand on his shoulder brought him out of his thoughts. He looked up to see OmRu.

Om: Have faith Shivaay. Bhabi will be fine.
Rudra: Haa Bhaiya. O is right. Bhabi can't leave us so easily. She has to come back.

None of their words sooth him. His eyes went towards Gauri and he stood up. He went to her.

Shivaay: Gauri......
Gauri(crying mess): Jiju.... Anika didi will be fine naa? Please tell me.
Shivaay: I promise you Gauri..... Anika ko kuch nehi hoga.... Yeh Shivaay Singh Oberoi ka waada hai tumse.


His words did magic...... She was saved but slipped to coma. Everyone was crying hearing it except him. He had a stern look and no tears.

All the allegations were removed from him.... Real culprits were imprisoned..... Tej realised his mistake but he had to do a lot of work to mend His heart..... Dadi finally realized what Anika is but seems like God was giving punishment for her ignorance..... And Shivaay .... Well.....

*2 months later*
*Hospital cabin*

Shivaay(entering): Good morning Wifey...... How are you today? Of course ek dum Khidkitod. Right?

But no response. She was lying still on the bed looking pale with an oxygen mask and tubes.
His eyes fixed on her face and he took the sindoor from the side table and filled her hairline a bit. He kissed over it and then her forehead. That was his daily routine for the past 2 months.

Her news of coma state shocked him. He thought that he can bring her back to life if he expresses his feelings.

Shivaay: Anika..... You came in my life as a wind and settled each and every thing properly. But.... I couldn't understand you. I always had this strange kind of feeling for you as if we were meant to be together. I felt attracted to you. The first time I saw you during the churni rasam , my eyes couldn't just leave your face and my heart couldn't just forget your beauty. But circumstances and misunderstandings made me do something very awful and hurtful. I ... I call you my mistress and didn't give you the position of my wife in my life. I humiliated you, destroyed you but you still never left me. You forgave me so easily and our friendship. That was the most beautiful thing that had ever happened with me. I tried fixing everything but just as you had said destiny wanted us to be together. You cancelled your marriage with Nikhil because you were already married. I tried to make you understand but you never burged. You kept on fulfilling all the responsibilities of a wife and me being a jerk always considered you as friend. You never forced me to be your husband. Then Daksh happened. I realized how much important you are to me. Mohit and Nancy's love made you feel sad and somewhere it also hurt me. I started thinking and realized that.... I can't live without you. You have become my addiction, my need. I had finally realized your value and was about to name our relation when all these happened. You did everything- proved me innocent,saved my life.... But risked your in exchange. You said that you have freed me from this unwanted relation. But you failed to notice that I had already accepted you as my wife. I was about to announce it to everyone when ..... Yes, Anika I accept you as my wife.... I accept you as my wife..... I accept you as my wife....

Shivaay(holding her hand): It's 2 months now. How much will you sleep like this? Don't you know everyone is so eager to meet you? Om, Rudra,Gauri, Sahil, Priyanka,Baadi maa, Dadi everyone is just waiting for you to open your eyes.
You might be thinking that I said about everyone except me. (chuckling dryly) Because you know that I don't think about myself. You are the one who always think about my health and everything. I don't take care of myself at all. You were right. There is no magic except one..... Magic of Lo.....

His words died out when he felt a slight grip on his hand. She is responding. He looked at her face to see her eye balls moving. Without wasting a second,he called the doctor.

Doctor: Mrs. Oberoi is responding but she isn't out of the coma state yet. This is a very big improvement.
Shivaay: When will she wake up?
Doctor: Maybe few months more. She is alive and surviving is the biggest thing for her. Otherwise we had almost lost her in the operation that day.
Shivaay: I don't know anything Doctor. I want my wife to be absolutely fine.
Doctor: Have faith Mr. Oberoi.

He nodded and looked at Her.


*3 months later*

Dadi: Billu, 5 months have passed. Still you are waiting for Her.
Shivaay: Because she is my wife Dadi. I can't leave her.
Dadi: What if she doesn't.....
Shivaay(looks at her dangerously): Anika Shivaay ki hai.... Aur woh mere paas zaror wapash aayegi.... Mai uuse wapash leke aayonga.... Because I can not breath without her. Mera Chaand aapna noor zaror dikhayegi.

He walked out leaving behind a tensed Dadi. She had understood in the past 5 months what Anika meant to her Billu. She was thankful to God to send such a pure soul for him who thinks about Him and not his money and status. But hearing about her health condition,She was tensed whether she will make it up or not. And if she doesn't then she knows that this house will not only loose Anika but also Shivaay.

Dadi(praying): Maata rani.... Whatever I had done before to Anika was due to my insecurities and my own experiences. I didn't want the history to be repeated again. That is why I never accepted her as the bahu of the house. She never tried to get that position. I have misbehaved with her. Even forced her to leave the house. I have many injustice to her. But please bhagwan meri galatiyo ki saaza Billu ko maat dena.... Please......

Magic Sparks flew.....


Doctor: Mr. Oberoi , your wife is out of coma. She is awake.

Finally his wait was over....
Finally she is back to him.....
Finally he will have her to himself.....
Finally he will give her what she always wanted.....

Everyone had surrounded her and showering love and anger. But her eyes were stuck on one point or maybe someone particular..... Him. OmRu understood and pushed everyone out of the room leaving them alone.

Anika(low voice): Won't you meet your friend?
Shivaay(sitting beside the bed): Not friend.... (interwinded the fingers) Wife....
Anika(chuckled): Good joke Shivaay. I have already freed you from this unwanted relation.
Shivaay: But I have not accepted your words. I haven't left you. (carenessing her hair and near her hairline) I am waiting for you for the past 5 months. Yes,Anika. I had already accepted you as my wife but kismat..... Since that day I'm filling your hairline with sindoor , everyday. And(showing her wrist) I had tied the mangalsutra around your wrist from that day itself. I.... I know Anika.... I have disappointed you.  I have failed to become the husband you always dreamt of. But now I promise.... I promise to fulfill each and every responsibility of a husband. I promise. Just tell me once that you haven't given up on me.... On us..... Please.

His eyes were teary and hers too. Her answer would determine their fate. And she said those words which always kept him alive.

Anika: I trust you Shivaay.


*1 month later*

Finally She is getting discharged from this hell. Though she never left it because Shivaay was always beside her. He never left her , not even for meetings. He only went home to freshen up and that time Gauri would stay beside her. Their relation were improving slowly and steadily. His care for her was clearly being seen. Occasion hand kiss and forehead kiss made her heart flatter. Very few words were exchanged between them but their eyes spoke volumes.

Shivaay: Ready?
Anika: Hmm....

Smiling at her, he picked her up in his arms and walked out of the hospital without caring about the people. She could only hide herself in his chest due to embarrassment.

*Oberoi Mansion*

Dadi welcomed the couple and surprisingly her griha pravesh was done again. She felt too happy and welcomed her new life with open arms.

Dadi: Anika.... You are the eldest bahu of this family and I want to give you certain responsibilities.
Janvi: Mummyji....
Dadi: No Janvi. Let me finish. (keeping Shivaay's hand in Anika's ) Your one and only responsibility is to keep My Billu happy. Will you?
Anika: Dadi, I will always keep Shivaay happy. I will never leave his side and stay like a shadow.
Shivaay: You will stay beside me as my wife not behind me.

She looked at him and he at her. Sparks flew magic happened.....


*Shivika's room*

Shivaay was holding his emotions that Anika could understand very well. So now only one thing was left.....

Anika: You don't trust me.
Shivaay: I never said that. And it's definitely not true.
Anika: Then, why are you trying to hide your emotions?
Shivaay(avoiding her eyes): I am fine.
Anika(making him look at her): Shivaay.... Look into my eyes and say that you are fine.

He lowered his eyes as he can't lie to her. She cupped his face and made him look at her.

Anika: Please.....

Eyes filled up. One drop.... Another and another.

Her heart broke into several pieces seeing him. Only once he had seen him such vulnerable was during Priyanka's accident. And now today he is shedding tears. Was it because of her?

Shivaay(cracking voice): Anika.... Anika.... When you were shot .... I was numb. I did not know what to do. I was totally blank. And .... And then your words. They stabbed me.... Here(pointing his heart). When doctor said that you wouldn't be able to make it.... I felt as if my reason of living is lost. I don't know why I felt that. But I understood one thing that you have broken the walls of my heart and captured a small area of it. You said Magic happens and it did happen. You were saved but..... You went into deep sleep.
Everyone broke down but I didn't. I was sure that you will come.... You will come back. Even if you had thought of leaving me... I would have brought you back. I can't live without you.... I can't....

Her tears too betrayed her. She was crying silently hearing him.

Shivaay: You were right Anika..... Magic does happen.... And it did happen..... (holding her hands) Magic of Love.....

He kissed her hands and cried silently. She couldn't see him like that. She cupped his face and wiped his tears nodding no.

Anika: Please Shivaay. I can't see you like this.
Shivaay(wiping her tears): Even I also can't see you like this. I can't see my Chaand crying.
Anika: Why do you call me Chaand?
Shivaay: It is said that Sun brightens a dark night. But for me.... (carenessing her cheek) My Chaand came and lighted up my dark life with her light.
Anika: Par Chaand toh gayab ho jata hai.
Shivaay: Mera Chaand kabhi gayab nehi hogi. Aur jitna mere Chaand mujhe jaane ki kosish karegi..... Mai uuse jaane nehi dunga.... Kabhi bhi nehi....

Sparks again flew....
Magic again occurred.....
And this time it was meant to last forever....

"There is no such thing called as Magic except one.... Magic of Love..... Shivaay and Anika were two different individuals..... But Sparks flew and magic happened...... They never said those 3 magical words to each other because they needed them..... Magic of Love was spelled over them..... Making them Shivika...."


I guess it is the horrible one I wrote till now.
Please bear with it....
All suggestions are heartily welcomed.......

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