OS 9 : Drugs......

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Hey people......

So this OS is for my pyaari behena Lovelyanju

Whose birthday was 4 days ago......

Belated happy birthday behena......
Many many happy returns of the day.....
May all your wishes and dreams come true.....
I pray your ailments get cured completely.......
Wishing you a very happy and colourful year ahead.....

I hope you enjoy whatever I have written.......



What is a drug?

#Well in lay man’s term the most important discovery of human race. It not only cures the ailment of the person but also brings back life to them.
#And according to medical science - drug, also called a medication or medicine, is a chemical substance used to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose a disease or to promote well-being. Traditionally drugs were obtained through extraction from medicinal plants, but more recently also by organic synthesis.
#And according to Oxford dictionary - A medicine or other substance which has a physiological effect when ingested or otherwise introduced into the body. OR Administer a drug to (someone) in order to induce stupor or insensibility.

Well for the world and the other people, all these above meaning are quite reasonable and logical. But for Him, drug has a all together a different meaning........ For Him drug means She....... Her soft brown eyes, Her plum red lips, Her long jet black  hair, Her soft milky skin, Her sweet laughter....... Her........ the list is endless. And for Him to function properly and systematically, He needs his daily dose of drug that is Her. But the problem is, She isn’t aware of his need....... Hell she isn’t even aware about who he is and that is what makes him do things that he doesn’t want to do it ever specially with Her. He doesn’t want to see the fear in her eyes for him but he has to do it because She is His oxygen and he needs Her to survive. Nothing is impossible for Him........ Cause He is The Shivaay Singh Oberoi, the first leading businessman in Asia for the outer world and The famous Guru, the most dangerous  and famous Don of the under dark world, who had head over heels in love........ Nope scratch that head over heels obsessed with Anika Mehta, the only daughter of the second leading businessman Mr. P. K. Mehta.


“Guru, all our Men have been sent”

“And we can hope good result within an hour. “

Two men dressed in black suits were standing in a large semi lighted room. In front of them was a large chair whose back side was facing towards them. Other than their voices, a constant ticking of glass is being heard along with the ticking of the clock. The eeriness of the room was telling about the personality and the current mood of the Person in chair. The silence was broken with a sudden knock.

“Come in....”, a strong manly voice resonated through the room.

The door clicked and opened swiftly and their stood, the Head of the Security Khanna with a file in his hand. Seeing him, the other two men took that as their indication and went out of the room leaving the two of them alone.

Man: Did you get it?
Khanna: Yes, Sir.
Man: Read it out. (Taking a sip from his campaign glass)
Khanna: Name Anika Mehta...... Age 25 years....... Height 5feet 2 inches........Daughter of P. K Mehta and Late Mansi Mehta........ Studies in NIFT doing her last year of fashion designing course ........ Friends Chanda Mittal studies with her.......... Hobbies Singing and painting.......... Owns an orphanage and gives free education to the children under 5 years and provides monetary fund to the elder kids.......... Very close to Sahil.......

The ticking stopped abruptly making Khanna stop his work. He knew what was coming next and so he continued against his Boss’s indication.

Khanna: Sahil is one of the kids from the orphanage.......

The ticking started again after a few seconds giving him the clue to continue.

Khanna: Relationship status.......(paused for sometime and said in low voice) engaged.......

The chair instantly turned and loud noise of shattering glass echoed through the silent room. The Man stood up with red eyes.

Man(dangerous voice): Who is it?
Khanna: Daksh Khurana........

And the next moment, a brand new iPhone 10 was lying on the floor in pieces.

Man: How dare He? How dare He take someone who belong Shivaay Singh Oberoi?  How? I will not leave him...... I will not....... Khanna, I want every details about this alliance and every single details of Daksh Khurana. (Shouts) Now.......

Khanna left the room with long strides closing the door behind him. Shivaay was still ragging in anger. He couldn’t control himself. He needs HER....... He needs to see Her........ He needs Her right now. He took his car keys from the table and walked out of the room stamping the already broken phone under his feet.


“ Thank You God for the world so sweet
Thank You god for the food we eat.
Thank You god for the birds that sing
Thank You God for everything."

The sweet melodious voice echoed through the beautiful garden. Many children were sitting on the mats and offering prayers and in front stood the most beautiful woman in simple white salwar kameez. She had a big smile on her face and her eyes closed. The dangling of her jhumkas, were creating a soft tinkling sound. Her dupatta was flying behind her lightly due to the wind.

Few minutes later, she opened her almond shaped eyes which is filled with happiness and positivity.

Lady: Now slowly open your eyes everyone. (She smiled) So for today, this is enough. Tomorrow we will learn about something new okay?
Children(chorus): Yes Anika didi.
Anika(smiles): Okay now everyone hurry to the mess room. Lunch time. (All of them started going) Don’t forget about the homework I gave today.

But kids...... gave deaf ears to her. She sighed seeing them. Turning back to the bench, she started collecting her things. She felt someone was seeing her. She turned back to see everything normal. She shrugged it and continued her work. Finally, packing everything she was about to turn back and leave when she bumped into a wall...... Wall??!! She looked up to see the most mesmerising eyes ever. She found herself getting drowned in those blue hypnotizing eyes. She didn’t even realise when a firm hand sneak around her waist pulling her almost to the well built chest. Her hands involuntarily moved towards the leaps of the suit holding it tightly. The distance between the face started decreasing making her breaths go uneven and shiver under his gaze. Her eyes closed automatically when his hot breaths stated fanning her neck. She took a sharp intake of oxygen feeling his nose and lips touch at the back of her earlobe exactly where her sweet spot was there.

Man(whispers): Mi amor..... Tu eres mio.......

Touching his lips for one last time, he detached himself and walked away leaving her in highly confused and messed up state of mind. She controlled her breaths and touched her cheeks which was heated and possibly red. She adjusts her duppata and bag properly and went towards the orphanage office to meet Mother.

*Orphanage office*

Anika knocked and entered to see an old lady in her late fifties. She looked at her and smiled.

Mother(smile): Anika My child.
Anika(smiles and hugs her): How are you Mother?
Mother: I’m absolutely fine.
Anika: I hope you are taking all your medicines on time without any fail.
Mother: Yes my child. Don’t worry. I’m fine.
Anika: Okay. (Taking out something) Here the monthly fund.
Mother: Why do you still do it? I know with what difficulty you are earning this. But still...... why Anika?
Anika(blank look): I don’t want any child to go through the problem of fees ever in their life. I know very well what it is.

Unaware to them, the blue eyed man was also hearing their conversation making him more angry.

Shivaay(calling): Khanna....... I want full details regarding Anika’s schooling and education.
Anika(composes herself): Now please don’t throw tantrums and take it.
Mother(takes it): Who can win over you?
Anika(smiles widely): No-one........
Shivaay(whispers to himself): I will....... I will Mi amor.......


Pinky Singh Oberoi stood by the large window of her room overviewing the garden lf the mansion. She was always one of those fun loving carefree girl who enjoyed her life to the fullest until the calm storm called Shakti Singh Oberoi hit her. He was calm yet so dangerous. He was exactly like a coconut, hard from outside but soft and sweet from inside. He was like that due to his profession....... Secret detective agent. He had such a tough and unpredictable life and when Pinky came like that calm soothing wind, he couldn’t step behind in claiming her forever even if it meant to blackmail her father. Initially, she was rebellious and angry due to the stunt he had put up and he would calmly take all those. Slowly she understood what he was and what he wanted and she couldn’t stop herself from making herself fall in love. The intensity of their love was just beyond measures. It was so so intense that she didn’t even shed a single tear when his ice cold body laid on the pyra with a white cloth covering it.  Rather she had a proud smile on her face because he had saved 10 million people from the deadly terrorist attack and also he had strictly said, “ If by any chance anything happens to me promise me that you will not shed a single tear. I can bear anything but your tears......” . So that was the reason why she never shed a tear.

A knock disturbed her thoughts. She said the person to come in.

Khanna: You had called me Ma’am?
Pinky(still looking out): Where is Shivaay?
Khanna(hesitating): Ma’am..... Sir.....
Pinky: Did he go to the orphanage or NIFT?
Khanna: Orphanage.
Pinky: Is he still having anger issues?
Khanna: Yes Ma’am.
Pinky: Send him to my room when he returns.
Khanna: Okay ma’am.

He again left her alone.

Her current interest of worries is her one and only son, Shivaay. He was always that obedient son who would never make others worry but currently be has been a ting weird so she had to run a check on him to come across something which is very much out of his character. One particular girl, named Anika is making him work out of his character. She has no objection of any opposite gender interference in her son’s life. But whatever information she has received is not good for the girl. It seemed as if history is repeating himself but in a more dangerous manner.


*Mehta mansion*

As the car rolled into the front porch, Anika sighed. She looked at the big mansion and loathed about its whole existence of the mansion as it would creep the hell out of her. That is why she would spend most of her time in the orphanage and her collage library. But seems like her stars aren’t lucky today.  Mr. Mehta has summoned her immediately. Yes, she doesn’t regard him as her father because of various reasons and one such is the heavy rock that resides on her finger caging her in the golden cage. She sighed again and stepped out of the car. The head maid came running towards her with a set of cloths.

HM: Ma’am..... Mr. Mehta would not appreciate with your look. Please change it.
Anika: I don’t care.
HM: Please ma’am.
Anika(angry): I said I don’t want to. Why don’t you simply understand?

“Anika...... Baby.....”

Anika: Maria,  please tell her.
Maria: Anika baby....... I only said her. I don’t want Sir to scold you.
Anika(sighs): Fine.

Maria, her nanny helped her change. After she was done, she was about to go when.....

Anika: Is Mr. Mehta home?
Maria: Yes.
Anika: Any idea why did he call me?
Maria: I don’t know Anika baby. But even Mr. Khurana is also here.
Anika: Why is he here?
Maria: No idea Anika baby.

Shaking her head, she entered to see both the Men seated. Gracefully, she went towards them and sat down on one of the couches facing them.

Anika: You wanted to see me Mr. Mehta?
PKM: Anika, Daksh here wants to take you out.
Anika: I’m not interested. And by the way I’m tired also. So please excuse me.
PKM(angry): Anika..... why don’t you ever listen to me?
Anika(angry): You expect me to listen to you when you don’t even acknowledge my presence in your life. You don’t want me..... you never wanted me.......
PKM(angry): Yes, I never wanted you. You are nothing but a very huge burden on me and a murderer. You killed my Mansi.......

She stumbled back hearing him. He has said many things but he never accused her for her mother’s death. She suddenly felt suffocated in that huge spacious place. She turned her heels and walked out of the mansion and maybe forever.


*Oberoi mansion*

Shivaay walked in very late at night and expected to be completely silent and dark. But seeing the dining room lights on, he sighed. His feet dragged him towards the lighted room to see his mother sitting on the table with one of her novels which seemed to be getting finished. As if sensing another human, Pinky looked up and saw him. She silently placed her book on the table and went inside the kitchen. Various sounds were heard and he took that as his indication to sit down for his dinner. Few minutes later, she came with the plate of food and placed it in front of him. She too sat beside him and served him a glass of water. For the next few minutes, the only sound heard was the working of cutlery over the glass plate. When he was done, Pinky straighten up to have a conversation with him.

Pinky: Shivaay.....
Shivaay: Hmm......
Pinky: When are you going to tell me about Anika?

He stiffened. Pinky was  very closely studying his change of posture and gesture. When he didn’t say anything, she continued.

Pinky: Shivaay, you know that I have never objected you for anything. But the thing towards which you are heading to is very dangerous.
Shivaay: I’m not doing anything wrong Mom.
Pinky: Then why are you hesitating in answering me about Anika?
Shivaay: There is nothing important about her.
Pinky: I can look through you very easily Son. (He is silent) I have never objected any female involvement in your life but all of the others were your friends and my upbringing has never let your cross your limit and I’m very proud about that. But in case of Anika, you are very different. You want her....... you want her for yourself........ Am I right? (He doesn’t speak) She is your need and I also know you will get her any how. But remember one thing, she is too fragile to see anything harsh. Win her with your love not with your possessiveness.

Giving him a forehead kiss, she walked back to her room with her novel leaving him in pools of her words.

“ Win her with your love not with your possessiveness ......”


*A Week later*

Shivaay was standing at the doorstep of his house with a very fidgety Anika in his arms. Pinky was looking at them with wide eyes because of the vermilion and the nuptial chain. She looked at his son who looked not less than Guru.

Pinky: Seema...... bring the plate from the temple. Sasha....... bring a lot of rice and red water plate. Shilpa....... bring turmeric paste in a plate and a long white cloth.

She gave all the instructions while looking straight into her son’s eyes. Her vision shifted to the girl and her eyes soften. Everything got arranged and Pinky welcomed the newly wed couple. Though all the time, Anika was being forced to do by Him. Pinky hugged her tightly and whispered.

Pinky(whispered): I will be by your side no matter what. Don’t worry beta. (Carenessing her hair)

Anika hugged her more tightly feeling the warmth of a mother.

*Study room*

Shivaay stood by the window with his hands drugs deep into his pocket. It seems like he is trying to control himself. The door of the room opened and Pinky walked in. She was very angry on him but she thought of keeping herself calm and let him speak.

Shivaay: I don’t regret for whatever I have done. I did what I thought was right at that moment. I can’t let her go like that. I can’t. I need her....... I need her.
Pinky: What happened? I want every details about it.
Shivaay: Khanna informed me regarding the illegal activities of Daksh and P. K Mehta. And how they were planning to...... to...... sell Anika to their foreign client.

Pinky gasped hearing it. How cruel? How cruel can a father be to his daughter?

Pinky: But how come you didn’t get the information about this before?
Shivaay: I had got an information regarding some human trafficking. My Men were already working on it. But........ I failed.......

He punched the window harshly. His eyes were red full of fury. Pinky held his shoulders and tried to calm him down. She made him sit on the chair and gave a glass of water.

Pinky: If you knew everything then you could have just said Anika and made her aware about it.
Shivaay: I have been doing it for the last one week. But she didn’t believe me. And tonight they were planning to execute the plan. I didn’t know what to do. I just did what came in my mind that time. I forcefully married her blackmailing about Sahil.
Pinky: How did you blackmail her?
Shivaay: I.....I.....
Pinky(firm voice): Speak out Shivaay.
Shivaay: I showed her a video where Sahil was in a car and the next moment it blasted. Showing that he died.


A tight slap landed on his face but he didn’t revolt back. He knows that he is wrong....... very wrong. But he didn’t have any other option.

Pinky: Do you have any idea what have you done? You played with her emotions. Is this the kind of morals and values I have given you ? Tell me. (Controlling herself) You have done enough. Now whatever is to be done I will say and you will listen. Understood? (He nods). I can’t even imagine what is she going through. You won’t go near her.
Shivaay(shocked): What? No mom don’t do this Please.
Pinky(firmly): Whatever I’m saying you have to do it otherwise I will send her away from India to our London mansion.
Shivaay: Please don’t like this. Please Mom. I need her. I can’t live without her. Please.......
Pinky: My decision is final. Now you decide what you want. Stay under the same roof and keep distance till she willingly agrees to accept you or I will distant her from you forever. And don’t take me lightly because I am very serious about it.

He knew he can’t argue further. His mother “ I’m very serious about it “ means end of discussion. He nodded helplessly.

Pinky: You are occupying the guest room and Anika will stay in your room. Clear?

He nodded again. She went out leaving him alone. He dug his face into his palm and sighed. At least he can see her all the time now. And he thinks he can survive with that for sometime.

Shivaay(whispers to himself): Don’t take too much time Anika otherwise I won’t function at all.


Anika was looking at the moon with her tears freely flowing down silently. She didn’t understand what happened within few minutes and here she was in the room of Guru as his wife.  She doesn’t know whether to thank her stars that she got rid of the hell of the place like Mehta mansion or curse that she was again in the hell. She never gave importance to the blue eyed man. Though she would be scared sometime thinking him as some psycho. But he never used to harm her until today. Those grey blue eyes can never be erased from her mind, which reflected extreme coldness. Her thoughts interrupted with the click of the door. A new fear engulfed her but soon replaced with relief seeing the Lady.

Lady: Anika beta you are still awake?
Anika(hesitating): Aunty...... I......
Lady(holds her shoulders): Not aunty....... Maa or Mom whatever you feel comfortable with.
Anika(with tears): Maa...... is it fine?
Lady aka Pinky(wipes her tears): More than fine. Now come on. You should have been in the bed by now.
Anika: But Maa...... Guru......
Pinky(smiles lightly): Why don’t we have some mother-daughter talk? Come...... (sits on the bed puts her head on her lap) Anika...... your husband’s name is Shivaay not Guru.
Anika(looks at her): But he said.......
Pinky: He has two identities........(said all about him) Don’t think that I’m  talking about him means I'm supporting whatever he has done with you. No...... never. I have given good values and morals to my son. And not like those mothers who is blind in their son's love. No....... I’m not. What is wrong is wrong. And he has done sin. (Feels the tears on her hand) Don’t cry beta. I’m always with you like I have said. And don’t worry till you don’t want he will not near you. I promise you.
Anika: Thank you Maa....... I can understand how you have controlled yourself. But I can really not accept him so fast. I’m sorry.......
Pinky: Don’t say sorry. You aren’t at fault at all. Okay. Now sleep. It has been a hectic day for you.

She patted her head lightly and in no time Anika slept off. Everything was being heard by our hero. He peeled inside to see her sleeping peacefully. He looked at Pinky then bent down and kissed Anika’s forehead lightly. Feeling the kiss, Anika smiled. He felt at peace seeing her smile. Pinky saw everything but didn’t interrupt. She just prayed that they remain safe and happy.


*2 weeks later*

The mansion was unexpectedly very quite. Anika was contemplating whether to check everything is fine or not. Pinky had informed her that she would be going to the temple on the outskirts of Mumbai and would return the next day only. So this concludes that she and the devil....... no no..... Guru were alone in the house with tons of workers and maids. Now that she is the DIL of the house, it has some duties towards the house as well. She braced herself and walked into the kitchen to see maids running around like crazy. One of them saw her and wished.

Maid: Good morning Ma’am. Do you want anything? Please say we will arrange it in no time.
Anika: No...... no I’m fine. Please don’t bother yourself to much. If you don’t mind may I know why is everyone so panicked and in rush?
Maid(guilty eyes): Ma’am...... actually Shivaay sir is down with flu and when he is sick, he needs many things all at the same time. So..... we are just.......

One maid came running inside the kitchen in fear and panic.

Maid2: Sir wants kheer.
Maid(shocked and panics): What? Now what will happen....... He only likes the one which Pinky ma’am makes it and she isn’t here now.
Maid2: Don’t know. But we have to do it.
Anika(interrupting them): If you don’t mind, can I make it?
Maid(hurriedly): No ma’am. It’s fine. We will......
Anika: Shilpa (maid) Don’t worry. I can cook. I won’t burn down the kitchen.
Shilpa(guilty): I didn’t mean it that way ma’am. I was just.......
Seema(maid 3 entering): Sir is getting restless. He wants kheer now.
Anika(in action): Don’t worry Seema. It will ready in no time. Till then, (giving her a cup) give this to him.
Seema: What is this ma’am?
Anika: Small herbal remedy to sooth him.
Seema(nervously): But he won’t.......
Anika: Tell him that I have sent it. Shilpa, Sasha help with the ingredients.

Everyone set on their work. Very efficiently, Anika made kheer. She even made some light breakfast and herbal tea. She arranged everything and took it to his room.

*Guest room*

When ailment and Shivaay comes together, then the whole room turns upside down. And same happened here. When Seema had bought him something other than kheer, his irritation just increased ten folds. He was about to throw it but stopped hearing the name which would calm him down instantly. He silently drank whatever it was and magically it did work and gave him some relief.

Seema was literally shocked seeing him. But would she dare to question him? No...... never.

An hour later, a knock disturbed him. He was about to snap at the person but stopped seeing Her standing at his door step with a tray. He was busy seeing her while she was busy looking around the condition of the room. She nodded her head in disbelief.

Anika: I never knew that the great Guru would be so cranky when he is sick.

Her sweet voice was just like that one dose of medicine that would start working on the hideous pathogens. He was just lost in her voice and in her as a whole. Until......

Anika(shouts): Shivaay.......
Shivaay(stands up with shaking legs): What did you say?
Anika: What did I say?
Shivaay(pointing at her): You just now called me...... Shivaay.

She was trapped. She was into scolding him that didn’t realise that she is addressing him as Shivaay.

Anika(covering it up): No I didn’t.
Shivaay(walks towards her): No you did. You......
Anika(screams): Stop......
Shivaay(halts immediately): What happened?
Anika(indicating him to look down): You were about to step on the broken China pieces. God...... you are worse than kids. (Turns towards Seema) Please send someone to clean this room and (looking at him) You come with me. (He was again going to step on them) Careful! See before you step forwards. Come out of the room without hurting yourself.

He did as she said and both of them went towards his room....... very soon to be their room.

Anika(keeping the tray on the coffee table): Will you be able to freshen up by yourself or should I call someone?
Shivaay: I will mana.....(coughs badly)

She pats his back trying to sooth him. He just looked at her and couldn’t stop himself from staring at her. After so many days, he was seeing her that to so close to himself. He can smell her unique rose fragrance which always attracted him towards her.

Anika(concerned): Are you fine?
Shivaay(nodding his head): Hmm.....
Anika: You freshen up. I will call the doctor by then.
Shivaay(shouts): No.....
Anika: But why not? Shivaay, you are burning with fever.
Shivaay: No please. I don’t like them.
Anika: I can understand. No-one likes to go to doctors. But it is necessary.
Shivaay: No...... I don’t want.
Anika: You can’t do this much for me?

She gave one of her innocent looks and he melted instantly. He nodded agreeing with her. She smiled lightly and pushed him towards the bathroom. After 15 minutes,  he came back. She made him sit on the bed and covered him with duvlet.

Anika: I made breakfast. Eat it.
Shivaay: It wasn’t needed Anika. The workers were there.
Anika: Yeah I saw how you were being hulk on them and poor them fully terrified seeing you. (Feeding him) I can understand that people become cranky and irritated when they are sick. But this much. I never thought. I can’t even imagine what Maa goes through handling you and your tantrums.
Shivaay: I don’t show tantrums.
Anika(sharp look): Really? You don’t show.
Shivaay: Okay a little. But not so much.
Anika: You toh don’t speak about tantrums. One minute coffee, the next moment kheer and the next moment something else. I just pray you don’t throw tantrums while selecting your wife. One minute she and other minute someone else.

Though she had said everything in flow and didn’t understand the intensity until she was pulled towards him. She gasped feeling it. She looked up at him into his eyes and found them deep blue.

Shivaay: You said this once and dare you say it again. You were, you are and you will the only Lady in my life after my mother. No-one....... I mean no-one can replace you ever and ever. Am I clear? (She nods yes) Good. And remember one thing you are mine and I need you survive. There is no Shivaay without Anika.

All his words was not only capturing her brain but also her heart. His words, care and eyes showed the amount of love and respect he has for her. He is a bit possessive....... okay fine a lot more possessive but she wasn’t complaining. Was she? She just needed some time to accept and analyse everything that had happened and she was glad that he gave her that much needed time. She now knows what she wants.

The intercom buzzed breaking their eye contact. He left her and she attended the call.

Anika: Doctor is here. You lye down.

She helped him and covered him. Doctor arrived and checked him.

Doc: His fever is too high and if not controlled will effect his brain.
Anika(scared): What are you suggesting doctor? Do we need to admit him in the hospital?
Doc: That is not need now. I’m giving an injection and some tablets. If by night, it doesn’t subside then we need to admit him.
Anika(scared): Okay doctor. Just do whatever you think is best.
Shivaay: I don’t want injection.
Anika: Don’t be stubborn Shivaay. Just take it silently.
Shivaay(tries to sit): But see I’m fine. I don’t.......
Anika(pushes him back on the bed): Don’t move.

He again got lost in her. Taking this as a cue, the doctor gave him the injection. Both of them were lost in each other’s eyes. Slowly, his eyes started closing making her panic.

Doc: Don’t worry it’s normal. He will be sleeping for sometime now. You can put water cloth on his head. I will take your leave now. Any problem you can call me anytime.

She thanked him and he went. She looked at Shivaay and didn’t know how a small tear escaped from the corner of her eyes.


Shivaay’s fever had decreased a lot and he was improving. Seeing him back to life, she took a deep breath. She didn’t realise when he became so much important for her. But currently he is throwing a lot of tantrums.

Anika: Shivaay stop behaving like a kid.
Shivaay: No..... I will not have this bald soup. Nope......
Anika: Please Shivaay. Doctor has said you to eat light food now. Please.
Shivaay: No......No......No.......
Anika(kept it aside with a bang): Fine then. I will call up doctor and say him to get yourself admitted in the hospital. There you will be under their control. I get it. You don’t want to listen to me and get cured then fine. Let me call......
Shivaay: Fine I will eat. No need to call him.

She smiled and continued to feed him.

And within no time, he was back to being the SSO everyone knows. When Pinky heard about his ailment she wanted to return back as soon as possible but Anika assured her that she would look after him. Pinky knew she would and somewhere she had the slight idea that this would improve their relation to a breath extent.

*3 days later*

After pursuing Anika for about 6 hours she agreed to let him go for ‘ His very important meeting’ but only on one condition that he has to return back the next instant the meeting is over. Shivaay had to agree to her after All how can he not. He was also noticing certain changes in her but he didn’t want to think too high about it. He was giving her the time she needed.

He was talking over his Bluetooth and getting ready.

Shivaay: I will be there in 15 minutes. No..... no the meeting isn’t cancelled. I am coming.

He threw the device away and sped up. Anika was seeing him and didn’t interfere. Oh did I mention...... they are sharing a room now but not the bed. Due to his illness, he occupied the bed and she the couch. So now she was sitting on the couch and seeing him run all over the room.  She knew that he would surely skip his breakfast and the medicines in this rush and she can’t let that happen when he is on the path of recovery.  So she silently slipped out of the room and ran into the kitchen to  make something quickly.  By the time she was done, she heard some heavy footsteps. Quickly taking the juice and sandwich, she rushed towards him.

Anika: Shivaay..... wait.
Shivaay(turning back): Anika...... I’m already very late. If you want to say something we will talk after I return.
Anika: No..... I stopped you for breakfast.
Shivaay: I really don’t have time.
Anika: Just 5 minutes. Please.
Shivaay(looking at his watch): Okay.

She smiled and handed him the glass of juice. He drank it silently. She saw his tie was not in place. She moved towards him hesitatingly.

Anika: Woh..... Woh your the is not in place. (He tried to fix with his free hand) May I?

He looked at her for sometime and allowed her. She stepped more closer to him. Taking a deep breath, she carefully as if not to touch his skin, she continued to do her work. He was just looking at her and kept him at bay as to not to touch her. She looked up and saw him staring at her. Their eyes locked and magic happened. Her finger accidently touched the back of his neck sending thousands of currents through their body. She shivered under his gaze. He slowly slid one hand around her waist and other slowly carenessed her cheeks. Pulling her more closer, their chest touching each other, he bore into her eyes. She could see his eyes changing colour and shivered seeing the deep blue colour. He slowly started decreasing the distance between them. Eyes closed. His hot breaths were fanning her lips. Her hands fisted around his well ironed shirt and breathes got ragged. She was waiting and anticipating his lips on her but never felt.

Shivaay(whispers): I would never do anything against your will. I know you haven’t accept me or this relation whole heartedly. And you want time. Take as much as time you want. But don’t take too much time. Anika, you are my addiction...... my drug........ my breath........ my reason of living........ Days without seeing or coming near you makes me go crazy. I need you like a heart needs a beat...... I need you because I love you....... Yes Anika I love you...... I love you. I don’t know how, where and when....... I just know that I love you like anything. I can’t imagine a life without....... I can’t.......

Everything around them just seized. They were basking in each other’s warmth. Anika so wanted to voice out her thoughts but the sharp ring of his phone broke their trans. Unwillingly, they moved away from each other. He received the call and said that he is on his way. He was about to leave when something stopped him. He turned back to see her bracelet stuck with his sleeves. She moved forward and freed it. Her eyes were downcast and he couldn’t see her like that. He moved closer, cupping her face tenderly, he placed his lips on her forehead kissing her lovingly. Her hands went towards his arms supporting herself. With one last look, he left leaving behind a pang in her heart.



It has been 6 hours since he has left making her go crazy. He said he would return with 4 hours and now it was almost 6 hours. She didn’t know his phone number and she regretted about it a lot. She could easily ask the guards about it but she just couldn’t. She thought of waiting and see.


Now it has crossed the barriers. He is gone for almost 12 hours now. She just can’t wait any longer. She asked the guards if they have any idea regarding his whereabouts. Getting a negative answer made her eyes water. She was freaking out. The second security head, Samar was called.

Anika: Samar, Shivaay hasn’t returned yet. He said he would return within 4 hours. But now it is almost 12 hours. Please Samar look for him. I’m very scared. Please.....
Samar: Don’t worry ma’am. I will look into it.

He went not before giving her his number. She kept on calling him and each of them went to his voice mail. She was very scared. Her tears were flowing down uncontrollably. She didn’t know what to do. When.....

Guard1: Samar just now got information that Shivaay sir went out of city for some work 
Gaurd2: Did he go to the factory?
Guard1: Maybe......
Guard2: But I heard that the roads in that area are safe.
Guard1: Yes...... I heard that there was a massive landslide.

She stumbled back hearing it.

Anika(whispers): Landslide...... Shivaay.......

She fell down on the floor with a thud with tears rolling down. She couldn’t process anything.

Anika(head down): No..... nothing can happen to Shivaay. We haven’t even known each other. We still have a long life ahead us. No..... nothing has happened. Nothing...... He is..... He is fine......


She looked up to see the blue eyes which she was craving for. In a split second, she threw herself to him hugging him tightly. Her sobs echoed through the empty hall making him worry. He stumbled on his steps due to her force but managed it. Holding her tightly, he carenessed her hair and tried to sooth her.

Shivaay: Anika...... everything is fine......
Anika(broken words): You..... didn’t come...... you didn’t come. I got scared...... scared. I thought..... I thought I lost you. I got scared...... I got scared.......
Shivaay: Sshh...... nothing happened......I’m here. Everything is fine....... don’t cry please. Don’t cry...... (breaks the hug and wipes her tears) I’m fine...... I’m here with you. Don’t cry.

And that marked the beginning of their relation in true sense.

*6 months later*

Shivika’s relation had a drastic improvement. They were more than comfortable with each other now. Pinky was very happy seeing them. She was praying God to keep them safe and happy.

Shivaay was still possessive about her and he would every night say her what she means to him. Initially, Anika used to be irritated seeing his possessiveness but as time went by she got used to it and somewhere she loved being under his shade of love. And..... and...... He has also allowed her to complete her course. With just a month away from graduation, Anika can’t keep her feet on the ground. She has many dreams regarding her fashion house in partnership with Chanda and well Shivaay knows about it already. He has planned everything for her which he would give her as a surprise on her birthday.

Everything is well and good but Shivaay’s current concern was the growing illegal activities of Daksh and P K Mehta. He is trying to break through their system and completely remove it but he is facing some troubles.

Man1: Guru we are trying to break through the system. But Jonny said he needs few more hours.
Shivaay(raged): I don’t have few more hours. They are going to execute their plan tonight. I need to stop them any how.
Khanna: Sir, we should attack them directly.
Shivaay: No we can’t. Our first priority is to save the girls and then think about them.
Jonny: Guru, it is done.
Shivaay: Great.
Jonny: It was very difficult to crack this. But I did. They all are planning to go by water way to Dubai where they will give about 10 girls and move forward to.......(He continues) There last destination is USA where they will give their special item.
Shivaay: Who is that?
Jonny: Name is not mentioned.
Shivaay: Dammit.
Khanna: Sir we should be going.
Shivaay: Yes..... We (stops when the door of the room banged open) What the hell?  (Eyes widen seeing the person) Chanda..... How did you get hurt?
Chanda(sobbing): Jiju..... we don’t have time. They took Anika with them. And Sahil also. Please do something Jiju..... They will sell her. Please save her.
Shivaay(shocked): Who took her?
Chanda: Daksh and his Men.

His jaw tightened and the veins of her head started throbbing. More than being angry, he was scared...... scared for her.

Shivaay: Khanna track down Anika’s location now.
Khanna: Sir, ma’am’s last location is the old factory...... 50 km from Mumbai.
Shivaay(to Chanda): Don’t worry Chanda. Nothing will happen to Anika and Sahil. I will bring them back safe. I promise.

She nodded with tears. He instructed someone to clean her wound and went out with his Men to save his Life.......

*Old factory*

Anika opened her eyes feeling throbbing pain in her head. She tried to move her hand to find them tied down. She looked around the place and was clueless. She tried to recollect what happened. She was in the orphanage with Chanda and was spending her time with the kids. She noticed Sahil was missing, so she went in search of him to see a horrifying scene. The whole place was shattered. Things thrown around, vases broken, lampshades broken and all other things. She shivered thinking about the worst. She had just stepped into the room when some hit her on the back side of her head. She held her head and turned around to see her attacker.

Anika(whispered shock): Daksh.......

And everything around her went black.

She remembered everything and understood that she has been kidnapped. She became scared and shivered thinking about it. Her first thought went to Shivaay. Will he ever come to know that she has been kidnapped? And Sahil where is he? She looked around to find something or someone and saw another chair with a small kid tied. She instantly understood who is he.

Anika: Sahil...... Sahil baccha...... Sahil......

She kept on calling him but he didn’t respond. She was freaking out thinking something happened to him. She tried to free herself but only failed. She shouted for help but never came. She was crying and shouting.

Anika(crying): Please someone open me. Sahil..... Sahil get up....... Help please.....

“ Why are you crying Baby?”, a voice echoed. She shivered hearing it 

Anika: Daksh.....
Daksh: Oh wow! I thought you forgot about me and my voice. But see how true is our love...... Awww.....
Anika: Daksh please leave me...... what have I done to you?
Daksh: Oh...no...no... I can’t leave you. And you are asking me what have you done? How can you forget Anika...... because of you my..... my very important contract just slipped out of my hand. You don’t know how much of a loss I have faced?
Anika: I don’t know what you are talking about.
Daksh(holds her chin harshly): You don’t know...... you don’t know...... You are our hen with golden egg. You don’t know you are one of those girls who is going to be sold...... you don’t know.....(leaves her harshly)

Anika was shocked hearing it. She remembered how Shivaay had warned her about it but she never listened. She remember how she had cursed him, beat him and said what not. But he was just protecting her and saving her.

Daksh: We had many a perfect plan. But from the middle you just vanished. Do you know how much we work we had to do to find you? We had to keep tracks on Sahil and Chanda and then make a full proof plan. But whatever it is now everything is sorted. Tonight no-one can stop us. Not even the underworld Don Guru.
Anika: You aren’t alone in this....... who is with you?
Daksh: Oh sweet Anika...... Your father is the main mastermind of all these........ I must say he loathe you so much. Whatever it is. Now get ready fast. We will be leaving.
Anika: Sahil......
Daksh: Don’t worry about him. If you be cooperative he will be set free. But your one wrong move and Sahil will be with his parents.

He went away leaving her shattered. She never thought that her father would hate her so much. What was her fault if her mother died while giving birth. She cried on her fate and her thoughts went to Shivaay. Will she never be able to see him again? Will she never be able say what her heart wants? Will she never be able to see those blue hypnotizing eyes which reflected immense love for her? Will she never able to feel his strong hands around her? Will she never be able to feel his warmth? She doesn’t know about all these but wants to see him once...... just once......

Anika(whispered with closed eyes): Shivaay......


The next few minutes was not less than an action movie. Shivaay and Khanna along with his Men made a grand entry by breaking the door. Anika smiled seeing him and was about to go to him when she was held by Daksh. He kept the gun on her forehead threating the others to move away. Shivaay kept on distracting him and in the meantime Sahil was rescued. Seeing the change of tables, Daksh got furious. He without any warning shot towards Shivaay which he luckily escaped. Anika was shocked seeing the act of Daksh. She wiggled to come of his hold which distracted him. Taking this as the opportunity, Shivaay attacked him freeing Anika from his clutches. The two men fought. Sometimes Shivaay overpowered and sometimes Daksh. Anika stood by Khanna and watched. She didn’t know what to do. Her eyes went to one dark corner and something shining caught her eyes. Her eyes widen thinking about it. Here Shivaay gave one last punch to Daksh making him unconscious. He wiped the blood from the corner of lips and turned towards Anika only to be pushed aside and see his worst nightmare coming true.

Shivaay(screams): Anika.......

She swayed a little before she came crashing down on the ground. Shivaay went towards her only to see her gasping for breath. Her yellow dress had turned red due to her blood. She had been shot right at the centre of her chest.

Shivaay(frantically): No..... no..... Anika don’t close your eyes. No......No......
Anika(holds his hand tightly): Shi....... Shivaay....... I don’t have much time. Listen to me.......
Shivaay: No..... don’t say like that...... Nothing will happen to you.
Anika(taking deep breaths): No..... Listen to me. Maa..... Maa ka dhyan rakhna....... Sahil..... Sahil ka..... Ka bhi.......Aur...... Aap bhi....... (puts her hand on his cheek) Promise me..... Promise me you will not get lost...... Promise me......
Shivaay(crying): Whatever you will say I will do but please don’t leave me....... Please........
Anika(broken words): I....... I lo...... I love..........

Her hand slipped and fell on the floor lifelessly. Her eyes closed making him world plunged in darkness. Her confession was incomplete but he least cared about it. He was just looking at her with wide horror eyes.......

Shivaay(patting her cheek): Anika...... Anika open your eyes....... Anika don’t joke with me...... Anika....... (shouts) Anika.........

*The End*

*Is it the end? Well picture abhi bhi baaki hai mere dost......😉*


*2 years later*

Shivaay was seated in his usual chair in his study with a stern and serious face. He was in the middle of a very important deal.

Shivaay(serious face): I have a proposal which will be beneficial for both the parties.

The two Men (are they really men??😋) nodded.

Shivaay(leaning forward): For the whole morning till I return home, She will be with you both and at night and early morning, She will be mine. What do you both think about it?

The two Men...... well not men but a kid of about 10 years and a baby of about 1 and half years, looked at each other for sometime and then turned back to Shivaay.

Kid(serious voice): What do we get in return?
Shivaay: Whatever you want Mr. Sahil. Chocolate, ice creams, toys, video games anything.
Sahil: We need time to think about it.......(turns towards the baby) Right Mr. Ansh Shivaay Singh Oberoi?
Ansh(baby sounds): Ka..... ku..... ki.....bo....bo.......
Shivaay(sighed): Why is it so difficult to made a deal with them?

Khanna, who was also present there chuckled seeing everything. Who would think that the great Shivaay Singh Oberoi would try to make a deal with his brother in law and son regarding Anika ma’am...... well shocked right..... Even doctors were 2 years ago, when they had lost the hope of bringing her back but Shivaay’s immense and true love made it possible.

“Mr. Oberoi are you trying to bribe my children and make them bound in a contract? “

Ansh squealed seeing his mother and threw his arms in the air telling her to take him in her arms. Anika smiled at her son and picked him up who instantly snuggled in her warm embrace. Sahil hugged his sister by her leg and flashed her a bright smile.

Anika(looking at Shivaay): What was happening here?
Shivaay(sad grumpy face): Nothing.
Anika: Shivaay....... you can’t be serious. How can you be jealous of your own son and Sahil?
Shivaay(protesting): I’m not jealous.
Anika: Really, then why such a face?
Shivaay: Okay fine I’m jealous. (Pouts) they get more time with you and I don’t.
Anika(shakes her head): Shivaay........ They are kids. They need me all around them especially Ansh. He is just a baby now. You don’t want your son to be deprived of love....... Will you? (He nods in denial) Then we both need to give him equal time, love and affection. And who said I don’t give you time? I do give you ample time at night and in the morning. Then?
Shivaay: Okay fine. I will try to adjust with him.
Anika(sighed): Shivaay......
Shivaay: What..... I can’t help it. I need you always. You are my drug, my oxygen, my everything. (Stands near her) So don’t expect me to be less possessive about you. You were, you are and you will always be my very person drug.

She nodded her head in dismal as if saying that nothing can be done of you. He shrugged his shoulders and wrapped his hand around her waist pulling her closer to him. She kept her head on his chest with their son in between who was fast asleep.

*Anika was Shivaay’s need and she will always be....... Like those drugs which is constantly needed  for survival.......*


A total crap......

Fully unedited.....

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