Charisma (Lesbian-GXG)

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Charisma (Lesbian)

Left punch, right hook, slip to the right and a roundhouse kick.
The men go tumbling down as Daliah Brooks who will come to be known better by her alter ego, Charisma, dodges. The mistress of seduction, the temptress of both evil and good depending on her plans. These powers however are still a mystery to the current Dahlia and as such she's confused about the motives of her attackers.
Twisting back one arm of her attacker she's about to start her questioning when a gunshot is fired. Alarmed, Dahlia's attention draws up and knowing she must sacrifice answers for her life she rolls to shelter behind a boulder and makes a dash for the edge of the cliff. She dives off the edge with a prayer she will live to fight another day.

"And cut! We got it!"

The camera that had panned up to the sky halts its motions as the stunt double, who had dove off the edge is pulled up by the equipment that she's bougie corded to. Landing back on solid ground she's helped out of her harness.

Faye jumps into the present, retracting herself from the scene she just witnessed.
"Great job everyone. Sunset you're up," calls the director.

Actress, model and general 'it' girl Sunset Johnson hands off her phone and iced latte to her assistant before strutting over to where the next scene is being set up. With long legs and a curvy yet fashionable figure, it's really no wonder Sunset is known by so many. Faye would be blind not to appreciate the physical beauty of Sunset. Her personality? Well Faye can't attest to that but during the shooting of this movie so far she's kept to herself a lot. Not that Faye's looking to become friendly with her.

No, her stupid gay radar has unfortunately locked onto just one particular target. This woman casually strolls towards the wardrobe department. Her walk a cool, effortless swagger that along with that leather-spandex suit has Faye mesmerized. She pries off the wig, tearing off the bald cap as well and running a hand through her short, dark hair.

"Faye, can you quickly go direct the extras? I want to start rolling as soon as possible."

The spell is broken again by her boss and with a nod towards him she rushes to go do her damn job.


After a long day of filming, the talent is dismissed for the day as the crew start to pack up. Faye and Franco the other assistant director, are pulled back by legendary director Stefan Wagner for a quick debrief and reminder for tomorrow. Fatigued from the long day Faye is only half paying attention, nodding at the right times when Stefan turns to her and hands her a set of papers.

"I need you to deliver this Sunset's double. There's been a few little changes I've highlighted I want done for tomorrow's fight sequence. She's also the stunt coordinator so she'll relay it to her guys. Make sure she's okay with the changes and tell her to contact me ASAP if not."

Faye feels her heart race, the earth crumbling beneath her feet. Oh shit. Despite this weird crush she's had on GI Jane, Faye hasn't actually had the courage to speak to her. Well okay, she did once nervously laugh at a lame joke about potato salad the woman said when they were both at the craft services tables. Straight after she grabbed her food and marched back to her circle of colleagues. Ever since then Faye's managed to strategically avoid interaction with her. It's not that she hasn't wanted to. She has fantasised plenty of times how she could casually strike up a conversation with the mega cool, Alpha chick and then just so casually suggest they take this somewhere else. More of the time in her imagination that place ends up being a bar, though sometimes her hormones would turn that place into her bedroom.

Only each time she decides to draw up the courage and turn one of those scenarios into a reality, her feet turn her right back around and that balloon of confidence deflates. Except this time, she supposes, fate has decided for her. She has to speak to the current leading lady of her dreams.

"Yeah sure, I'll go by her hotel room," agrees Faye.
"Good. See you all bright and early tomorrow."

With that they're dismissed. Franco gives her a shoulder bump when she stands starting at the pages in her hand.
"You coming?" he asks.
With a slight shake of her head, Faye nods, "yeah sure let's go."

He gives her a ride back to the nearest hotel most of the crew are staying in. It's nothing fancy but it's not some rundown, seedy motel either. Normally the guys and girls might go into the local town restaurant or bar but after 12 hour filming days like these with an early start the most anyone does is grab a drink at the hotel bar-restaurant. Faye's not a big drinker but with the prospect of properly meeting the hot stunt woman, she can see the appeal in a little liquid courage.

"Alright, I'll see you tomorrow. Meet in the lobby at 5?"
Franco's about to depart to his room when Faye grabs his arm.
"Yes but hold on, do you know which room is the stunt woman's?" asks Faye with a wave of the document.
"301, I think. I know they're all on the 3rd floor anyway."
Franco makes a move to leave again when Faye interrupts him with another question, "and um...what's her name again?"
"Dude!" groans Franco, "that's bad. You know her dad literally owns the stunt company and you know he was this massive action star back in his day. We've used them for so many movies. How do you not know her name?"
Faye feels her body temperature rising in embarrassment, she's never visibly blushed except for experiencing the all too common Asian flush but her cheeks definitely feel hot right now. She resists the urge to press her palms to her cheeks to test them and instead gives a small shrug.
"I'm not good with names," she stammers out before groaning and pleading, "come on Franco. Please?"
"Fine alright," sighs Franco, "but only because she could probably eat you up and spit you out."

She wishes.

Faye banishes that quick comment before it snowballs into anything filthier. First impressions count and she doesn't need to be coming off as the creepy lesbian on her first meeting with an actual Goddess.

"She's Jade Ellis. You know, daughter of Marlin Ellis?"
That vaguely rings a bell but she's not completely sure she knew that.

"Sure," hums Faye and before he can admonish her further she gives him a wave and thanks him for the information as well as calling out she'll see him tomorrow.


Faye pushes back her flyaway strands of hair. She briefly considers taking down the messy bun but decides against it. Jade's probably already seen her in her loose t-shirt, hoodie and mom-jeans. Taking her hair down isn't going to make much of a difference.

Knocking on the door of 301 she prays it's the right room.

Her first exhale is one of relief when it is Jade that opens the door. The second shakier exhale is of nervousness. Wearing only a sports bra and sweatpants, Jade gazes Faye up and down briefly before arching one perfect eyebrow.
"Yo. Can I help you?" she asks with a chin lift.
"Yeah um I-"
That's about when the most embarrassing thing that's ever happened to Faye occurs. Out of nowhere she starts coughing and choking. She grasps her throat, trying so hard to suppress the loud spluttering.

"Fuck!" exclaims the other woman leaping into action, "come in. I'll get you a drink!"

Faye's ushered in and while she manages to slowly get control her first thought is hoping not to die in some hotel room of the woman she's been crushing on hard.
A glass of water is handed to her and without a second though Faye gulps it down as the grim reaper slinks back into the shadows.

"Damn, are you okay? What was that?"

Handing back the glass the nervousness she'd felt before just rushes to her ten-fold.
"I'm so sorry. I don't even know why my body decided to do that," Faye replies, punctuating her apology with a light hearted laugh.
God, now she sort of wishes she had died.

Jade's sharp features soften as she reaches a hand for Faye's shoulder and gives her a squeeze before dropping her arm again.
"You good now?" she asks with amusement and concern.
"Yeah," quickly nods Faye, "I'm great. Thank you."

"Alright. So..."
"So?" repeats Faye with confusion as she glances around the standard room curiously.
Jade laughs, drawing Faye's attention back on her.
"Are you here for work or pleasure?"

Faye wishes it were pleasure but unfortunately she is here for one reason. Holding out the file to Jade she explains, "work. Mr. Wagner's asked you to look over a few changes he wants for tomorrow's scene."

Jade's easy going expression falls somber as she nods and flicks open the first page. Feeling awkward having not been dismissed but completed her role, Faye hesitates shifting her weight foot to foot before clearing her throat.
"So that's it. Um, I guess I'll get going then. Thanks for...well, for the water and I guess I'll see you-"
"Hold on," interrupts the woman not gazing up from her reading, "I won't be long. You can take the script back."

Well, that's not quite what Stefan had asked for but sure, Jade supposes as AD she can be the middleman. Besides the fact she doesn't want to say no for personal reasons to Jade, she can't say that professionally either. With there being a lot of complex action sequences in the movie pissing off the stunt-coordinator would not be ideal for her career.

"Sure," she mumbles, moving to place her empty glass onto the desk. She paces over to the large hotel windows and parts the curtains with a finger to gaze at the sun sinking over the horizon, blaring out a final few colourful rays.

"Okay," exhales Jade, causing Faye to jump in shock. For a moment, she'd forgotten she was in the room with Jade.
Letting the curtain fall back in place, Faye retraces her steps back to Jade as the woman returns the file.

"The changes are minor, it'll work."

Although there's no frustration in her tone, her slight flared nostrils and scrunched eyebrows indicate otherwise. Normally Faye wouldn't bother asking, not really her business after all but in this instance Faye's curious as to the mood shift.

"Are you sure? You don't seem too thrilled by them. Is it going to be a lot of hassle?" Faye questions.
She reasons to herself this is solely because she's being a good, caring support staff and not because she has some personal agenda in knowing this woman's moods.
"No, the changes themselves are fine. I'm just not super stoked to be doing this scene is all."

That wasn't exactly the reasoning Faye had expected. She's read the script of course. She knows that tomorrow morning's scene will consist of Daliah Brooks awakening in the early morning in her luxurious seaside villa to an attack. It's around this time in the plot she starts to awake her powers and the Charisma is born. Considering the other highly ambitious scenes they've done and are still to do that involve multiple extras, CGI and many stunt people, this in comparison doesn't seem so bad. Just Daliah Brooks and about 5 attackers. Of course, the room will end up trashed but that's just an increased effort for the props department not for the stunt team.

"I don't understand, is there a technical issue with it?"
Jade just shakes her head and runs a hand through her hair causing one of those wet strands to fall over one eyebrow.
She doesn't bother pushing it back as she explains, "that's not it. It's more of a personal issue with it."

"Oh. Like what? If you don't mind me asking."
"Of course I don't mind you asking, you're the only one who has," she grins, "initially Wagner wanted to do the scene with Daliah in her robe or normal pyjamas but Sunset's agent and the marketing team wanted to make it more 'sexy' so now apparently Daliah Brooks sleeps in tiny satin shorts and cami."

Ahhh. Now Faye gets it. She presses her lips together to stop herself laughing because come on, it is a little funny though clearly seeing Jade's frustration not to her. Faye can't really picture Jade in that attire by choice and while she has no doubt Jade will look hot as fuck in it, Faye prefers her in the sort of outfit she's wearing now. Such a casual combination just emphasises her sex appeal so much, Faye truly struggles to think straight.

"It's not funny you know," smiles Jade, witnessing the corners of Faye's lips turn up despite her best efforts. Jade tries to give her a disapproving look but when that completely fails Faye lets loose her laughter.
"Is that so bad?" she questions.
Jade snorts, "would you do it?"
Not really. Faye's not that kind of girl. Lace yes, but satin nah. Though she has some PJs that are shorts and cami or vest tops so it's within her comfort zone.

"Okay well let me put it this way," explains Jade hearing Faye's silence, "would you fight a bunch of bad guys in tiny scraps of clothing? Especially those stupid camisoles where you're always pulling the straps up? Or satin shorts that ride all the way up your butt? Please tell me how that will be fun? Especially when they want me to also wear fake butt and hips shorts as well as a strapless push-up bra to look more like Sunset."

This time Faye realises her laughter before was just giggles compared to the way she roars with it now. Gasping for breath a second time in just this first encounter she shakes her head at Jade and tries to control herself. Thankfully Jade is grinning wide at her reaction.

"I concur and bow down to you for being able to do that," Faye giggles as glances up to note Jade is far closer than before.
Faye's breath catches as her smile dims slightly.
"Exactly, I'm just not that kind of ultra femme girl. In fact I think you and I are both of a similar kind, right?"

The innuendo of that question is very clear, just short of asking if Faye also waves her pride flag high. There's very clearly an out for her here if she wants to take it. She should take it. She should leave and keep things professional. Stop any drama pushing over into their careers if things go south.

"Yeah," sighs Faye.
Fuck it. There'll always be other movies, there'll always be drama but there won't always be this opportunity.
This is the chance that she's been wishing for, to walk away now would be like spitting in the face of fate.

She tips her head further back, her free arm reaching for the back of Jade's neck as she rises to her tiptoes where Jade meets her halfway. Their lips press soft against each other, parting and moving in such synchronicity it's like they've rehearsed it a thousand times before. Faye drops the papers in her hand, ignoring as they flutter to the ground while that hand joins it's twin. Jade's fingers rake up the back of Faye's hair, searching blindly for the hair tie as Faye falls against Jade. Jade's small but firm breasts press against her larger ones as she opens her mouth to allow the physical passion to manifest.

Finding the damn elastic, Jade tears it back releasing the straight, black tresses from their confinement. Her fingers delve into the locks, experimentally tightening to find the point that makes her partner gasp. She breaks the contact of their mouths to gaze down so as not to misunderstand the lust for pain. Faye's beautiful monolid, half moon eyes soften and dilate as she exhale's Jade's name.

As a more dominant lover Jade feels the action act as a call to her libido. She pushes off the baggy hoodie from Faye's slim shoulders, before it even hits the floor she's pulling the shorter woman against her, rejoining their lips and carrying on from where they left off.

Faye melts into the seduction that is Jade Ellis daring her fingers to trail down that toned back to her slender sides. Feeling her bare skin so soft makes Faye crave to touch places where she's even softer. And wetter.

Jade tugs her towards the bed, turning them so when she pushes it's Faye that goes tumbling with her back to the mattress. Toeing off her shoes, Faye breaks off with a smirk scooting back further onto the bed as Jade prowls towards her. Jade's slimmer body slots in perfectly against Faye's curvier figure, cushioning those sleek angles.
"Is this why you've been avoiding me?" questions Jade, kissing along Faye's neck while her hand moves under the woman's t-shirt.
Faye's lust fogged mind takes a moment to register the question but when she does embarrassment at being called out makes her squirm.
"No I wasn't avoiding you. I was just...busy," she lies.

The fib is instantly reprimanded as Jade nips her skin before soothing the spot instantly. Faye still yelps at the sting but soon sighs as the wet kiss is paired with Jade's hand brushing over her breast.

Jade tugs on the t-shirt a clear indication it has to come off. Faye couldn't agree more. Given the space to sit up, she tosses off the garment and is followed back down to the bed when Jade lies a hand lightly to her throat and kisses her punishingly.
"What's the real reason Shortcake?" she demands, taking the thumb from around Faye's neck to rub her lower lip.

This time Faye's slow to answer because all her brain cells have gone on vacation leaving her hormones in charge and they are throwing a party.
"Jade," she sighs, "do we have to go over that. I'm here now aren't I?"
"Alright baby you keep your secrets but I'm keeping you tonight."


This part is continued on my profile on Inkitt (under the same name). For more details look at the 'Foreword' at the start. The Foreword also explains why I have to do it like this. Don't come for me, it's not my favourite choice.


Faye rolls to her side to face Jade who mirrors her. Tugging her closer, Faye slots her legs between Jade's and eskimo kisses the beautiful woman.
"You are one incredible woman Jade," compliments Faye in awe.
"Back at you baby."
Jade strokes the hair off Faye's shoulder.
"I can't believe this is your version of 'always stay strapped'," giggles Faye, making Jade burst into laughter.
"Got to stay prepared," joins Jade with the banter before they ebb into a comfortable silence.

"So," starts Jade, her expression wary, "is this going to be a one-time, one-night and done deal? Or are you actually going to say 'hi' to me on set?"

Faye can't help breaking eye-contact as she contemplates her choices. Leaving this at one night would really be the best. More sex and more intimacy will only lead to her heart getting involved and to be brutally honest to herself, a relationship between them is not going to work out. After this movie, she might be on some other set working half way across the world to Jade who may also be doing the same. Their long distance after gruelling days and nights is only going to strain the relationship and neither of them can give up their careers.

"Jade," she explains, "if we keep doing this, I might start falling for you."
Rather than being shocked or scared as Faye would have expected for the seemingly stereotype of a player Jade projects, she nods slowly in understanding.
"And I might fall for you too Shortcake. Is that such a bad thing?"
As a woman who regularly launches herself into dangerous situations that she herself has created all in the name of her job, Faye gets why she takes the high risk options.
"What if it doesn't work after this movie? After Charisma what if we fall apart?"
"If we do then at least we'll always have this time. No risk, no reward baby. Can you seriously promise me you'll stop wanting me after tonight?"

Faye recognises the arrogant question as an honest plea. No, she already knows she wouldn't be able to stop lusting after Jade even after tonight. If anything tonight is only fuelling the fire of her fantasies. Cutting off now, cold turkey will only fan those flames higher.

"I can't stop wanting you," admits Faye, "okay we'll play this your way and take it day by day, night by night."

What more can she do? She's ensnared in the charms of a wicked seductress that has her feeling only content and joy.

Jade truly is Charisma. 

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