Fight For You [Straight]

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A/n Trigger warning *mention/talk of rápe* 

Fight For You [Straight]

A few months ago

Grace isn't sure about this place. She's been to a gym before. Of course she has. She had to in order to have lost all the weight she lost though by no means did that make her slim. She could probably do with losing a few more pounds actually but whatever. As long as it's no longer affecting her health anymore she'll deal with the extra cushioning. At least it acts as a good deterrent for keeping away the men.
Food, she'd used as a comfort tool. She hadn't needed the therapist to tell her that. But the therapist had helped her work through it. And after being discharged she'd felt a new lease on life. Until last week that is. The return of The Monster.


Food no longer an option to help her cope, Grace considered what she could do, what can really help her feel more in control. That's when she'd come across this gym. Small, relative to those big chain ones, this one is more specialised in martial arts, boxing and really any of those combat sports. It had truly been kismet. Seeing it as a sign had been what had led Grace to immediately sign up for membership and enroll in the women's beginner's combat class.

Now pushing her stuff into the lockers she tries to calm her nervous, beating heart all the while trying to ignore the thumping coming from outside the thin walls. She definitely does not fit in here. Even walking through she'd seen all those lean, muscular men and women pushing themselves with such strength and determination Grace wanted to leave immediately but her feet hadn't been listening to her brain.

She doesn't have to do this, she reasons. Christmas is still a few months away. She could tell her mom that she simply can't make it home this year for the holidays. Of course, her mom would ask why not? She'd be absolutely crushed. As would her sister. And then her mom would probably send her The Monster to try pick her up. And really for the sake of her younger sister, she has to go. Grace has to make sure what happened to her doesn't happen to Mae. Even though Mae is technically her half sister, the daughter of The Monster and still too young even for his taste, Grace wouldn't put it past the sick freak to try something.

Right, so if she is going home for those holidays, which she has to, then it can't hurt to be able to handle herself not just for her own protection but to back up the threats she intends to make. With that in mind, Grace clasps her water bottle tighter and prepares for this first class of hopefully many.

A few weeks ago

"Alright since it's our last class for the year and you're all graduating to the intermediate class, I thought we'd make this class extra special."

Grace's attention snaps on Ciara at that. In appearance the formidable trainer certainly encompasses the tough chick stereotype. Lean and muscular, with full sleeve tattoos and a shaved head with fuzzy black hair, Ciara on first glance certainly appears fierce. Grace had certainly been scared of the woman when she first walked into that class. But underneath that rough exterior is the sweetest person she's probably ever met. Sure, she pushes hard in classes and certainly deprives some sick glee out of turning all the women into sweating messes afterwards but her professionalism and compassion is exemplary. A little less fit than some of the other women Grace often takes breaks whereas others push through and while encouraging Ciara never discriminated against her for it. She's also one of the few trainers Grace has met that haven't tried to convince her to go on some diet to lose weight.

Today Ciara is grinning her evil grin even before destroying them. Uh oh.

"And for that I've invited some special guests to help us!"

Almost as if they'd rehearsed this, the door opens and these 'guests' walk in. Guys maybe around her age or a little younger stroll in grinning. There's a bunch of them and they're all totally buff. Oh God. Grace's heart rate picks up even before the skipping Ciara makes them warm up with. Unlike the beautiful women on the Nike commercials, she does not look cute at all working out. Her hair starts getting frizzy, her whole face goes red, almost all of her starts jiggling and to top it all off she's definitely a sweater. Doing that in a class full of women she can ignore it but with the attractive guys in the class...that's a no from her. Grace inches closer towards the door, hoping to perhaps discretely slip out. Seems like this is going to be a dud class anyway so it's not like she's going to miss much.

Ciara laughs over the wave of murmurs and calls that go out.
"These are the light heavyweight trainees and they have so graciously come to help out today so please give them a cheer of appreciation ladies!"

A cheer certainly does go around the room but it's not contributed to by Grace. Instead with the distraction she slides out the open door only to bump into the straggler of the hot guys group. Her soft 'oh' dies on her lips as she takes a step back and gazes up at him. He may not be very tall but what he lacks for in height he makes up for in demeanor. Dark hair, dark eyes and all angular, his face doesn't soften as he looks back at her. Now she gets why he's coming in last. He's probably the hottest out of all of them. And that's not solely based on his looks.
"Careful," he states, his voice a low baritone but hinted with something more electric and spicy.


No, wait, that's just crazy. Grace takes another step back for safe measure.

Her attention snaps to the sharp call of her drill sergeant.
"Where are you going?"
", nowhere," she mutters, cheeks flaring in embarrassment.
Ciara regards her skeptically for a moment as Grace feels movement beside her. The man sidesteps around her, light in his strides despite his muscular frame.
"Okay," nods Ciara, then addressing the group again introduces the man, "and this is Axel Ruiz, the owner of this place and the trainer of these fine men. He's going to help me demonstrate the moves we'll be doing today and you're all going to pair up and try it yourselves. Ladies, these men have plenty of training themselves so no need to go easy on them. They have definitely taken many punches and kicks before, so this is nothing they can't handle. Although try not to damage them too much."

So that's the guy they call Ruiz. Grace hasn't been here long enough to know all the gossip and common knowledge as the regulars do but she's heard things here and there. She's seen Axel in the past but hadn't paid much attention and whenever she's come in for her own gym sessions, he's never been around. Probably because he does his classes in the mornings mostly when she's not in. There's also some photos of him near the entrance behind the reception desk but again she'd not paid much attention to them before though she does know from hearsay that he used to be some fighter champion though now he's retired. That figures. He certainly looks mean enough. 

Still caught up in her musings it takes Grace a second to catch onto the instruction Ciara had left. She gazes around but there's already a flurry of action going on both the men and women shuffling past each other to pair up. Grace waits a moment more, lost, before her feet decide to at least make some sort of attempt to find this elusive partner. She catches the eye of a tall guy but immediately turns away.


Way too intimidating. She'd rather someone as short as her and hopefully skinny.

Unfortunately she's 5'3'' and all the guys in the class are far from skinny, and way stronger than her. She knows she's safe in the class but the thought of getting close to a strong man like that is making her hesitant.

Still Grace pushes past the feeling, reassuring herself mentally as she gazes around to spot the runt of the group. After all, the runts have to stick together. She spots a guy. He's not exactly any less intimidating than the others but he does have a sweet baby face and a nice smile. A definite departure from the rest of them who either have mischievous smirks or blank expressions. Relieved she moves towards him just as Helen does.

Dammit. Sure Grace could fight for him or at least let him decide who he wants to spar with but Helen is way older than Grace and has always been nice to her, like a young surrogate grandmother. She can't be catty to a woman like that.
Great. Now she'll have to find another guy.

Just as Grace is gazing around, Ciara claps her hands for attention.

"Alright, are we all paired up?" she asks rhetorically, critically gazing around.
Grace doesn't dare speak up. Maybe this is a blessing, she's due a few of those anyway. Now she can say oh well, make up some excuse and leave.
Dang it, foiled again.
"You don't have a partner?"
Grace just shakes her head well aware of the stares her way.
"That's okay. Come up here to the front. You can pair with Ruiz after we do our demonstrations."

Oh no, no no no. She should have just taken the tall guy. Well too late now. In Ciara's classes her word is God. With great reluctance Grace trails to the front of the class and awkwardly stands there. For a brief moment Axel's gaze flickers to her and he gives her the faintest head nod before he stands guard again allowing Ciara to continue the class. 


They begin with a warm up, which is fine, since that part doesn't require a partner. Then Ciara makes them pause to demonstrate the first move they'll be trying. Grace hadn't exactly been listening too closely when Ciara had been talking about what the class will be, too busy bumping into Axel and losing her thoughts. But it quickly clicks that this 'fun' class will be a more advanced self-defence class. Something Grace hadn't exactly signed up for. She's adept enough at basic self-defence and luckily hasn't had to use it in years but in those classes they used dummies or did the moves in the air. She's never had to work in such close contact with anyone and judging by this first move which is no doubt a warm up into the more advanced ones, she'll certainly be getting very close with Axel.

Oh yikes.


Thankfully they start off standing with some distance between their bodies. Unfortunately for Grace those rich brown eyes are so intensely focused on her it knocks her mental balance. She can't think too straight with him staring and circling her. Calm and so obviously in charge of his own body, he's like a predator waiting to attack and she certainly feels like the prey.
"Concentrate Grace," he murmurs as he takes a jab at her and lightly knocks her shoulder.
She was supposed to have blocked that which she obviously didn't.
"I'm sorry I don't know if...." she breaks eye contact to briefly glance around the room to see how the others are faring. Better than her no doubt. This is just easy stuff.
"Focus here. Right now, you should be focusing on me."

She is.
That's the problem. Nonetheless she figures he's not the type to give up so easily or get frustrated and move on, so maybe she should just go through the motions and just get this class over with. With that in mind, Grace shifts into her fighting stance and nods to Axel. She may not be fully into this but she can definitely make her body follow Ciara's instructions.


Half an hour into the class, Ciara changes to floor maneuvers, explaining this will be similar to the things they'd be doing in the intermediate class. And just Grace's luck it's all groundwork. She's seen people in the rings or matts of the gym grapple and do all sorts of guard work on the floor and seeing the extremely close contact Grace decided she wouldn't participate in it. Looks like those promises are going to be broken though, she only hopes she can get through it without making a scene.

Those hopes are quickly shattered. Grace lies on the floor, her knees by her sides with Axel kneeling between her legs, one of his arms braced beside her face. She should probably have been more conscious about the rolls of her belly and arms or the fact her face is at a really unflattering angle or even better just as Ciara wanted she should have been considering the motions to guard. Instead all she can focus on are her past memories. Frozen in them, her body also tenses and holds, the sobs starting at her chest but they won't escape to make a sound. She won't make a sound at all. Silent. She has to stay silent.

She faintly hears her voice whispered by him but she doesn't register it. It's not got that strained tone to it to signal he's finished. Which means she'll have to bear it a while longer.

Okay that's certainly not right. Grace frowns and blinks in confusion. Why is he talking to her in Spanish?

"Hey mamacita, you okay?"

Oh shit. Of course he notices. If only the ground could just open up now and swallow her whole. Anything to get her out of this situation.

"Uh huh, yep. I'm all good," she rushes out, "just getting my bearings straight. I haven't been in this position in a while."

It was supposed to be a lame joke. Just a not so subtle jab at her being on a dry spell sexually, something that would make a guy laugh and reassure him that she's fine. Except Axel sees past it. His lips don't even twitch into a smile. Instead he regards her in silence for a while longer before concluding whatever he concludes.

"This isn't sexual Grace, you know that right? We're sparring. I don't want to kiss you or anything like that, si?"
"Si," she nods, "I mean yes. Yes, I know that."
"Bien. Now concentrate on what you're going to do next."

And she does. Rather she tries as best she can. Every so often parts of her would flinch at his touch or she'd momentarily cease up at being in such a vulnerable position or having his sheer size towering over her but for the most part Grace manages to stumble through the rest of the class. It is all in part to Axel of course. Patient and poised he would simply wait until she was ready to continue, not allowing her back down but also not pushing her.

In the end when they're finished, bowing to their partners, Grace is relieved and also a little proud of herself. Never would she have thought she could do this and yet she has. She had her big steps years ago and she doesn't feel there are that many left she has to accomplish but this has certainly got her closer to one of them she hasn't yet reached- to be able to have sex on her back.

After entering adulthood and leaving behind the horrors of her childhood, she had managed to shed a lot of the weight but also discover her body for herself. After finding the magical world of self-pleasure she'd braved opening up to a man. That had been her first actual boyfriend and he'd been amazing, until he'd got a job in Europe and had to leave. However the sex wasn't all that great. Sex in general she found wasn't all that great. She mostly did it to cultivate some intimacy between her man and her and if she's being brutally honest, it was to keep them around. It sort of worked until even sex couldn't save her relationships. Sex on her back was something she absolutely couldn't do though.

Or maybe not until now. Grace is in no rush to try it but this certainly gives her hope that she could one day maybe not have a complete meltdown if her boyfriend flipped her onto her back.

"Grace," calls Axel, "good job today."
She gives him a small smile, "thanks."
"I recommend all my fighters meditate. I think you might find it useful. It helps centre yourself and bring your mind to the present, to focus solely on the fight or what's right in front of you. Only 10 minutes a day."
"Oh, okay, sure," she mumbles.

For some insane reason she'd thought he might have asked her for something more. Something like...a date. But of course not. He did say he doesn't even want to kiss her and well, it would be crazy to think he would be interested in her. He's likely got a girlfriend or wife anyway. And he's probably only thinking of her as a student or a sister at most. Yeah, she's thinking way too much into this, dreaming up attraction to a guy that is everything she tries to stay away from. She can only blame it on the endorphin high.

"So um, I guess I'll see you around," she gives him a pathetic wave before remembering, "duh, of course I will. This is your place."
Looks like her bumbling is all it takes for him to finally give her a smile. Those lips pull up subtly and his gaze softens as his jaw relaxes to give her the sexiest look she thinks she's ever got.
"I'll see you around."

Present Day

Her hands shake as she locks the car door. The sun is setting behind her but Grace knows she can't turn back now. If she does she'll either end up crying or binge eating or both. She barely misses the massive puddle, rushing to get into the small gym before the light rain decides to come down stronger. The familiar musk, the dull lighting, the sound of the thuds and thumps are all so familiar to Grace now and in that familiarity she feels herself breathing a sigh of relief. The tight band across her chest eases just a little as her narrow thoughts broaden again. Her reality shifts. She's fine. She's safe. She doesn't have to think about everything messy in her life right this second.

Blissful in ignorance, Grace turns to the changing rooms and gets to work on her training.

"Spread your legs."
Her swing falters as she's broken out of her trance. What the fuck? The words are completely offensive but that accent and voice definitely makes something in her stir. An uneasy sensation that Grace doesn't like at all.
"Excuse me?" she snorts indignantly, turning her head to the side to tell whichever loser hits on women at the gym to fuck off. Okay, so she probably won't tell him to actually fuck off, but she'll give him a dirty look for sure.

Except you can't exactly do that to the owner of said gym.
"Your stance mamacita, it's not wide enough."
Grace simply blinks at Axel in disbelief, his words not quite registering yet.

She'd almost forgotten how potent he is to her. When she'd seen him around after their class, Axel would give her nod of acknowledgement to her wave but they never chatted and were always in their separate corners. Him, teaching or sparring in the ring and her on the outskirts using the machines or going over her new moves. This is the first time he's come this close to her and not as she'd mistakenly thought to hit on her.
That was a dumb thing to think of anyway. Nobody in the gym had ever hit on her so of course the first guy to do so wasn't going to be this latin Adonis.

"Move your foot back more. The power of the punch comes from your legs and hips when you rotate around so they should be far enough apart you can do that," he explains, demonstrating too in his stance.
She does know that. Ciara had done a great job teaching but in the time Grace had been at the gym, her form started slipping. She widens her stance as he directs and throws a punch at the bag.
"Bien. And keep that guard up," instructs Axel, fingers brushing against her elbow to nudge her hand up to a more defensive position covering her face.
Again another slip up in her form.
She tries again, making sure her hands are kept up and although her biceps protests at being continuously used, she forces them to remain there. Aching legs, core and upper body remind her she's been at this a while.

Grace glances around, noting that there's only one other person around and they're already stretching out.
"Oh. It's getting late I should probably get going so you can lock up. Thank you for the tips and um, sorry for staying so late."
"Stay as long as you need. I'll close when you're done."

Grace nods unconvinced. She really should go. It's not that she doesn't trust Axel but it is late and dark and she really should get home. Home to reality that is. Her belly clenches and mind darkens at that thought, heart wishing she could stay a little while longer to really be more mentally prepared to deal with the situation.
She starts the sentence before realising she's talking to thin air. Lost in her thoughts she hadn't noticed him moving over to place back a set of deserted weights. Guess she could stay for a little while longer then.

Approximately half an hour later, Grace emerges from the ladies changing rooms, showered and clean. There are a few lights still on, enough to show her to the entrance/exit to the building. She scans the area quickly for Axel though he doesn't appear to be there or if he is he's being extremely quiet and hasn't spotted her. There is a smaller area for staff off the side and she presumes he's there or in the men's changing room. First Grace tries the staff area though. The lights are all on in there with the door left ajar.

"Mr. Ruiz?" she calls, softly so as not to scare him over the sink he leans washing a mug. He places the cup onto the drying board and turns.
"It's Axel, Grace. You're done?"
She nods, gripping the bag tighter.
"Yeah, um, thanks again for letting me stay so late by the way. I hope I wasn't too much of an inconvenience for you."
"No," he succinctly disagrees before instructing, "I'll walk you to your car. It's dark and late."
Grace flinches in shock however she really should have expected it. The man is certainly a gentleman and that in itself makes her wearier. No one is nice just for the heck of it. Since it's clearly not her affections, what does he want?
"That's okay. I'm not parked far-"
"I'd still like to. Please, Grace."
Oh God. And now she's being paranoid about a genuinely nice guy. Well done Grace. Way to go.
"Sure," she sighs.

Axel shuts off the rest of the lights except for the ones over the small lobby/reception area. He shrugs on his jacket and winds a scarf around his neck before opening the front door for her. She passes him and steps out into the utterly freezing night. Her breath creates in front of her as her body gives a shiver at the temperature. Maybe she'll take a longer hot shower when she gets home or even a bath.

"Lead the way," mutters Axel, pocketing the building keys and keeping his hands dug deep in his pockets.
Grace doesn't bother wasting her precious warm energy on words and instead turns in the direction of her parked car. She doesn't even get two steps towards the vehicle when her feet slide from underneath her. Knees buckle as her arms flay for support. The closest support of course is Axel. She latches onto his arm as he quickly helps to steady her.

Even as she's uprighted and finds her balance Axel keeps his arms still around her. She gazes up to tell him he can let go now only to find that his attention is elsewhere. He's scanning the street, the space between his brows crinkling in unhappiness at whatever he's concluding.
"The rain before and the low temperatures. This isn't good," he muses out loud.
She figured that much too. The water has turned to ice which is what she obviously slipped on. It's not because she's extremely clumsy.
"The road will be covered in black ice. It's late now, they won't grit the roads until early morning."
"I know," she sighs, "but it's okay. I'll drive very slow. And I don't live too far away-"
"It's too dangerous," he argues back.

This time she's the one who frowns. Pulling out of his grip she takes a step away and stubbornly glaring up at him.

"I need to get home. It's too far to walk and like I said, I'll drive slow on low gears. I know how to drive in icy conditions."
"Grace, I'm not saying this because you are a woman and don't know how to drive. I'm saying it because it is dangerous for anyone."
His tone is consciously softened but she can feel the steel undertone. Damn men. This is why she limits her interaction with them. They're so bossy even to strangers like her.
"I know it is," she grits out trying to retain her patience, "but what else can I do? I need to get home."

He pauses for a second, expecting her to shout or fight him on what is obviously just common sense. It's not like she wants to drive in these conditions.

"You don't have any friends nearby you can stay with for the night?" he asks.
She gives him a deadpan look, stating simply, "no."
"Well then-"
"Look it's cold out here so I'm going. If it's going to make you feel better, just know that you take no responsibility in my safety. I'll be fine and I'll be back the day after tomorrow.-"
"Dios mio!" groans Axel latching onto her bicep as she turns to leave, "stay with me tonight then."
"I live in the apartment above the gym. I have a pullout couch. You can stay the night."
"What? No-you can't just-I can't-"
"Mamacita, it's just one night. It's a nice place. Safe, warm."

Her heart is racing and it's not just to keep the blood flowing to her frozen toes. She's spent nights over at boyfriend's places but Axel isn't her boyfriend. He's basically a stranger and he's definitely not her usual non-threatening type. The man could easily do anything to her and she wouldn't have a chance in hell. Not only that but the story could be spun so easily and looking as far out of her league as he does, the lie would be believable.

"Axel it's not that it's just..."
"Grace," he softly encourages, "don't take the risk that could hurt you or someone else. I'm offering you an alternative. Please take it."
Shit. He makes a good point.

Despite having thought about Axel more than she's willing to admit, even to herself, Grace had never really thought much about the man's home. She'd assumed he lived in a house with his parents or a girlfriend, not a cosy apartment above his gym. There's not much to the place but it's definitely nice. Much nicer than she would have thought. She scans for feminine touches in the decoration and furniture but there doesn't appear to be any apparent ones. Instead, the place is decorated fairly masculine but comfortingly. There's a brown leather couch with a few basic couch cushions, a beautiful colourful rug on top of which is a wooden coffee table. Of course the TV is probably the newest thing in the place with multiple wires coming from it and gaming stuff below it. There's a half wall that separates the open plan living area from the kitchen, which has tall stools around to act as a dining table. The kitchen too looks simple but clean and well kept. Near the TV is a door which Grace presumes leads to the bedroom. The one thing that catches her completely by surprise as she enters his place is the decorated Christmas tree.

She walks towards it, disappointingly noting the lack of earthy smell to it. For an artificial tree, it looks realistic enough. The baubles and ornaments on it too are beautiful with their traditional gold and red theme. Unknowingly Grace feels herself smile. It's been a long time since she's decorated a Christmas tree. It's nice to see one in his apartment.

"Mi mamá insisted on it. Well mamá and Marissa."
Maybe she'd been wrong, maybe Marissa just isn't as imposing in making her mark on his place.
"My sister. She wasn't so bad until she married and became a mini-version of mom. The two have been meddling more than usual in my life ever since."
Grace ducks her head to hide the grin that strains at her cheeks. That must be so sweet. She'd kill for a relationship like that with her mother even if he makes it sound like a pain in his ass.
"Well it's beautiful anyway."
"Gracias. So you want something to drink?"
"No, I'm okay for now thank you."

Just as she itches to move back away from him, the awkwardness settling in for her as her mind remembers that she's locked in this apartment with a man, he gives her a small tilt of his lips and nod.

"Set your things down anywhere then. Sit, relax. I'm going to take a shower, I'll be quick and then we can have dinner if you're hungry."
And just like that the uneasiness flips to guilt. She really does need to stop assuming the worst of this man.
"Oh no, I'll be okay. Please take your time and um, you really don't have to feed me. I'll be-"
"Mamacita, just accept the hospitality. It'll save us both a lot of time if you didn't constantly argue with me about it," he teases, causing her to goodnaturedly roll her eyes.
"Fine, now go shower," she mutters, making his smile big enough to flash white teeth. Jeez and he's complaining about his mom and sister being insistent!

Grace does as he had said and drops her bag against the wall before tentatively wandering around the small area. She peaks into the kitchen having been lured there by the delicious smell of chilli which she realises is not on the stove as she would have expected but in a slow cooker. Finally she plants her butt on the couch and kicks off her shoes, folding up her legs and snuggling into the warmth while waiting for him.

He certainly doesn't keep her waiting long, just as her eyes begin to droop does he emerge, damp hair and shirtless. So sure she's dreaming Grace has to blink several times to ensure the image of that bronze, sculpted torso is real. Her feet immediately uncross, landing flat on the floor as she sits up straight.
"You want to take a shower or bath?" he asks, moving towards her.

Her thoughts freeze as she scans him once more. That longish black hair despite mostly being slicked back still has some strands flopping over his forehead and eyebrow, in the low light all that work he puts in at the gym is evident but most potent are those dravite eyes fringed with soot black lashes.
"Mamacita?" he calls again.
Thank God, he wears loose pyjama bottoms.
"Huh?" murmurs Grace, still staring at him as he takes a seat on the couch beside her.
His lips tug up into a smile as she compels herself to knock it off. She's acting like a starstruck idiot.
"Do you want a shower or bath?"

Oh. A bath does actually sound amazing. She's still feeling the cold a little from being outside and the gym showers are fine but it's not exactly like taking one at home with a detachable shower head. Though she wouldn't have anything to change into. She doesn't really want to be wearing jeans again. Could she be bold enough to ask him for his clothing or would that be crossing the line? Besides he has been hospitable enough, she really shouldn't take any more advantage of it.

"You're thinking very hard about an easy question," he teases, when she still doesn't answer.
"I was just thinking well, a bath would be lovely but I didn't bring any more clothes with me."
His eyebrow raises as he nods as Grace hopes he'll take the hint and offer something for her to wear.
"Ask me," he demands.
She doesn't need to clarify what he means by that.
"Axel," she says, uncomfortable with the command but he doesn't relent. Patiently he regards her with that firm gaze.
"Nevermind then I won't-"
"Grace," he interrupts calmly, tugging her wrist to get her attention again, "tell me what you want."
She hesitates but in the end caves, "I would like to borrow some clothes and take a bath. If you don't mind."
"No hay problema," he nods before getting up and dragging her gently with him, "come."

He leaves the drawers to where his clothes are open and shows her in the bathroom where the clean towels are before leaving her be. Taking out a soft t-shirt and holding it up to her body, Grace drops it again. Damn she should have remembered his clothes aren't going to fit her like they do to women in movies wearing their boyfriend's clothes. He's built but not overly so and she's got a few too many curves. Well, too late. She's already committed to this now.

It's not as bad as Grace had thought. The t-shirt definitely tugs tight against her breasts and not able to sum up the effort to put back on her bra they do faintly outline her nipples. There's a slight catch of the material as well around her little belly pouch and she could try tugging it over her hips but it's way too snug to do that. Instead she lets it bunch up around her stomach and helps herself to a pair of flannel pyjama bottoms. On him they hang loose and straight however on her, her butt fills in the extra space. All in all, she looks like a mess and not the hot kind. Whatever. Grace tries to shake the stubborn idea that she needs to dress to impress this man. She doesn't and he definitely doesn't care anyway. He's already made it abundantly clear he's not into her like that and is doing all this as a good Samaritan.

Taking a deep breath Grace enters the main living space expecting to see Axel on the couch but instead he's in the kitchen. She takes the opportunity to place her folded clothes on top of her bag, not wanting to mix her sweaty things and relatively clean clothes. Then she pads into the kitchen to offer her assistance.

"Dinner is almost ready," he tells her, back still to her as he stirs something in a pot over the stove.
"Okay, anything I can do to help?"
"Si. Plates and napkins are in the cupboard above to your left and cutlery in the drawer below."
She makes a move to set the table as he asks. Glad to be helping and contributing at least a little to this meal even if it's not much.
"It's chilli. You like?"
She does and she eats plenty of it considering it's easy to make and cheap. Though her chilli has never smelt as good as his does.
"It's carne. You eat meat, right?"
He turns as he says that bringing along with him the pot of what she can now tell is rice.
"Yeah," she mutters, glancing up at him when he doesn't respond or even move. She shoots him a confused look that has him shake his head slightly and slide past her to place down the pot. Rather than asking him about it, she remains quiet as he takes out the delicious smelling chilli and also places it on the table. After setting up the last few things they both sit down for dinner.

"You don't normally come so late to the gym. Caught up with work?" he asks.
He's only making conversation but she so wishes he hadn't started with that question even though it's a highly relevant one.
Not wanting to lie but also not wanting to tell the truth she mutters, "something like that."
"You work as a?"
"A dental nurse."
"So you have long hours?"
Trapped in her mistruth, Grace squirms slightly before sighing, "no. I mean just a regular 8-5. Sometimes 6. Actually I wasn't going to come today but then I wanted to just get out of my house."
He head shoots up catching her gaze with his.
"Que? What happened?"
She deliberates telling him a lie again but she really doesn't want to do that. In fact, it'd be quite nice to tell someone about this. She can't dump her entire life story on him however maybe she can give him a brief summary of today's stress. It's not like they're ever going to be doing this heart-to-heart again. Most likely they'll go back to being cordial with each other at the gym and if nothing she can always transfer to another gym. So maybe for now she can pretend there isn't going to be a future past tonight.

"My step-dad called me. He's insisting like my mom that I join them for Christmas and that he'll come pick me up if I don't go."
There. That's the truth. It may not be all of it but it's what happened today. At his silence she starts eating again considering the matter dropped except he surprises her.
"You don't get along with your familia?"
"I...I have a tense relationship with them," she vaguely explains.
His blunt questions are shocking to Grace. She's never had anyone be so intrusive but non-accusatory at the same time. It's weird because from his tone it's not like he's digging for something and it's especially not tinged with some morbid curiosity. Instead it's like that of a child simply wanting to find the roots.
"You're very blunt, you know that?" she blurts out.
"I call it being straightforward. But I decided I want to get to know you. So I'm getting to know you."

Her jaw slackens as she snorts incredulously. Now she doesn't want to stereotype but if this is that infamous latin bullheadedness that hears so much about she's not sure she likes it. Especially when she's the type to skirt around an issue or avoid it altogether.

"What? Why?"
"Quiero. You're pretty and sweet and funny."

Again, she's stunned. Sure she'd consider herself a type of pretty, a type far from what she would have thought he's used to. And people do tend to refer to her as sweet but hardly ever funny.
"Plus you have a killer right hook. I find that very attractive in a woman."
That flirty statement is punctuated with a quick wink that excites the sparks she's felt ever since walking in this apartment with him. Her body hums to her that's a great sign but her rational brain knows it's not.
"Axel..." she starts but he cuts in there.
"Relax Grace, I'm not going to do anything. But if I'm prying too much tell me. It's in my nature to come on strong so if you need me to back off mamacita you only have to say."
He rolls his shoulders back waiting for her decision on the matter.

Tell him to back off. Her mind chants that's the most sensible thing to do. She doesn't need someone like him getting close to her. Someone so seemingly perfect and bold. That's not going to fit in with her life. Even knowing all this something unidentifiable in her calls for him. But no. She needs to exercise some self-restraint. This isn't going to be good in the long run.

"It's because of my step-dad," she blurts out.
He shoots her a slightly confused look since what she's said doesn't exactly relate to their current topic of conversation. Her heart hammers as the words just start to spill out, her brain screaming at her to stop but she just can't now.

"Why I don't like going home. It's because of my step-dad. My mom and my step-dad got together when I was 6. He's the only father I've known. But when I was 15 he well...he, rȧped me. The first time. It didn't stop for a year. Around my 17th he got sentenced to jail. He and his buddies committed armed robbery which is only a third degree felony in this state but then he went and committed arson too which is second degree so he got sentenced to 5 years. He's out now of course. My mom and him also have a kid too. A girl. She's young. Too young for him I think but that's why I got to go - to make sure he doesn't do anything to her. But I also don't want to spend a whole day with him."

"Grace," he whispers in horror, which she's sort of used to by now and doesn't blame him for. Her closest friends were the same.

"Y tu mama? She welcomed him back into the house?"

Grace shrugs, this too had been a massive point of contention for them. She'd blamed her mom for so long and it had taken a lot of time with her therapist to realise she'll never be able to control the actions of her mom or understand them herself. So regretfully for her own good she'd had to practically severe that tie.

"I told her only a few days before he got sent to prison. It would have been expensive to take him to court then especially since he was already going to prison. Though she'd promised me she'd divorce him and kept me on her insurance to pay for therapy. Except once the therapy was done and I was out of the house, she went back to him. When he got out of prison, he came back claiming he'd found God and the error of his ways and to forgive him."
Her mom had fallen for that or at least that had been enough to convince her that it's okay to be with him again. Grace however is very much doubtful of it. He'd still given her the creeps when he'd insisted on meeting to 'make amends' like he'd robbed cash from her and not some of her life.

"Mamacita," he calls, voice like rich honey, heavy on sympathy. However Grace doesn't need it. It's a part of her past, the effects will never completely go away but she's much stronger than then.
"It's fine. I dealt with it, I moved on. I even had boyfriends after him. But anyway, you asked why I was in the gym so late and that's basically the whole answer. Now let's move on."
His hand reaches up to her face, fingers brushing her cheek gently as he gives her a small smile and nods in acceptance. It's odd but she didn't even flinch at his touch. In fact, even weirder she wanted more of it.
She represses those notions and feelings down. It's no good developing this unhealthy attraction for him. It's not good for her. And besides after hearing her baggage, there's no way he's going to be chasing her for anything more than a friendship.

Luckily for Grace, they change the topic to that of lighter issues. Discussing her job as a dental nurse, his fighting career briefly and his family. That's when she learns that his parents are down in Mexico looking after his grandmother sick with Alzheimers and his sister is spending Christmas with her husband's family, meaning he's going to be alone. She fights the urge to ask if he wants to come with her because having given such a deary description of her family she's sure he'd rather spend it anywhere but there. So would she, except she doesn't have that luxury.

Then after all that's said and done, Grace helps him clean up with her on washing duty. Finishing her job, she helps him put away the last of the plates as he says, "Grace you should know your past doesn't change anything for me. If anything it shows me you're a true fighter."
Grace spins around to face him with disbelief.

"You'd still have sex with me?" she exclaims, thinking before speaking. The embarrassing question is out there now though and she can't exactly take it back.
He frowns and takes a step towards her.

"I still wish to know you more. Take out on dates. Maybe it will lead to sex at some point in the future, that is something I would want with you si. Would that be a problem?"

Sex definitely would be a problem. Not because she can't have it with him. In fact her body would be very ready to. But because she's not good at it. And if in bed he's anything like he is in the ring then she's sure he's a total beast at it, in the best way. That would just be heartbreaking. To get to know him, fall for him even and then be dumped and disappoint him because of her lack of bedroom skills.

She takes a step closer to him, chin tilting up as she shows him that she too can be stubborn.
"Yes that would be a problem. I'm not as delicate as I look."
He flinches in surprise, mind clearly whirring to make sense of the direction she's going in. Obviously he thought she'd be falling to his feet at such a romantic proposal and she does. She truly does want to take up this offer to get to really know him and date him but it's why she can't. The battle of attraction she's losing. Grace can't ignore this chemistry fizzling between them. However she can reduce it down to keeping it physical and in doing so protect herself. Maybe if they do get this over with. Maybe if her damn pussy finally realises how all this build up is going to be for nothing, she can get over this silly little crush quicker.

"Mamacita what are you saying? You do not wish to date me?"
She wants to agree to that but again her lips won't speak those words. Apparently her entire body is hijacking her brain and doing whatever the hell it wants.
"I'm saying sex in the future would be a problem since I want it now."
Although his features all twist in confusion and conflict, Axel doesn't take any steps to move away from her or to make her drop the palm she presses against his bare chest, feeling the heartbeat steady and strong against the hot, firm flesh.
"Grace we can wait we don't have to-"
Grace rises to her tiptoes, leaning into him and predicting rightfully so that he'd catch her.
"You said tell you what I want and I'm telling you. This is what I want," she pauses falling back to her heels when a thought strikes her, "unless you don't?"
Maybe he's waiting because he's hoping she'll spend more time at the gym and lose some more pounds or maybe-

Her thoughts all vanish as he kisses her. It's not the sweet, soft kind she's used to as first kisses. Instead it's brazen and passionate, truly representing him. She's powerless and swept away in those strong currents, melting against him as she parts her lips and allows him to take advantage of that.

When he pulls back, her lips are moist and swollen but she craves more. She places weight on her hands that hang on his broad shoulders to drag him down for more of those addictive kisses.

"Grace wait, I don't want you to think I'm taking advantage of you here."
"You're not. I asked you. But you probably should know I don't really do this," she confesses.
It's important to her conscience that he at least is aware of what he's getting himself into.
"And we still don't have to, mamacita. We can stop whenever you want," he softly replies, starting to push back away from her but Grace's fingers instinctively flex and halt his movement.
"I may have only had sex with 2 other people. Well consensually that is. And they had both been my boyfriends-"
"Which is what I'm saying, we can wait. We don't have to-"
"And what I'm trying to say is that I asked you because I really do want to...with you. You're a lot different to those other boyfriends I've had and I know I'm probably a lot different to the kind of girls you're used to being with-"

"Dios," he whispers, cutting her off with another kiss and this time wrapping his hands around and down her body to just under her ass, "cállate mamacita."
She frowns and before being able to retort he's already pulled her up off the ground. Her legs automatically wrap around his lean waist as she yelps.
"I don't know what that means but I'm sure I don't want to," she grumbles, arms wrapping tighter around his neck as he starts to move.
She's no dainty Princess, this is probably the first time in a long time someone has picked her up and tried to carry her and as much as she'd thought it's something she'd love, she finds herself terrified now.

"Axel!" she cries, "you don't need to carry me, in fact stop! I can walk. I'd much rather walk."
He just grins and shakes his head, taking yet more steps out of the kitchen.
"Axel, I'm serious. Oh my God, stop. We're going to fall," she grumbles against his neck where her forehead lands as she resigns herself to the fact that his grin means he's going to be his stubborn self and not give on this matter.
"I would never drop you. Cállate baby," he mutters with laughter very heavily coating that sexy accent.
Grace pries her eyes open and raises her head just high enough to shoot him a slightly irritated gaze.
"Maybe you should just cayatay then."
Axel can't help it. Her grumbling paired with her awful pronunciation makes him roar in laughter. That of course has her jostling in his arms contributed also by him opening the bedroom door. Her grip tightens as she squeaks and presses herself completely against his body. That those curves against him definitely isn't something he's going to be complaining about. His only disappointment is right now they're wrapped in his clothes.

He has a moment of both relief and agony as he takes a seat on the bed with her still on his lap. Her nicely cushioned ass against his thighs as that soft pussy lands over his erection.
"It means 'shut up' and we both will be," he explains, kissing her again before she reacts with indignation.

She resists for a moment before giving in and melting against him. Although she runs her hands over his bare torso and back, he keeps her where she is intoxicating her completely with his kisses. It's obvious to him that she's trying to make this a one-time thing and if he's only got one-night with her, he's going to make it count. She may not have had many lovers but he's going to make sure he's one she'll not forget in a hurry. Besides, it's a point of pride for him that his partner enjoys the experience just as much if not more than he does. Anything less won't do.

There really is something about his kisses that silences everything in Grace. Normally, she'd start getting in her head knowing she's about to have sex and to make sure she doesn't do anything considered weird. But as Axel makes no move to take things further past their heavy making out and with her hands roaming over his delicious upper body those thoughts dim. Instead that small primal part of her brain speaks and hollow of all else, its voice echoes. More it demands. Her lower body, her pussy throbs with the need for attention as it cries honeyed tears. The only small ounce of relief for it is the friction generated between the layers of clothing and that thick erection that is pressed against his left thigh. She experimentally rolls her hips over it, sighing at the pleasurable effect it has.

"Axel," she breathes, as he pushes away her hair and attaches those dangerous lips against her neck.
Palms slid down her back to grip her ass and grind her harder against him. This time her cry of his name is much louder. Her forearms bear down against his chest and topples him back but of course, he doesn't let go and as such drags him down with her.

"Oh shoot, I'm sorry!" she gasps, withdrawing from him and she struggles up to her knees except he doesn't allow her to do that. Instead he ignores her apology and keeps her pressed against him, one hand in her hair to keep her gaze on his.
"This is nice mamacita but it'd be a whole lot nicer if you returned my clothes to me."
Grace doesn't quite register the words hearing only his demand for the return of the clothes he'd said she could borrow.
"-Or we can stay like this," he compromises seeing her face, "but I would be a very happy man if you keep that hot body pressed tight to me."

It had taken her a minute but finally understands his words before and with doing so she has to laugh internally at herself. Her body had been itching to take the clothes off anyway so it's a relief to hear he's finally wanting to move things along. Except a small thought strikes her. As much as she likes being on top, it's not a very flattering angle or position. Her rolls will be on full display and though his t-shirt doesn't hide that much, it's still very exposing.

His fingers dig into her ass, pussy reminding her of exactly why she should get naked and fuck it, it's a lot stronger than her insecurity at the moment.
"Mamacita?" he calls.
She allows her actions to speak for her. Drawing up that t-shirt, Grace tosses it to the side and rakes back her hair that had flurried over her face before planting her palms on Axel's chest and gazing down at him with timid anticipation.


This part is continued on my profile on Inkitt (under the same name). For more details on why I have to do this please refer back to the 'Foreword' chapter at the start.


Finally he lets up.
"No more," she groans as he pulls her against him. Definitely way more comfortable with him now, she throws a leg over his, her upper body practically completely on his chest.
Axel just laughs and kisses the top of her head.
"Are you sure mamacita?"
"Okay, okay," he mumbles before musing, "I guess I don't need to pull out that couch now."
She gazes up at him softly, "I don't know. Do you snore?"
He jostles her against him teasingly.
"Not very loudly and if it is, just poke me awake. I'm sure I can find a way to exhaust you back to sleep."
Yeah right. Her poor brain is already overloaded with endorphins from all those orgasms. Any more and she might just shred some very important part of it.

"But Grace," he says a tone soft but definitely serious, prompting her to gaze up at him, "you know you don't have to go to your mother's for Christmas. You can spend it with me."
It's a generous offer but she shakes her head. No, she has to go. It has to be done.
"I can't. I have to go. But if you don't want to be alone at Christmas..."
"It's not that I mind being alone, mamacita. It's that I don't want you being alone and those people you'll be with doesn't count."
Grace doesn't know quite what to say about that, "well I mean you don't have to but if you insist on coming with me."
"I do."
"Are you sure? You don't think this is too soon? What about getting to know me more?"
Is this not why he wanted to date? How did they go from a date to doing Christmas together? And how is she meant to introduce him as? Although....Grace can't lie, it does give her a boost of confidence to have him there. A former light-heavyweight MMA champion and one that is on her side? Yes please.

"Grace," he tells her, cupping her cheek, "I lied. I don't need to get to know you more.-"
"I don't need to but I would like to. Mamacita, I knew I liked you after that class with you. I was going to ask you out in the New Year but you sped it all up, so now we'll go at your speed."
" 'My speed'?" she splutters.
"Si. We can call this our first date. Or third if you like.-"
"Axel!" she cries, "you're crazy. Is this how you are with all the girls?"

He slips his hand down to her waist, the other hand stroking her jaw.
"No. Nobody else. Just you Grace. Only you."
Her heart beats hard at his statements. She dares not read too much into this even though he clearly means it.
Her voice whispers, "why?"

"Because I see the fighter in you and it speaks to me like you're the other half of me."

A/n This was inspired from two of your guys's suggestions so thank you for that! One of them I have dedicated and the other because it was in regards with Grace's character I haven't since I don't want to 'expose' you or anything! :)
I do read suggestions and although I'm slow I will get around to them if I get a good idea for it.
Please do note that I'm no therapist and so what I've wrote in this in regards to Grace is solely what I felt her character would be like which is based on my opinion of course, but I hope the most important message I wanted in there came across which is that there is life after trauma. Although it's not that deep since this is a raunchy, fluff book :D 

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