The Man With The Midas Touch Pt.2

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A/n Just want to say right off the bat, I did not intend to make this as long as it is. I just couldn't stop myself. 

So this Part 2 is split into 2 chapters if you want to think of it that way or you can think of it all as 3 chapters. This part is all plot so skip to the next one if you want something spicier but of course I would love if you did read this part too. Not just because I worked hard on it but also because it gives more context! 

Final point! I am not a military person or have anything to do with defense systems etc. so my most sincere apologies for anything being incorrect or inaccurate. I've done my best to weave a fictional storyline that also seems plausible. 

Final Final important point. There is a TRIGGER WARNING of coerced/non-consensual sexual acts in this chapter and a little in the next. I will have ****TRIGGER WARNING*** written when it is discussed in greater detail and **END OF TRIGGER** when it ends. But please be warned this is a theme in this story :) 

The Man with the Midas Touch Pt 2 [Straight]

The sounds of London awaken Camilla. With a soft exhale she snuggles deeper into her duvet and battles the rising call of the muted British sunshine. Losing to the rousing call of a new day she props herself up and pushes away the mess of curls her hair is in. Noises from the kitchen meet her ears. Shocking since Sophie's usually not up until at least midday. She also barely ever cooks breakfast. 

That's not the only strange thing Cam notes. She's bare as the day she was born and as she stretches there's one very distinctive area that throbs a little in protest. That's when all of last night catches up with her. The smile that slides onto her features quickly drops though as she realises the deal she made.

"Oh good, you're awake. I made some breakfast, hope that's okay-"

He looks just as good in the morning as he did yesterday evening. It might seem obvious but she's had a few mornings she's definitely regretted. Mostly because they either never lived up to their looks or because their looks never lived up to their above average for her performance. Sean's done both and made her breakfast apparently. 

"Of course. Thanks, um, I'll be right there," she mutters, scanning the room for her clothes.
That's when she remembers she never brought them in from the kitchen, except there they are magically draped across her armchair. Looks like breakfast isn't the only chore Sean's been up to this morning. Just how early did he wake up? She's a light sleeper and she didn't even hear him!

"Tea or coffee?"
"Tea please with just a splash of milk. Thanks."

With that he gives her a nod and leaves.

Cam's quick to get through her morning routine, skipping the shower for now and slipping on some underwear, joggers and a tank top. Seeing as he's already hit it and now is apparently quitting it, there's no need for her to sex it up. She's just got her part to play and then that'll be the end of that. She probably won't even see him again. Won't even be able to online stalk him as many ex's might be able to. He'll be gone out of her life for good. A ghost that'll only visit her dreams at night. Cam quickly stops the melancholy for something she never really even got. Her life, one day at a time, one moment at a time, that's what she promised herself. And that's what she's got to do, push on.

He's already got the two plates distributed out on the dining table, cutlery at each end. She takes a seat as he moves towards her with two cups in hand. Passing one of them over, they both take a seat and silently dig in.

"So how's this going to work?" she asks, finally breaking the silence.
Sean glances up at her with a raised questioning eyebrow.

"You know the whole going in for questioning thing? Am I going to be interrogated?"
It's not that she's scared. She's had plenty of training where she's had her ass handed to her, her fear reaching new heights and of course she's had some non-training trauma. It's doubtful they're going to do anything to her now as a civilian that will be as bad as all that. Still she wants to be prepared.

"They'll be a little more subtle, hopefully. It won't take long as long as you're honest with them if they feel you're hiding something useful it might last a while."
Cam nods expecting that before a thought strikes her, "you said 'them', 'they' not 'us'. Are you not going to be there with me Sean?"
"No baby, of course I'll be there," he pacifies her, taking also her hand in his for a moment, "but I won't be the one leading the interview. Especially not seeing as how I took this a little further than just a date."

"That isn't just all on you," she points out, "but I guess they-your bosses- know we slept together?"
He shakes his head, "no I didn't tell them we were intimate and it's perhaps best not to. But they know I've asked you to come in for an interview and I stayed in the area to accompany you."
"Okay," she states, making a mental note to stay as vague as possible if his bosses ask her about him. No point in getting them both incriminated.

"A car's going to arrive for us both shortly to take us to the facility."
Beck shrugs his arm from his suit, exposing his watch, "in half an hour."
"Oh well, why wait until now to let me know? 10 minutes beforehand would have been great," sarcastically quips Cam with a roll of her eyes. Now she has to race to shower and get ready, the breakfast will have to remain half eaten.
At least he has the decency to look a little sheepish, "right, sorry. You were sleeping so peacefully, I didn't want to wake you."

Okay so...that's pretty sweet. Cam softens herself again and shoots him a smile as she pushes back on her chair. 

"What should I wear? I don't have any suits or office wear stuff."
At least none as nice as his and she's pretty sure if she went there with her Primark trousers and top they would laugh her out.

"Comfortable but able to move. Wear what you would if you were going to battle, minus the fly suit and weapons."
Now why would she be dressing for that? Her eyes narrow slightly trying to assess her words on that. There's definitely something he's downplaying. She'll let him keep those secrets for now particularly because she'll find out soon enough. So instead, Cam nods and heads to get ready for this battle.


Wearing camo probably would have been too on the nose so Cam goes for her standard look- sports leggings, trainers, top, hoodie, all of them in black of course. Her hair goes in a sleek low bun as she rubs in moisturiser for her face. Ready in under 30 minutes, she grabs just her essentials- purse, keys and phone.

The car they slide into is fancy, so much so that the back passenger windows are completely tinted out. Cam buckles in as Sean exchanges a few low coded words with the driver. Then settling back in his seat he gives her a reassuring look before they fall into silence.

Beck grimaces with annoyance internally. They're not going to the central London offices, the more civilised place if you will where the face of the MI6 resides with the computer analysts and support staff. Instead they're clearly off to the off-grid training and interrogation site. This is what Beck had been trying to avoid, he should have known something was off when his superior didn't scold him too much for his slip up. This isn't going to be easy on her but hopefully she's strong enough to handle it.

Pretty sure they're driving back out of central London towards the green outskirts. 10 minutes in and as predicted the black divider comes up as the back window completely blacks out and internal car lights come on. Camilla jumps at the action as she balls her fist against the seat cushion. He may not be able to tell her what she may be about to face but he can give her comfort in the present moment however small that might be. Reaching out, Beck places his hand over hers causing them to flatten out as his thumb slips under. She gives a small squeeze in thanks before staring back into the darkness.

He counts out the turns and twists they take before finally they arrive.

Her side of the door is opened just as he gives her one more hand squeeze and lets go.

Beck straightens his suit jacket out as he's met with a man in a training uniform, earpiece on. He confirms their arrival before holding out a hand for Camilla.
"Miss Hall, if you'd follow me this way. You too please Agent."
With a brief handshake for Camilla and a nod to him, the man turns and leads them out of the arrival basement. They crowd into the lift and go up to the lobby area where finally Beck sees a familiar face.

"Beck. Good to see you," his boss nods his way, "and nice to meet you too Miss Hall."
"Cam is fine. And you are?" she states shaking his hand, voice steady. Beck is oddly proud of her maintaining her cool though he really shouldn't be so surprised. It's just it's so easy to forget she is actually a trained soldier and not just a civilian.

"Stephen. I'm told you know why you're here voluntarily?"
"Yes I believe so. You have questions you think I have answers to. I can tell you now there isn't anything I know that isn't already in my files but I'm here and I'll humour you. At least for the sake of my country but after this I'm done. I don't want anything to do with my military history again."
Stephen just gives her a polite, dismissive smile, "we'll see."
Beck sees her start to fight her back when Stephen cuts in.

"Regardless, why don't we get started? If you'll follow me please, we just have some light security to go through first."

'Light' security his ass. For agents like him, biometrics and a metal scanner is all that's required but for any unknown personnel they're treated to complete strip searches. Maybe he should have mentioned that to her beforehand. Hopefully she won't be too upset by it.

"Miss Hall, my colleague Angie here will take care of you from here. We'll see you soon."

Beck schools his expression but can't help it turning grim as Stephen mutters to him, "quick debrief now."

Of course he would much rather stay with Camilla and ensure she's being treated fairly but he has his marching orders and from day one of his training he's had no misunderstanding about being just a cog in a machine.


Cam resists the urge to adjust the strap of her twisted bra that she'd rushed into. Her timings of suiting up and down are slower now she's out of practice. The searches weren't anything she's inexperienced with although maybe now it does feel more embarrasing and odd. However, being here that soldier in her stands to attention. Her back is straighter, her walk more of a march and her attention is focused. How easy it is to slip into that skin again.

"This way Ma'am. Can I get you anything to drink? Tea, coffee, water?"

The rather harsh looking blonde glances to Cam as her heels click against the floor. Cam glances down at the stick thin points wondering how on earth she can stand to be on them all day everyday but then again this isn't some ordinary blonde. Cam imagines Angie could probably do everything Cam can do in her boots and maybe more.

"No. Not right now thank you. Where are we going?"

She could try to study the corridors but the white walls with identical bright fluorescent lights shining down are all pretty unmemorable. However along those walls are doors every so often which are numbered. They come to door number 213 where Angie opens it up for her.

"Here. Take a seat please Ma'am. Someone will be with you shortly."

Cam hesitantly walks into the room past Angie. There's a bolted down sleek table and two steel minimalistic looking chairs opposite each other. The floor is made of black tiles. Lights focused solely on the table and chairs giving little dimensions to the size of the room. Cam pressumes that's the point. The walls she can't quite make out but they seem to be of some dark reflective material, one or more of them are most likely 2 way mirror. She circles the perimeter getting a feel for the area as the door shuts and then takes a seat in one of the chairs. 

Her pockets are lighter after they confiscated her phone, keys and wallet but she's fine with waiting in silence.


Beck follows Stephen to one of his many offices. It looks lived in but it's all a facade, crafted to welcome in the unsuspecting victim while maintaining an air of professionality.
"You seem awfully interested in that girl Beck. Is this going to be a cause for concern?" questions Stephen as he rounds his desk and takes a seat.

He's not looking at Beck and though his boss's words are said in a casual tone, Beck understands there's nothing casual about this line of questioning.

"No Sir, just doing my job."

Sharp, steel grey eyes lined with wrinkles gaze up at him filled with suspicion. Of course that's also his boss's normal look.

"A little too closely there Beck. She may look and act it now but she's not some normal civilian. Miss. Hall has a body count that rivals any rookie agent."
He knows this already. Like any good field operative, Beck reads his dossiers back to front especially since it's usually a matter of life and death. Yeah, it's not always action and guns often it's about studying after all they are in the business of knowledge.

"Yes Sir, I assure you I have no biases towards or against Miss. Hall. I'm only interested in procuring Kelley."
"Right well," Stephen takes an inhale and says just as there's a knock on his door, "we don't have time now to go over the exact details of your 'date' last night."

Small miracles. Beck feels himself fill with relief. He's not sure why he has such a draw to Camilla, perhaps it's still remnants of afterglow but come tomorrow she'll be back to her regular life and he can return to his. 

"Come in!" calls Stephen as he pulls out a folder from his desk.
Beck turns to witness their guest enter. It's a woman. Another agent by her appearance and demeanor. She wears a black suit and low heels with her brown hair tied down in a low ponytail. There are hints of femininity laced in her attire though from her pink shirt, small pearl earrings and minimal make-up. Whilst she's clearly a beautiful woman, she's downplayed it enough to blend into any background.

"Beck, this is Katie, lead from the CIA end. She'll be assisting in our interview today with Miss Hall."
Right, of course. Beck shakes his colleagues hand before Stephen's ushering them to their interrogation room.


Cam's not waiting too long, 10 minutes at most she suspects before her interrogator enters. Interviewer? She's not sure what to call the person. It's another woman, not Angie though. 

"Miss Hall, how are you doing? Pleasure to meet you. Before we start are you comfortable?"
Cam stands to shake the woman's hand before sitting back down and murmuring a greeting back. The woman seems nice enough with her welcoming smile but it's a careful facade of course. Cam's always one to trust her gut and right now it's screaming at her to be cautious and not trust this lady. 

"Great. My name is Katherine but you can call me Katie if you like.-"

Cam can't place it but there's something just slightly off about the woman.
"Alright. Cam. Do you understand why you're here today?"
Cam resists the urge to roll her eyes. How many times are they going to go over this?
"Yes. You want to know more about my military history."
"That's right. We're particularly interested in your encounter and association with Major Kelley."
She's known it to be coming but hearing that man's name again sends is like a stab through her heart and a twist of her stomach.
"Sure, everything I had to do with him is in my files anyway."
The woman- Katie, opens up her folder, shuffling some papers until she gets to a copy of Cam's mission debrief. It's shocking for her to see it just as it's written with nothing redacted.
"Yes. This document, correct?"
Cam simply nods.
"When was the first time you met the Major?" 

It takes her a moment because those few days living with him wasn't the first time she'd been introduced to him.
"Two years or so before that. I was flying a bird delivering relief aid. Major Kelley and his unit were on ground coordinating distribution of it. That was our first encounter. It was brief." 

She'd been still fairly green to the field then and her meeting with him had made her self protection instincts go into overdrive. There had been something strange about him but then again, she'd met many who were changed in their service. It's odd how it can either break or make someone. Sometimes it breaks and molds them into a better person and sometimes it twists them into something ugly. Cam suspects that ugly had always been in Kelley but with his longer service and increased power it was nurtured and had grown.

"Is that all? Nothing more?"
"No not until my last mission. Why?"
"You must have made some impression. Kelley reported being impressed with your abilities and commended you for your support. He made a formal request to have you assigned to his team whenever possible in Allied Force missions."
Cam's blinks in shock, her head recoiling. That's the first she's heard of that. Her superiors had never mentioned this praise and she'd certainly never been called to his until that day. She's unsure why he would be so complimentary though. She had just done her job. Nothing more and nothing less.

"Did he make an impression on you too?"
Cam gives a small shrug, "I suppose." 

"And that's when you both started pursuing a relationship with each other."
Her body clenches tight and with great effort Cam has to force herself to relax. Not all of her listens to that command but she manages to paste on a stiff smile and unclench her jaw just enough to speak.
"Sure. That's when we"
Katie closes her folder, folds her arms over it and leans forward.
"Camilla," she coos gently, "you don't need to lie to me. I know about your unfilled report. The real one."

Of course they do. Sean had said just as much and she'd admitted to him too that what happened to her wasn't consensual, no doubt he relayed this information onto his colleague for this part of the interrogation.
"I don't know what you mean.-"
"Cam, you can be honest with me. This isn't going to be used to tarnish your records." 

"I don't care about those. You want to talk about honesty? How about you be honest with me first?"

There's a moment where irritation flashes on her face, which Cam would have missed if she wasn't so trained at noticing the smallest details but it's quickly replaced with her 'soft' expression. Katie's shoulders go down as she opens her palms and nods. 

"Sure. You already know I'm an MI6 agent Camilla and my name really is Katherine. I'll answer any questions you have for me as much as I can. Some information is of course condential to protect both you and I."
Cam's pretty sure her name isn't Katherine but whatever. She doesn't care about a name.

"You mean SIS and I doubt that. Your accent is good, very good but the British accent is difficult. Especially for an American. So you're CIA I assume?"
It's a little bit of a stab in the dark but her suspicions are confirmed when Katherine closes her eyes, inhales and gives a small nod.
"You got me. I am American intelligence. I'm sorry for the misdirection but many people find it more soothing to speak to someone in their own dialect and accent."
Katie's accent drops into a low toned, Midwestern one.
"Whatever. Everything I know about Major Kelley was written down and submitted, I don't have any other information. I have no reason to hide anything from you guys." 

"I'm not suggesting you're deliberately hiding anything Cam. It's just you spent a fair few days with him and maybe you heard something you thought was insignificant but actually is important."
"Like what? What am I supposed to unconsciously have picked up?"
Those few days had been a hellish experience that's seared forever into her mind. There's no way she can forget anything from it no matter how hard she tries to or wants to.
"Any non-military personnel? Any dates, numbers, addresses? Just anything at all Cam. You clearly have excellent observational skills."
No, she doesn't remember any of that. For the most part she'd tuned everything out and retreated into herself for strength only picking up bits of conversation that related to their extraction and escape.

Cam just shakes her head and says in frustration, "no. Nothing like that."

Katie pauses for a moment as if trying to sweat out Cam but Cam isn't lying. Whether she believes it or not the woman carries on.
"Alright let's step back a moment then and talk a bit about you. What was it like after your initial training period?"

Confused but on board with the change in direction of conversation Cam delves into her life. All of which she's sure they already know. It's not like she was living off the grid. But to appease them she relays her experiences.

Pretty soon they're back onto the real reason she's there though.
"So that mission before you decided to retire. Talk me through what happened."

Dammit, despite her resolve she is feeling far more relaxed now having talked an ear off. She finds her focus again before saying, "American and British units were conducting an attack on a possible enemy base and they needed some air support. My American counterpart was the one who was supposed to do so but was injured so I stepped in. I got there just in time for an extraction. The drones were shot down and there was an underestimation of the numbers. I followed protocol and tried to fly out as many soldiers as I could but a few miles out, the left wing was shot down. We made an emergency crash landing, I radioed in and we were pointed to the nearest village to await extraction. Major Kelley was the most senior member of the group and assumed command. With our limited supplies we travelled for a few days over to the village where we were taken to our respective bases."

It might not be a word-for-word of her report but it's more or less what she and those 10 others wrote.
"What else happened?"
Cam doesn't know what she means but she just repeats her report again.
"Yes but were there any other events?"
Nope, she's sticking to her report. Deadpan she relays exactly that. 

And again.

And again.

It's clearly starting to frustrate the woman as she sees her fingers tighten in annoyance but her expression remains passive.

"Okay, let's take a break. I'll have someone bring you some lunch and we can resume in a while."

Cam simply nods and watches as Katie but leaves her files out on the desk. Knowing she's most likely being observed Cam doesn't bother touching them. Then again, if that folder does contain details about her, then she already knows them all so what's the point?


Stephen is still observing Cam just sitting there in the room silently when Katie enters. Beck feels an odd sense of pride that the CIA agent couldn't break her. But then again, Katie is being diplomatic and non-threatening, this is probably the least force she's ever used.

"She's sharp but too emotional," states the female agent.
"Yes," muses Stephen as he turns to them, "her therapist notes were vague as well but states there was definitely some sexual trauma there. Maybe sending you in was the wrong idea Katie. She's been acclimated to a male-dominant environment despite her ordeal perhaps she is better with males. Afterall she did take quickly to you Beck."

Beck is sincerely dubious of that assessment and not just because he wants to be the man that's so different to all the others for Cam. He would summarize it's probably because she distrusts this place as she should as so the people here. When he'd met her it was in a casual setting and of course despite his lies he'd given her enough honesty for her to see the real him and so form an attachment. 

"Maybe," shrugs Katie, "did you fuck her?"

Beck doesn't dignify the question with a response but when Stephen also looks towards him he simply has to roll his eyes and huff out, "no."
"Shame, she probably would have had a better connection with you if you had."
"It was hard enough convincing her to come do this interview. I had to stick around last night to make sure she wouldn't bail or disappear."
"Okay then she clearly has some liking towards you. Have lunch with her Beck. In there."

For sure Beck was thinking Stephen would pull him from all contact with her indefinitely.
"Sure. Anything in particular you want me to question her about?"
"The days they travelled to the village. I want to know exactly what happened between her and Kelley in those 3 days and nights."
It's going to be personal as hell but what else can he do but nod.

**********Trigger Warning************************

This time Cam is relieved to see a familiar face in her jail cell. Except his face is pinched pretty tight. Her concern is amplified when he places down their lunch, water and takes a seat.
"Camilla, I know I told you my name is Declan but it's actually Beck. I'm sorry for deceiving you."

Cam picks up the ham sandwich, a packet of ready salted crisps and one of the water bottles. They're all unopened which is a good sign she supposes. Either way, she doesn't have anything to hide. She just doesn't want to be spilling her guts to a bunch of cold strangers.

"It's fine, you were just doing your job, I suppose."

He reaches over laying his hand on top of hers and catching her eyes as he gently but solidly says, "you're not a job Camilla."
A glimmer of the real Sean. Cam can't help but flash him a smile at that.
"I didn't want to make things harder for you than it already has been." 

Cam feels he offers some truth in that and she shrugs. She's had struggles in her life, that's just a part of it but there have been some great moments too.
"Or have to bring up Kelley again."

She involuntarily flinches at that opening her water and taking a swig to have an action to do.
"Can't bury things forever," she mutters with a bite of sandwich.
It could be the best thing in the world but honestly, Cam can't taste it at all. It's just a flavourless, dry piece of cardboard but she continues chewing at it.

"Is that what you're trying to do? Bury this?"
"No. Of course not, I've just moved on from it."
"It must have been tough. 5 days with him."
"And nights."
Shit, she hadn't meant for that to slip out. She quickly bites into her food to shut herself up. Unfortunately it's not enough to shut up Sean.
"Right. 5 days and 5 nights. That must have felt very long. Did you spend all that time with him?"

Cam struggles to answer. A part of her wants to open up to him about this but a larger part of her, the logic portion, is wildly aware of their surroundings. His entrance into here is so transparent so she's 99% sure that their interaction is being monitored.

"And the rest of the lads, yes."

"But you were travelling for 3 days?"
Cam nods, "yes it took us about 3 days to hike to the village but it was only on the fifth day early morning we could get extraction so we found an abandoned building on the outskirts and set up camp there."
"Did the rest of the guys know you and Kelley were intimate?"
"You know they did," she bitterly spits out, staring down at her hands.
It was inevitable being in such close proximity. There was no way they wouldn't have known even if Kelley hadn't given her special treatment. When she'd joined the RAF she hadn't felt so alone but in those 5 days it was the loneliest she'd ever felt. What's worse was she couldn't talk to any of them to make them understand.

"Yes their reports all stated you and Kelley were in a relationship. Some said they believed you were taking advantage of him."
Cam can't help but feel disgusted and frustrated even though she's already heard this before.
"More like the other way around."
"Are you saying you didn't consent to being with him?"

Cam exhales and deliberates the question. This is where it's a grey area at least that's how his superiors had seen it as. She had consented to sex with him, sure. But not exactly wholeheartedly. They were in a high risk situation, it was a matter of survival and Kelley had used all that to his advantage. What choice did Cam have?

"Okay Camilla," softly murmurs Sean as he gives her hand a squeeze, "we don't have to get into that. Just tell me the routine of those days and nights, you don't have to go too in depth, just an overview is good enough."

Cam shakes her head and tries to gather herself. She's been here for hours. Clearly they're not going to let her go until she talks and the longer she draws this out the harsher their treatment will get. This information, it's painful for her emotionally but no reason for her to lose her time and sanity over it. Once it's done, they'll see she doesn't know anything and just let her go.

"Fine, you want to hear what happened in those days and nights, I'll tell you. It wasn't anything revolutionary like you think it is. As I said we crashed, radioed in, packed our gear and moved out. We would hike early to mid morning. Then rest when the sun got too hot in the afternoon and start again early evening. There weren't enough shelters and tents so we had to all share anyway. That first night I bunked with one of the officers and as we were packing up to move out is when Kelley approached me. He made a shitty pass at me which I shot down and we moved out. That afternoon his approach was more aggressive.-"
"Aggressive how?" 

"Listen he was in charge, the guys were going to do what he told them, that's what we're taught to do. He basically stated he could make my life easier or harder in those days. We all took turns on look out and rationed meals equally. He said he would put me on longer watches, give me less food and water if I didn't stop being 'insubordinate'. I didn't care about that. I refused. I would take that physical torture than sleep with him but then he said...Well, he heavily implied I could either be with just him or passed around the rest of the guys. I wasn't a part of their group, we were in an unmonitored situation and so even if I survived that and filed a misconduct, rape, assault whatever forms all their statements against mine wouldn't hold up. They could even do a lot worse. They could have killed me out there and claim I died in the field from injury. My life was on the line so I did what I had to do and gave Major Kelley whatever he wanted."

Hot tears prick at her eyes as her chest feels tighter than a drum skin. Cam forces herself to breathe back into the present. When she'd returned even back home it wasn't just the disgrace of having slept with Kelley that was clinging to her like a thick coat of grime but also the shame in herself for not being stronger to refuse. Fear had controlled her. Even if it had been an ice cold chill of that of her life, it had still been fear. It was the struggle with that guilt, shame and anger that ultimately forced her to retire from duty.

Thankfully life got a lot better since then. She wrestled those demons, made peace with them and now they're usually sleeping puppies. Except when people like Sean, Stephen and Katie prod and poke to arouse them.

"And you tried to report him."
Cam focuses back on Sean who she'd forgot for a minute was still in the room. It doesn't take a genius to see he's not as unaffected by this as his even voice suggests. His hands are clenched in fists on the table, jaw tight and nostrils flared. It's ironic how despite the experience being hers she feels the need to comfort him.

"Yes that's the unfiled report you have. I went to my boss with it but he wasn't convinced by it. He said that's not what the other debriefs claim and asked if I had any evidence. Of course I didn't. So he said I needed to change it or my career would be over and that I would be causing trouble between the countries. I tried to fight him on it. Asked if the Major had done this to other women and my superior said Major Kelley had an exemplary record and was actually commended by many female officers. There wasn't much else I could do."

"You did everything you could. Thank you Camilla."

She's not sure exactly what Sean is thanking her for but his sincerity in it makes her lips rise just a fraction.
"Katie has a few more questions for you but then I promise you'll be free to go."

Cam can only gaze up at him as he stands and buttons his blazer. Instinctively she makes a grab for his hand, catching it just as he's about to turn.

"You won't stay?" she pleads.
His gaze softens and he flashes her once a sad grimace.
"I'm sorry, it's better Katie does it."

It sounds so much like a goodbye that Cam is reluctant to let go of his hand. But she's always known the deal so as much as it pains her to, she drops her hand. At least it's all come at once and she can pretend this isn't real life.

Tomorrow she'll go back to her normal life and this will all feel like a wild dream.

*****END OF TRIGGER*********

Beck has to have a moment to collect himself before he enters the monitoring room.

"Nice going James Bond. That must have been some first date. You had her right in the palm of your hand." 

Beck knows the CIA agent doesn't mean it in a malicious fashion and it's meant as a compliment. After all in their field, manipulation is praised. But Beck doesn't feel good about it. He wasn't trying to play Camilla. By the time they got to talking of her days with Kelley he was only vaguely aware of his role. Rather he felt almost like the..well, like the concerned boyfriend. He wanted to know what was wrong so in some delusional sense he could make it better. Of course he can't do that. But he can do the next best thing and that is to make Kelley pay.

He flashes her a smile and shrugs. She reacts with a wider grin before exiting to return to Camilla.

Stephen's silent even as Beck approaches him. He's not sure if that's a good or bad sign. His boss is usually upfront on his thoughts with Beck so this silence is slightly unnerving. They both listen as Katie talks through Camilla on some of the finer points of her time with Kelley, including topics of conversation they'd had.

"You're too close to this."
Beck shoots his gaze to Stephen.
"I'm good," he argues back.
"No," reinforces Stephen, "I don't know what's going on between you two and I don't care unless it affects this case-"
"It won't."
"It does."
This time Stephen faces Beck with resolve.
"She's going to be gone by this afternoon Stephen and I'm going to be chasing after the next lead we have. Nothing is happening between us and I'm still focused on this case."
"No, not on this case. I'm pulling you as lead on this.-"
"Emotions cloud your judgment. Even if questioning of Miss Hall will be over for now we may still have use of her later on in this."
"What do you mean?" 

Clearly Camilla doesn't have some intimate relationship with Kelley. It's not like she can be used to lure him out. They weren't exactly lovers in a romantic sense.

"Kelley targeted her. Her superior was correct in that he didn't do any of the things he did with Miss Hall with other female officers. So she's special to him in some way. And we may need to use that unique quality some time in the future. Do you think you could handle that Beck?"

Bait. He's suggesting they may have to use Cam as bait if need be to lure out Kelley. Even though he understands this it doesn't make the truth any easier to swallow.

"If it needs to be done, it needs to be done," cooly affirms Beck.

Now more than ever he is determined to stay on this. 

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