Acceptance | OS

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***Back with another OS. Thank you so much to everyone for voting and commenting in the previous shots. Hope you like this one too. Balti but bhar ke votes aur comments de dena.***😁


Decorations.... the whole house was decorated with flowers and a big grand chandelier adoring the hall of the mansion. But what are these decorations for? Well the answer is an occasion, a big occasion. WEDDING. A grand wedding was to be held in another 6 days and everyone has been running around the house, hustle bustle all around. But who's wedding? Any guesses......... it' not gonna tell you guys read ahead to know more. 😜

Two women were walking around the mansion worriedly and telling all the workers to do stuff properly. Why not they were the groom's mother and aunt. Pinky and Jahnvi. Both were roaming everywhere from workers, to decorators, to security, to cooks, EVERYONE. Tiring isn't it. A big Punjabi wedding it is, of course it has to be tiring. Two young men made their way to the hall. A tall guy with long hair, accompanied by a muscular man. They are groom's brothers, well cousin brothers, Omkara and Rudra. Both of them went to the ladies and made them sit on the sofa.

O: Mom Choti Maa sit down and rest. Why are you guys stressing. We will do the work na.

R: Ya ya we are still young and if any pretty girl see's me working maybe they will think I'm a good boy and will accept my proposal for marriage. Then I will also be a groom.

Rudra was in his dreamland imagining about his wedding when something hurt his head. He rubbed the back of his head and turned his head beside to see Om glaring him and Jahnvi and Pinky giggling. Embarrassing. Well nothing new for Rudy boy the great.

P: Om where are Annika and Shivaay, have they got ready for the engagement today.

O: Yes Choti Maa they are almost ready. It was very difficult to take them to their rooms... huh both were not ready to leave each other... so much PDA... if this is them before marriage think about how will they be after marriage.

P: That is good news. I will get my grandchild soon.

Stated Pinky being all happy thinking about her grandchild but was brought back to Earth by Jahnvi.

J: Where is Aanya? Did you pick up from school. She has to get ready too.

Suddenly a voice interrupted her and the four saw a small figure of around 7 years old standing at the entrance. All smiled and the person came running.

P: Aanya my baby come....

Aanya came running with her small backpack dangling and hugged Pinky tightly followed by Jahnvi, OmRu.

P: Why were you so late today. You know everyone is waiting for you since an hour.

Aa: Sorry Dadi actually my bus was late today. The bus stopped in the middle and then the uncle was repairing it. You know I got so bored and so hungry in the bus. And that irritating Tina was also there.... boring day...

J: Aww my doll was bored in school. Well not anymore see it's engagement today. Go get ready .

Hearing Jahnvi, Anaya's face fell. She frowned at the mention of engagement.

Aa: Dadi I will go and meet Papa first.

Saying this she threw her bag on the sofa and ran towards a room upstairs. She ran through h the stairs and banged on a door continuously with her tiny hands. The door opened and the she hugged the person tightly from the waist. The person also smiled back and hugged the little soul.

Aa: Papa....

The person is none other than Shivaay. He picked up Aanya in his arms and made her sit on the bed, taking off her shoes.

S: My Baby is so late today. You know Papa was missing you. How was school... and how was your test.

Aa: Test was good Papa but not school. School is boring and everyone there are annoying.

Listening that Shivaay chuckled a

S: Okay did you meet Annika Aunty. She was calling for you.

By the mention of Annika's name, Aanya's face changed from a happy one to a sad one. She made a disgusted face. This was unnoticed by Shivaay who was texting the love of his life, Annika.

Aa: I will meet her later. Papa can you come with me to the park today. My friends are also coming. Please.

S: Sorry Baby I cant because me and Annika have to go to the mall. You can take Om or Ru chachu.

Shivaay spoke and Aanya was about to argue but just then Annika's call came and he rushed outside, leaving a sad Aanya back.

Aa(to herself): Siya was right. (Siya is her classmate) Papa forget their children after marrying another woman. I hate that Annika Aunty. She is bad. She snatched my papa from me. I have to do something so that she doesn't come near my papa and my family. Bad Aunty you will not be my Mumma.

She said and threw pillows on the floor with anger and tears. She wiped her tears and went downstairs to go to the park with OmRu.


A: Shivaay why did you take so long.

S: Sorry Annika. I was with Aanya. She was pursuing me to come with her to the lark so I had to explain her.

A: Shivaay why did you deny her. You could have went with her. It was fine. She must be sad. I have told you before that don't prioritize me before your family. Your family was, is and should always be your first priority.

S: Ok ok Devi maata. Well I'm very lucky to be in love and marry and beautiful along with a very intelligent girlfriend.

Annika smiled to that and then both went inside the mall to shop, mostly to buy gifts for everyone. Later in the evening, the engagement ceremony took place. The whole family was happy expect one person who's hopes of not getting them married were failing. Aanya was very sad and angry. Annika who was with Shivaay, was constantly gazing at Aanya with confused expressions because there was no trace of happiness on her face. She had been noticing her behaviour since her and Shivaay agreed to get married. She shrugged off her thoughts thinking maybe something happened in the school and got busy with the guests.

Later, all the guests went home with only th e family members left now. Annika was sitting on the sofa with her phone while Pinky, Jahnvi and Dadi were sitting on the sofa beside her, talking with each other. While the males were busy in discussing about business. Aanya who was disappeared for sometime came in the hall with a bowl of hot tomato soup. She smiled a bit (she was actually smirking inside, yk kids smirk) She came near Annik and Annika looked up to see Aanya standing there with her smile, well fake smile. Annika became happy.

Aa: Aunty this soup for you...

A: Awww thank you baby.

Annika was about to take it from her hands but before that Aanya intentionally dropped the soup on Annika's hands, making Annika quiver in pain. Shivaay who heard a moaning sound, turned back to look at Annika wincing in pain with her red hand. He and the family rushed to Annika. Shivaay grabbed Annika's hand and blew air on it, he tried to touch it but Annika stopped him.

S: Aanya what is this baby you should have been careful.

Aa: Papa I..... I..... didn't....... d.....

A: Shivaay it was not her fault. She was giving it to me properly, my hand touched it and then it accidentally fell on my hand. No big deal it's fine.

S: What fine Annika. You should have been careful. What if it would have spill on your clothes or feet.

A(teary eyes due to pain): Sorry Shivaay. Aanya are you okay, did it spill on you.

Aanya nodded in a no. She was shocked and confused as to why Annika saved her. Because she knows that Annika knows that she had spill it intentionally. She was thinking but shrugged it and thought to focus on her plans. Annika who was whimpering in pain sat shocked on the little girl's stunt. She was hell shocked when Aanya spilled the soup on her hands. It might have looked like it was intentional but she knows that Aanya did it purposely. WHY?

Everyone went to their rooms. Shivika were in Shivaay's room where Shivaay was applying the ointment on her hand. They both were talking about something when Aanya came to their door and overheard their talks.

A: Shivaay I think we should apply for the boarding school application form. It is really good and you know students focus there better too so it will help her in studies too. I will send her after the wedding gets over.

S: Okay Annika as you wish.

Aanya who heard these sentences ran from there towards her room crying. Not listening to what they were talking completely.

A: Shivaay Nia will like it na. (NIA IS ANNIKAS 10 year old adopted sister) I think I should talk to her first.

S: Anniak don't worry why are you taking tension. It is a really good boarding school plus it's near Mumbai only.

In Aanya's room.

Aanya closed her room door and sat on the bed with tears.

Aa: I knew it that Annika Aunty will send me to boarding school. Siya also said the same that after dad will marry her then she will leave me to boarding school alone and then they will forget me. Dad also agreed with her. She is separating me form Dad and family. She is very bad. I hate her ... I hate her. She is very bad.

She cried herself to sleep, thinking about whatever happened today.

3 days later.

It was the evening of Mehendi today. Annika was sitting in the centre with two ladies applying henna on her hands. Some dancers were singing and dancing in front while some ladies were playing "dholak". Shivaay who was standing on the side winked at Annika to which she blushed and turned her face away. OmRu came to Shivaay with some teasing in their minds and on their tongue ready to explode on Shivaay. Happy moments. After the front hand henna was finished, Annika excused herself saying she wanted to go call Aanya. Shivaay told her to sit that he will call but she was stubborn. Annika stood up and went towards Aanya's room to call her. She stood outside the door as she heard some sobbing and sniffing sounds. She peeped a little to see Aanya suiting on the bed with tears, hugging her mother Simran's photo. She get sad for her. She was about to go in to console her but her next words shook Annika completely.

Aa: Why did you leave me Mumma. You know I miss you so much. Everyone forgot you even Papa. All because of that Annika Aunty. She is so bad Mumma. You know my friend Siya told me that her dad also married another woman after her mother died. Her step mom was so bad. She used to scold her so much and her dad also didn't stop her step mother. Now they both are planning to send Siya to boarding school. She says that step mom's are very cruel. It is true Mumma. You know I asked Papa so many times to play with me etc but he always says he has some work with Annika Aunty. I also heard her say that ac t they marry she will send me to boarding school. I don't want to go Mumma. She is snatching my family. I wish you were here with me. Then you me and Papa would be happy family, with no bad Aunty. I hate her so much.

Hearing these words Annika broke completely. So much was going on in her mind. She was blank after hearing everything from that little girl's mouth. A tear slipped Annika's eye but she wiped it off quickly with the back of her palm. She felt a hand on her should and turned back to see Pinky. She immediately faked a smile at her and told her to bring Aanya, and walked off to the same place she was before and sat there lost in her thoughts. Shivaay also sat beside her. Annika looked at Aanya who was standing there with a pretend happy face masking her sadness. She stood up.

A: Shivaay I wanna talk to you. Can we please go to your room and talk in private.

S(confused): Sure?

They both walked off and went to Shivaay room. Annika stood in front of Shivaay.

A: Shivaay let's call off this wedding.

S(shocked): What.... what did you just say Annika. You were joking right.

A: No Shivaay I'm serious. It's not a joke. I have thought about it a lot now and I think this is the best thing to do.

S: But what happened Annika. Did someone say anything to you. Tell me what happened.

A: Shivaay I have been noticing Aanya from a long time. Whenever I try to come close to her, she always tries to avoid it. It's like she is running away from me. I have seen her sad and gloomy many times when she sees us together. On our engagement, when that soup fell on my hand, she did it intentionally because she doesn't like me Shivaay. She doenst like me because she thinks I'm taking her mom's place and snatching you and her family away from her. She didn't accept me wholeheartedly Shivaay. And I don't want that. I don't want that when I enter this house, anyone has any problems with me or is angry with me. I want everyone to accept me happily. And if even one person is not happy with my existence in this house then how can I marry you. And Aanya is a very important part of your life.

Then she explained everything to Shivaay about what she heard Aanya say during the mehendi in her room.

A: Everything will only be fine when this wedding is cancelled. Everything will be okay only if I'm not in this family frame. And it's not a big deal. We can call it off for now and maybe if she accepts me with her heart then we can marry or maybe just stay as gf, bf.

S: But you had so many dreams of marriage.

A: Nothing is more important than Aanya and you Shivaay.

S: Will you be happy?

A: I will try and it's not like I will not talk to you. We can still be in touch, as friends or maybe just lovers. But I don't think taht marriage is an ideal thing to do right now.

S(with tears): Do whatever you think is right, I'm with you always okay.

Saying this he hugged Annika and then came out to tell everyone about their decision. But they failed to notice a soul standing outside witness in g everything with tears in her eyes. Aanya who came to call them heard each and every word of Annika and felt guilty about what she thought and did to Annika. She wiped her tears with her tiny hands and went outside. She was coming to Shivika when a decorative screen was going to call on her. But before it could fall a pair of hands held it up. Aanya looked towards the person being Annika when suddenly she was pulled aside by Shivaay. OnRu helped Anniak fixing the screen.

S: Baby are you okay do you get any hurt.

A: Aanya are you okay.

Aa: I....Imm... f...I....ine.....

Everyone sighed in relief. But we're tensed again when Pinky told them about Annika's henna being spoiled due to holding the screen. Aanya saw Annika looking at her ruined henna with tint of sadness.

A: Doesn't matter now because we are calling off this wedding.

P: What but why.

S: We think that everything is rushing and Me and Annika can't give time to one another that much. We want to spend sometime together and then maybe we will think about marriage.

Shivaay and Annika lied to the family while the family looked sad. Shivika looked at each other and nodded with their eyes glistening.

A: I will just wash this and come.

She was about to go when she felt hands wrapped around her waist. Only to find Aanya hugging her with tears continuously falling down her eyes. She bent down and made Aanya face her.

A: What happened Aanya are you okay. Is it paining anywhere. Shivaay pease call the doctor.

Aa: I'm sorry Annika Aunty.

Shivika and the family stood confused.

Aa: I'm sorry for everything I did. I'm sorry for intentionally hurting you and dad. I'm sorry for spilling soup on you that day. It was me who did it intentionally so that her hand gets burnt and then dad doesn't marry her. But I'm really sorry for that. I thought you were liek those cruel step mom's who would send me to boarding school. I was scared.

A: Why would I send you to boarding school honey. You are so cute and nice. It was not for you. We were talking about sending my little sister to boarding school. But baby you don't have to be sorry and it's okay if you want some more time. I'm fine with it. You should be happy. Don't force yourself.

Aa: No I'm really sorry. But now I want you as my Mumma and marry papa. Please Aunty for me. Will you marry my dad and be my mom.

Annika has tears in her eyes. She quickly hugged Aanya who reciprocated back, happily. Shivaay and the family was also happy. Finally Aanya accepted Annika as her family and Shivika married each other.

Would love to have your review on this👇🏻

Pinkisaha2012 AkankshaKalia shivika713 akansha777anu shibra44 Shivika08 niyati2701 jayasri7 kainat-kainat shivikalover shivikamadlover ShivikaOnly chanduholics riddhip92 love_stories_xxx SSO_8389 Ishqbaazianss neha_loves_ishqbaaaz swapnilika SnowySecret110 shambhavi_writes _aisha_ish Ais_2002_ anamika_writes Annna_malik Haranjini RavneetKaur206 _amedei_Porcelana_01 amu0430 magicglow11111 NurulDnySham PARIMALA020 vincyvinu Pratichi_05 Rianawrites lovelyanju Vidya1111111 UdaraP rainbowtweets Words_Do_Matter chocoholic_201 himanshi_99 kanchi16 Miss_Drama_Queen_ Shyrakapoor Thesoulfulgirl

Ok so here it ends. This one was very long. The ending was crap so sorry for that but I hope you all like it and also enjoyed reading it.
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Happy Reading!!!

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