Hunt For Mastermind | Part 2

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***Sincerely thank you to everyone who voted and commented in the last part. Here is part 2 of Hunt For Mastermind. Balti bhar bhar ke votes aur comments de do***😁


Myra Raichand walks inside her huge mansion, with 10 bodyguards in front and behind her, with guns. A lady came in the hall and saw Myra enter the house. Myra ran and hugged the lady.

M: Maasi...

L: My baby...

The lady is Avantika Singh. Massi of Myra Raichand. She lives with her and has taken care of the young girl since the age of 17. Avantika is a mother and father figure to her. They both have been with each other through thick and thin.

A: Why did come so late today. Do you know I was so worried.

M: Maasi why did you worry. You know I'm Myra Raichand. Nothing can happen to me.

A(teary eyes): I know baby that nothing can happen to you. But still I get scared when you don't early. You know that you are the only one I have in the name of family. If something happens to you then where will I go. I will di...

Before she could finish, Myra placed her hand on her mouth, preventing her from talking further. She wiped her tears and calmly spoke to Avantika.

M: Don't you ever say that Maasi. Please.

A: Ok my bad. I'm sorry... ok now let's eat. I have been waiting to eat with you. I'm very hungry.

M: Why did you wait for me. You know I don't like you skipping your meals for me. You also have to take your medicines and sleep on time.

A: Leve all that and lets eat.

M: Yes Maasi I will come in a second. I just have to make a call. I will be back in ten minutes. Till then you sit and tell the butlers to serve the food. You start ok.

She said and went, not letting Avantika speak. She went to her room and closed the door half way through. She immediately took out her phone and called someone. It was one of her private investigator.

M: Hello yes did you get any further information about Tej Singh Oberoi.

POC: No ma'am. Not major ones but yes he is frequently making many calls to his wife and one of our clients. He is getting out information about our recent project.

Myra smirked.

M: Ok good. Keep an eye on him properly or else you know what I can do.

POC: I know ma'am.

She kept the call and made another call to her manager.

M: Hello John. Tell Mr Tej Singh Oberoi that I'm interested to work with him in the deal he is interested in. With his being 45% shares. And that his appointment is fixed for tomorrow afternoon.

J: Ok ma'am I will. Anything else.

M: No. And make sure you have made those papers which I have told you. And remember they should be perfect for the deal tomorrow with him.

J: Ye ma'am I have completed those and I have personally heckled then twice.

M: Good.

She kept the call and turned back to see Avantika standing with a shocked face. Myra immediately hid her phone in her pocket and walked to her Maasi.

M: Maasi what are you doing here. Do you need anything. Why didn't you start eating. Ok let's go now.

A: Wait a minute, whose name did you take. That Tej Singh Oberoi.

M: Maasi leave it and lets go.

She said trying to leave but Avanti held her hand and pulled her back.

A: Answer me first. Why did you tell your manager to fix a deal with him. Do you even realize what you are doing. Baby he is a monster. Why are you doing this. Do you remember what he did in the past. **Yelling the last line**Why are you doing this ANNIKA.

Annika?.... yes Myra Raichand is none other than Annika Raichand. She had been hiding her real identity from the world. Her real name. BUT THE QUESTION IS WHY... well you will get to know that in future.

An: Because Maasi this is the first step to his destruction. To his ending. To his death. And also the first step towards the finish of the whole Oberoi clan.

Av: So you again started planning against those evil creatures. Annika they are monsters. Do you remember what they did to you in the past. I don't that to happen again. Call your manager and tell him to cancel the deal. You are not working with him.

An(her eyes getting dark and red with anger): I remember everything Maasi. Every god damn thing which happened 9 years back. This sinister need to pay for their heinous crimes. Those pieces of shit need to learn their worth, that they don't belong to this world. Those fucking god damn people need to pay for what they did to me and you and our family. Those bloody bastards need to pay. And they will. I will make sure of that.

Av(getting panicked): Anu baby calm down. I know they need to pay for their crimes but in this act, you will also get destroyed.

An(in the same tone): I don't care. They already destroyed me in the past. I don't care about any pains. All I want now is THEIR DESTRUCTION. Like Ravan was killed by Ram for his dirty acts, this Ravan will also die, he will also burn along with his Lanka. In SAME PLACE, ON SAME DAY AND THE SAME WAY.

Saying this Annika/Myra went out angrily leaving a devastated Avantika behind who cried hard after her disappearance. Annika ran to her car and started driving harshly, remembering all the bitter moments of her past. She drove to an deserted place in the city. She angrily came out taking a bottle of alcohol along with her. She sat on the bonnet of the car and started gulping down the liquid, without taking a break. Halfway through the bottle, she stopped and messaged someone.

A: How are you? Are you fine. Did he suspect something.

POC: No he didn't. I'm fine. Are you ok. Avantika Maasi told me. Don't take stress Annika you know it's not good for your health.

A: Now you are also gonna day the same. I don't want to listen that. Bye..

Saying this she threw her phone somewhere far, letting it break into pieces. But little did she care. Her past was coming right in front of her eyes, again and again.. She started drinking alcohol, further reminiscing all the past moments. HAPPY AND SAD.

After spending few hours there, she went home and slept, not before checking on Avantika whether she ate and slept or not. She went to the sleeping figure and kissed her forehead.

A: I promise Maasi they will pay for all the tears we shed. I promise.

She wiped the tear which slipped down her eyes. Later she went to her room to sleep, ready to face that bastard tomorrow.

Next day at M.R Industries.

Annika/Myra is sitting in her cabin waiting for Tej Sungh Oberoi to arrive. Her phone rang and she picked it up only to get good news of his arrival. She kept the call and smirked, later messaging someone. Her cabin door opened and there she saw the god of evil. The bastard she wants to eagerly destroy. Tej entered her cabin with his manager. There he saw the face he wanted to see, Ms Raichand. She never made her appearance at any public occasions because she liked her life being private. Any award functions were attending by her manager only. So this was the first time he was seeing her in real.

A: Good afternoon Mr Oberoi. Please take a seat.

T: Good afternoon Ms Raichand.

He said forwarding his hand for a shake but to his dismay, she didn't forwards her hand. He awkwardly took his hand back and took the seat in front of her.

A: So Mr Oberoi as my manager would have informed you, I'm willing to do this deal with you, with 45% shares yours and 55% being mine. If you are ready to accept this deal, I have the papers ready to sign. We. An sign them right now and the deal is done.

T: Yes Nd Raichand I'm ready. Where do I have to sign.

A: John bring the papers.

Her manager brought the papers and kept it in front of Tej. Annika knew that this guy in front of him was the most stupidest creature and he would not even read the papers as he is so interested and lost in this deal. She inwardly smirked evilly and raised her collar. There Tej signed the papers without even reading them and at the end he was smiling like a fool.

A: So deal done Mr Oberoi. Congratulations.

T: Congratulations to you too Ms Raichand.

They both shakes their hands and then Tej and his manager left. Annika sat on her chair happily as the first stage of her revenge was successful. Suddenly a person entered the room making her happy. She went and hugged him.

A: Aarav I'm so happy... finally we succeeded in the first stage.

Aa: Yes baby we did. Now no one can stop us from destroying Tej Singh Oberoi.

Saying this he kissed her passionately while Annika responded to him. He trailed down numerous kisses on her neck making Annika go crazy and mad. She clutched onto his hair and moaned loudly.

A: Aah Shivaay.....

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