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Writing started: 28/12/19
Finished writing: 30/4/20
Published: 30/4/20

where Felix is utterly lost and Changbin helps him find his way.


Lee Felix looked at the map on his phone, confused. The cafe he was supposed to meet his blind date at was just down the street according to the faulty map, or maybe it was his own mistake in inputting the location.

Nevertheless, the boy was hopelessly lost and was getting a bit too close to late. He was set up on a blind date, by his friend Chan who devised this whole plan of not sending the other persons photo to either of them until they both showed up at the location. Which in Felix's opinion was way too complicated, but the boy agreed anyways wanting to get over his long term crush on his best friends other best friend, Changbin.

Felix thought about his crush on Changbin, he'd never attempted to make a move and gave up quite easily, too afraid of rejection. He admired the other boy from afar, whenever Felix hung out with Chan and Changbin tagged along.

Felix honestly didn't remember how he fell in love, wait no, he's trying to get over Changbin, grew to have a crush on the older, it was all very natural, it started with his voice when he rapped, then his small smiles, and it grew and grew until, well Felix had to admit it he loved the other, but of course Changbin, his friend, would never feel the same way. 'That's why I'm doing this, to get over him,' Felix thought to himself.

Just as the boy grew even more confused with the directions he was given, the boy he had been thinking of only minutes before appeared. The older boy approached silently, curious as to what his friend was doing standing alone in the middle of the sidewalk.

"Hey Lix? What're you doing here," the boy jumped back, surprise and confusion written clearly across his face.

Changbin looked over the boy, he was wearing a nice outfit, slightly fancier than he would normally wear, his ginger locks were swept up, revealing his forehead. A touch of eyeshadow dusted his eyelids, somehow bring out the warm brown of his eyes, Changbin could only notice one flaw, Felix had covered his freckles with a thin layer of foundation, hiding them from whoever he was going to meet. Changbin shook himself out of his thoughts, he was on his way to a blind date, he shouldn't be thinking of another person.

"Oh! Hi Changbin, I'm just a tiny bit lost," the boys deep voice trailed off, it was often a little too easy to forget that such a voice belonged to a person like him. "I'm trying to get to cafe 4419, do you know how to get there?" Felix asked, another thing that was hard to remember about the boy is he had only moved to Seoul last year, and often only ventured out beyond the grocery store if he had Chan or another trusted friend with him.

"Oh yeah, I'm on my way over there now," Changbin said with a smile, glad that he could help the younger. Felix returned a smile as bright as the sunlight that was shining down through the trees surrounding the streets.

The two boys walked in a comfortable silence, well up until Changbin decided to interrupt it with his question.

"How come Chan isn't with you?"

Felix sighed before responding, "he set me up on a blind date and he thought it'd be weird if he showed up with me, and he was apparently busy," Felix then proceeded to grumble under his breath, only the words woojin, always, time, and crush could be heard by the older boy.

Changbin nodded anyways, "Chan also set me up on a blind date today, seems like he was trying to get rid of us, huh," Changbin stated, not even pausing to consider if things seemed a bit too coincidental.

The slight spring breeze ruffled their hair, and brought a short chill with it, the rustling of the leaves filled the silence that had taken place after their short conversation.

Felix hated the fact that despite the chill of the breeze his cheeks felt warm, that his heart was racing as he stood next to the boy he was supposedly trying to get over, that no matter what butterflies still filled his stomach at the mere thought of the older.

Changbin couldn't help but admire the boy walking beside him, Felix always caught his attention when he was around. Changbin didn't know if it was his bright smile, his little nose, his voice, there were too many things. One thing Changbin loved were his freckles, which at that moment were covered up by foundation. Changbin once again shook the thoughts out of his head, reminding himself that the younger was a friend of a friend and he couldn't develop any feelings.

Funny how they were both going to the cafe to meet their date, yet here they were thinking about the other.

When the boys got to the cafe they stood in opposite sides of the door, their backs turned to each other as they both texted chan.

Felix's phone chimed first, showing that an image was attached, as well as a small message, telling him that maybe he already knew the person.

A similar message also reached changbins phone, after realization struck them, the two boys turned to one another, shock written on their faces.

"Well so much for getting over you," Felix muttered before saying in a louder voice, "I'm sorry if chan ropped you into this, you probably don't want to go on a date with your friend's friend."

"W-wait, what was that first part?" Changbin questioned.

Felix sighed, well there was no hiding it now, "I said 'well so much four getting over you.' I-I've had a crush on you for quite a while, I've been too scared to confess and this blind date was supposed to help me move on," Felix said quietly, a nervous undertone present in his confession.

Changbin heart leapt, the boy he liked, liked him back, and all of a sudden a laugh tumbled from Changbin's lips. Felix turned a bright red and started, "I know you probably-"

His words were cut off as changbin interrupted him, "I can't believe this, you actually like me back," a sigh of relief escaped changbin's mouth, "I was also using this blind date to get over my crush on you, but looks like I won't need to."

Felix looked stunned, he stood frozen until, suddenly he pinched himself, and let out a loud curse, this definitely was not a dream, "you like, you like me back?" He said in disbelief, this whole situation seemed unreal.

Changbin chuckled before pulling the taller boy close to him, "first things first," changbin rubbed at the foundation on his cheeks, "let's stop covering those beautiful freckles of yours, and second legs get this date started?" Felix could only nod, he was still too shocked by the fact that his crush, the boy he loved, liked him back.

Felix did eventually get over the shock and the date ended a success, the two began dating soon after their first date. Thanks to chan these to lost boys found each other.

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