Ulfric x Fem!Reader

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TITLE: Convince Me
WORDS: 915

I wasn't expecting such a monumental task when I spoke with General Tullius about a mission. Naturally, it was something along the lines of a retrieving mission. Rarely, it was a quest to wipe out a legion that was attempting to take out some mass of our troops. But today? I suppose Tullius looked at me and decided that I'd look much better as a dead soldier.

I walked through the gates of Windhelm. My (H/C) hair was pinned up and hidden in a head-wrap, which covered all of my face but my (E/C) eyes. My Imperial Officer uniform was hidden beneath a leather tunic that I was given to disguise myself with this mission.

"Excuse me, Miss? Do you need any help?" A voice spoke, making me slightly jump in my skin as I l looked back at the owner of the voice. Just one of the gate's guards.

"No thanks. Just visiting," I spoke in the typical traveler's tone. I gave the man a nod, watching him reciprocate.

"Alright, Miss. If you need any help just let one of the many guards know about it. Okay?" He spoke up as I gave him another nod. Then I headed off aimlessly into the city.

I say aimlessly, but the truth was that I was stalling. I was nervous to perform this task. It was almost bound to end in bloodshed. And just thinking about it made the hidden sword on my hip feel heavier and heavier.

Snow fluttered from the sky, landing on my shoulders as I weakly grinned. But I quickly shook my head and made myself become more professional. I'm a soldier, not a little girl. Not anymore. Besides, I had a mission to complete. A goal to achieve.

A king to trick.

My eyes landed on the Palace of Kings, which wasn't as difficult to find as I thought it'd be. Oh well, I wasn't about to start complaining. It made my job more easy.

I meandered up to the door, entering to see Jarl Ulfric Stormcloak conversing with Galmar. Ulfric was seated upon a throne, which made anger blaze underneath my skin. He didn't deserve to be sitting up there. He murdered the King, and that gave him the audacity to call himself a King, let alone a Jarl.

His shoulder-length brown hair rested peacefully on his armored shoulders. His icy blue eyes seemed as cold as the blizzard that was taking place outside. Yet, they made me curious. They made my body crave to know more about him. Why? I had absolutely no clue.

"Who are you?" Galmar asked as I looked up at the two of them, who were glaring at me with confusion and annoyance.

"I'm here due to someone's request," I whispered while looking up at the man's cold eyes once again. One of his dark eyebrows eyes raised, giving me the most unsure look that I've ever received.

"May I ask whose?" Ulfric asked as I shrugged.

"You may, but I will be unable to inform you. They wish to remain anonymous," I added as Ulfric slowly nodded.

"Very well. And what is it that they wanted in order to send a pretty little girl like you?" Ulfric questioned, which only made me more mad. Probably because it got me to blush. And that only made me more furious.

I dropped the disguise, leaving me attired in a Dragon Priest's cloak. An Imperial Legion sword was strapped to my waist, as well as a gold and ruby circlet being wrapped around my skull. My hair fell down in its natural texture.

His icy eyes popped wide open.

"D-Dragonborn?" Ulfric whispered as I pulled my sword out of the sheath. I gritted my teeth as I looked up at the male.

"It's over, Ulfric. The Dragonborn has sided with the Legion. Surrender now and I'll spare your life. Otherwise, I'll feed you to my companion, Odahviing," I snarled, smoke rolling out of my nostrils in a threatening manner.

"Dragonborn, just think about this. Please. Let's talk," Ulfric begged as I exhaled a deep breath.

"Fine. You have ten minutes to convince me..." I spoke in an annoyed tone of voice.

• • •

I'd say he was pretty good at convincing. Especially since I was now standing in the strategy room with Ulfric and Galmar, decked out in Stormcloak attire. The blue fabrics and chain-mail complemented the bear helmet kindly.

"What now?" Galmar asked as Ulfric sighed.

"Go alert the troops down at the docks. Get them to start scouting out Solitude," Ulfric spoke in his leadership tone, which was stern and rather serious. I would consider it quite intimidating.

"Right away," Galmar said, turning around and leaving the battle strategy room. Ulfric looked over at me as soon as Galmar left.

"As for you," He spoke as I arched an eyebrow.

"Yes?" I muttered, glaring at him with question.

"Get some rest. You deserve it after your last heist," He spoke, pushing a small kiss to my forehead. My entire face burned red, my glare falling down to the floorboards.

Forgot to mention, Ulfric and I are a bit more than friends...

"Yes, Sir..." I breathed out, my voice small and embarrassed as he chuckled and walked back into the throne room. I made my way upstairs, my mind engrossed in the fact that I was engaged to the leader of the Rebellion.

I was proud.

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