Vilkas X Fem!Reader

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TITLE: Trapped
WORDS: 1,290
COMPLETED: 3/30/18

I glanced around the cave with confusion in my eyes. My brain was trying to comprehend what had gone wrong until my eyes flicked over to the Shield-Brother that I had been stuck with.


"Cave in..." He muttered huskily under his breath as I turned to look at him with concern.

"What do you mean? A-Are we stuck?" I asked, looking at the layer of broken stone that kept the two of us blocked into this cage. I attempted to mask my fear, but I somehow knew it was showing through.

  He looked at me with a sorrowful expression. As if he was pitying me.

"For the time being? Maybe for a little bit..." He whispered as I sighed and looked down.

  I wasn't dumb. I knew what that meant. I was about to become a warewolf snack. And he looked up at me with sad eyes, knowing exactly what I was thinking.

"I-I'm not gonna hurt you, (Y/N)," He spoke out of, what seemed to be, sheer certainty. But I didn't believe it. Not one bit of it.

"Right..." I mumbled softly while brushing my (H/C) hair out of my eyes. I glared at the mound of rubble as if it were an equation, my brain only attempting to find the solution.

"I'm being serious, (Y/N)," Vilkas insisted as I shook my head.

"Look, let's just find a way out of here before things somehow manage to get even worse," I explained while looking into the man's golden eyes. His grim facial expression wasn't very comforting, either.

"Are you scared of me?" He asked as I exhaled a deep breath.

I wasn't. I was afraid of wolves in general. And, when we're out in the open together, I feel that he's the person I trust the most. Like my heart speeds up, my stomach twists up all strangely, and my hands will get all sweaty; making it difficult to keep a steady hold on any weapon I would attempt to use. But, right now, in an enclosed space with no food of way to receive air? Yeah. I was pretty terrified.

I decided not to respond as I looked away from his golden eyes. I heard him let out a sigh.

"Let's try moving the stones. That may be a good start," I breathed out as he shook his head.

"I think we should try exploring the cave first. Maybe find a separate way out," He suggested as the two of us turned back, peering deeply into the cavern of darkness behind us. I could hear the sounds of running water and some distant footsteps.

But that didn't make me feel any better. At all.

I felt him brush past me, him beginning to lead the two of us into the dark decent. Lights began appearing in the darkness as I watched his gold eyes narrow down, as if he could see through the sheet of darkness.

"Bandits..." He muttered under his breath as I swallowed thickly. I was growing nervous and desperate to get out.

"Surprise they didn't hear the cave in," I mumbled, trying to get my mind off the fact that my body was beginning to panic. We needed to get out of here. Because his wolfish side has never been good to me.

He's swat at me once. He almost bit me another time. Maybe more than once. But that didn't matter right now. We had to get out of this hellhole.

"Yeah. That is strange," He muttered as we both began sneaking around the room.

"Don't worry, Wolf. We did," A loud voice boomed as my eyes widened.

"Vilka--" I was cut off by someone football tackling me from behind. The grabbed onto me and forced me onto the ground. I struggled beneath them as others began attempting to maul Vilkas. But he didn't seem to care about them. He could swat all of them away easily. But his glowing metallic eyes were locked on the cruel woman pinning me to the ground.

Vilkas was instantly bounding towards the woman but stopped. He stopped the same time that I felt a sharp and freezing metal point hit the back of my neck. Around the same moment I stopped struggling.

"Take us to your Shield-Siblings and we'll let you and your ladyfriend go," The chief spoke as Vilkas and I both looked up at him.

He had a brutal body that was decorated in scars and warpaints in reds and blacks. He had a long black beard, but no hair actually growing on the top of his head.

"Never," I hissed as the chief looked at me with a wide smirk.

"Kill her," The chief demanded as I looked to Vilkas. He was breathing deeply as I watched his eyes turn wild. His teeth grew longer and sharper as my eyes widened. His fingernails grew sharp and thick, seeming to be made to cut through anything. Then he began growing the stormy gray fur. It infested his buff body as everyone began backing up.

"Don't you DARE touch her!" He snapped before finally evolving into his true form. He growled at everyone as people began retreating. But the first person he was after was the individual holding me against the floor.

These people were expecting a warewolf, but I don't think they were ready for this.

The woman was thrown across the room and slammed against a wall. I watched the wold tear her insides out as I sealed my eyes shut, not wanting to see it. But I could hear the results. And they weren't looking up for the woman.

Vilkas composed himself and began attacking all the other bandits, who were now lobbing arrows at him with bows. His eyes narrowed as he turned to attack them. He began attacking them as I rose to my feet. I pulled my own bow off my back and began shooting the attackers off.

After about twenty minutes, everyone around us was dead. Vilkas grunted in approval as I looked back to him. He walked up to me, but kept his distance. He knew about my fear.

"Hey..." I whispered as he looked over to me with his cruel and brutal eyes.

"Thank you," I breathed out before slowly approaching him. He looked down at me as I gingerly placed my hand against his snout. I smiled widely and began stroking his fur as he began panting like a large puppy. I grinned and even managed a laugh as I pet him.

After a while, he shifted back to human form so we could continue our search for a way out. We made it to a trapdoor that was hidden back in the chief's headquarters as I grinned.

"We're going to get out," I spoke as he smiled back.

"Indeed," He responded as I climbed up the rungs of the ladder and made it to the surface. The wind ran through my hair as I sealed my eyes shut and grinned. It felt so nice as I watched the sun begin setting. Vilkas climbed up next, the two of us now standing side by side and watching the sunset.

"It's beautiful," I breathed out as he nodded.

"I could agree," He whispered, grabbing my hand as my face burned a bright shade of crimson.

I slowly rested my head against his shoulder. And the two of us were instantly relaxed and watching the sun set.

"You seem so much more comfortable around me now," He spoke as I smiled and nodded.

"I am," I whispered. I could almost hear him smiling as he placed a kiss on top of my head.

- END -

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