Friendship Changed Into Relationship(Kumkum Bhagya-Couple Abigya)

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The episode starts in arora mansion a girl,her name is pragya arora. Her marriage is fixed with a groom abishek mehra.pragya says maa,"I am going to the room. Please don't disturb me. I feel very tired. Right now I need proper rest". Pragya maa says," ok beta". She returns to her room.she closed her door. She look at the person ask," you are back again abi". Abi replies ,"yeah! my jaan!!. She sits near abi in her bed". Pragya ask him,"are you sure?.we will do this".abi ask," it's your wish. I will fullfill all your wish". Pragya smiles. Pragya says," wait abi,I want to change my clothes". Abi says,"come back soon jaan".pragya reached wash room. She changed her clothes. She look at her face in the bathroom mirror. Pragya thinks about her life.

Pragya pov:
I am pragya arora. I am daughter of ram and reema arora. I have an elder brother. His name is raj arora. He is very protective brother of mine. I finished my school after I joined computer science. My life is going happily after I met abi. Yeah!! his name is abishek. He is son of rihaan mehra and rakshitha mehra. He is only one son. Actually my mom found her old friends in social media. When I finished my college. I return back to my home. I shocked see a hot guy standing inside my home. My mom reema and rakshitha aunty are college buddies. My mom always tell about her friends. How they lived in their college life. I heard her name is rakshitha aunty. Today only I get a chance to met her in my home and also her family members. When my mom introduced me to her. I just had casual talk. She liked me. Her son abishek,he and my bhai became close buddies in short span of time. Because both had similar taste. After that,abishek always visited my house. He and my bhai goes out and had a many wonderful times. They became best buddies. Whenever abi interacted with me. We just had casual talk. My mom also liked abi.Years passed, my mom and Rakshitha aunty always spend some quality time. My dad and abishek dad became good buddies. Here I am alone. Poor me,I don't get any company. I have close friends. But not like my dad,mom,bhai. They are weekly meeting their friends once. Sometimes I feel jealous on them. They also ask me to join with them. I don't want to disturb their privacy time so that's why I always stay away from them.when ever they ask me,I politely tell them.I have a work. I will tell them lies. One day,rakshitha aunty invited us to his son birthday party. She arranged a birthday party in her house. It's her son birthday party. My mom asked me to wear a saree. I casually wear a traditional attire. When I reached her home. Everyone looked at me differently. Because I am only girl wearing saree in that party. My mom also wore western attire. My dad always encourage her no matter what dress my mom wears. When my neighbours passed mock comments about my mom and my family. My dad gave stern reply to them. they never forget in their life. That's the quality I always like with my dad. He is an amazing husband. When everyone looked at me differently. I gave death glare towards my mom. Because she is the reason I wore saree in this party. My mom tried to escape from my anger. She met her friend. They are happily talking with each other. Rakshitha aunty says," I am looking beautiful". I just says," thanks aunty". She and my mom started to have their conversation and also dad. Here my brother started to enjoy with his friend. Abishek look at me and says," hey!!".I turned look at him.abi says," you are looking beautiful". I smiles. I casually said ,"thank you".after I said," Hey!! I want to tell you something". Abi ask me," yeah tell me". I said," happy birthday abishek". He smiles. He says ,"thank you". After my mom interrupted in our conversation,they started to talk. I feel bore. I asked," abishek,where is the kitchen?".abi shows me the way. I excused myself. I went to drink water. After I drunk and I feel relief.I was the only one who got thirsty for water without speaking. I chuckle at my own statement.when I turn. I saw abi there. He comes near me. He asked me,"do you want anything?". I said," no!!".abi ask," pragya if you don't mind,can you come along with me?". I want to show you something. I just nod my head. I just went along with him. We reached his room.when he opens his room. It is really amazing room. It's really clear and neat. I saw some of photos hanging in his wall. I look at the pictures. When I heard abi words. Abi says," we never talked a lot. This is first time,you entered inside my room".I turned look at him. Suddenly abi comes near me. He holds something in his hand. He says,"I want to tell you something". I said," yeah!! tell me abi". Abi says,"I knew,when my mom and your mom had a conversation. When I and your brother had a conversation. When you dad and my dad had a conversation. You felt bore and alone. I was shocked. How do he understands my words". Pragya says," nothing like that. Yeah sometimes,I feel bore. But I understood their situation". Abi says," pragya,can I ask something with you?". Pragya says," yeah! go ahead!!". Abi says," pragya I think,I want to give you a life long company". Pragya looks on. She is clueless. Abi says," it means,I think I am fall in love with you". Pragya looks stunned. Pragya ask him ,"are you....?".abi says," yeah I am serious and sure about my words.again I repeated I think I am fall in love with you. When I met your family. I really liked it. I and your brother became best friends. He is really amazing man. I asked him,I want to marry you. He said she will decide it what she want". Pragya is getting multiple shocks. Pragya says abi,"your sudden proposal
shocked me a lot". Abi says," yeah!!I understood.. but I really want to marry you pragya. Will you marry me?".pragya says," you are moving very fast. This is my 10th proposal". Abi asked," what!!did you accept any proposal?.you are committed pragya". Pragya sees his anger and also his insecure feeling through his words. Pragya says," please hold on. Let me complete my words. You are speaking continuously. I don't know how to answer all your questions". Abi asked," ok tell me!! Did you accept any proposal?". Pragya says," no!you have interest in any other man". Pragya says," no!!". Abi again ask. Pragya closed his mouth. Abi looks on. Both are looking at each other. Pragya removes her hand from his mouth.Pragya says," you are continuously asking multiple questions. Please hold on man". Pragya says ,"I received those proposal. I told them no. They asked me a reason. I said I want to concentrate on my studies.I told them. I am not interested in love. So I told them the truth. It's all happened in my past years. My aim is I want to get a work. I want independent life after I want to get marry. So I told them my reason.some people accepted and understood my reason. Some people tried to black mail me. So I don't want to hurt them. I make them to understand my situation. I explained them. Settle down in your life after again if you feel for me and come back to me. I think,everyone busy with their new life. I don't think,they will come back to me. Because their behaviour tells me. They have infatuation. I think they realizes I am not their true love. That's why, they never contacted me back. Right now I finished my degree and also got a jobs. Give me some months. I will tell you my decision". Abi smiles. He says," ok". Pragya ask," if your mom and dad know about it". Abi says ,"I told them.I don't think so,they shared it with your mom". Pragya says," ok". After she says," suppose I don't like you. You will never force me. Right??". Abi smiles says," ok.but I wish,you will like me". Pragya chuckles. Abi says," I want to give you something". Abi gives some gift to her. Pragya says," abi I don't want it. If I accepted your love in future. Give it to me". Abi looks disappointed. Pragya says ,"suppose I don't love you. I will return back to your gift. It hurts you a lot more than now. That's why I am telling this. I don't want to hurt you. I need a time to know more about each other". Abi says ,"ok". Pragya says," thanks abi for understanding it". Abi nods. After time passed,it's time to leave from abi home. Pragya family tells bye to abi family. They reached their home.

Days passed,pragya is doing work in her laptop. She hear knock sound in her door. Pragya opens it and sees her mom. She ask maa," do you want anything?". Pragya maa says ,"can I talk to you for a while minute?".pragya says," yeah maa!!".pragya maa sits near pragya. Pragya ask ,"yeah!! tell me maa". Pragya maa says," don't take me wrong ok. I just want honest answer". Pragya is clueless. Pragya says," ok maa tell me". Pragya maa ask him,"will you marry abi?".pragya looks on. Pragya maa says,"I am not forcing you. I will not force you ever. I really like abi not only me. Our whole family like him. Do you remember in his last birthday party. We went there". Pragya nods.pragya maa says ,"abi mom shared with me about his son's you. At first,I was shocked. After she asked me. She said she likes you a lot. One more thing,you are looking like me.she said she wish to get bahu like you. She asked me,what is my decision. I told her,my daughter decision is mine. I will not force her.she is ok. My decision is also ok. She is not ok. My decision is also not ok. Else do you love someone?.tell me. I will tell them about it. Your papa also said same to his dad. Your papa,me,your bhai always respect your decision".Pragya smiles. She thinks,"how lucky she is". Her parents didn't force her. They are asking my decision. Pragya says," maa,abi also proposes me on his birthday". Pragya maa asked ,"what!!!he proposed you". Pragya says," yeah maa!!.I told him. I need some time to think about it. I think,it's time to take my decision". Pragya maa curiously looking at her. Pragya says," maa!!I decided". Pragya maa ask ,"what did you decide?". Pragya says," maa,I like abi. I think,he is a good guy. He respect my feelings like my family. So I wish to marry him". My mom hugged me. She happily cries. Pragya break their hug. Pragya says," I don't like your tears maa". Pragya maa says," it's happy tears". Pragya maa says," I wish to get my friend as my groom family. Today it happened. You know pragya,when we studied in the college. We discussed it. Suppose I get a son. You get a daughter. We will marry our kids. I never expected,it turn into real".pragya smiles. It clearly tells about her friendship and their bond. Pragya maa says," I am very happy. I am going to tell her. She will give me a tight hug". Pragya maa laughed thinks about her friend feeling. Pragya says," maa,please don't tell this to abi. I want to give surprise to him. Maa,I want to marry in same abi proposed day". Pragya maa smiles. She ask," why?".pragya says ,"maa,I want to see his expression on his face. He cares me a lot. He is really understanding guy. Actually I want to see his priceless emotion face". Pragya maa smiles says," ok deal. I tell them. Don't tell this to their son".pragya and her maa smiles. As per their plan,pragya maa informed to her friend. She feels very happy. They do all the arrangements. Tomorrow is abi and pragya engagement. But still abi never know about it.

When abi family went to shopping for their engagement. Pragya knew it. Pragya secretly entered abi room. Actually abi is in wash room. Pragya is waiting for him.when he come out from wash room. He is just wearing a towel. Pragya heard a sound. She turns look at abi. She looks stunned. Abi is shocked to see pragya there. Abi asked pragya ,"what are you doing here?".pragya is not answered to his question. She is looking at his whole body. Abi smirks. Abi comes near her. Pragya looks on. Abi touched her cheeks. Pragya felt goose bumps in her body. Abi whispered near her ear,"your drolling time is over". Pragya heard his words.she come back to her sense. Abi chuckles. Abi ask,"what are you doing here?". Pragya says," I am here for you". Abi ask ,"for me?". Pragya says ,"abi,I want to tell you something. That's why I entered your room". Abi ask," yeah!! tell me". Pragya ask him,"do you remember your birthday party incident happened in this room". Abi thinks about the incident. He said," yeah". He is still clueless. Pragya says," abi,tomorrow is my engagement. Please come there on time". Abi looks shocked. He asked," what!!!" Abi asked ,"what!!how?.your brother never shared it to me. What is happening. He is asking lots of questions".. pragya again closed his mouth. Pragya says ,"why are you always asking questions. Be patient man. I will tell you". Abi removes her hand from his mouth. Abi ask you," come here to reject my proposal. Tell me who is the groom?".pragya smiles. Abi says," did I say any joke?.why are you smiling". Pragya signalled him come near her. Pragya asked him,"what I said!!tell me". Abi says pragya," I am not in mood to play with you". Pragya chuckles seeing his cute anger. Pragya hugged him. She look at his eyes and says ,"hey buddhu!!you are my groom. So come there on time". She hugged him tightly. Abi looks shocked.abi break their hug. He asked ,"what!!it means not your. It's our engagement".he is surprised. He asked ,"it means you accepted my proposal". Pragya says," idiot. Don't ask questions to me. Why are you not giving kiss to me?.you are very unromantic. Ok!! I am going". Abi holds her hand. He pulled her. He says ,"you killed me. I was shocked. When you said your engagement. I thought you rejected my proposal". Abi again speak. Pragya smashed her lips on him. At first,abi is shocked. Later he also responded to her kiss. Pragya wrapped her legs around his waist. Both are wildly biting each other lips. They are lack in oxygen. Both break their kiss. Pragya wrapped her hand on his shoulder. Abi holds her legs tightly. Pragya says," I want to do wild romance with you. I want to do hard sex with you. Our marriage is fixed. I knew the date. After our halti,sangeet,engagement over. I want to do this. Buy condom. Else do without condom". Pragya cupped his cheeks says ,"you are booked my abishek. Tell your friends. You are officially committed with me. Got it". Abi nods and says," I never know,you are very romantic women". Abi ask," you want to do sex here or your home". Pragya says ,"it's our home. Not yours not mine. Ok,hereafter every things belongs to's also mine. Every things belongs to me. It's all yours. Hereafter use our". Abi smiles says," I love you". Pragya says," you are mine". Abi smiles. Pragya says," it's secret between us. Don't tell about this to anyone. I mean about our sex plan". Abi nods. After their engagement is fixed,halti and sangeet celebration also over. Now abi is in pragya room. He want to fullfill her wish.Pragya come back to her sense. She wore her sexy attire.she comes out from her wash room. She want to change something in her room. So,She changed her window to soundproof window likewise her room door. No one can hear what is happening inside her room. Pragya cleverly made her plan. She changed her room door and window.

I came out from wash room. I notices abi. He is sitting there. I knew,he is waiting for me. I called him,"abi".he turns look at me. He looks shocked. I am wearing very hot nighty. It tempted him. He is checking my whole body. I asked him,"done😉?". Abi look at me. He asked me,"are you sure?.we want to do this". Pragya says,"yes!you are mine. I am don't want it?". Abi says,"your wish is more important to me than my wish". Pragya run towards abi. She hugged him. She ask him,"why are you loving me these much". Abi smiles and says,"The woman I love she is very honest,loyal girl and now she loves me.she trusted me".pragya smiles. I look at him. He is already looking at me. "Abi" I whimpered knowing using it would make him lose control.which was all I wanted. I immediately thrust my tongue on his mouth,moving it erotically against mine.I am a virgin women. He is a virgin men. He is willing to share his virginity with me.

Releasing me,he kissed his way down my neck,licking at my skin as he did. He asked me to hands above. I followed his comments. He immediately removes my nighty over my head. He throws it on the ground. Abi sees me. I haven't wear my bra. I removed it. When I went to wear my nighty.He clearly sees my nipples.I blushed.he immediately pulled me. I wrapped my legs around his waist. He kissed his way down my body. We moves towards the bed. Abi make me to sleep on the bed. After he removes his shirt and throw it on the floor. He licked underneath the seam before pulling them down,taking my panties down with them and leaving me completely bare for him.

Abi says,"how lucky I am!!nobody ever touched this pretty pussy".I blushed hearing his compliment. He flicked his tongue against my clit rapidly while my legs shook from my building orgasm. Wrapping his lip around my clit,he sucked gently.I cried in pain. Abi pushed two fingers into me,stretching me. His other hand to push his thumb into my mouth.I bit down on it before sucking on it and moaning around him.groaning,he took his hand from my clit.leaving me,wanting and wet for him.

Standing and moving away from the bed. I watched his each moves.abi take off his pant, his boxers and revealing himself to me slowly.when he was naked. I looked at eyes widened seeing his penis. I had no idea,what to expect from him.but I moaned at the taste of him. He is walking towards me.I spread my thigh as far as I could.Abi lined himself up and slammed himself inside me. I moaned,"fuck abi".Abi held my thighs open and up while he pounded into me.he pushing into my sloshing wet pussy filled the room by the sounds of needy whimper and his deep groaning. "Harder,"I begged abi.I cried unable to control.he keep increasing the speed and force of his thrusting.I soaked sheets beneath us.

With a groan,abi released my legs before collapsing beside me and pulling me against him. He hugged me. He kissed my forehead. Abi said,"you are mine ever".I smiles. He feels very tired. He closed his eyes and slept hugging me. I kissed his bare chest and hugged him tightly. I felt,"how lucky I am!.he made my wish comes in real".

Next day morning,pragya hear knock sound. She immediately wake up from her sleep.but she can't find abi. But she get his note. She hears her mother voice. Pragya said," coming maa!!wait!!!".pragya quickly started to wear her cloth. She casually opens the door. Her mother asked,what are you doing here. Come downstairs.pragya mom sees her room. It is completely messy. Pragya mom asked ,"what happened to your room?.What if something earthquake came.why it's messy?". Pragya looks stunned. She don't know what to answer. Pragya says ,"maa last time A hot cat entered inside my room". Pragya mom ask ,"what??".pragya says," I mean A cat entered inside my room. I tried to chase that cat. This messy thing happened in my room". Pragya maa ask ,"hereafter close your window and sleep. Did you catch that cat?".pragya thinks about abi. She smiles says," yeah!!I got it". Pragya maa ask ,"why are you smiling?.you got a cat. Your face seems very happy to meet that cat". Pragya whispers,"I love that cat maa. He is a lovely cat". Pragya maa ask," did you say something".pragya says ,"no maa!!".pragya maa notices biting mark in pragya neck. Pragya maa asked," what happened to your neck?".pragya sees her bite neck. Pragya says ,"that cat bites me maa". Pragya maa ask," what?.is this cat or dog?".pragya says," I mean maa,I tried to catch it. That cat nails touched my skin. That's why I got this mark on my neck". Pragya tried to cover her neck. Pragya maa says," lets we go to doctor. It will be poison". Pragya says ,"maa!!nothing needed. I am ok. I already applied ointment. So don't worry". After pragya maa left from her room. Pragya closed her door. She laughed. She smiles seeing bite mark on her neck. She says ,"he is really my hot cat😍☺️😚".pragya smiles.pragya reads his note.she blushed.Suddenly pragya received a message from abi. Pragya sees his text. She reads it," good morning my girl.Thank you for the last wild night😍🤩😘❤️". Pragya blushed.she smiles thinks about their moment. After days passed. Abigya often spends time together.

Finally abi birthday came, they successfully got married on abi proposed day after they lived happily.

Their love story ends here.

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----------------------The End-----------------------

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