Love Of Angel And Idiot(Kumkum Bhagya-Couple Abigya)

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The episode starts in the hospital,pragya fastly comes there with her mom.She sees her friend mother sheela. Pragya says," maa,they are there". Pragya says ,"sheela aunty,what happened?". Sheela sees pragya mom. She hugged him.she cries and tells,"how he made this decision. He decides to end his life for that girl". Pragya get tears in her eyes. Pragya mom consoles sheela.Suddenly the doctor comes out. Pragya goes near the doctor. Pragya ask him,"how is my friend abishek?.there is nothing to fear about his health". The doctor says," he is out of danger now. They admitted him in right time. He lost lots of blood from his body. Right now he got his blood group. Nothing to worry about him.he will be ok soon". Ram prasad and sheela are abi parent. Pragya is his best friend. She knows he loves riya. Riya loves his money. She already know about it. She tried to expose her. She cleverly played her game against him. Now she cheated him and left him. He was shattered. I was not there with him. I stayed away from him. I just want his happiness. When i get a call from sheela aunty. I was shocked and shattered. he cut down his wrist for that cheap girl. I got anger on him. I want to slap him. He is a heart throb of the college. Many girls crazily loves him. He has wonderful career in music.But I do not know how he was able to make this decision. My family and his family,we are in good terms. I didn't share my pain with them. When i heard his suicide attempt news. I was emotionally break down. Still i love him.i am his secret admirer. I love his voice and his character. When he met riya. She was trying to change his character and his behaviour. She tried to separate us. He cares me alot. She knows it,i will protect him. She cleverly made the plan and created rift between us. I knew it. One day,She will leave him. But i didn't expected this decision from him. When the doctor told,he is ok. Then only i got relief. My mom knows about my love for him. I told her. He loves some one. She told me. I wish to get my son in law like abi. My wish is also get him as my partner. Love should not be forced.It should come naturally. We both want to feel for each other. Finally i heard,the nurse told us. We can meet him. Sheela aunty,ram uncle and my mom reaches his room to see him. I just waited outside. I don't want to show emotional break down infront of him. That's why i didn't go inside the ICU room.suddenly my mom calls me. She said ,"he want to see me. I really scared and i really feel hesitate to see his face. I don't want to create the scene". So i opens the door. He sees me. Tears are automatically coming out from my eyes. He looks weak. I closely move near him. He says ,"hey!!". I wiped out my tears.i just smile ask him,"how is he?".he says," feeling good". I just nods. I don't talk a lot. I stands there like a silent girl. He knows how talkative i am. But there,i don't talk much. Few hours later,i went to my home. I thinks about him. After i slowly slept in my room.

Days move on. Few days later,i get a call from unknown number. I thought it's sim company number. I pick up the call. The voice is my secret admirer. He says ,hey it's abi". Pragya says," hey!!how are you?".he says," yeah good. I changed my number and i called you to inform this". Pragya says ,"ok". Abi ask,"shall we meet?".pragya says ,"yeah!!i will wait for you in our regular place". Abi says ," ok i will reach college soon". After we ended our calls.

Pragya reached their regular meeting place. He sees abi there. She calls him hey!!.abi turns and sees her. He says hey!! Pragya sit down near him. Both feel hesitate to talk. Suddenly pragya hears apology words come from his mouth. Pragya sees him. He says," i am really sorry. I hurted you alot. I just want to sort out our problems. That's why i called you to meet me". Pragya nods. Suddenly i saw riya. She is happily chating with her new boyfriend. She sees us. I really got anger. I was trying to control myself. I don't want to create a scene infront of him. She comes near us. Riya says," hey abi!!".abi sees her face. Abi looks silent. She ask him,"how are you?.i heard about your suicide news?.i really feel bad for you". Pragya thinks,i want to kill this girl. Suddenly pragya got an idea. Pragya says," abi,show your hand". Abi looks confused. He gives his hand towards her. Pragya pulls him towards her. Abi looks shocked. He can closely see his friend pragya.Pragya sees riya and tells him," Abi,i forget to inform you. You are selected in No.1 music company". Abi looks stunned. He totally forget about his application. Few month ago, He sent his music CD with application. Pragya calls all the girls. She shared the news about abi selection. Abi feels very happy. Pragya gives letter to him.he reads it. Immediately he hugged her. Pragya smiles. His happiness is always important to her. He kissed her cheeks. Pragya looks shocked.Riya got jealous seeing them.she stares them. She angrily left from there. Abi says," i totally forget about it. Pragya didn't expected his sudden kiss on her cheeks". He is asking questions to her. Pragya didn't utter any words. She is stunned to get that sudden kiss from him. Pragya sees him. Girls started to congrats him. Finally his wish got full filled. His first album released. Whole media and whole college talks about his album. It's block buster hits. He was busy with next album. He got lots of fans. They admire him and praises his hardwork and his own lyrics. Abi totally engrossed in his work. Sheela aunty and ram uncle feels happy. They feel relief.Meanwhile riya tried to her level best to patch up with him. Her attempt is failed. Few days later,abi come back to the college. I was interacting with my friend vidhyut. Abi is searching for me. I really don't know about it. I was happily chatting with vidhyut. He gave me his favorite food. I had his mom made food. I said it's amazing vidhyut. Riya sees him. She smirks. Riya comes near him says," hey abi!!you are back. It's glad to see you again here". She sees abi. He is looking at pragya and vidhyut. Riya says," they are a good pair. Pragya always spend her time with vidhyut. They always shares the lunch and going out. I think they loves each other. Their behaviour seems my words are true". Abi angrily comes near them. Riya think,"today again they are going separate. I feel very happy. My work has done. Miss. Pragya,you tried your level method to make fun of me. This is my time. Your friend misunderstood you again and trapped in my plan".abi reaches near them. Vidhyut sees abi. He says," hey abi". Pragya sees abi. Pragya ask him,"when did you come?".abi says," do you have time for me. I could see you both had deeply engrossed in your words". Pragya stands there confused to hear his words. He look at vidhyut.he asked him,"There is no other girl available to talk to you".Vidhyut says," i saw her. So I interacted with her". Abi says," it seems you people behaved like couple". Pragya says ,"abi,why are you talking like this?".abi says," what happened guys?.i caught both of you". Pragya says," I do not understand what you are talking about". Abi ask her," is he your boyfriend?". Pragya says ,"you thought he is my boyfriend😨😱". Abi ask her, "i casually asked you. Is he your boyfriend". Pragya says," It's not like that kind of talk. It look like you doubted my relationship with him". Abi says," yeah!!i doubted your relationship with him. It means You had relationship with him". Pragya says ,"what is your problem here?.if i have relationship with him or not".Vidhyut thinks in his mind,"it seems they are going to separate again like riya words. They again trapped in her plan". Vidhyut smirks. Riya sees them. Riya says ,"This is best chance to separate them". She comes near them. She sees their argument. Riya says ,"see abi!!Look at how she talks to you". Pragya says," Miss.riya,you have no rights to interfere in our conversation. I am not like you. You cheated him and left him". Riya says ,"i come here to support you. Look how she speaks". Abi says she is right riya. You cheated me and left me. Riya feel insulted hearing his words. Abi turns and sees her says ,"Here the matter Why you didn't tell me this". Suddenly pragya laughed😂😂😂😂. when he see her laughing after he also started to laugh😂😂😆. Riya and vidhyut looks there clueless. Riya ask them,"what the hell is happening ?.why are you laughing". Abi turns and he says ,"I was stupid once and not all the time". Riya says," you itself sees her behaviour. She didn't care about you". Riya point out vidhyut and says,"She is busy with him". Abi says," oh really!!". Pragya says," riya,we have one breaking news for you". Riya is clueless. Vidhyut ask them,"breaking news". Pragya nods her head. Abi says," i am going to tell them pragu". Pragya says," no abi.i will tell this". Abi says," no!!it's me". Pragya says ,"no abi!!it's me"..riya and vidhyut feel irritated seeing their behaviour. Riya shouts," tell me anyone. What's the breaking news". Abigya shouts," we are committed. We are getting marry soon". Riya and vidhyut looks shocked. Riya and vidhyut screams," what!!!!!". Abi ask," what happened to you vidhyut". Vidhyut hides his anger. He says ,"no abi!!actually i am shocked. When did it happen?.you people behaves like friends".abi says," it happened in my first concert". Pragya chuckles seeing riya reactions. Riya asked ,"what???nope!!". Pragya ask ,"what nope!!!what do you say?. I don't deserve him. I still remember your each words. Let me tell you one thing. You separated us. After you left him.Real friend are not the ones who left them in a difficult situation. Another thing is I did not go looking for him. he would come looking for me. You are right. He was just stupid. When he thought you loves him really. One more thing,i am the one who created that situation. I told him. If she really loves you. She won't leave you in his difficult time. Your new boy friend,what that idiot name. His name is kiran. Right?. He won that competition because of me. Because my friend father is a judge of that competition. i want to prove him. You are not worthy people to deserve his love. But i did not expected he committed suicide for useless people like you. It hurts me alot. But i am happy. Now He escaped from you". Abi asked," it means you asked him to give first prize to him. How can you do this to me. I am your friend". Pragya says," he performed really well compare with you.he is not a kid abhi to do my words". Abi says," it means you telling me. I am not a good singer". Pragya says," i don't say, you don't have talent.If I had not done this. Now, You may never know she is a selfish person". Abi says ,"You may have made me understand". Pragya ask him,"seriously abi?". Abi says," i am really hurt pragya". Pragya says," you are over reacting abi. I have the courage to say what I did in your life. Relationship should not start with lies abi". Riya smirks. She thinks,"i knew he again never loves me. But I'll put both of you apart used this situation". Riya says," see abi!!. How could she do this to you". Pragya says ,"could you please stop your cheap words. It's really boring to hear". Riya says ,"see abi!! She is not ready to listen the words about you. She is not caring you. She calls me selfish. But see her".
pragya says ,"abi can we leave?. I am not interested hear her stupid words". Abi says," you just leave.i won't come". Pragya didn't listen any words. Pragya left from there. Riya used this situation. She shares negative words about pragya. Suddenly they heard slap sound. Abi slapped her. Riya says," how dare you!!.how can you slap me". Abi ask her,"Who the hell are you to talk wrong about my wife". Riya says," i am telling the truth about her". Abi says ,"do you really think,i believe all your words. One more thing, she always do all the things to protect me. I knew it. How much she loves me. One more thing, yes!i was hurt. When she said why she did this. I was over reacted with her. She tried to make me understand. I failed to understand her words many times. You know what,you have no rights to say this. One more thing,it's my life. I know how to handle it. She has nothing like a chameleon like you. Cheap woman like you call as chameleon. Always stay away from us. It's good for you". Abi left from there. Riya looks shocked. She got anger on him. Vidhyut says," once upon a time,he was your puppet. Now he realised his mistakes. When I hear his words,it seems it is not so easy to separate them". Pragya reached her home. Pragya mom sees she is not in good mood. Pragya mom says ,"what happened beta?".pragya says,"Maa, I wanted to be alone for a while".Pragya mom says ,"ok we won't disturb you. Now we are going to attend our cousin wedding. You were told day after day,you have an important work. So you just carry on. Our son in law abi will come here. I already prepared the dinner. Both of you have that food". When her mom mentioned about abi. She got anger. She think ,"he still did not come here to meet bad he is". After they left from there. Pragya holds her pillow. She sees her phone. Where the hell he is. Pragya says," Today I am not going to talk to him". Pragya touches her stomach. Oh god!! I think,i feel hungry. Pragya sees abi number in her phone. I can't stand this anymore. I am going to have my dinner. She texted abi.

Abi reaches pragya home. Suddenly he receives the message. He opens the text. He reads her text, i still anger on you. I feel very hungry. I am going to have my dinner. Do not expect it from me that I will wait for you. Abi smiles and reads her text. Abi thinks,"she is really cute". Abi get down from his car. He holds bouquet and diary milk chocolate in his hand. He walks towards pragya home. He already knew it. The door is open. He opens the door. After he closes the door. After he closes all the window. Finally he entered inside the dining hall. He sees her. She is having like small kid. Suddenly pragya sees him. She angrily turns her face. She started to have her dinner. Suddenly abi sit down near pragya. He says ,"i bought this chocolate and bouquet for you". Pragya silently get it from him. She continues her work. It means having her food😅😂😂right now food is very important. Suddenly pragya looks shocked. She looks down and sees his hand inside her thigh. He slowly touches her thigh. His hand enters inside her panties. Pragya closes her eyes. She looks shocked.She is breathing heavily. Immediately abi pulled her. She sat down on his lap. He licks her foods in her finger. Abi bites her ear lobe. Pragya moans,"abi". Abi whispers in her ear,"sorry!!". He hugs her from back. He keep his chin on her shoulder. He kisses her shoulder. Pragya ask him," now you realised your mistake".abi nods. He holds his ear in his both hands. It look like he is asking apology to her. Abi says," promise!!i won't repeat it". Pragya says "1010 times".abi says," you counted my sorry". Pragya says,"what to do.You just keep saying something like day after,you will do same thing. I'm used to it". Abi smiles. Abi says," try to make sure this does not repeat". Pragya nods. Abi says," our family member went out my dear wife". Pragya ask," so what to do my dear husband?". Abi says," we are alone. Do you remember what happened between us when our family went out to fix our marriage date". Pragya says," i already understood. What you are trying here". Pragya changed her sitting position towards abi. Abi looks stunned. Pragya removes her over coat. Abi sees her button shirt. It looks very transparent. He can clearly see her bra. Pragya pulls his shirt. Abi says ,"you are really daring girl". Pragya says," I knew it. How much you loves me and also you knew it. How much... ". abi ask her,how much?.

I started to remove my white shirt. He can clearly see my white bra. He ask me,"What we are doing is right". Pragya says,"You have not to do all this if you don't like it".pragya is trying to get up but abi stops her. He says,"you are my wife. I have all rights to touch you".pragya says,"abi,when i started to love you. I always thought you as my husband. When i knew about your ex love. I was hurt. I thought,you were safe in her hands. Later i realised,you are not safe in her hands. I tried to expose her many times. Later you realised about her intentions. You came to me and asked apology to me. Suddenly one day,you came to me and ask me to marry you. I was shocked. I told you about my love. Suddenly you smashed your lips on mine. I was shut. I was stunned. You stole my first kiss. I am happy. You stole it. I was surprised,when you fall down on my leg and said those apology words. I was broken. I don't like my vulnerable abi. It hurts me alot abi.When you took suicide decision. When i got a call from your mom. I was shattered and heart broken. I feel,i lost you. Tears are automatically coming out pragya eyes. Pragya says my mom and dad sees and meet many son in law. But i really want you as my husband. I am only yours. You are mine ever. You asked me once when you were with riya. I felt jealous on you. Yes abi. I feel jealous on you. Because i really scared,I had no idea she would look after you like are treasure in my life. I always protect you. I always...".suddenly abi smashed his lips on her. Abi get tears in his eyes. Abi kissed her forehead.he sucks her tears. he says," i hurted you alot. But How can you love me more". Pragya says,"When we were kid. You got promise from me. Don't leave me under any circumstances.i still respect our promise". Abi kissed all over her faces. He said,"I can't think like you.I have been an idiot. You are my angel". Pragya smiles. She says ,"now romance time. leave your all emotions".abi chuckles hearing her words.

Pragya removes her bra. Abi sees her boobs and nipple.He grabbed my exposed breast pinching and teasing my nipples. I moans,"abi". Abi kissed along my neck leaning my head back to give greater access.suddenly abi removes his shirt. He throw it away After he is taking my pebbled nipple into his mouth.i moaned loudly.he continued to torture my nipples,licking and biting them.he continued to lower,kissing his way down my stomach.

when he connected his mouth to my pussy over my soaking panties. I cried out.he licked through my slit. His tongue circled my clit,bringing me higher and higher.his lips wrapped around my clit,sucking while my orgasm threatened to take over. "Abi may i please come"i ask him. Abi says ,"come my baby". Abi removes his pant and he is naked.he took in large step in my direction,holding his long cock in his hand. He stands in the chair. I was sitting in dining table. Rubbing his cock against my tongue.i moaned at his familiar taste.his hands went to my hair,holding me still as he pushed himself to my throat in one motion.i was making gagging noises. He pulled me against him,kissing me passionately,tasting ourselves on the pussy clenched around him as i screamed into his hand. He thrust into me twice more before spilling spilling himself inside me.

When he pulled out. I collapsed on the floor,my breathing raged. I turn look at abi. He is also breathing heavily. After abi picked up the shirt from the floor. He gave it to me. I got it from him. I wore it. He wore his attire and sat down near me. I look at him.he raises his eye brow. I said,"it was really amazing sex". Abi smiles. Pragya feels hesitate to ask him. She ask him,"abi ,do you have sex with riya". Abi says,"she kissed me on my cheeks. I never allowed anyone to kiss my lips and my whole body except you".pragya looks very happy. She didn't show it in her face. Abi knew it. She feels little bit insecure. Abi says,"you are my angel. I am your idiot husband".pragya blushes. Pragya says,"you are my lovely idiot.i love you abi".abi says,"I knew🙂😘😉".

I end this story here.

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