Chapter 20

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Mahir's POV

Being out of thoughts, I went to living hall and the sight infront of me made me overwhelmed.

There, bela was sitting in the middle of sofa surrounded by my family. Each one of them where feeding her different types of dishes.

Uff!! Sometimes I just don't understand how everyone loves my wife that much...

I made my way near them and sat at a corner as there was no place for me to sit.. 

As soon as RJ noticed me, he started glaring. Bhai ab kya kardiya Maine?

"Kya hua RJ? Aise kyu ghoor rahe ho mujhe?"

My statement made everyone notice me and as if i committed some mistake, everyone where passing glare on my side except bela. She was just sitting there with an innocent face.

Instead of RJ, yuvi answered to my question, "Because of you bela didn't eat properly this week. Do you know that she even fainted 2 days back?"

"Even after that, she didn't eat properly.." Kuhu continued..

Oh god what did I do? How could I leave her like that? When I looked at bela, she was looking elsewhere..

When papa was about to scold me too, bela asked him to feed her noticing that he was gonna scold me.

Awwww!! Isn't my wife damn cute?

Yes yes yes... I got what to gift my bela.. I am sure she is gonna love it... But what about mumma? Mumma will not agree... Kya Karu Mai ab?

How do I convince mom? Will dad help? No no.. he is gonna spank me.. But wait, dad will definitely help me if I say that it's for bela. Yes he loves bela a lottt so he will convince mom..

Yes!! Mission manawo Dad..

Soon, everyone finished feeding bela and she immediately went out with kuhu,vish,rj and yuvi to do shopping.. Ignoring me..

But for what they went for shopping? As much as I know, there is neither a function nor birthday this week..

Whatever!! First of all I need to make bela talk to me...

I went to garden as mom and dad are present there...

As soon as they saw me, both of them stopped talking and glared. Nice!! Not only bela, now I should convince everyone.. 

"Mom,dad... I am sorry that I left like that but it was important.."

"Come on,mahir.. You could have atleast called bela. Do you know how much she cried this whole week? She literally didn't eat properly.."
Dad said angrily..

"I know dad I am at mistake this time but I was helpless... I was with Krish in US.. You Know right, he can't Know the fact that I am married to bela... He loves bela like mad..."

Both mom and dad looked at me being shocked..

"What? Why did you go to Krish? Is everything alright?" Mom asked being tensed..

"Nothing is going right,mom.. Zoya is unable to handle the situation... Krish wants to get married to her... Okay!! I will tell all other things later... For now, I wanted to ask you something else.."

Mom and dad looked at me suspiciously and I grinned by saying the idea of my gift...

Mom immediately got up and started searching for something? What is she searching for?

"Mom, what are you searching for? Let me know, I will help you.."

Dad interrupted saying,"Oh my sweet boy... She is searching for a stick... Ofcourse, to hit you.."

That's it, she found the stick and started running behind me..

Someone please help me... Godddd!! Are you there? Please stop her... I will I will... Haan yes, i will make dad.. no no i will make yuvi bald if you stop mom...

Thank you God!! Dad stopped mom.."Sumi, stop... He is asking it for our bela right? Then why don't you agree?"

Mom looked at dad,"But Andy you know right that..."

Dad cut mom,"I know but listen to me... I promise, nothing will happen... Just agree na.. please... For bela... You know na how much she loves it.."

Mom slightly smiled,"If you guys say so... Okay!! I am agreeing only for my bela..."

Finally!!! I hugged mom tightly,"Thank you thank you so much,mom... I loveee you.."

"Oh is it,mahir? Who made your mom agree by the way?" Dad asked glaring..

I went near dad and hugged him tightly too,"I love you more,dad..."

I backed off,"Okay guys,byee... I am going to buy my gift for bela and later I also need to arrange other arrangements for today's valentine's day..."

Hey guys!!

Keep Guessing about mahir's gift and let me know in the comment section...

Next update is tomorrow...

Thank you so much for reading...

Bye bye!!

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