Chapter 3

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Mahir's POV

She is sleeping with a cute pout on her face like a kid and I am stroking her hair. What is happening with me? Why am I doing like this? When I am giving her pain, why am I becoming medicine to that pain? One tear drop in her eyes is making me go crazy. When I love my 'Vaish', why am I caring for bela? Bela is the reason I couldn't marry vaish.

I am unable to believe that Bela kidnapped vaish to marry me. She even blackmailed me that she will kill vaish if I don't agree to marry her. On the day of our marriage, when I asked her to release vaish, she said that vaish has been sent to US, so that I couldn't meet her. I tried contacting vaish but her phone was unreachable. I thought if I marry bela, I can torture her but I am unable to do that. Thinking about all these, I dozed off in same position.

Bela's POV

It's been 14 days since we got married and my bipolar husband didn't change even 1%. He makes me cry and the next second, he cleans those tears and comfort me. Well, right now I am busy at staring him from kitchen and he is watching TV in living room. All the others went to temple and I denied going with them because I wanted to be with him. My brain started working and I got a useless idea.

I went and stood behind mahir. I shouted 'I Love You' in his ears loudly. I expected him to shout at me but the next thing he did shocked me to core.

Narrator's POV

The next moment, mahir held her hand tightly and thrown her out without listening to her.

"Jiju..Jiju" Vish calls mahir,shaking him.

That's when mahir comes out of his thoughts from past 15 days.

"Ha..Huh!" Mahir exclaims being confused.

Vish,"What were you thinking? I have been calling you from past 5 minutes but you seem zoned out."

"Actually.." Before mahir could answer, crying anu rushes in room and hugs unconscious bela tightly. Then she turns to vish.

Anu, "How is she now?"

Vish, "She is in coma."

Anu gets furious and turns to mahir angrily.

"Why did you do this?" Anu shouts.

"I..I.." Mahir stammers.

"Do you know why she married you?" Anu questions and mahir nods in negative.

"Please tell me. I want to know. I love her a lot but I want to know truth. My bela can never do this." Mahir pleads and anu observes honesty in his eyes.


Vish interrupts "No, Anu di."

Mahir looks at vish in pleading manner.

"Please vish. I want to know." Mahir asks with teary eyes.

Vish,"No one from us can tell you,jiju. Di took oath on herself. The only way for you to know is she should say herself."

Anu,"Bela will never reveal truth to you."

Mahir,"Don't I have any other way to know truth?"

Anu thinks for a while.



Anu,"Yes,Diary. Bela writes everything in her diary. Mahir you have to read her diary. That is the only way you have."

Mahir,"But,reading someone's personal diary is not manners. Right?"

Vish and anu hits their forehead.

Anu,"Oh god! She is your wife. You can read it."

Mahir nods with hope and anu,vish smiles faintly.

Anu,"Please don't hurt her anymore."

Mahir nods. Vish,anu goes out so that mahir can be with bela lonely.

Mahir kisses Bela's forehead and takes her hand in his. He starts talking with her.

Mahir,"I am such a jerk na? I have thrown you out for a baseless reason. I am sorry. From now, I will never do such things. I love you a lot. I think I have loved you from childhood. It's just that I didn't realize. Vaish was just an attraction for me. I could have realized my love for you long back. My bad. I promise, I will never scold you again,bacha. You like if I call you 'bacha' na. From now I will only call you 'bacha'. Please wake up. I love you."

He says kissing her palm after each and every sentence.

Though, bela couldn't open her eyes, tears start rolling from her eyes continuously. Mahir who saw her tears, gets panic and clean those tears. He calls vish and anu who are waiting outside. When they come, he asks them to stay near bela and rushes to doctor's cabin.

In doctor's cabin

Mahir knocks the door of doctor's cabin.

Doctor,"come in."

Mahir goes in.

Doctor,"Oh! Mr.Sehgal, Please sit."

Mahir sits and doctor observes tension in his face which was clearly visible.

Doctor,"what happened,Mr.Sehgal. You seem tensed. Any problem?"

Mahir,"Bac...Bela cried."

Doctor,"Is it? Did she respond?"

Mahir,"No. She didn't open her eyes but tears were continuously flowing from her eyes."

Doctor,"Did you talk to her something which she like or don't like?"

Mahir,"Yes,Doctor. I spoke something which she likes a lot."

Doctor,"Oh wow! This is a very good sign,Mr.Sehgal. Your wife will recover soon. Keep talking to her. Let's hope for the best."

Mahir smiles broadly and mouths a 'Thank you' to doctor before leaving. Mahir returns to Bela's room and hugs vish tightly. Vish gets startled and anu gets confused.


Vish,"What happened,jiju?"

Mahir backs off.

Mahir,"Bela is gonna recover soon."

Vish and anu gets surprised as well as happy.

Vish and anu,"Really?"

Mahir nod and says 'yes'.

He narrates his discussion with doctor.

Vish and anu,"Yayyyy"

Three of them have a group hug.

Vish,"I will tell this good news to everyone. Anu di,chalo."

Anu nods and they both goes after bidding bye to mahir.

Mahir goes and sit beside bela by holding her hand in his.

Mahir,"Please wake up,bacha. I want to spend my entire life with you. I love you so much. I am telling you, if you don't wake up, I will die."

Bela moves her finger. Mahir gets alarmed and repeat his words.

Mahir,"I Love You so much. If you don't wake up, I will die."

Tears start rolling from her eyes and she slowly opened her eyes. At first her vision was blur but next moment, she sees mahir holding her hand and looking at her with teary eyes.


Tears of joy rolled down his cheeks and he kissed all over Bela's face wherever he got access.

Mahir,"Bacha,You woke up? Thank God you came out from coma. I am really sorry for whatever I did till now. I will never torture you again. I will not let you cry. I love you so much."

Mahir hug her tightly but backs off after sensing that bela is not hugging him back.

Mahir,"What happened? Are you angry?"

Bela nods in negative and pinched herself.

Bela,"Is this for real? You love me? Don't give me hopes,mahir. I know you are bipolar. If I again say 'I Love you' you will beat me."

Tears roll down from mahir's cheeks.

Bela,"Why are you crying? Ok Ok I am sorry. I will not call you bipolar. You shouldn't cry for this small things."

She hits her forehead after completing her last sentence. She cleans his tears. Mahir cups her face.

Mahir,"It is true,bacha. I really love you a lot. I have realized my love for you. Please trust me."

Bela thinks,"Aww! He is so cute. I so wanted to reply him but let me play with him for sometime."

Bela,"If you give me icecream,I will trust you."

She says acting innocent and mahir glares at her.

Bela,"Ok Ok I trust you. No one is ready to give icecream. Huh!"

Mahir hits his forehead, seeing her antics.

"Drama company." Mahir mumbles with a smile and hugs her tightly. This time even bela hugs him back.

Mahir thinks,"Thank you god. Finally, my bela and her antics are back."

Phew! Finally, Emotional chapters are over except some 2 or 3 dialogues.

How many of you will dance with me after knowing above information?

What will be your reaction if I say next chapter is last one?

See you soon.



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