Chapter 27

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Where have you been. ?? Do you know how much we searched for you. Why didn't you meet us before going. Since you left. We have been thinking about you all the time ??? Rayaansh said holding her arms in his hands softly while looking into her eyes.

I was just .... I was helpless and ....

R. Helpless ??? Are you serious anika. I agreed you lost your family. but we were there for you. We were your family as well. But I guess you didn't consider us. He says shaking his head in disbelief.

It's nothing like that rayaansh. You are thinking wrong. It's not the way you are assuming. I always considered you people more than my family. Infect you guys were more than that. But circumstances made me so helpless that I'd to leave and....

Ryaansh I think let it be. What is done. It's done. Don't need to talk about Past. And let's enjoy our togetherness. What's say. Malika suggested taking anika in side hug, Who sighed in relief seeing the topping changing. But on meantime" her eyes landed on shivaay who is standing looking at her with red eyes. Seems like yet again he went in mood of jealousy like past. God him and his habit of having everything. Anika rolls her eyes and deliberately held rayaansh arms having smile "which flutter rayaansh's heart after all he's been waiting for her since she left. But on the same time shivaay is burning like coal seeing her with someone else that also that time " when she is married to him.

Baby what she Is doing here ??? I thought she won't come. Tia hissed looking at anika with pure hate which has been increased with passing time.

I didn't know that either. Come let's go and meet her. Come he passed her right smile and lead her with him holding her waist.

Hey guys" i guess you people forgotten about me. He says having tight smile on his face.anika scoff and step back knowing what's going on in his head and what for he came here.

Hey shivaay you alright ?? Long time no see. Om shake hand with him and then take him in hug patting his back.

I was busy in work. He says looking at anika who is diverting her eyes around instead looking at him

Miss anika Trivadi. I never thought that you would be coming as well. That's a big surprise. The way you run away. It wasn't looking like you gonna back into out lives again . Anika sneers and look at him being amazed with his acting skills. She can't believe he would behave like this infront of their friends.

I'd to come. It's my family after all. She says passing smile to rayaansh " who side hugged her making unbearable for shivaay to seeing their closeness.

Errr if sarcastic conversation has ended. then shall we grab one table to sit. All nods snd took seat on one of nearby table. Ryaansh who was happy to sit with anika. Before he do " shivaay took seat making him frown.

Shivaay I was going to sit. He says controlling his rage seeing him being same the way he was before...

Sh. But I took it first. You can grab another one. Anika shakes her head very well knowing what's he is trying to do.

Fine. He glared him and took another seat unwillingly.

What are you trying to do. Stop this nonsense.anima whispered trying her best to not other people know about their conversation. Shivaay grit his teeth snd clutch her hand under the table making her shock. She try to free her hand "but he is the one who tighten his grip more instead leaving her

What you doing let my hand go. She whispered wiggling in his hold.

I'm not leaving it. And you know that as well. He says in his thick voice without looking at her.

You are crossing your limits shivaay. Don't forget your fiancé is here as well. And surely l she won't like to seeing us together. She says looking at anika who is already glaring her.

Sh.  I don't give shit about it. You know that as well. He smirk.

Youuu she about to say more but malika interrupted between. ....

Are you guys fighting ??? She says passing them suspicious smile.

No we are not. We are not. Anika stomp shivaay foot snd pulled her hand away from him.

Aoo he groan gaining people's attention.

Are you alright baby. What's wrong. ??, tia immediately reacted seeing him on pain.

Err nothing. I'm fine. Just felt little itchy on my leg. He says scratching on his legs passing them

R. So Annie what you up to. I mean what you doing now days

An. I'm doctor in one of finest hospital in the city.she smiles

Oh really which one ??? He immediately jumped in second question making shivaay annoyed seeing him being so interested into his wife's life.

She told you na that she is well settled. Then  Why   you asking her whole life detail.shivaay says in rude tone glaring him .

M. Common shivaay. We wanna know where she work. It's not big deal. Isn't. All nods having smile except tia.

M. By the way Annie which city are you???

I'm in delhi. She blurted out making shivaay closed his eyes on her stupidity. Now surely they will doubt on him and her. Specially tia. He was just thinking this only they tia speak.

Shivaay baby was in the Delhi as well. I guess you must have meet as well. She fums.'s a big city tia. And I really don't have time to collide with people randomly. Anika rolls her eyes seeing him lying cleanly and behaving like he don't bother about her at all.

That's right baby. She says leaning her head on his shoulder holding his arms" which didn't go unnoticed by anika

You don't know how much I waited for you anns. I was bloody counting days on my fingers. Rayaansh says holding her palm in his hand looking at her smile.

Why ?? Why were you waiting for her. Seeing shivaay interrupting again rayaansh is feeling like to break his head for again coming between them.

I'm talking to anika shivaay. Not youuuu. So please don't interfere. He says in his subtle tone glaring him.

Sh. Yh I can see that.... he rolls his eyes

An. I'm here Ryaansh. And thanks for waiting for me so long. She smiles.

R. You are so sweet anika. I just can't tell you how much happy I'm to seeing you here. He smiles and kissed her hand" which was last trigger for shivaay and he stood up throwing the chair on the floor. All gasp and look at him shockingly with his sudden move.

I need to smoke. Saying this he immediately left from there leaving everyone confused with his behaviour.
They are not able to understand what's happening with him why the hell he is behaving like that.

Baby stop I'm coming. Tia shout from behind and followed him.

Shall we grab the dinner. Malika suggested seeing the atmosphere heating up.

R. Yh let's go Annie. I'll fill up plate for you. Before anika say something he held her hand and dragged her with him towards food counter


Baby what's wrong why are behaving like that.  Tia says trying to get hold on him. Bht he is the one who is walking restlessly around  running fingers in his hair .  

Leave me alone. I want sometime in peace.  He mumbles puffing cigarette again as again  tucking his eyes on anika who" is laughing on some  joke of that rayaansh. Seems like she is enjoying his company life than anyone else.  He closed his eyes tight scratching his forehead and turn his face away in tension

Baby listen to me. Just look at me I .....

Can't you understand a thing tia. I said fuckin  leave me aloneeee ..... he screams gaining all people attention" who got silent and look at him weirdly. Anika who was having conversations with her friends "she got tensed and  clutch the plate tight in her hand.  Shivaay look at her and stormed away from there in rage leaving tia having tears in her eyes because of his ruthless  behaviour. No matter what she does. This guy never likes her. All the time "he searches ways to insult her. And don't even feel sorry about it. But she knows the reason as well of his anger.  She knows all this happening  because of this anika.  Since he have seen her "he is behaving all grumpy and restless.  She  wipe her tears harshly and  curse anika under her breath. 

Errr I need to use washroom.  Excuse me. Anika excused herself and immediately left that way where shivaay went. 

On the other side

Shivaay is  going towards  isolated side of area when he felt tug on his wrist. He look back and found anika is standing looking at him  blankly. 

Leave me alone. Don't come behind me. He says in subtle tone and try to go " but  sue pulled him back making him fell over her.  But she handled herself putting pressure on her feet.

You are not going anywhere till you don't tell me what's the fuck is wrong with you. Why are you behaving like a angry bull and yelling at everyone.  Hearing her he grit his teeth and started walking  towards her making her  step back.

You are asking me how I'm behaving ha. You fuckin asking me" who have since came here" just paying all  attention  to that loser rayaansh and not even looking at me.  You know that I hate that guy to the core. I can't stand him. But still you are just clinging with him and taking his all attention.  He says caging her between him and tree Resting his hands on either sides  of her.

He is my friend for god sake.  And if talked to him then it's not big deal.   She managed to speak feeling anxious with their proximity.

Oh really friend ha. I don't think so ' a friend give so much care towards another friend. Seems like you guys have something between you.  The way he is luring around you. I guess it's making you so excited and you are  letting him touch you however you want don't you.  Infect now I've understood" not only him. But that  veer also didn't have any fault. It's all you who knows how to swirl around man with your these two eyes and face.   Don't you.  He sneers caressing her  face with his face gazing at her lips.   Tears made their way from her eyes after hearing his allegations on her . How dare he just point finger on her character like that. Didn't he think once before he saying all this.  All the favours" All the good deeds he  done for her. It went in drain in blink of eyes.  In anger he blubber that which he shouldn't had .  She had started thinking that He has been changed. he is no more that shivaay "who used to control her and all. But she is wrong. He is worse than him.  Atleast previous one wasn't  smearing men on her face. But he did "despite knowing she would never do such things.

You are monster.  She sobs. You are an asshole .. who just think about himself. You don't give shit about someone's feelings. Just because you are feeling jealous. you started pointing finger on my character ... how dare you.  Hoe can you say all this shit ha.  He is my friend. He always helped me. And if I tried to talk to him. then that's doesn't mean I've something for him. And about veer then you bloody know that he is goon.  And why would I lure a man " whom I don't even know.   I'd thought that you have been changed. I'd started admiring you thinking" you are best friend of mine "who didn't even think about anything snd came to help  me. But I was wrong. I was bloody totally wrong. Now I've started  regretting to   Take your help. It was better "you would had submit me to that man. At least he won't had use such words for me the way you did. You disappointed me mr oberoi. You bloody disappointed me. She sobs and  shoved him away.

I hate you I really do. Saying this she walk by him.  Seeing her going he immediately grabbed her hand and pulled her in his arms. In no time he cup her face and take her lips in deep kiss.  Anika  pushed him away  and look at him in disbelief look

What's wrong with you. Stop treating me like shitttt she screams wiping her  lips harshly.

Let's talk.  Don't go like this.  Let's solve the matter.  He try to get hold on her but she didn't and move away. 

I don't wanna talk to you. Did you understand I don't wanna  fuckin do. Just stay away from me. She warns him pointing her fingers at me and ran away from there leaving him cursing himself for saying all this to her. He didn't mean any of word which he blabbered . But in jealousy" he got so blind that he couldn't control his emotions and bursted at her like a mad man.

Arghhhhh he screams hitting his leg in the air.

On the other side

Did you cry ??? Malika frown seeing anika's red puffy eyes.

Ani. No I I didn't. It's just some dirt went into my eyes. She sniffles clearing her eyes witn her fingers.

M. Are you sure. She says rubbing her back keeping another hand on her arm

An. Yh. She managed to smile hiding her emotions.

Guys let's go for dance. Om suggested getting up from his seat.

An.  Err actually I'm really tired. And I wanna sleep so badly. Can you guys please tell me where we are staying tonight.

M. Yh sure. Let's go. I'll show you. Come she held her hand and took her with her towards hotel.


I would stay. But om wanna spend sometime with me. Sooo ...malika made sad face giving anika excuse for not staying with her.

It's's fine. Don't worry. Moreover I just wanna sleep. So you should go and enjoy. She smiles standing in the door.

M. Ok see you later yh. She waved her hand and left from there. As she went anika closed the door and went towards the bed. She set there and let her tears roll down from her eyes. She hates herself to love that man so much" who is not worth it. No matter what she do. In end of the day he will treat her so bad and would never respect her which she deserves. In those days" respect for him had been increased in her heart. She had started considering him a good hearted man who came forward to help her without any question. But today he put his all effort went in to drain and hurted her so badly.

Why you always do this shivaay. Why you always hurt me. She sobs keeping hands on her thighs feeling so sad because of his behaviour. She can never understand this man. One time he will be different and next mintue he will be another person. He is such an bipolar. And trusting on bipolar is not worth it at all. As when he will flip you never know. Suddenly she flinch when she heard knock on the door. First she tried to ignore. But when another side of person again knocked. She groan and got up to open the door. She went towards it and here you go shivaay Singh oberoi is standing infront of her having pleading gaze.

You ??? She grit her teeth and try to close the door. But he kept hand in between and stopped her.

Leave me alone. Can't you understand a simple language. But instead answering her he barged in and pulled her towards him ..... h

Shivaay she whispered but words dead in her mouth when he claimed his lips with her yet again making her shock

Precap .......... Tia tells them they gonna marry soon

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