Chapter 41

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Seeing her in airport Shivaay's eyes twinkle. He never thought That he would catch her on same time when he is leaving. But surely god had good plans for him. And  look she Is standing infront of him on the same time when he is leaving for their friends wedding.  His smile got wider and he hurriedly padded towards her.

Hey ,, he slid his  hand around her arm and yanked her closer  having a thick grin on his face.  

You here??? She try to remove his grip around her arm. But instead leaving her. He tighten his intertwining more  making her hell annoyed.

Wtf is wrong with you. Just let me go mr oberoi.   She hissed using her all strength to get out of his hold. But he is such an stubborn man that. Still holding her  pulling her more and more closer.

My flight is getting late. Will you let me go. Or you want me to smack your head for that.  She  shout glaring him with her doe shaped big  eyes. But nothing is working on him and  scoot more closer to her making her grown.

This Is not your flight. Your flight is there. You are coming with me mrs. Saying this he left her arm and instantly intertwine her hand pulling her towards the area where he pointed.  

What are you doing. Where are you taking me. She try to ask him. But instead answering her he take her passport and other stuff and give to khana to take care of it.and  itself he took her along with him  towards  their  plane.

Good evening sir good evening mam,  air hostesses greeted bowing little infront of them

Shivaay what are you doing.  Please let me go. I'll miss my flight.   Hearing him he stopped  and held her both arms looking  straight  into her eyes.

I said you are coming with me In this flight.  I won't let you to travel in that  tacky third class plane. Which even don't have proper  seats. Anika
Rolls her eyes and pushed him away making him stumble.

So what if they gonna be small or tacky. At least I would know that  I've bought it with my own money.neither someone has spent over me specially you " who gonna call me gold digger and greedy later.   She scoffs  folding her arms while turning her face away.

No I won't do that.  I would never.  He raise his hand to touch her. But she jerk it away and step back.

Yes you will. I know you very well. So kindly let me go.
I wanna go in my own flight instead your so called private jet. She glared him and left from there leaving him behind  defeated. He kept hands on his hips and shake his head seeing her stubbornness. But he is also shivaay  Singh  oberoi. And if he has decided to travel with her. then surely he will do. No matter what happens. He flick his hair and stormed out from there.

In anika's  flight. After almost ten minutes she able to  get  her seat She heaves out breath and sat there Not before putting her bag in her above head cabinet.

Baghbilla he spoiled my whole mood. She huffs feeling angry on shivaay and lean on the window closing her  eyes. Which led her to fell sleep. And during that plane also flew away but she could know because of heavy  sleep of hers.after an hour. Because of thunder outside plane face some little difficulties which made it jolt little.

Oh god she moans as her head tapped on the window twice because of plane jolting. She frown rubbing Head and lean on her chair closing her eyes. After few seconds " when she came into her little senses. She open her eyes and started looking ahead with drowsy eyes.

Here have this water. You must be thirsty. Hearing familiar voice " she turn her neck instantly and got shocked finding shivaay sitting besides her having biggest smile on his face.

Youuuu ??? She shout gaining people's attention around her.

Yes that's me. What you thought " I will let you go alone like this. I will follow everywhere wherever you will go sweetheart. And you can't stop me. He winks having wide grin on his face making anika hell pissed with his so much clingy behaviour. She grit her teeth and raise her body to get up. But she fell back on the chair because of belt around her.

I'd put it when you were sleeping. See how caring I'm. I didn't want you to get hurt. He snigger and pinch her cheek earning a smack on his  chest  making him yelp in pain with her sudden attack.

You asshole. How dare you to follow me like this. I'd told you to stay away from me. And Don't follow me. Then what the hell are you doing here. God why are you so stubborn. Stop fuckin following me. She huffs removing the belt and started calling air hostess in loud voice making all people look at her weirdly.

Miss is there any problem ??, air hostess come running there before she picks up whole plane on her head.

I wanna change my seat . She instantly ordered having stern face folding her arms.

Err can i ask what's wrong with your seat miss??? Air hostess ask passing her polite smile.

This guy is making me uncomfortable here. I'm not feeling good to sit with him. Plesee change  my seat. Shivaay chuckle and lean on the chair shaking his head.

Sorry mam. All seats are reserved. There's nothing which I could help you with" except request you to manage here.

An. But .....

It's ok sweet pea sit down. Lady has told you na that they don't have seat. Then why are you arguing. Please sit down. I promise I won't say you anything. Anika squeezed her eyes tight gritting her teeth snd then gaze at shivaay with pure anger.

I will kill you. She whispered in her thick voice pointing at him and then sat on her seat. Air hostess heaves out a long sigh and left from there before she start asking her to change her seat

Why did you leave your so called private jet and join me in my plane. She asked folding her arms while looking at him sternly.

Because you wasn't there. And I wanted to spend time with you. So I left everything and decided to join you. He grin leaning on her shoulder. But she just pushes his face away disappointing him.

God you are such leech. She murmur turning her face away being annoyed.

Only for you. He scoot towards her and rest his head on her shoulder.

What are you doing ??? She try to remove him from her shoulder. But he intertwined his arm with her and kept resting his head on her shoulder. Anika groan and let him do whatever he wants. As she knows. As much as she will resist he will do more.

After almost 10 hours flight

They managed to reach in their own country. In whole way he kept teasing her. First few hours was so hard to her to cope up with his mischiefs. But then afterwards she just loosen her muscles and stopped bothering about she knows if she  kept getting Annoyed then surely he will do more and more. So better if she stops here and let him do whatever he wants. 

Annieeee .... Malika come running towards her and take her in bone crushing hug.

I missed you baby she squeezed her in hug and kiss her hair shedding tears.

I missed you too mali. Anika wipes her tears  breaking the hug and again pulled her towards her. . 

Suddenly malika's eyes fell on shivaay who is looking at them folding his arms. She sulked and look at anika having frown

Whah the hell he is doing with you. She whispered pulling her aside.

Don't ask ??? I will tell you everything  at home.    Anika scoffs glaring shivaay . Who knows what conversation they are having.

M. Yh let's go. 

Shivaay what you waiting for ?? come let's move man.  Arnav pat his shoulder and left  from there towards  their car

At home

As they reached  there. Anika's  been surrounded by her friends and they started asking her  numerous questions about her well being. Which she answered one by one.  And then rayaansh's turn came.  Who instantly took her in tight hug without uttering a single word making Shivaay's blood boiled in anger. Argh. Why the hell arnav have  called him in his wedding. And if he did then why didn't he tell him.  He won't had come along with anika otherwise. Now surely this  idiot will linger on his anika. Infect it's already been started. Shivaay thought feeling hell pissed with Ryaansh presence here.

How are you  Ann's. Do you know how much worried for you. This  whole years  Passed in tension while thinking about you. God girl at least  you could had come to me. Ryaansh says hugging her tightly.

I'm fine Ryaanash I'm fine. Just needed little time. She broke the hug and pass him smile which he reciprocated.

Now I won't let you go. I will keep you with me forever. He says  raising  his hand to  touch her face. But before he do. His hand has been shoved away from shivaay coming between them.

You what are you doing here ??? Anika why is he here. Have you forgotten what he have done to you. Rayaansh grit his teeth glaring shivaay. Who is equally giving him death stare.

Guys stop it don't fight here.  I don't want you to spoil everyone's  mood.  Anika says pushing  both of them away  coming in between.  

Rayaansh we will talk about it later and Shivaay. I think you should go in your room and freshen up. And then we will all meet at dinner time. What's say.  She says looking at everyone who nods their head in approval. But shivaay and rayaansh didn't say anything and kept standing there looking at each other like hungry bull dogs. 

I said go into your rooms guys. Didn't you listen. But when they   didn't move. She clasped Shivaay's wrist and  dragged  him along with her " which didn't like by rayaansh at all seeing her yet again flattering on shivaay after his bad doing towards her. 

Why don't you listen when I say you something oberoi. She hissed shoving him away hitting his chest.

Because you don't listen to me. when I tell you to stay away from that rayaansh. He is not good guy for god sake.  He doesn't have good attention towards you. He answers back making her grit her teeth in fury. 

Oh really he  is not good for me ha. Then what's  your thoughts about your  own self.  As per as i remember. It was you last time " who hurted me beyond repair infront of the whole freaking world. And didn't even flinch once. And you are saying he is not good for me. Huh. He is my friend for your kind information . A very good friend. Who always took my side and never let me feel bad ever. But I can't say same thing about  you. As in every corner of life. You hurted me and toss me away like a garbage... listen oberoi.  Don't try to involve so much in my life. Let me decide things on my own. I don't want you to control me. Did you understand. She  warns him giving him stern look and  about  to pass by him. But before she do. His hand travel towards her and he took her in back hug wrapping one arm around her waist and  another one around her neck rubbing his hand sensually from her chin to neck area.

I accept each and every  mistake of my life. And I  won't denied for anything. But that's  doesn't mean I will let you to toss  me away like this. Specially for another man.  You are mine anika. I can give you Space. I can give you time.  But I won't  stop  following you. I will go each and every place " where you will go.  I will stick with you like soul.  And you can't  stop me. Did you understand. He turns her swiftly and  gave her tight kiss on her lips making hee angry.

Fuck youuu .... She pushes him away and stormed away from there leaving him smile behind. he kept hands on his waist and lick her lips where her taste is  still lingering on. 

At night

All gathered  on dining table along with anika who deliberately took seat between malika and arnav so that shivaay and rayaansh doesn't get chance  to fight for sitting besides her. She can see shivaay is glaring her sitting opposite side of her. But she didn't bother to look at him and busy talking with malika.

Guys can I have your attention please. Ryaansh stood up knocking the spoon on glass grabbing everyone attention at him. 

I need to tell you all something. I know it's malika and arnav's wedding. and it's bed to grab their attention over me. But  I can't hold it anymore. I've already waited for so long for this moment.  But not anymore. I've decided " instead searching for good time. I will do it today.  He smiles and pull out the ring from his pocket looking at anika " which tensed anika as well as shivaay. Who clenched his fist  tight knowing what he  gonna do.

Anika I can't  hold myself anymore. I've been  hiding my feelings since I'd met you in school.  I thought one day you will understand on your own. But you didn't ... and to be honest. It's not your fault either. As you were too mingle in something else. He says looking at shivaay. But today I've decided to tell you instead keeping it in my heart.   Saying this he went towards her and sat on his knees holding the ring. 

Will you marry me anika.  Will you be my wife. Anika widen her eyes in shock while everyone gasp keeping hands on their mouth.  Most of them seems happy. But shivaay and his friends got angry. As his friends knows" how much he loves anika and how much he  spent past one year in search of her.and it's unfair for him to do so much and in end someone  else leave taking  his sweet.

Rayaansh I I ....

She can't ...... shivaay announced in his thick voice  making everyone look at him.

Whatttt ??? Ryaansh grit his teeth seeing him interrupted again.

I said she can't. He move towards anika and pulled her towards him.

She won't accept  your proposal mate. Because she is already married to me.   We never got divorced. we are still husband and wife. I won't like if someone else will laid eyes on my wife. I know we have little grudges going on. But that's doesn't mean we will get separate and you will get chance. No way.   sorry for bursting your bubbles. That won't happen.  She won't accept  your proposal. So stop dreaming about it. And let it go.  Moreover aren't you engaged With your dad friend's daughter.  Then why the hell you are proposing my wife when you already   Have fiancé. Hearing him all gasp and look at Ryaansh shockingly who shook his head no.

What ??? stop looking at me like that.  ....  That engagement is not real ok. It was just  for time being. I was just waiting  anika for to come back. So that I could propose her and get marry. So when she is here. Then I'll call off my Engagement and marry her. Anika i love you ok. I really do. Stop hearing his nonsense. He raise his hand to hold her but she didn't let him and and move away having subtle expressions.

R. Anika he whispered in cracking voice

Precap ........ veer son is here.

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