CHAPTER 25. Defusing a nuclear bomb needs expert knowledge

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~Marian POV~

I had to accompany my boss to a meeting in the District Office the same afternoon, when I found out, the Allbright vs McKenzie case was actually including James.  As he was ‘that’ James Allbright.

I was shocked, and also I felt a healthy amount of excitement as well as fear for him. I hoped I will be able to defuse the tension that was visibly took charge, as soon as James realised that not only me, but my boss was in the same office as his usual social worker, Elizabeth.

Although, he didn’t know my boss, but I presume, he realised it quickly who he was, as he wore a business suit as usual, and held had an authoritative aura around him.
Mr. London introduced himself to James and I knew he was in a surprise for sure. I felt absolutely miserable that I didn’t only run away in the morning, leaving him there on his own, but unknowingly pulled him into this situation.

I should have informed him first but I got a phone call from the social worker this morning that Mr. Allbright, aka James has requested a meeting. So I informed Mr. London and he made me clear his schedule to meet James in person. I know it wasn’t a very nice move putting him into this situation but Mr. London was adamant to get the motion filed next week. For that we needed at least verbal consent to pick up the case again. The consent had to come from none other person, but James himself.

As I looked at his face, I was not sure whether we will get his consent at all. I hoped he will be cooperative, and trusts in us to represent him. Of course we need to reassure him that it’s pro bono, so he doesn’t have to pay a dime whether we win or not. But as far as I knew Mr. London's winning rate, the possibility that we will lose was very slim. 

"What the fuck is going on here?" James asked, he was clearly distressed. He stood in the middle of the room, a bit too close to the door for my liking as he seemed to bolt out of the room for the first wrong word. I stood up from my chair and took a step towards him, I’m not sure why, maybe try to prevent from him leaving or I have no idea really why. I just looked at him and pleaded silently with my eyes to let us explain what was going on here.

As I expected Mr. London took charge of the situation by introducing himself. Elizabeth offered James a seat which he refused straight away.
Mr. London started to explain the legalities to James and dropping here and there that we needed his consent to reopen the case. He mentioned that it would be free of charge and James has no obligations, unless of course if the case goes on trial and in an unfortunate event that we lose. Then he explained to him that the chance that his case would go to trial is very slim. Mr. London told him that a private investigator has been hired to look into the death of his parents, as well as the circumstances of his emancipation.
James face showed no emotions for a moment then his cheeks flushed red from anger, embarrassment? I wasn’t sure from what but he definitely looked pissed at us, so I guessed he was angry.
He looked at me, then took a few steps towards the empty chair and sat down. His eyes were full with unshed tears, and I saw he was very close to have a breakdown.
I leaned closer to his chair, lowered my voice and tried to reassure him.

“It will be all right, Mr. London knows what he is doing. He took your case apparently way before I’ve met you.” I whispered to him in a muffled tone, not wanting Ms. O'Connor to overhear us as she was deeply immersed in some documents on her desk.

Mr. London glanced at me, and I nearly had a heart attack, because he smiled,

and somehow in that smile, there was everything. I mean, that he knew there was something between me and James. “But how could he know?” I pondered in myself. I jerked myself up, sitting straight as a pole, and didn’t even wait for James to answer, but as it looked like, he didn’t really want to say anything at all.
My boss looked at me, raised his brows questioningly, then he turned to James and back at me, his smile didn’t fade one bit.
“How long do you know James, Ms. Madsen?” He smirked at me, and I couldn't help but looking down to my lap, where I was wringing my hands together. I decided to come clean, as being honest is always the only way.
“Not very long, actually only for a couple of weeks.” I replied shyly, not lifting my gaze from my lap. I felt the slow burning on my face, the so familiar blush on my cheeks was imminent.
I looked up, my eyes immediately locked with James’s stormy blue eyes, shooting questions at me silently.
“We are... “ I trailed off not knowing what I should say, but James beat me into it.
“We are just friends, she is tutoring me to pass my leaving cert.” He added quickly, sounding a bit more confident than I was.
I bet Mr. London didn’t believe us, he had this little smirk on his face and suddenly I wanted to smack him for it. “What a brat, I’m sure he is having fun on our expenses!” I fumed in myself and I needed some distraction, to divert the attention of my boss. I straight myself up again and pulled my skirt down a bit, and I didn't miss how James opened  his eyes at my movements.

“Ah, I guess he likes my legs.” I thought as a childish excitement cursed through me. But wait a minute ...did he friend zone me just a minute ago? “Well, he better have a good explanation for that later.” I murmured it in myself, because it was hard to admit but it hurt a bit that he said we are just friends.

I was frightened of what people would say if I start a relationship with a younger boy, I was torn between feelings and to be honest, I was sick of it. I had a whole night and a day to think about James and I. “Where do we stand? Why is it so bad if so give him a chance?” My brain was in overwork today. It didn’t help that my boss was still smirking at me, as we all waited for the social worker to gather her documents, related to James.
My thoughts went back to James. He was emancipated, nobody could question our actions. Of course, in case if anything would develop between us. I just decided in the morning while I was rushing to work that I would give a chance to us. Whatever is this connection that we both feel worth exploring, and I was about to throw everything into the wind and make that step.
I watched Ms. O' Connor who was still fumbling with her documents then with a sudden thought in my mind, I stood up again. I turned towards Mr. London, he looked at me questioningly.
“Uhm, do you mind if I borrow James for a moment or two? There is something urgent I’d like to discuss with him.” I said it, loud enough that Ms. O’ Connor could hear me too.
She glanced at us, then she motioned towards the door with her free hand.
“Sure, no problem but make sure he doesn’t run off.” She answered and her lips pulled into a slight smile, and suddenly I felt embarrassed a bit.

I felt she might know what’s going on really. I felt like a scolded child somehow but this was urgent and I didn’t hesitate any further.

My eyes darted to James who was also standing, already understood what I was planning to do. So I grabbed onto his arm and we stepped out of the office.
I knew there was a hidden corner with a small table and two armchair somewhere in this side of the building, so I blindly took off towards the left, and hoped we would end up finding it. James didn’t say a word, he just followed me, I held his arm, and I must admit it, it felt strangely good.

“Are you kidnapping me?” James turned to me all of a sudden, and tried to free his arm. I let it go to for a moment then I just slid my hand down on his arm again and placed my hand in his.
“Last time I’ve checked you weren’t a kid so technically it’s not kidnapping.” I smiled at him and we continued to walk on the corridor. People were passing us but paid no attention to us.
James stopped in his step, and turned me facing him and looked down at our entwined fingers.

“What does this supposed to mean?” He lifted gently our conjoined hands and raised his eyebrows at me in a curious manner. Ahh, he was so cute, too handsome for his own good.

“It is, what it is, I didn't like how ‘we are just friends' sounded from your mouth so take it as it comes, James.” I told him confidently, because now I was a hundred percent sure of myself.

It might seem that I didn’t have much time to think of our relationship, or whatever we had, but I genuinely took everything into account. It made me realise that life doesn’t happen, we need to make it happen.  We need to make memories, experiences and sometimes we need to take risks. I concluded that after having a bad experience, I didn't live my life, I just stepped aside and let it happen. Today I decided I take the lead in my life and I will conduct my own symphony.

James gaped at me, for a split second until he processed what I just said, then his smile nearly split his face in two.

He picked me up, crushing my body into him , and I’m sure he wanted to spin me around too, but with so many people  passing by it seemed impossible.

“Oh, golly gosh, what are you doing, put me down, you clown!” I said to him and I realised it rhymed and we both broke into a laugh.
“You are cute sometimes.” He said and my heart fluttered, the way his eyes swept over me made me shiver in a good way.

“What do you mean sometimes?” I protested, pulling away from him.

“The rest of the time you are gorgeous.” James replied and turned beetroot red immediately. I looked at his face, but he tried to turn away from me, so I stopped him in his movements.

“You are just so adorable.” I told him, my eyes searched his and when our gaze connected, all of a sudden like a magic wand appeared from nowhere, I felt a spell casted upon us. Without exchanging more words, I knew so much of this shy but trying to be confident guy, who was staggering in the brink of adulthood and I just loved him more for being so brave. I stepped closer to him again, never braking eye contact, I gently touched his arm again, and he embraced me. His arms were enveloping my body like a warm blanket and this incredible feeling crept over me, that finally I felt home.

“We better go back before your boss will realise it’s not funny anymore.” James murmured above me. He slowly pulled away, but didn’t let my hand go.

“Did you see how he smirked at me? The bastard!” I laughed but I quickened my steps into the direction of Ms. O’ Connor’s office. James just laughed and kept his pace beside me.
When we reached the office, I stopped in my steps, and debated in myself a bit but I asked James anyway.

"Would you please give us consent to reopen your case? My boss did extensive research on this case, and he found it downright outrageous."

James didn't replied straight away but he seemed to be in deep thoughts.

"I will give my consent, but only if you stand beside me all the way, no matter what would be the outcome." He said at last and also explained what was the reason he asked the help of the social worker. It was very sad that he had his phone stolen, I could not imagine my life without my smartphone.

"Of course, I'll be right beside you, James, no matter what." I answered, feeling a bit hot, I knew I blushed at the same time while I replied to him.

"This habit of mine to get blushed so easily was getting out of my control." I sighed.

I walked into the office, like nothing particularly happened and James came in too, and dropped himself  leisurely on to the same chair he sat before.
I went to pick up my bag, then fished out my phone. I stretched out my hand towards James, and he took my phone  hesitantly.

“Thanks, Marian, I’ll keep it short.” He said quickly, avoiding my bosses expression.
Speaking of the devil, Mr. London was quite amused by the interaction between James and I, to an extent that it was bordering annoying.
He was clearly enjoying himself, he crossed his legs, and didn’t even try to hide his laugh.
“It's great you two worked out your differences. I guess, Ms. Madsen, you are not a friend anymore, did he upgrade you to a girlfriend?” He chuckled and I must say I wanted to wipe that smirk off of his annoyingly handsome face.
Instead, I smiled back mischievously, and carefully closed my bag. “Mr. London, thank you for your concern, fyi, yes, we talked out our indifference, but the details are not disclosed to the public, so it’s not your business.” I replied to him sweetly.

“Oh, that’s a pity. Anyway , you should know that while you and James were outside trying to look nothing but suspicious, his uncle's attorney gave me a call.” He said nonchalantly, and picked up some document, beckoning to James.
He leaned forward to see the documents from a better angle.
“Therefore if you want me to represent you, Mr. Allbright, I suggest you to sign these documents before it’s too late.” Mr. London finished his monologue, and shoved the papers into James's outstretched hand.

“I know, I’ve done my best to retrieve my inheritance that time, Mr. London, what makes you think that you’d be able to settle this without a trial now?” James spoke up.
“I admit I didn't have a hot shot lawyer  like you, but I’m sure he tried his best to uncover the injustice that had been done.” James continued and my boss listened to him intently.

“True, I can’t guarantee that it won’t go to trial, but I can assure I’ll do whatever I can to discover the truth. If it means I have to use all my resources and connections, by all means, I’ll be more than happy to help.” Mr. London replied to James’s concerns.
My boss stood up, motioned Ms. O' Connor forward, who was still glued to her seat and overlooked the interaction between the three of us.

“James, if you could just sign these power of attorney documents that would give a right to Mr. London to act on your behalf, that would be wonderful.” The social worker said, and stood up, giving a pen to James.
James took the pen, and started to read the document in his hands.

“I’ll read this first, if you don’t mind. I don't want to get into a trap again, no offence Mr. London.” He said and continued to read the document further.

My boss just nodded as an answer, he was like this sometimes, acting all haughty but James understood his agreement.

We sat there for a few minutes in complete silence, until James read the paper then he stood up, placed the document on the corner of the desk and signed it with a swift and smooth movement. He straightened his body then looked Mr. London in the eye:

“I’m ready to sell my soul  to the Devil himself if you can lock that bastard up and get my inheritance back!”


Hello dear readers, hope you have a wonderful first month of 2018 !

It was a bit of a filling chapter from Marian's POV but I think it is necessary  to understand how much injustice James has suffered with his sudden and unexplained emancipation.

What do you think of emancipation in general?

Do you know any youngster who had got him or herself emancipated?

What do you think of Marian' s decision? Do you agree?

Why did James calm down so quickly? (*smirk)

Did Cairo act a bit rude? What do you think?
Let's appreciate the beautiful Marion Cotillard for a moment, along with Cole Sprouse....and of course, our shy and haughty lawyer as usual, the one and only Gong Yoo. (*wink*wink*)

As always I appreciate your votes and comments, I'm happily reply to them, if I can!

Until then, my lovelies....

Happy reading!


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