CHAPTER 34. Maintain your stance at all costs

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Marian POV~

I was in shock. That guy, Adams was dead. I looked at the phone in my hands. My hands slightly trembled as we just finished the brief conversation with the private detective. He said he will liaise with the police and most likely they will take over this case from him.

I had never imagined to get into something this serious.

"Adams came after James the other day." I started but my voice broke and I stopped.

"What? Why didn't you tell me this earlier?" Cairo asked me, his face scrunched up from concentration.

I sighed and I thought I probably  need to make a statement at the police station too. My hands were sweating, and suddenly my day didn't seem to be that good at all.

"James and I were at my place. No, James actually waited for me to go home from work. Then we went into my flat. The guy, Adams must have followed him. We ordered take away food and we thought the food has arrived when there was a knock on the door. It was Adams. I thought first he is the delivery guy. But James stepped into the hallway too and he recognised him instantly." I told Cairo briefly what happened.

"Did they talk to each other? What exactly happened?" Cairo shoved his hand through his hair in frustration.

"I swear I kill your boyfriend if he got himself into a murder case right now." He muttered.

"Whaaat? No! He would never do such a thing." I exclaimed. Without a doubt I was sure he was a good person, and I wanted to keep him safe.

"Right. We shouldn't get into conclusions until the police makes a statement. But I think it would be a good idea to inform James, and also inform the police about this altercation." Cairo explained it further.

" Sure, I can get him at the community college that he attends each afternoon." I said slowly, thinking that James really should have a phone for emergencies like this.
I sat there numbly, still hardly able to believe that the person who was demanding James to go to his uncle's place was dead.

"Then what are you waiting for? The clock is ticking. Go and get him here before the police gets him." My boss demanded, he started to organise some papers on the table.

"I finish this here, you get James here as soon as possible. I have a feeling he is going to need a good lawyer." He finished talking, sighing out loud, then continued to stack up the unread documents in neat rows.

"Ok, I'm off then!" I stood up and left his office quickly.

I was mortified of the thought that James might be a suspect. When I wanted to get my life a bit more exciting, I didn't think it will involve murder cases. Working for a lawyer firm was challenging sometimes, but apart from carrying around heavy folders, other lawyers, or my boss did he actual job. I was just a mere peasant, an assistant running up and down with odd tasks.
Now when I was rushing to the bus stop, I realised how much my life has changed since I finished my course, then that terrible experience in my PhD program. Not to mention that terrible nursing home job, I'm glad I got away from that horrible place.

Thankfully the bus arrived on time and soon I was on my way to the community centre in our district. The bus ride took about twenty minutes and finally I was walking up to the community centre's main door.

I went in, the reception area was empty, and to be honest the whole building looked a bit abandoned its cheap decoration and worn out furniture. There was "be back at 10 min" sign on the table, and it said with small letters I was barely able to read that I should refer to the notice board in doubt.

I looked at the message board beside the reception desk. There was a timetable for the evening college and I checked the time and I realised they are into their first period only. I looked up the room number on the map pinned on the board and I decided to disturb the class by asking James to leave with me.

I found the room, knocked on the door, then pressed the door handle down and I entered.

"I'm sorry to disturb your class. I'm Marian Madsen and I need to talk to one of the students." I told the teacher who looked at me quizzically.

"Sure, but may I know who are you looking for ? " The teacher asked raising his brows at me.

I didn't answer him, just glanced around in the small room, and when my eyes found James's eyes, he stood up and walked up to me.

The teacher just nodded and we left the class room quietly.

When he closed the door behind us, and we were a few steps away on the corridor, I broke the silence.

"Thank God, I got here on time. We got a problem, James. I don't know how to say it ... but listen, Adams is dead." I blurted out to him.

"What? Are you serious? That bastard couldn't wait till I get to know the truth?" James exclaimed.

"You need to come to the office with me immediately. My boss wants you there for a statement." I explained it to him further.

"Right, of course, I wouldn't talk to the police or anyone without him. Let's go then, algebra is boring anyway." He smiled at me, then grabbed my hand and we started to walk towards the exit.

As we walked to the bus stop I looked down at our intertwined fingers. "He really likes me." The thought ran through me, and it warmed me from inside out.

"Aren't you afraid or worried of this new development? I asked him as we arrived to the bus stop.

He smiled at me then lifted up our conjoined hands a bit and looked at it.

"No, why would I be worried? I've done nothing wrong, it has nothing to do with me in the first place. I was probably sleeping on your sofa when it happened, I guess." James explained it to me, keeping his voice low, so other passengers couldn't hear him.

"You are right, you were sleeping like a log, I am sure of that." I laughed, and poked him on his side.

"Ouch, are you already abusing me?" He joked, let out a small laugh and that genuine, crystal clear sound made its way to my heart.

I didn't know what he was doing to me, but regardless his circumstances, I was falling for this guy and couldn't do anything about it.

It was inevitable. He was my magnet and I obliged without any resistance.

He leaned closer to me, just close enough to my ear so I could feel his hot breath on my skin when he spoke.

"You could abuse me in any way, Marian." His hot breath caressed my skin and the meaning of his words made my skin brake out in goose bumps. I gulped and it didn't go unnoticed by him. He chuckled then kissed my neck gently and quickly retreated to his standing position.

I went red gradually, I could feel my cheeks burning up slowly and thankfully it was cold enough so I could blame it on the nippy wind.

The bus came and we hopped on, there were a lot of passengers on it already, so we had to squeeze together like sardines. I didn't complain when James stepped to me, encircling me with one of his arms, and our bodies flushed together. He reached up and held onto one of those plastic triangles. He was quite tall compare to my small frame. I pulled closer and cling to him as we rode the bus to Southwark.

I was glad to get off the bus to get some much needed fresh air but I wasn't too happy to let James go but reluctantly I let go his waist and we got off with the crowd.

He didn't let my hand go.

We made our way navigating through pedestrians towards my work place. James only let my hand go when we arrived to the entrance.

I got in first and he followed me into the building. I smiled at Daniel, the receptionist, as I was relieved to know his name. I saw from the corner of my eyes that James raised his eyebrows at this small gesture and I laughed in myself.

"He couldn't be more wrong. Daniel is most likely gay and have the hots for our boss." I remembered the way Cairo pushed Daniel out of his office just hours before. I still couldn't get my head around that scenario but something was odd, definitely. Cairo disclosed that he is gay and I guess he is in love too. I wondered if his partner could be Daniel? I quickly rejected the possibility, although they behaved odd but somehow they had no chemistry at all.

They were just weird.

My thoughts was interrupted when we came to a halt on the corridor as Cairo stepped out from his office.

"Oh, great you are back already! Wait for me in my office, Marian. I'll be back in five." He said it quickly then he zoomed down the corridor hastily.

"Let's get in the office then." I said to James, and opened the door.

"Ok." James replied and waved to me to pass through the door.

I saw Cairo was busy while I was out because the previously scattered papers around his table were neatly stacked from the left side to the right side.

"You can make yourself comfortable." I said to James casually. I stepped to the intercom and pressed the button for reception.

"Reception." I heard Daniel spoke on the other end.

"Hey Daniel, it's Marian here. Would you mind bringing us coffees to Cairo's office? Actually, one for me, and Cairo and a hot chocolate, please?" I asked him politely.

“Sure, so a latte, an Americano and a hot chocolate?” Daniel repeated my order and I felt a bit bad for him. I made a mental note not to rely on him so much.

“Yes, that's right, ...and Daniel, thanks.” I ended the conversation and put the receiver back to its cradle.

“Sooooo..... Daniel, huh?” James asked me, he tried to be look nonchalant but I saw right though him.

“Sooooo .... what, James?” I teased him, rolling my eyes.

“He seems nice.” James added, biting his lips a bit nervously.

“Tell me, you are not jealous.” I called out on him. I smirked and I went to the couch where he was sitting.

“Me, no, not at all.” He answered swiftly. I sat beside him, making sure there was no gap between our bodies.

“Liar, liar, pants on fire!” I whispered into his ears and that set him on literally on fire as he went red in seconds.

“This pants better stay on me and don't catch any fire because this is the only pants I own.” He said quietly, his eyes casted upon his knees.

“Oh my God, James I didn't mean that way.” I replied to him mortified.

James didn't react, and I guessed his embarrassing admission was enough for him to be speechless. I wanted him to feel comfortable around me, I didn't want him to feel shame because of his situation.

“I'm sorry, I didn't mean to embarrass you.” I said to him quietly, and laid my head on his shoulder, half embracing him in the process.

“It's ok, but I really don't want anything to happen to my trousers, ok?” He spoke and I heard uneasiness in his voice.

“Nothing is going to happen with your trousers, don't worry.” I reassured him again.

There was a knock on the door, the sudden noise made me jump away from James. I felt guilty jumping away from him but somehow sitting here, so close to each other was different than walking hands in hands on the street.
“Yes, come in.” I called out and actually I walked up to the door because I knew, it can't be anyone else but Daniel with the coffees. I thought I give him a hand.

“Let me...” James also stood up and beat me into helping with the door, letting Daniel in with the tray.

“Just give it to me, I'll sort it out,” James said to Daniel, and he shut the door in front of the receptionist.

He didn't even wait for Daniel to say something. I chuckled. Obviously he had some reservations against our pretty cute receptionist. It's a pity he was gay. “What was I thinking? Stupid Marian, stupid. You have James, remember!” I scolded myself, I couldn't be that stupid to spoil what we had already between us with unfaithful thoughts.

James looked at me with the tray in his hands questioningly.

“Uhm...just put it on the small table.” I told him, and picked up some documents and placed them to Cairo's table to make room for the tray.

“So now you won't let me talk to Daniel?” I looked at him in the eye. He shrugged, but said nothing.

“He is just a co-worker. I don't even know why I have to say anything.” I continued.

James put the tray onto table then turned to me.

“He is....he is just so well dressed, and he has an office job...” He trailed off sheepishly. 

“James, listen. Just because he is in this job, and he has nice clothes, it doesn't mean that he is more than you or I like him because of these trivial things.” I told him honestly.

“You are in the beginning of your life, your career. You can be anything you want to. I like you. I like you because you are.... you. Nobody can take that away from you. Ok?” I explained it to him, and I know I sounded upset.

Because I was upset.

I was upset about my feelings breaking havoc, because he had so much doubt in me, and he had so little confidence in himself. James stepped to me, and hugged me which I reciprocated by putting my arms around him.

“Thank you. I'm sorry, I'm jealous. You are smart, you are working in this huge law firm, yet still you want to be with me. I'm a nobody.” James murmured into my neck.

His words made me even more upset than I was.
“James, you are not a nobody. Stop this nonsense right now.” I said it to him, using a tone that I would use with my bastard brother when he was about to steal something from my place.

James didn't answer, but hugged me tighter and buried his face in my neck. He smelled of my shower gel and that somehow managed to bring a smile on my face.

The door suddenly opened as Cairo burst through it, more folders in his hands, and he also held a plastic bag in between his teeth. I quickly stepped away from James to my boss and caught the dangling bag before he dropped it.

“Phew...I thought I'm gonna drop those pastries! “ He stated. James gathered the papers from him and placed them onto his desk already.

“What is this atmosphere here? Did someone die? Oh yeah, sorry, Adams, the chauffeur  died.  Sorry, I'm being inconsiderate here. “ Cairo babbled away, then he picked up his Americano from the small table.

“Hi James, thanks for coming in.” He continued casually.

“I have good news, and bad news. Which one do you want to hear first?” He looked at James with a more serious face.

"Good afternoon, Mr. London." James started to speak  but I interrupted him, by taking him by the elbow and manoeuvre over to the sitting area. We sat down together and I picked up his mug and handed over to him.

“Let's  heard the bad one first.” I said to my boss and proceeded to start on my own coffee too.

“All right. The bad news that the police opened an investigation about the circumstances of Adams's death. They traced his movements back to your apartment, Marian.” Cairo announced.

“Great. So what do we do now? Should I go to the station or something?” I asked him nervously.

“No need, this is the good part.” He looked at his phone, then continued.

“Inspector Williams is on his way to here to have your  and James's statement.” He said it nonchalantly.

I looked at him shell shocked. I was sure I looked the way how I felt, utterly shocked and in disbelief.

"How do they know that we are here?" I asked stupidly.

"Marian, of course I rang them and gave the information to their disposal." Cairo replied, with his mug in his hand, he sat down behind his desk.

"We have about half an hour before they get here. Now this is the time, when you tell me everything, James, then Marian, you can add your part into his story too." My boss leaned back on his leather office chair and faced me.

“All right. I tell everything from the beginning. “ James said and turned to me, grabbed my free hand and intertwined our fingers again.

“Do you mind if I record it?” Cairo asked.

“No, not at all, I guess it is for legal reasons. “ James said.

I took another sip of my coffee and listened to the conversation between them. I nervously pressed my legs together, and didn't miss how James looked at my legs, so I crossed them again and faced Cairo.

“Yes, it is for legal reasons.” My boss explained it to James, then he continued.

“Also, I meant to say it to you earlier, Marian, you have to explain your relationship to James, in details.” He said, and somehow by hearing his words I felt my face going pale.


Hello lovelies,

It's been a while... I have to apologize again, I was unable to update as I had a serious writers block. Now I am trying to find my way back to this story, and I can tell, ideas came to my mind in the most unexpected circumstances.

We are here, again, at a cross road. Marian needs to explain her relationship with James in an extent.

Will she be able to do that?

What about James? How his story will enfold? What do you think?

Who wants to meet our Inspector Williams? 🤔🤣 Let me know if you are interested... (smirk)

Should James get a phone?

Poor Daniel is being pushed and ordered around in the office. Who wants to read more about him?

Lets see what happens next!

*Until next time!*Happy reading!*



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