One Emotion-Love

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Quick A/N:The theme song of this chapter is Wild by surprise surprise, Troye Sivan.

"Noooo!" I heard a loud yell before slim hands wrapped around my torso,making my body jerk forward which wasnt a good thing considering the fact that I was sitting on the edge of a building!

"What the? Get off me!" I struggled against the tight hold.

"No way Grumpy. Your not dying today." The person said stubbornly.

Recognizing the lavender scent and silly nickname,I sighed heavily. "Well if you don't let me go then I might as well." My fingers were gripping the cemented ledge tightly so as not to fall over from her forceful hold.

She stubbornly held on. "Not until u promise not to jump. I can't believe you still came here after my life changing speech."

Life changing? "I didn't come here to kill myself Moron I came here to wait for you. I couldn't find the stupid waterfall you showed me before."

"Really?" Her tight grip loosened and I had to nod once before her hands removed themselves from my body entirely. "My bad."

I finally relaxed back into my former position and turned my head to look at her. "Yes,your bad." My eyes lingered on her for a moment more than they should.

Her hair was still as blond as ever and she wore an eye scorching deep yellow t-shirt with marching yellow pants but lighter in colour. But that wasn't what drew my attention,well of course all the yellow drew my attention but what really got me were her arms. They were an odd ivory pale colour and were much skinnier than average.

She raised an eyebrow at my long stare and I searched for words to cover up. I knew what it felt like to be misjudged and didn't want to make her feel insecure. I jerked my head at her clothing, "so what are you supposed to be,the sun?"

"What,you dont like yellow?" She spun around.

No. I stood up from my spot on the ledge and dusted off my pants. "Doesn't matter. Can we go now?"

She gave a mischievous smile and wiggled her eyebrows at me."Eager aren't we?"

"Just bored,and also a little bit curious. Now are we going or not?"

"Fine fine." She sighed and walked further towards the building's edge before stepping back immediately. "Don't know how you can sit close to the edge like that. You might slip,and fall and-"

"Die? That was actually what I was aiming for."

"Not after today you won't." She glanced at her watch,"its actually just four but the earlier the better they say." Gripping my jacket,she dragged me off the roof.

**** **** **** **** ****

Her brown eyes were focused on my chewing mouth expectantly as she rested her chin on her palm. "So how is it?"

I swallowed the spicy hot chicken and licked my lips. "Horrible." I said even as I reached for another wing.

"Am glad you like it." She shifted the plate of wings towards me. "I told you this diner served the best chicken in the city."

I nodded along and kept munching on the chicken,within a couple of minutes I had finished the whole serving. The plate holding a bunch of bones.

She chuckled "For a lean guy you sure eat a lot."

"Look who's talking." I cleaned my mouth behind a napkin only now noticing she hadn't eaten a thing.

"You aren't a vegetarian are you?"


"So why didn't you take anything?"

She averted her eyes and played around with the straw in her smoothie. "Am not really hungry."

"Are you sure you don't want to grab-"

"Am fine silly. Now drink your milkshake." She practically ordered.

"Oh..kayy." I lowered my head cautiously and sipped. I moaned in pleasure before I could stop myself.

"Am guessing you like it?"

I shrugged my shoulders and went for another sip,"its not bad."

"That's one reason to live isn't it? The awesome food?"

The faint sound of bells jingling ghosted over my eyes and Chandler's eyes opened up a width wider.

"Uh oh." She whispered and then knelt down on the floor. Bending over and climbing under the table.

I looked around to see some other people doing same. The rest of them bore the same confused look I did.

I lowered my head to look under the table to see her kneeling,"Chandler what the hell is going on?"

She got a hold of the edge of my black pants and pulled on it. "Get in here Drixx. Quick." I listened to her and crouched beside her when I noticed basically everyone was under the table.

"You better tell me wha-"

"Shhh!" I shut up when I saw how desperate she looked.

Heavy boots could be heard walking down the diner's aisle.

Clomp Clomp Clomp

It stopped right beside our table and I could see the brown heavy boots obviously been worn by a man.

Something heavy dropped on our table and as the man's deep voice counted I concluded that it must have been some kind of bomb. Nice going Chandmoron.


Chandler's suddenly tense demeanor changed to one of expectation and excitement as she counted along with the man. Wait,was she in on this?


The numbers were now being heard all over the diner coming from other people.

So I was surrounded by terrorists? Great. She couldn't just let me have my nice peaceful death huh. Now I was going to be blown into a million pieces.

She slowly rose from her spot under the table and stood with everyone else,her face-eating grin on her face. I stood up too and pointed a finger at her. "Chandler when we get to hell I swear am gonna kill you a thousand times ov-"


She stepped out with a couple of people unto an open space in the diner and I looked down at our table to see it wasn't a bomb at all but actually a music player.

"Please don't tell me its a-"


Five Seconds of Summer's 'English love Affair' blasted through the speakers as they moved along to the beat. Shaking their bodies and performing classic dance steps.

"-flashmob." I face palmed and let my hand slide down my face as I sat down heavily. My chin was propped up on my hand as I looked on in wonder.

She was a surprisingly good dancer.

Her hand came up and she curled her fingers,beckoning on me.

She's got to be literally crazy...right? She can't seriously expect me to get up there with with her and dance?

"Drixx! Drixx! Drixx! Drixx!" She chanted and eventually the whole diner joined her.

No no no no no. Just no. She danced her way over to me and pulled me up. I had no choice but to follow behind her awkwardly.

Everyone else surrounded me and kept chanting my name.

Not thinking twice about it,I grabbed her hand and walked over to the exit,pushing the doors harshly and dragging her out.

"WHAT. THE. ACTUAL. FU-" The rest of my words were muffled by her hand.

"No swearing where am at Mister."

I brushed her hand away. "Fine then. What the actual dunkin donuts happened in there?"

"Am gonna pretend you just didn't use donuts to replace a swear word. What happened in there",she pointed behind me at the diner,"is called a flash mob. Its when a group of people-"

"Of course I know what a flash mob is. What I don't understand is why-" I was being pulled away from the diner's entrance.

"Wait am not done talking." I tried to wiggle out of her grip but she had a surprisingly firm hold.

"You can do that when we get to the arcade."

"Arcade?" That was actually not a bad idea.

**** **** **** **** ****

Okay,the Arcade is officially the best place in the whole world. There were so many games around me I felt I could explode! Am normally not a good dancer but the DDR was pretty easy to play.

I have also concluded that Chandler might be short of a few nuts in her head. She entered the arcade all giggles and laughter, squealing at every game point she got and stuck out like a sore thumb with her yellow clothing. The girl had to be crazy. And don't get me started on her singing. It was like listening to a frog who hadn't drunk water for weeks! Yes,it was that bad.

It was even worse when she tried to hit the high notes in Adele's hit song 'Don't you remember' from the Karaoke machine.

Thankfully we were out of there now and kept stopping at every 'fun'- Chandler's words not mine- place and trying new things. The blond not failing to remind me after every single one that it was a reason to keep living.

Sincerely speaking after tasting that milkshake from the flash mob diner I definitely didn't intend to die anytime soon.

"Hey watch it." She had stopped suddenly and I had almost slammed into her back.

Moving around her I saw what she was staring so intently at. An amusement park.

Without a doubt my hand was gripped in hers and she dragged me towards the Ferris wheel.

Twenty one minutes later...

"Bbbllaarrgghhh!!!" Chandler's face was buried in the large trash can as she hurled her guts out. All thanks to the Ferris wheel.

I had to hold her hair up as she kept making retching sounds. She finally lifted up her head and rinsed her mouth out before gulping down the water I offered her.

"That was fun." She croaked out. Taking wobbling steps, she walked towards a huge ride thingy.

I held her back by her shoulder. "Wait,your not going for another ride are you?"

"No we are going for another ride. The screaming pendulum," she pointed at the area were sure enough loud screams could be heard.

See what I mean,crazy.

**** **** **** **** ****

We went to a photo booth right after she hurled her guts out again. Just as we were about to leave she motioned at some shooting game and I won her a large yellow teddy bear(her choice not mine).

By the time we got to some high profile club it was already after nine pm. Don't know how she did it but she got us into the club.

It was as hot as an oven and sweaty smelly bodies kept pushing up against me. I swallowed hard as I tried to push back the vomit coming up my throat when a particular 'bad'(let's just call it that for lack of a better word) body odour pushed up against me. I had a very sensitive nose.

"Chandler could you.." I trailed off as my eyes settled on her. She really was a great dancer. No scratch that,she was an amazing dancer. I watched as she twirled round and round,laughing softly with that grin of hers that always seemed to be too big for her face.

My breath caught in my throat as she lifted my hands from my sides and placed them on her waist,her own hands going around my neck. I stood stiffly for a second or two before I even moved my legs.

She disconnected her hands from my neck and give me a mischievous smirk before starting a chant.

"We got a birthday boy in the house!"

I let out an exasperated sigh. Not this again. And it was certainly not my birthday. I don't know how it happened with how noisy the club was being but she got everyone to hear her.

Their eyes all fell on me as they chanted loudly.

"Go Drixx! Its your birthday! Go Drixx! Its your birthday!"

Well here goes nothing.

**** **** **** **** ****

My cheeks were as hot as a furnace and for once I was grateful for the darkness. "I told you I wasn't a dancer."

"I know but a chicken dance? Seriously?" Chandler let out a loud laugh as one of her hands held onto the ledge of the building we were currently sitting on. Our legs swinging over it. It was the same apartment building we met at earlier. My residence.

"I was trying to do the robot."

"And failing very miserably at it I must say." She managed to squeeze the words out in between her laughter.

I didn't reply and I guess that's what made her stop in between her continuous cackle. Long fingers wrapped around my arm. "Come on Drixxy I was just kidding okay."

I still didn't reply. "Oh come on don't be such a grumpy little baby." She retracted her hand to rub along her arm and I realized she must be cold,the huge teddy bear she had squeezed to her chest obviously helping her none.

Shifting closer,I put my arms around her and she felt abnormally warm and feeble. There was a comfortable silence for a while.

"I know what your thinking." She said,her voice low.


"That am much thinner than your average girl." I tried shaking my head but she stopped me. "Don't deny it,I saw the way you looked at me earlier today and it definitely wasn't the 'your so sexy I wanna jump you' look.

"Trust me Chandler I don't think your thin at all just,well..pleasantly slender," I hugged her to my side,"and definitely sexy."

She looked up at me sharply and I could see her eyes shinning through the darkness.

I don't know what exactly possessed me at that moment. Maybe it was the heat being created from our touching skin,her addicting lavender scent or maybe even her brown mahogany eyes,but whatever it was,am glad it did because that night,I had the best kiss of my life.

Yeah she might be crazy,but she was also the most amazing girl I had ever met.

**** **** **** **** ****

I stumbled into my apartment in the early morning to see my dad pacing the length of the sitting room and running his hand through the brown hair so much like mine. A plump girl sat on the couch pouting,obviously not liking the lack of attention. She must be the 'melon' my dad was talking to the other day. What a fitting name. Her round face alone reminded me of a watermelon.

"Son!" I was knocked back by the force of my dad's hug.


He ran his hands along my body.
"Your okay right? Nothing hurts?"

I resisted the urge to walk out the door and come back in again just to feel his arms around me one more time.

"No. Am-am okay."

He breathed out a heavy sigh. "Good." Stepping back,he wore a serious face. "Your grounded young man."

"Grounded?" I repeated again to be sure I heard right.

"Yes. For a week. Maybe next time you'll think twice before staying out all night."

I surprised even myself when I jumped high off the ground and hugged him. "Oh my God Dad you have no idea how long I've been waiting for you to say that." The melon girl gave me a weird look over his shoulder. Like I cared.

Things seemed to be working out pretty great. If I had known I would have done this a long time ago.

Four Weeks Later...

"No Chandler I don't think we should do this." I managed to mutter out when my body was telling me to do the exact opposite.

"But why nooott." She whined as she stopped in the middle of nuzzling my neck to sit on my thighs,her hands around my neck.

"Because I don't think you're in any condition for it. You've been looking ill these days and am really concerned about you Chand. You hardly eat,hardly sleep and even when you do you wake up sweating like a man who's about to be hanged. You seem to be losing more weight everyday and I think its time you go to the hos-"

"Drixxy I told you its just minor phase. Its a girl thing so you wouldn't understand but soon my body will grow out of it."

I let out a sigh,"I hope so."

She stood and walked over to the conjoined bathroom in her room. "I might as well change into my PJs then."

Sweeping my hand through my hair,I looked around her room. It was yellow colour themed. This was my third time being here as we had been dating for weeks now and I was getting used to seeing so much yellow in one place.

I reached for my phone on her bedside table when my eyes caught a paper sticking out of her first drawer. Curious,I pulled it all the way out.

It was a doctor's report. So she had gone to the hospital after all. I swept through it lazily and paused when my eyes caught something.

Acute Myeloid Leukemia

Why would-

I heard a crash from the bathroom and instantly made a run for it from the bed.

It was locked. "Chandler!" I banged on the door. Slamming my fist as hard as I could on the wood. "Chandler is everything okay in there?" Not getting any response,I counted down to five before kicking the door down.

The sight of Chandler's body on the white tiles greeting me. I immediately rushed to her side and shoke her limp body. "Chandler?! Chandler!" I checked her pulse,it was weak but it was still there.

Not waiting a second longer I dived for my phone in the bedroom and called 911,coming back to the bathroom to cradle her head on my thigh. "Please be okay Chandler,please."



Hey everyone. Yea I know you probably wanna strangle me right now for that ending. There's one more chapter left so let's bring down our knifes and other harmful weapons and give the author some time okay.

I would really love it if you guys could lyk leave a comment telling me what u tink is gonna happen in the next chapter.

I also want to apologize becuz I know its being a while since I updated but hopefully by the end of this week or d beginning of next week the third chapter should be up.

The theme song of next chapter is Sia's 'House on Fire'(also Drixx's suicide attempt song) so if you've heard the song you can probably decipher the mood of d chappie.

PS: Don't you just love Sia's new music video of 'the greatest'?

Dats all guys. Cherios! : )

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