Chapter Ten

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"Help... h-help!" I groaned and rolled around in the bed, thrashing about wildly. 

No response.

"Someone help! Please..." I let out another loud moan and yanked at the I.V. in my arm even though it hurt to do so.

Finally, Mallory rushed into the room, breathing hard. She stopped right by the bed. "What's wrong? Lucas, what's going on?"

I squeezed my eyes shut and arched my back. "M-My stomach..." I gasped out.

"Oh no," she breathed. She rushed over to the wall of the room where a small device was mounted to the wall. There, she pressed a button on it and spoke into it. "I need an OR available now and someone bring a prep bed to room thirty-five asap." Then, she came back over to me. 

She pulled the wrecked I.V. out of my arm and put it to the side. "Don't worry, we're going to fix it as soon as we can. Just try to hold on."

I managed a nod.

A few minutes later, a young man pushed another bed into the room and locked its wheels right alongside my bed. He pulled the sheets the rest of the way off my legs and paused. "Where's the key?" He motioned to the handcuff on my ankle.

Mallory reached into her coat pocket and retrieved a key to which she promptly handed over to the orderly. He unlocked the metal before shouting to Mallory. "Help me transfer him. Quickly!"

Mallory grabbed under my armpits while the man grabbed my legs. I still thrashed about. Swiftly, they transferred me to the other bed, but didn't reattach the handcuff. The orderly unlocked the wheels of the bed and began pushing it down the hall. He turned a corner and stopped before an elevator which opened after a few moments. 

Once we were inside the elevator, alone, I stopped my convulsing and pounced on the unsuspecting man. He didn't stand a chance, and I easily knocked him unconscious with a well-placed fist.

Quickly, while keeping an eye on the elevator door, I switched the man's clothes for my own pair of pants and pulled on his clothing. Then, I lugged him onto the bed and covered his form with the sheet that was tucked at the end.

Just in time, the elevator door opened, signaling my exit. I pushed the bed out of the small container, trying to ignore the steady throb of my stomach that was beginning to grow worse. I headed down the hallway, doing my best to blend in and act like I belonged.

I watched the signs overhead, trying to decipher my way out. Several of the signs directed to places like Radiology, or Operation Room, but I still couldn't spot any sign that would tell me where the exit was.

As I turned another corner, I caught glimpse of another sign up ahead. I slightly hurried my pace to catch a glimpse of it before I walked past. Once I was close enough, I read more words that would do me no good, but this time, I also read something that caught my interest.

Head Operations Overseer 

In bold, black letters, it told me of some place that was even better than the exit. If I went there, I might just get the answers that I wanted. Then, I would be able to get out of this place and find my children. 

I followed the signs till they led me to a door labeled with the same black letters. This wooden door was locked when I tried it, so I did the next best thing: I knocked.

There was some shuffling inside, then the door opened, revealing an aged man. He had dark grey hair and wrinkled skin, but his eyes were still bright and fierce. He stared at me expectantly, but I didn't know what to say.

"What do you want?" he snapped, "I'm busy. I thought I told all you guys that I wasn't to be disturbed." 

That snapped me out of my shock. I left the bed at the door and shoved the guy backwards into the room, shutting the door with my foot. Once it was closed, I let go of the man and grabbed the nearest thing to me, a lamp. 

Before he could react, I shattered the lamp base over his head and he dropped like a brick. Satisfied, I dropped the remains of the lamp onto the floor and began getting my hostage situated.

Once I was done, the man was securely strapped to his office chair by the electrical cord from the broken lamp. I had also stuffed his tie into his mouth and made sure to lock the door so we wouldn't be disturbed.

Then I waited for him to wake up. It wasn't too long, though, before he moaned and cracked open his eyes. He began to thrash about with wide eyes, saying something unintelligent through the wad of fabric.

I pulled the fabric out of his mouth and a stream of cursing followed.

"What do you think you are doing?!" the man demanded, "Do you have any clue who I am?"

"Oh, I have an idea." I leaned back against his desk, facing him.

"Then let me go!"

"Not yet. I need something from you."

The man calmed slightly, "Okay, just... just take my wallet. It has all my cards and about a hundred dollars in cash."

I frowned, "I don't want your money. Don't you recognize me?"

He peered at my face. Then suddenly, his eyes widened. "Y-You... you're one of them," he breathed, "How?"

"I'll be the one asking the questions," I answered. "Now tell me where my kids are."

"Your kids? I... I don't know what you mean."

No. He had to be lying. "My kids. Someone took them. Where are they?!" I shouted, leaning closer to him. 

He shied away from me, "I--I don't... I don't know. I don't read individual files. I just oversee the operations. I swear!"

"Then tell me how I can find out. Now," I growled, my jaw tight.

"Uh... m-my c-c-computer," he stuttered, looking over at the monitor to my left on the desk.

I went over to face the monitor and clicked it on, shaking the mouse to get it started. It instantly required a password.

"Password," I demanded. "Now."

"Glutey05," the man whispered.

I typed in the password and waited while it signed me in. Once it was loaded, I scanned through the files of the computer until I came to one labeled with my name on it. 

Clicking on it, I began to read. Some of the information I already knew, like general information. My age, where I lived, stuff like that. I skimmed over that information and went on.

Then my eyes caught something interesting.

Known relations to Lucas Williams. 

I began reading.




Daughter: ALIVE


Possible location of still living relations: Somewhere in the FFA underground. Specific location is unknown. 

I stopped reading after that when it started talking about me again. I got out of the file and shutdown the computer. Slowly, I turned back to the man, who was watching me warily.

"What is the FFA underground?" 

He frowned. "Why do you want to know?"

I slammed my fist down on the desk, causing him to try and jerk away. Sweat dripped down his forehead and onto his dress shirt. "It stands for Freedom For All. They are a rebellion group that are fighting against the government."

CLIFFHANGER ALERT. THE CHAPTER IS NOW DONE. Yes, readers. Yes, I did just do that. Sorry! ...not sorry... hehe.

Anyways, please leave some feedback if you enjoyed! Also, sorry for taking a bit longer for an update. School is crazy and makes my life crazy and makes my brain crazy and then I scream and don't write. Do you see my problem? 

JK. But I'll try to keep the updates to once a week or every other week. Please bare with me!


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