The Proposal

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Mirabela and Pedro had dated for two weeks, and now it was September 15th, the start of Hispanic Heritage Month. The mall was having a party to celebrate, and that's why Mirabela and Pedro were dressed in Hispanic attire.

Mirabela's and Pedro's families had gotten together, and they were having a lot of fun. Before they knew it, a beautiful song played, which made Pedro and Mirabela excited.

"Oh, I love this song," Pedro beamed.

"Es mi canción favorita," Mirabela smiled.

"What's it called?" Lorelei asked.

"'Waiting on a Miracle'," Mirabela replied. "It's a classic Colombian waltz that tells the tragic story about a girl who feels greatly inferior to her successful family."

"¿Quieres bailar?" Pedro offered.

"Vamos," Mirabela smiled.

Mirabela and Pedro went onto the dance floor and started waltzing. When nobody else was looking, Holly went over to River, and they both watched as Mirabela and Pedro danced.

"They've been dating for two weeks already, and they still haven't broken up," River huffed. "Also, if Mirabela wanted to dance, she should've asked me."

"And they're still happy together," Holly sighed. "Also, Pedro, should be dancing with me. Can this get any worse?"

Once the waltz finished, Pedro was ready to do something very special for Mirabela. "Jacaranda, I want you to know that you're a very special girl, the very best girl in the whole world—and I love you with all my heart," he smiled lovingly.

"Te amo también, Pedro," Mirabela blushed furiously.

"Look at them—they're like dos oruguitas," Ramiro smiled. "It's like they got into cocoons when they broke up, and now they're growing into butterflies."

The two families were watching this beautiful couple, and they had a feeling something good was going to happen. Pedro led Mirabela to a bench, and she sat down. Pedro got down on his knee, and then he took out a little box, inside which was a beautiful diamond ring. Mirabela was so surprised that she could barely breathe.

"Mirabela Flores, ¿quieres casarte conmigo?" Pedro asked.

Mirabela couldn't believe this was happening. River and Holly had no idea what Pedro said, but because of the ring, they could tell that he was proposing—and they were hoping Mirabela would say no, but...

"Sí, quiero casarme contigo," Mirabela smiled.

Pedro smiled and slipped the ring on Mirabela's finger, making it official. Mirabela and Pedro were getting married. Many folks had seen the proposal, and everyone cheered loudly. River was green with jealousy, and Holly was downhearted.

"It's not fair," Holly sniffled. "I'm supposed to marry Pedro Espinosa, and he chooses to marry my stepsister. I give up!" She started crying and ran away.

Mirabela had never been so happy in all her life. She couldn't wait to marry her one true love. This was the light she needed after eleven years of grief.

Later, at home, Mirabela was in her bedroom, looking at her engagement ring, and she was beyond excited to start a whole new chapter of her life. Suddenly, she heard a knock on her bedroom door. "Entre," she called.

Calvin, Lorelei, and Ramiro entered.

"Hey, there she is!" Calvin beamed. He ran over and hugged his younger sister.

"Congratulations, Mira," Lorelei smiled.

"¿Ves, mijita?" Ramiro smiled. "You really did find a man to love and marry."

"Sí, Papi," Mirabela smiled, hugging her father. She really was excited for this to happen.

Meanwhile, at River's house, he was in his bedroom, furious at what happened tonight. "Who does she think she is?" he fumed. "That girl has tangled with the wrong man! The minute I met Mirabela Flores, I knew for sure that she could be the perfect wife for me. Then her Colombian ex-boyfriend, Pedro Espinosa, who happens to have come from the same country as her and dated her once, waltzes in, and steals her away from me! What on earth is going through her head? What makes him so special? Well, if that's what she wants, then I have no other option."

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