Haibun - SILENCE

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Haibun pronounced (hay-boon) is a form of poetry originating in Japan that is believed to have evolved into its own style by including the prefatory notes written to present a haiku poem. The style is attributed to 17th-century Japanese poet Matsuo Basho (1644-94). Today a Haibun is a poem that combines haiku verse with prose and may include several haiku alternating or the order may be reversed.

The prose should be written in the first person using descriptive paragraphs with concise and believable yet striking words; set in the present moment with nothing overstated.

The haiku must be of 17 syllables (5,7,5) and should be the representation of something natural. It should not duplicate or define the prose; it should be connected but somehow different.


I'm sitting here in the park watching ninety cars go by every minute. The shops in the distance take a car or two with each change in the traffic lights. A man sits waiting for the bus. The bus finally arrives and he is gone as though never there. Some small birds have gathered in the tree behind me chanting happily but they all too soon leave. A while later a dog followed by an older man roam through the park for a short while forcing me to share. Silence restored until a lady attired in fitness wear jogs prancing on her toes also passes through.

Weeds out of control.
Green grass profusely growing.
Signs that spring has sprung.

Lost in the moment again trying hard to  enjoy nature. Darkness descends and it's time to go home. Nothing it seems stays still.

The grass needs mowing
it's lush long and vibrant green
silence must soon end. 


So this is your bonus haibun:

I found Wattpad in late twenty fifteen by which time it had become the Youtube of stories. I am but one of twenty five million active members; as are you! Crazy to think; ten hours of reading material is uploaded every minute.

Please I ask of you
Don't be a silent reader
Leave your mark behind

Now Each poem I write takes hours of research ensuring the correct structure. The creation of the poem itself well that can take even longer.  I wonder how many hours of work Wattpad holds.

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