Between Dragons: 3

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Finding Morgan's castle was easy, honestly.

Even if I can't sense where the Ley Line disturbance is coming from, it would be impossible to miss the castle that looks like it came out of a children's fantasy book. Black stone, gothic towers, dark clouds, and even lightning in the background.

Though, admittedly, the last two are probably because of the Ley Lines being messed with.

I had to go through several barriers just to get to the territory. The castle itself didn't have any barriers, weirdly enough. Though, that could be because whatever she was doing was probably going to mess with the barrier, so Morgan didn't bother putting up one.

The whole place had guards and golems guarding it. The guards, however, were obvious not human, at least not anymore. Their armors looked a bit darker than normal, and there was black smoke running around their bodies.

They were most likely corrupted by witchcraft.

The castle is pretty well guarded. The guards and golems are on every corner. There's even a moat filled with creatures that look like crocodiles, only bigger and blue.

Sadly for Morgan, she made one mistake, which is making sure the castle is isolated.

I guess she just liked her privacy or she just didn't want any distractions for whatever she was doing, but the lack of surrounding civilians and actual humans gave me free reign to do what I want.

Standing at a safe distance from the castle, just far enough to not be spotted, I pulled out Baraka and turned the blade into lava. Stabbing the sword into the ground, I transformed the field in front of me into a sea of molten flames.

Taking a firm step forward, I dragged Baraka through the the lava and swung upwards, causing the entire ocean of lava to fling forward in the form of a wave towards Morgan's castle.

As expected, nothing was prepared for the giant wave of molten fire, and the entire front of the castle was completely destroyed with everything killed. I just stepped over the remains, solidified the lava into a bridge, and walked into the castle.

As soon as I did, the sky rippled like water and an image of a very angry Morgan appeared. She didn't even glance at the destruction around me and glared directly at me.

"I am feeling very generous today," Morgan started, and I can actually tell she's gritting her teeth. "If you beg for forgiveness and turn back, I may just spare you."

"Wow, you almost sounded convincing," I replied, still walking.

Whatever Morgan was doing, it's not something she can just stop. Her 'generous offer' was just an attempt to make me leave without stopping her work

She was getting desperate.

As soon as I got close to the castle's inner gate, the doors themselves burst open as a large, living armor tried to cut me down as soon as it broke through.

How do I know the armor was alive and that no one was inside? Because I cut it in half vertically and nothing was in there.

From the broken gates, over a dozen more living armors walked out, each one holding a different weapon. Holding my sword up, I turned Baraka into Divine Metal and charged forward.

These armors hardly had any skills to them. It was like fighting the ghouls back in the Land of Shadows. It did serve to show me how much I improved, which was a lot.

It didn't take me long to cut down all the armors. When I was done, I walked inside and looked around. Just as I expected, the place was empty, and Morgan was most likely in the middle.

I walked inside and waited for whatever trap Morgan prepared. I doubted she didn't prepare any with how much security this place has. Just as I thought, the ground under me suddenly vanished.

Turning Baraka into Wind element, I manipulated the air to keep the puppet body floating. Instead of spikes, the bottom of the hole was filled with bubbling, purple liquid. Most likely a form of mystical poison or acid.

Floating to the end of the hole, I stepped on the ground and began walking again. But, not two steps later, and the ceiling came down to crush me. I turned Baraka to stone and stopped the debris before it came halfway through.

Wow, she must be really desperate to just destroy her castle like that, since Mages and Witches tend to be protective of their workshops.

Third POV:

Morgan grit her teeth to the point where she was sure something in there broke, but she didn't care. Any damage can be easily fixed later.

What couldn't be fixed later, however, was her current project if anything went wrong, which is why she was greatly agitated that the Green Knight was currently breaking through all the defences she had, getting closer and closer.

The doors to her throne room were kicked open by said knight. He flicked a piece of wood off his shoulder and looked at her.

"I have to say, if nothing else, your creativity is impressive. I definitely didn't expect the furniture to grow hands and attack me," the Green Knight commented before looking around the room.

The throne room was empty save for Morgan herself and a large magical circle with several materials spread around. In the middle of the circle was the body of a child covered in rags.

"You insist on becoming a nuisance, almost on par with that Flower Fool," Morgan commented, glaring at the Green Knight. Taking a moment to turn to face him, she raised her hand summoned a staff. "Perhaps it is time I do away with you!"

Two new magical circles appeared. One under the Green Knight, and the other above him. From both magical circles, a great blast of magical energy erupted, powerful enough to blind anyone watching of the Green Knight's figure.

The blast kept on for a few moments before it stopped to reveal nothing in place of the Green Knight. Morgan smiled and was about to turn back to her project.

"That would have worked a few thousand years ago," The witch froze and swiftly turned around to see the Green Knight standing near the body of the child. "But, sadly for you, I saw that coming a mile away. Everything you do reeks of magical energy."

"You little-" Morgan pointed her staff again, sending a bolt of lightning towards the Green Knight.

The Green Knight simply raised his sword and the attack was absorbed into the blade. "That's not how you use lightning," he commented, raising his sword and pointing it upwards. "THIS is how you use lightning."

A colossal bolt of electricity suddenly came down from the sky and tore the ceiling of the castle. Anything in it's way would have been destroyed, but neither the Green Knight nor the child were harmed. Instead, the bolt was completely absorbed within the sword.

Holding the blade with the compressed lightning bolt in both hands, the Green Knight took a firm stance before swinging down his sword, releasing all that energy in one attack.

Morgan's vision turned white.

When she began seeing clearly again and the ringing in her ears got weaker, she took notice of the pain she was in. Weakly standing up again, she noticed that dress was mostly gone, and that the left side of her body was covered in burns. Her left arm in itself was almost completely gone.

Looking around, she found her castle a mess. The ceiling was destroyed, the magic circle was ruined, and everything behind her -in the direction that the Green Knight swung his sword- was almost completely gone.

"You're lucky I didn't go for the kill, or give you anything that you can't heal," through the smoke and destruction, she can still hear his voice. Staring ahead, Morgan saw the Green Knight looking back at her while putting away his sword. "Now, kindly be quiet while I take my leave now."

The Green Knight turned and was about to pick up the child when she finally spoke again. "Why?" The Knight stopped and looked at her over his shoulder. "Why are you... doing this? You said you did not care. Why meddle with my plans... when you do not care for what happens to this land?"

The Green Knight stared at her for a few moments before his shoulders began shaking. Soon enough, the sound of laughter reached Morgan's ears, and the Green Knight threw his head back, laughing loudly.

The Green Knight continued his laughter for a good while before getting it under control. Turning around to face Morgan again, he looked her at the eye and she can almost make out something from behind the visor of his helmet.

"It seems you mistook my pity for indifference."

"... What?" Morgan questioned.

"Let me make myself clear: I don't care in the slightest about what feud you have with your family. Frankly, I have half a mind to lock you Pendragons in a cage, give each of you a knife, and let you fight it out," the Green Knight started speaking as he turned to the side and began slowly pacing back and forth. "However, that doesn't mean I'll just sit by while there's actually threats around. The reason I don't care for you, Morgan, is because you simply... are not a threat. I have lived for a long, LONG time and you do not even register as one of the top fifty on the threats I've encountered," the Green Knight stopped his pacing and looked back at Morgan. "The reason I've been ignoring you, however, was not my lack of care, but pity. You, some witch that believes she should be queen just because she was born like her birth was some grand achievement, think you actually matter in the world," laughter broke through his speech. "Hehehe. It's INCREDIBLE how you believe anything here on Britain, be it you, your uncle, or your sister, actually amount to the real threats in this world. If the real threats of this world turned their gaze on Britain, Morgan, they can very well end it within minutes. And yet, despite all that, you-" He motioned to Morgan with his hand. "-still act as if you're actually outstanding through the whole world. An ant joining the battlefield of Gods and thinking its voice is heard? What else am I supposed to feel for you other than pity. You're delusions truly amaze me. It seems as though being ss blunt as possible is the only way to get through you, so listen and listen well," the Green Knight stopped and looked at Morgan directly. "You, Morgan Le Fay, are not fit to be a ruler."

"And that detestable sibling of mine is!?!?" Morgan's rage finally boiled over. "Is this a jest? Am I supposed to laugh now?! A mere puppet for Uther and Merlin has more right to rule than I?!"

"Hmm, true, in that regard, Artoria has no more right to rule than you do, but there is one key difference between you two," the Green Knight walked towards the child again. Kneeling down, they gently picked them up and glanced back at Morgan. "People chose Artoria to be their ruler. Meanwhile, no one will choose you as their queen. Any idiot can own a pot of land and call it a kingdom, but does that truly make them a ruler?" Holding the child in his arms, the Green Knight begN walking away. "You have my pity, Morgan, and one day, you shall have my mercy in the form of a quick death, but not today. Until then, you and the other members of your family can handle yourselves on your own."

With that, the Green Knight vanished into the smoke with the child in his arms.

First POV: Zack

Holding Mordred in my arms, I left Morgan's castle and started heading out of her territory as a whole. I can fix the Ley Lines later.

Speaking of that, I figured out what Morgan was doing.

She was planning to use the Dragon Core Mordred inherited from Artoria to turn Mordred into an actual dragon by powering it enough to do that.

The chances of that working were actually very slim, which just shows why she desperate to take all kinds of precautions and stayed away from distractions.

She was basically trying to create her own Vortigern.

Sighing, I looked at the unconscious kid in my arms. "Your family is giving me nothing but headaches."

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