Camelot Arc Epilogue: 2

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"King Arthur will one day perish."

One day, Merlin gave a prophecy in Camelot that shook the court pretty badly. Many of the knights were in chaos because of it, despite how happy they were that Artoria successfully fought off the Roman invaders.

I, while worried, found it weird because he said that Artoria would die, but didn't say anything about Camelot falling.

Anyway, Artoria received the news better than expected. She was worried, sure, but she didn't desperately look for a way out.

Her knights still wanted her to take this more seriously, so after a lot of persuasion, they convinced her to send out Galahad, Percival, and Bors on a quest to find the Holy Grail.

After that, most of Round Table went on to pass away mostly as they did in the story.

Lancelot had an affair with Guinevere. I would have done something, but Artoria had long ago told me that she didn't expect this marriage to work, and she didn't fault Guinevere or Lancelot for it.

Agravain revealed the affair, so Lancelot killed him in a fit of rage. However, instead of holding an actual execution for Guinevere, Artoria announced an execution just to keep up a public face, and instead allowed Guinevere to meet up with Lancelot so they can escape together.

Gaharis and Galahad's deaths were avoided because of that. Tristan, however, pretty much died the same way except for the fact he left the Round Table not because he didn't believe in Artoria, but because he wanted to settle things with the woman he loves.

He dug that grave for himself, and frankly, everything he got was something he signed up for. I had no reason to meddle with his love-life.

The real problems came from the 'rebellion'.

It wasn't caused by Mordred though. It was caused by a few nobles that ganged up together and collaborated with Artoria's enemies and the Romans.

Basically, Artoria was such a good ruler that nobles couldn't pull anything shady with her around. Honestly, I wasn't really surprised they did that. Even back in Uruk some councilmen tried to pull stuff like that on Gilgamesh.

The examples he made of them pretty much erased any idea of doing something behind his back.

It didn't help that the corrupt nobles also had Morgan backing them up. She gave up on outright using her children and decided to just outright use any idiot she can get her hands on.

Because of the uproar of Lancelot's betrayal and 'escape', alongside the deaths of Agravain and Tristan, the rebells took this chance to attack.

Gaharis and Gareth died protecting Camelot. They did amazing and barely any of the rebels made it into the city itself. Instead, the rest decided to go for Artoria.

Gawain and Mordred died fighting side by side. They managed to take out half of their forces. The other half was taken out by Artoria herself when they confronted her in Camlan.

But, do to the various small wounds she got from the fighting, she was dying from blood loss without Avalon to heal her. After that... Well...

I watched as Artoria gave Bedivere the third order to do his duty and return Excalibur. When he was gone, I came out of hiding.

Walking closer to Artoria, I looked down at her with a sad smile. "Hey. You're not looking so good."

Artoria, who was covered in cuts bleeding down, blinked weakly as she saw me before smiling back the best she could. "I have admittedly seen better days."

The fact she didn't ask to be healed, look angry, or impatient meant she knew I wasn't going to help her. This was her time.

Leaning down, I picked her up and rested her head on my chest. "It's okay. Just relax. Everything is going to be okay."

Artoria hummed as her breathing got slower. "Zack... why did this happen?"

I can actually sense that Excalibur had been returned to the world, which means Bedivere did his job, but I completely ignored that.

"Because, when someone creates something as beautiful as you did, people try to take it out of jealousy," I replied, holding her gently. "You made something amazing, Artoria. Camelot was the source of envy for many people. You have nothing to regret."

Artoria's breathing kept getting slower before she spoke again. "Zack... was I... a good king?"

"Yes," I instantly reply without any hesitation. "You were an incredible king."

Artoria gave one last weak smile before she closed her eyes and her breathing got slower again... Before it outright stopped.

I took her into the Empty Bridge and placed her in my Reality Marble. I would have buried her in Avalon, but I had something to take care of.

Something related to the Witch currently trying to pass through the Empty Bridge.

Third POV:

Morgan smiled. She had finally done it and got her sister killed. Her kingdom may still be around, but she can take care of it later. For now, she just had to find the Mage of Flowers that escaped and deal with him.

She knew she had to pass on by the Empty Bridge, but she doubted that the Mirror of the Planet would allow Merlin to pass either, meaning she can catch him there.

Morgan's thoughts were cut off as she saw the Green Knight standing in her way. Almost growling, she stopped and started glaring at him.

"What do you want?" Morgan asked, glaring at the green suit of armor.

The Green Knight sighed. "Still in your delusions of supremacy. Well, it doesn't matter. This is your end anyway."

"Didn't you say that my dealings with my family are my own? Why are you in my way?" Morgan asked, using the Green Knight's words against him.

"Oh, and I meant it. But, when you try to cross this place? It's my business," the Green Knight replied before reaching up and taking off his helmet.

Morgan was confused and got ready for a fight... until she saw the marks on the Green Knight's eyes.

It didn't take her a second to recognise the mark of the Planet's Mirror. All colors left her as she recognised who exactly was standing in front of her.

Before she can take a step back and attempt to flee, the whole area around them changed from nothingness into a forest she did not recognise. She saw the man in front of her go stiff like a statue, and heard something move and stand behind her.

"You still think your voice is heard in this world," the same voice of the Green Knight spoke behind her as she found herself unable to make a single move.

A figure walked around her and Morgan's eyes instinctively followed the movement of the wooden monster with the mark of the Planet floating behind them.

"Do you remember what I told you, Morgan?" Zack asked as he looked around, his glowing, white eyes never meeting Morgan's blue ones. "I told you that the only mercy you would get from me is a quick death. That hasn't changed despite everything you did."

Morgan felt something take hold of her arms and legs. Looking down, she found tree roots are holding her in place. She attempted to use her witchcraft to escape, but found that she couldn't.

"I'm honestly pretty angry for everything you did to your family. Your sister and children victims of your pettiness," Zack finally turned to face Morgan. She had never felt as small as being forced to stand in front of him as the mark of the Planet glowed brightly behind him. "But... That doesn't change that this is an act of mercy. You're truly pathetic Morgan. I am not killing you out of the anger I feel, buy out of feeling sorry and not wanting you to keep this... ridiculous existence where you keep thinking you're more meaningful than you actually are."

Type-Earth reached for something on the side. Morgan couldn't mover her eyes to see what he was grabbing, too frozen with fear. Pulling something in front of her, she finally looked and saw... Caliburn.

"You must really hate this sword," Zack held the sword up and looked at it closer. "After all, this sword marked the path of kinghood to your sister. You even went so far to steal it and hide it. It only makes sense that the sword that marked the beginning of your sister's greatness is the one to end your misery," the Ultimate One raised the sword. "I pitiful end for a petty person."

The last thing Morgan saw was the flash of Caliburn's blade as it swung for her neck.

First POV: Zack.

After dealing with the nuisance, I left her corpse in the Empty Bridge. Killing her quickly was mercy, but I wasn't merciful enough to give her a burial. Proper or otherwise.

Instead, I went back to finish burying Artoria in Avalon. Once I finished, there was a small grave covered in flowers within the endless plains of flowers. I, of course, had to use the puppet body for this since I couldn't do this with Nature's Law following me everywhere.

"Well, things have certainly took a bad turn, didn't they?" I looked behind me to see Merlin standing there, staring at the grave.

I knew he was there. I knew he passed the Empty Bridge, because I let him. I also know he was watching me deal with Morgan and was also watching me dig Artoria's grave.

"You okay?" I asked immediately.

"Hmm, well, not exactly?" He didn't sound sure in the slightest. "I mean, a lot of stuff happened. I'm gonna need some process everything."

"I mean emotionally. Are you alright?" I clarified.

Merlin raised an eyebrow at me. "I don't understand."

I sighed, realising he didn't notice. "Merlin, you're crying."

Merlin blinked at me before raised his hand and touching his cheek, finally noticing the wetness. He looked at the tears in his fingers and blinked again.

"Oh, so THIS is crying," Merlin tried, and failed to put up his usual smile. "I never knew I could do it. I didn't even think it was possible for me to produce tears," his smile slowly vanished. "I... don't think I like this feeling."

"It's called sadness. It's pretty normal to feel when your daughter dies," I said, walking towards Merlin. I stood at his side, placed one of my arms around his shoulders, and pulled him closer. "Just know that, at least, you're not alone. It... gets easier with time, believe it or not... at least you can shed tears."

Which is a lot more than what I did when my daughter died.

Merlin stayed in Avalon after that. He's not trapped there, though. It's just a form of self-exile.

As for Camelot itself? Since most knights didn't leave and stayed to defend it with Gaharis and Gareth, the city itself did not fall, despite Artoria's death and the Round Table's destruction.

It just fell into decline but not completely.

In modern day, there is a town in Britain called Camelot, which is the remains of the kingdom. One day a year, the citizens would just white or paint their house walls white to celebrate the White Wall Festival.

All and all, while it isn't a happy ending, Camelot still had a far better ending than it originally did.

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