Festival of the White Walls: 3

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The festival got off to a great start.

As soon as the sun rose, children and people began filling the streets with each having one white thing, either clothes or even just a simple bracelet.

Because of the name of the festival, everyone decided that the theme should be white and that you should have at least one white thing on you. Artoria, for example, wore a white cape instead of her usual blue one.

Speaking of Artoria, at high noon, she had to give a speech. She spent the entire last night practicing for it with me and Kay helping. She wanted the speech to sound good while also not coming off as so emotionless, so me and Kay actually had to help her with what expression to take in each part.

A lot of them were awkward, but after a full night of practice, she managed to pull them off without looking like the sides of her face were being squeezed by someone.

While it wasn't perfect, her speech was a success, and then she followed it with announcing the completion of Camelot's walls. While the people celebrated and the nobles congratulated her as she came down from the stage, anyone who REALLY knew her can tell she was worried the entire time that she would mess up.

The archery tournament went great. Lots of people participated, and the winner was the son of a retired veteran that was too old to join the contest himself, do his son signed up for him.

The joust matches, admittedly, had more of a reaction and cheers from the people, which wasn't really that surprising. To even the number of matches, Agravain and Tristan decided to step down from the match.

It started off with a match between Gawain and Percival. Percival was talented, but Gawain had more experience and, frankly, was stronger than Percival currently is, and that showed when Percival was taken off his horse easily.

The match between Kay and Lancelot was more interesting. It was a give or take, but I guess Lancelot aimed better because, while they both struck their opponent, Kay was the one that was knocked off his horse, while Lancelot managed to stay on his just barely.

The final match was between Lancelot and Gawain. Lancelot, admittedly, had more skills, but Gawain had more strength and raw endurance. I guess what tipped this match was motivation.

Gareth and Gaharis, Gawain's younger siblings, were watching the match, and like every big brother in the world, Gawain wanted to both show off and convince them their big brother is strong.

They both struck but Gawain must have gave his all because, while he hardly flinched, Lancelot was practically thrown off his horse, harshly. Artoria's lips twitched, worried that Gawain's actions would be counterproductive, but Gawain getting off his horse and helping Lancelot up was seen as good sportsmanship by the people.

After the tournaments, Artoria gave a far shorter speech, which was basically just telling everyone to enjoy the festives, before she and the knights went to a party in the castle for the nobles.

I, sadly, had to join them.

"So, how are you hanging?" I asked Lancelot at our table.

Rolling his right shoulder where Gawain struck him, Lancelot frowned. "It will be a few days before I'm at top shape again, but nothing that should hinder my work."

"Make sure it doesn't," Agravain commented, taking a sip of wine. "After a celebration like this, we have to keep a good image for some time to prove this whole thing wasn't just for show."

"Where is Gawain, by the way?" I asked, noticing he wasn't with us.

"He said that he wanted to leave early to check on his siblings," Tristan answered.

I looked at Agravain curiously. "Aren't you going with him? They're your siblings, too," I asked.

Agravain groaned. "Those two were not even born by the time I left. They have no connection to me beyond blood, and they have made it clear their reliance is on Gawain."

I mean, he's not wrong, but still...

Seeing the crowd around Artoria thin out, I decided to go see her since we didn't have many chances to talk when the festival began.

Walking closer to her, I saw her talking to a woman in a green dress with long green hair. The woman saw me and bowed her head. "Excuse me, King Arthur, I believe someone wishes to speak to you. I shall take my leave."

The woman left and Artoria turned her attention towards me. "Friend of yours?" I asked since the woman didn't refer to Artoria as 'your majesty'.

Artoria nodded. "Yes, Guinevere is an old friend," Oh, so that was Guinevere? "She and I are in... a complicated relationship."

"Is it related to marriage?" I asked, taking a seat besides her at her table.

She was obviously caught off guard. "How did you know?"

"Call it a lucky guess," I replied before going into it further. "So, what is it exactly? Your relationship?"

Artoria sighed before looking around, probably making sure no one was within earshot. "Guinevere and I... are set to be married."

"Hmm, a marriage on paper meant to keep public face," I observed. "You know, a marriage like that isn't really gonna hold."

Artoria sighed. "I am aware. However, as a King, I need a queen, and Guinevere is someone I can trust with that position."

Sadly, she's right. The current social norm is that a king needs a queen, even if just one to keep public face. That's just how this era works.

"Well, just a heads up, don't ask me for advice on this subject. I'm the worst person to ask when it comes to love," I stated before smiling at her. "Anyway, congratulations. Your first festival has been great."

"Really?" Artoria immediately brightened up. "That's great to hear. I was worried it was too small."

"That's normal for your first festival. There wasn't many ideas or traditions to work with. Over time, the festival will grow bigger with each idea the people come up with to spend on it," I replied before looking around. "Where is Merlin? I haven't seen him here."

"He left early," Artoria replied casually.

I blinked at her. "That's an option?!"

"You don't have to stay," Artoria replied with a shrug. "Unless you want to get better acquainted with the nobles, and Merlin doesn't really care for that."

"Well, I don't either," I said getting up. "Once again, congratulations on a successful festival. I'm going to 'sleep' for the night."

Honestly, I just wanted to take the chance to rest in my real body. This flesh puppet still feels wrong and weird even after all this time.

Passing by Merlin's tower, I stopped as I sensed two magical signatures. I would have thought Merlin scored with a woman, but the energy was a bit too much for some random lady.

Deciding to check on things, I walked up the stairs and got closer to the door. To listen in on what's going on. I heard two voices arguing as soon as I got close.

"You must know something! Anything!"

"And I told you, I know nothing. This person appeared out of nowhere. I have no information on them."

"If Vivian knows, then you must know!"

One of the voices was Merlin, and the one yelling at him was... Morgan?

This just got dicy. Lifting the sleeve of my suit to reveal a few engraved Runes, I tapped them and to pull out the helmet from my Green Knight armor. Putting it on to hide my face and eyes, which bear the mark of Type Earth, I slowly opened the door to walk in.

Merlin was held upside down in a magical circle, apparently caught in it. Morgan was glaring at him with her staff raised at his neck, with several other blades getting closer to Merlin.

"I recognise your enchantments on his armor. You must have had something to do with him," Morgan stated, giving away what they were talking about.

"You can just ask me personally, you know," I stated and Morgan whipped around, summoning a blue fireball in her hand. "Now, now, if you make a ruckus, the people downstairs will realise what's going on."

That seemed to make her stop whatever she was planning, but she still smirked. "And if YOU do anything, he dies," she moved her staff and the blades near Merlin got closer.

"Do it, I don't care," I said, shrugging my shoulders. "I have no attachments to this kingdom or the people in it. I'm just here for a job, not to work for Arthur or get involved in this family feud between you two."

Obviously, that's an exaggeration. I actually do consider a few people here as friends, but she didn't need to know that.

"If that claim is true, why did you interfere with my plans," Morgan replied, her glare intensifying.

"I'm not," I shrugged again, this time raising my hands with a helpless motion. "You just happened to attack at a really bad time. I have no intention to actually interfer with whatever plans you have. Heck, I didn't even call in Arthur or anyone when I found out you were here."

Morgan scoffed. "So, you choose the role of an observer, is that it?"

"Honestly? Yeah," I nodded motioning to Merlin. "Now, you might want to leave. He's been messaging Arthur with his Mage-craft while were having this conversation."

Morgan's eyes widened and she turned back to Merlin to see him smile smugly at her. She groaned loudly before tapping her cane and a mirror like portal appeared under her before she sunk into it.

When Morgan was gone, the blades around Merlin vanished, but he was still trapped upside down in the air. Walking closer, I took off my helmet and stored it away with the Runes in my arm.

"She got you good, huh?" I asked sarcastically.

"Haha, in my defence, I never expected her to be so bold as to appear right into my workshop. I assumed it was Vivian rather than Morgan, so I admit that I let my guard down," he laughed it off before tilting his head. "Now, can you please put me down? I'd rather not be caught in such an embarrassing position."

Staring at him for a few seconds, I grinned.

Third POV:

Artoria ran through the halls and up the stairs. She managed to leave the party without alerting anyone that something was wrong, which wasn't easy.

Bursting through the doors of Merlin's workshop, she saw that her sister was no longer there. Zack was chuckling and Merlin was upstairs down in the air with... drawings on his face.

Merlin's face had a weird mustache, freckles, and an eyepatch drawn over his eye.

"I'll get you for this," Merlin stated, glaring at Zack. "I swear on my name as Merlin the Mage of Flowers, I will get you for this."

Artoria can count the amount of times she heard Merlin sound so serious on one hand.

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