Little Mo: 4

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It's been a while since I was last in Camelot. A few months, maybe. So, I decided to pop in for a visit. Thankfully, I had Runes prepared in the room they made for me in the castle.

Once my puppet body was in place, I transferred to it and got up to stretch. Looking around, I saw that the room has not been touched since the last time I was here. There's even dust everywhere, which I should probably take care of

But that's for later.

After getting out, I started walking around without any destination. I was okay running into anyone to catch up and see how things are.

I ran into a few guards and knights that knew who I was and 'welcomed me back' from the 'long trip' I was on. I suppose that's the story Artoria made up to explain my absence.

The first person from the Round Table I ran into was Bors. "Sir Bors, its good to see you again," I greeted.

Bors stopped and smiled at me. "Ah, Zack. Welcome back. It has been some time."

"How have you been in my absence?" I asked.

"I've been well, thank you, and you?" We just had a bit of small talk.

After catching up with Bors for a bit, I asked for Artoria and got told she's in the throne room. Bidding Bors goodbye, I made my way to meeting with the king of Camelot.

Getting into the throne room wasn't really a problem since the guards know me and Artoria wasn't doing anything important. She was just handling some papers with Bedivere and Kay being close by.

"Zack?" Artoria's attention immediately turned to me when I came in. She smiled as I got close. "Welcome back. It's been some time."

"I wouldn't know. My prospective of time can be pretty screwed," I replied before smiling back at her. "It's good to see you again, and that goes for you, too, Bedivere, Kay. How have you been? Everything going well?"

Artoria's smile got smaller but was still there. "Mostly. We're focusing on expanding Camelot now that Vortigern is gone. Though, it's not easy with some of the minor mystics acting up."

I guess that makes sense. With the big bad dragon now gone, the lesser mystics must think its their time to make their move. I'm not that surprised since they were stupid enough to stay in the Mortal World despite my warning.

"Well, I'm sure you'll handle it," I assured her. "How is the deal with Mordred going?"

Passed the paper she was holding to Kay before taking one that Bedivere offered her as she replied, "She's been doing well. She should be with Gawain right now."

I blinked at her. "And... have you been spending time with her yourself?"

"I check up on her every now and then to make sure she's okay," Artoria answered immediately.

While that is nice, it isn't what I'm wondering about. "Yeah, I mean did you actually sit with her and do something together?"

Artoria's smile turned to an awkward frown. "Not really. I've just been so busy."

"Make time, Artoria. Trust me, you don't want to miss out on a single day of Mordred's growth," I sighed as I ran my hand down my face, realising I should have talked this more thoroughly before I left.

"I'm running a kingdom, Zack, I can't just get up and take a break," Artoria defended.

"I'm watching over the entire world and I would give that up for one moment with my daughter!" I had to stop myself from outright yelling, but that still sounded harsh enough to make Artoria jolt. Taking a deep breath, I looked at her in the eye. "Look, Artoria... you may believe you being busy is justified, but... it's not. When you CAN'T spend time with your child anymore, you realise that every moment you spent away from them was just behind some petty excuse. You look back and just think 'I should have' this and that."

I didn't want to come off as harsh, I really didn't. But, seeing her waste something I really wanted, time with your child, set me off really bad.

Artoria looked really conflicted and before she can say anything, Kay spoke up. "Your majesty, if you wish, me and Sir Bedivere can hold the fort for the day while you spend time with Mordred."

Artoria looked shocked, before she can say anything, Bedivere cut her off. "I agree. You deserve a break, your majesty, and it would do wonders to the relationship between you and young Mordred."

Artoria looked around, seeing all three of us siding against her, she sighed in defeat and looked at me again. "It's just... what am I even supposed to do with her?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "What did you enjoy doing as a kid?" I asked her. She opened her mouth to reply and immediately held up my finger. "No, not training, not fighting, and nothing to do with weapons."

Artoria sent me an annoyed glare before sighing and placing a hand on her chin. "There is one thing Ector did for me that I always enjoyed."

Third POV:

Mordred was confused and anxious when she heard that her father had called for her. Arthur would come to see her every now and then to check on how she's doing, but she was never called in personally.

She was even more confused when her father was waiting by the white horse in the stables. Arthur noticed her while brushing the steed's mane with her hand.

"Ah, there you are," Artoria smiled at Mordred. "Have you been well?"

"Y-Yes, father," Mordred replied.

"It's alright. You're not in any kind of trouble," that statement managed to alleviate some of Mordred's anxiety. "I was wondering if you wanted to join me for a ride?"

Mordred blinked. "A... a ride?"

"Yes, on horseback," Artoria clarified, gently tapping the saddle on Dun Stallion. "Only of you want, though."

"Yes!" Mordred nearly yelled, excitement covering her features before anxiety returned. "But... I've never gone horseback riding before."

"It's alright, I can teach you. Come here," Mordred walked closer on Artoria's request. Artoria then picked up Mordred and placed her on the saddle before getting on Dun Stallion herself.

Once she took hold of Mordred with one hand and Dun Stallion's reins in the other, Artoria began riding forward at low speed across the gardens of Camelot's Castle.

Mordred clung to Artoria's hand, but still looked around as the moved through the garden. They were confined with in the garden, of course, but that didn't make it any less beautiful of a ride for Mordred.

Zack, who was looking at the two from the garden's entrance, smiled as Artoria spent time with Mordred. As he saw them like this, a thought occurred to him.

"Maybe... It's time I stop remembering the bad things," Zack mumbled before walking away.

First POV: Zack.

I had something I needed to do, so I ditched the puppet body and went back to my real one. I immediately left the empty bridge and went to the Mortal World.

I stood at the edge of Nature's Law in China, staring at Yang's grave.

"Well... This has been a long time coming," I started speaking as I paced back and forth at the edge of my Reality Marble. "I guess I never got around to doing this because I thought if I did... you'd truly be gone. But... I can't keep living in the past, and I can't keep seeing you covered in blood in my memories. So, here goes," I stopped pacing and turned to fully face Yang's grave. "... Thank you, Yang. Thank you, for being such a happy time of my life. I'm sorry I didn't do better, and now, it's time to say goodbye. I don't have a soul, so I can't say we'll meet up in the world beyond, but... maybe, by some miracle, we'll see each other again. Once again, goodbye, Yang, and thank you."

I stepped back and raised my hand, shutting the cave's entrance and then burying the entire place in the ground, effectively closing it off from anyone. Yu Mei-Ren would probably be curious on what happened, but I'm sure she'd understand.

With this, that chapter of my life is done.

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